Chapter 10 Prompting and Transfer of Stimulus Control

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Provide examples of the four types of response prompts.

1. Verbal Prompt: When Coach McCall told Luke how to swing the bat to hit the ball, he was providing a verbal prompt. 2. Gestural Prompt: When Coach McCall pointed to the place that Tom should stand int he batter's box. 3. Modeling Prompt: When coach McCall hit the ball to show Matt how to do so, he was modeling the correct behavior. 4. Physical Prompt: Coach McCall held the bat with Trevor and physically helped him swing the bat and hit the ball.

Provide examples of the two types of stimulus prompts.

1. Within-Stimulus Prompt: Example of intensity; teaching to swing the bat, a slow easy pitch. 2. Extraneous Prompt: The line drawn in the dirt next to home plate by the coach helps the T-ball player stand in the correct place when batting. Another example, using alarms, tactile prompts, textual prompts, answering on the back of the flash card, post it notes, etc.

What is a response prompt? Identify and describe four types of response prompts.

A response prompt is the behavior of another person that evokes the desired response in the presence of the S^D. 1. Verbal Prompt: When you say something that helps the person engage in the correct behavior. Verbal prompts may include instructions, rules, hints, reminders, questions or any other verbal assistance. 2.. Gestural Prompt: Physical movement or gesture of another person leads to the correct behavior in the presence of the S^D. F 3. Modeling Prompts: Demonstrating a response. A person observes the model and imitates the modeled behavior. 4. Physical prompts: Manual guidance. When a teacher physically assists a student.

What is the stimulus prompt? Describe two types of the stimulus prompt.

A stimulus prompt involves some change in a stimulus or the addition or removal of a stimulus, to make a correct response more likely. 1. Within-Stimulus Prompt: Some of the dimensions of the S^D is modified like size, shape, color, or intensity. 2. Extraneous Prompt: A supplemental stimulus added to the S^D

Flashing lights on a billboard that make it more likely you will read the words on the billboard are a kind of prompt. What prompt is used in this example?

A stimulus prompt.

Suppose you are conducting a learning trial with a student with autism. How would you use a verbal and physical response prompt to get the student to pay attention to you when you said student's name (S^D)?

After getting the child's attention, you present the S^D (Say do this while clapping your hands), prompt the correct response (physically prompt the child to clap by taking the hands), and immediately provide a reinforcer such as praise and a small edible. Repeat the learning trial a number of times and, in each subsequent trial, you provide less and less physical prompting (fading) until the child is clapping independently.

Describe fading with least-to-most prompting and fading with most-to-least prompting.

Least-to-most prompting- uses the least intrusive prompt first and then uses a more intrusive prompts only as necessary to get the correct behavior to occur. Most-to-least prompting- The most intrusive prompt is used and then faded to the less intrusive prompt.

Describe the prompt delay procedure. Provide an example of the constant prompt delay procedure and an example of the progressive prompt delay procedure.

Prompt delay procedure is when you present the S^D, wait a certain number of seconds, and then, if the correct response is not made, you provide the prompt. Constant prompt delay procedure- They presented a word on a flash card (S^D), and if the student did not respond in 4 seconds, they said the word for the student (Verbal prompt). Eventually, all students will read the word in 4 seconds and the prompts were no longer used. Progressive prompt delay procedure- To teach a child to say "Thank you," the experimenter gave the child a toy (S^D), and if the child said "Thank you," the experimenter delivered an edible reinforcer and praise.

Describe fading of response prompts. Provide an example.

Prompt fading is the most commonly used method of transferring stimulus control. With prompt fading, a response prompt is removed gradually across learning trials until the prompt is no longer provided. When coach McCall provided fewer and fewer instructions to luke as he hit the ball, the coach was fading a verbal prompt.

What is a prompt? When is a prompt used in behavior modification?

Prompts are stimuli given before or during the performance of a behavior. Prompts are used to increase the likelihood that a person will engage in the correct behavior at the correct time so the behavior can be reinforced.

Describe fading stimulus prompt. Provide an example of within-stimulus prompt fading and extrastimulus prompt fading.

Stimulus fading prompt is when it is transfers stimulus control to the natural S^D. Within-stimulus prompt fading- Coach McCall used a stimulus prompt when he had Dave throw easy pitches for the players to hit. Extrastimulus prompt fading- The teacher who was teaching the student to point to the EXIT sign used stimulus prompt by making the EXIT sign bigger than the ENTER sign.

What is the least-to-most prompting? What is the other term for it? Provide an example.

The least-to-most prompting and fading also called the system of least prompt allows for potential independent responding; however, frequent errors prompt dependence. For example., Lucy does not pull the paper out of the shoes on her own, the job coach first says, "Lucy, pull the paper out of the shoe" if Lucy does not respond then the job coach repeats the verbal prompt and provides a gestural prompt then a model prompt, and then a physical prompt if she does not respond.

What is most-to-least prompting? Provide and example.

The most intrusive first, fade when successfully executing behavior. Fewer errors, more rapid learning, but intrusive may be aversive. For example, the job coach would start by providing the physical prompt together with a verbal prompt. Then a verbal prompt with a gestural prompt. Then once the behavior is completed successfully then the gestural prompts fades and is given a verbal prompt only.

What is transfer of stimulus control? Why is it important?

The transfer of stimulus control is that the correct behavior occurs at the right time without any assistance of prompts. The goal of each method is to move from the artificial stimulus control of the prompts to the natural stimulus control of the relevant S^D.

Describe how you could use stimulus prompts and fading to learn definitions for the behavior modification procedures described in this chapter.

using stimulus prompts and fading by choose prompting strategy get the learner's attention, present the SD, prompt the correct response, reinforce the correct response, fade the prompts over learning trials, continue to reinforce unprompted responses, and use intermittent reinforcement to maintain R

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