Chapter 10 Exam Questions Part II

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A synonym for the bicuspid valve is

mitral valve

Both cusps of a patient's mitral valve protrude back into the left atrium during ventricular systole, meaning she has ___

mitral valve prolapse

Cardiac tissue death occurs when a coronary artery is occluded is

myocardial infarction

Radionuclides are used in which diagnostic procedure?

myocardial perfusion imaging

Any abnormality of the sinus node is referred to as

sick sinus syndrome

Choose the correct spelling of the term for the heart's natural pacemaker

sinoatrial node

In ___ circulation, the blood traveling away from the heart first passes through the aorta on the ___ side of the heart

systemic, left

The contractive phase of the heartbeat is


A physical examination technique of tapping and listening to internal body sounds is abbreviated


Open-heart surgery in which a piece of a blood vessel from another location is grafted onto one of the coronary arteries to reroute blood around a blockage is


The diagnostic imaging of the heart during exercise on a treadmill, with the use of radioactive thalllium or technetium sestamibi is abbreviates


Which of the following procedures uses heat to destroy varicose veins?

Endovenous laser ablation

The diagnostic imaging procedure that images a beating heart by tagging red blood cells with a radioacive substance is

MUGA scan

Which instrument allows intavenous access for delivery of chemotherapy, antibiotics, IV fluids, and feeding for a prolonged time?


An ideopathic disease of the peripheral vascular system that causes intermittent cyanosis and/or erythema of the distal ends if the fingers and/or toes is

Raynuad disease

What is the name of the catheter used to evaluate left ventricular function?

Swan-Ganz catheter

Paroxysmal chest pain often accompanied by shortness of breath and a sensation of impending doom is

angina pectoris

Localized dilation of an artery caused by a congenital or acquired weakness in the wall of a vessel is


Oxygenated blood leaves the heart through the ___ and returns to the heart through the ___

aorta, venae cavae

Which is a combining form for a vessel that carries blood away from the heart?


A disease in which the arterial walls become thickened and lose their elasticity without the presence of atheromas, is


A combining form for an upper chamber of the heart is


The most common type of cardiac arrhythmia, a serious of extremely rapid and irregular atrial contractions, is called

atrial fibrillation

Rapid, regular atrial rhythm is

atrial flutter

Choose the correct alternative name for the bundle of His

atrioventricular bundle

A sphygmomanometer measures

blood pressure

The site of exchange between the cells' fluid and the plasma of the circulatory system is at the


What is an external or implantable device that provides an electric shock to the heart to restore a normal rhythm?

cardiac defibrillator

A progressive disorder of the ventricles of the heart is


A lipid profile measures ___ in the circulating blood.

cholesterol and trigylcerides

Cramplike pains in the calves caused by poor circulation by poor circulation in the leg muscles are


Choose the term for the surgical division of a fibrous band or ring connecting corresponding body parts that is sued to separate the thickened adherent leaves of a stenosed mitral valve


The ___ supply blood solely to the heart muscle

coronary arteries

Lack of oxygen in the blood may be evidenced as a bluish or grayish discoloration of the skin, nail beds, and/or lips known as


The relaxation phase of the heartbeat is


What is the use of ultrasonic waves directed through the heart to study its structure and motion?


Build a medical term meaning excision within the artery

endo-+ arter/o+ -ectomy

The inner lining of the heart is the


The E in ECC stands for


Digital subtraction angiography is the injection of a radiopaque substance during cardiac catheterization for the purpose of imaging the heart and related structures


The word part ___ means "to flow"


A varicose condition of the external or internal rectal veins is


Backflow of blood from the left ventricle into the left atrium in systole across a diseases valve is called

mitral regurgitation

Which is a combining form for a vessel that carries blood towards the heart?


Deoxygenated blood travels to the lungs through the

pulmonary arteries

The tissue walls between the chambers of the heart are


The amount of blood expelled from the left ventricle compared with the total volume filling the ventricle is called

stroke volume

A congenital anomaly that consists of four defects- pulmonic stenosis, ventricular septal defect, malposition of the aorta, and right ventricular hypertrophy- is called ___

tetralogy of Fallot

Build a term for a procedure to remove a blood clot along with part of the lining of his obstructed artery

thromb/o + endo + arter/o + ectomy

Inflammation of either deep or superficial veins with the formation of one or more blood clots is


In the term ischemia, the combining form isch/o means

to hold back

Phlebotomy is the same thing as venipuncture


Pulmonary circulation begins with the right side of the heart sending blood to the lungs to absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide


___ have one-way valves to prevent a backflow of blood


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