Chapter 10 Theology

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What is the Church Militant fighting

Church Militant is fighting against sin and temptation

How are we united with them?

In a community of incomparable grandeur and in a victorious union of love

When did the Church start devotion to the saints

It goes back to the early days of the Church, the early Christians began to honor the Apostles after their deaths.

Can souls in Purgatory help themselves?

No, the souls in purgatory cannot help themselves. The book of Maccabees tells us to pray for those who have died.

All Saints' Day

Nov. 1; when the church honors the saints with a feast

communion of saints

Relationship that exists between all members of the Church, whether they are in Heaven, Earth, and Purgatory

What is the Church Triumphant

THe church triumphant is all of the saints in heaven that completely conquered sin and now share in eternal glory

How do we honor the Church Triumphant?

THrough our prayers during the liturgy

What is the Church Militant?

The Church Militant are the members of the church on earth

What is the principal suffering in purgatory? Are the souls also full of peace?

The principal suffering in purgatory is not seeing God. The souls are full of peace because they are assured that they will be with God in Heaven

What does Matthew 22:2-12 teach us about purgatory?

This passage teaches us that purgatory prepares us, so that we won't be speechless before our heavenly KIng.

Who goes to purgatory? Why? What happens there?

Those who die in a state of grace, meaning we still have some venial sins on our soul, or may have not sufficiently atoned for past sins, go to purgatory. They go there because they're not yet ready to be with God. These souls are cleansed and purified of all sin in purgatory.

How is the Church militant united in love

We are asked by christ to carry one another's burdens, to serve each other, to help especially the least among us by the Corporal and SPiritual works of mercy. We frequently ask others to pray for us or we join with them in praying for a particular need

How do we partake in intersesory porayer

We partake in intercessory prayer through reciting the prayer of the faithful which is when we pray expressly for the church and the needs of the church

When do we pray for the dead during the liturgy? What else can we do to help the souls in purgatory?

We pray for the dead during the Eucharistic prayer, and also on All Soul's Day. We can also use prayer cards to remind us of those who died.

When we venerate the saints, do we also honor God? Why?

Yes, we honor God when we venerate the saints because the saints are masterpieces of God's grace. Grace has triumphed in them and the devil has been conquered.

Pilgrim Church

another title for the Church, reminds us that we're pilgrims, those who're on a spiritual journey to Heaven. And it reminds us that life on Earth is only a temporary thing and that heaven is our true home.

All Souls' Day

one day each year which the whole church sets aside tp pray for the souls in purgatory; Nov. 2

Intercessory Prayer

prayer on behalf of another person

who are the canonized saints

the canonized saints are whom the church has officially declared to be in heaven

What is the church suffering

the church suffering is all of the souls in purgatory

mystical body of christ

the church; union of the member of the Church with each other and christ

How can we turn to the saints for help

we can ask them to intercede with GOd for us

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