Chapter 11

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Q. The MOST difficult emotional reaction for the emergency medical responder (EMR) to deal with objectively is:

A. Anger

Q. If you are unable to withdraw from an unsafe scene, your FIRSt reaction should be to:

A. Attempt to remain calm

Q.which of the following statements regarding post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is correct?

A. People with PTSD relive previous traumatic experiences, whether they are based on personal or widespread events.

Q. Behavior that is characterized by defective or lost can't act with reality is called?

A. Psychotic behavior

Q. A 29-year-old woman was sexually assaulted. Your primary assessment reveals no life- threatening injuries. As you proceed with your secondary assessment, the patient, who is conscious and alert, tells you that she does not want to go to the hospital and that she wants you to get away from her. You should:

A. Request a rescuer who is the same sex as the patient, unless one is already present at the scene.

Q. How well you can help the dying patient and his or her family largely depends on:

A. Your own personal feelings about death

Q. During a crisis situation, it is often easier for the patient or a family member to vent his or her feelings on:

B. An unknown person

Q. Which of the following statements regarding suicide is correct?

B. Many patients who fail to kill themselves will attempt suicide again

Q. Which of the following is caused by a sudden and disruptive event such as a physical illness or death of a loved one?

B. Situational crises

Q. Which of the following MOST accurately defines a behavioral emergency?

B.A person exhibits abnormal, unacceptable behavior that cannot be tolerated by family, friends, or the community.

Q. A 44-year-old man shot himself in the head with a small- caliber handgun. Law enforcement personnel are at the scene and have the weapon in their possession. The patient is unconscious and is bleeding heavily from the gunshot wound. His wife, who is also present at the scene, tells you that her husband had been severely depressed after losing his job. You should:

B.control the bleeding from the wound and then assess the status of the patient's airway and breathing.

Q. Yo treat an emotionally distributed patient against his or her will, you must:

C. Have a reasonable belief that the patient would harm himself, herself, or others.

Q. Signs and symptoms of extreme stress include all the following,EXCEPT:

C. Increased sex drive

Q. Which of the following statements regarding a situational crisis is correct?

C. Most situational crises are sudden and unexpected and cannot be handled by a person's usual ailing mechanisms.

Q.One of the main causes of suicide in older people is:

C. Terminal disease are assisting paramedics who's re attempting to resuscitate an elderly man in cardiac arrest. The patient's wife, who is emotionally distraught, is standing alone in the corner of the room observing. One of the paramedics asks you to provide emotional support to the wife. What should you say to her?

D. "We are doing everything that we possibly can."

Q. Common factors that contribute to negative behavioral changes include all the following, EXCEPT:

D. Decreased responsibility at work

Q. The first phase of a situational crises, which is characterized by cool and clammy skin, nausea and vomiting, and general inactivity, is called:

D. Emotional shock

Q.which is the following is NOT a common factor to consider is you are required to physically restrain. A violent patient?

D. The exact diagnosis of the patients illness

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