Chapter 11 construction and environmental issues

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Service drop

Above ground cables come from the nearest pole connecting to the service entrance conductors of the building


Amount of current or electricity flowing through the wire


Flaky or crumbly texture of abestos


Floor and ceiling framing


Metallic element found worldwide in rocks and soils

Oil fired heating

Oil fire heating although economical requires that fuel be delivered to property and stored in above or underground tanks

Underground storage tanks

Storage tanks consisting of chemical and petroleum both above and underground underground because tanks are out of sight and not subject to vandalism and fire


Studs are also used for Roof framing.


Water from underground


installed near the edge of the eave and other corners of the roof such as around the chimney base. FLASHING PREVENTS WATER FROM SEEPING INTO THE STRUCTURE.


placed over the exterior framing members

Comprehensive environmental response compensation and liability act

-Identify sites containing hazardous substances -seek reimbursement for the responsible party -ensure Clean up by the parties responsible or by the government


-drilled (best) -dug -springs GUIDELINES 1. Constructed in accessible area not subject to flooding 2.good distance from pollution 3. 20 feet below ground (frost line at 4-5 feet)

Three types of foundations

1. Basements(80%) 2.slab on grade 3. Crawl space

Types of pipes

1. cast iron 2. Galvanized steel 3. Copper 4.PVC(plastic) 5. Brass

British thermal unit

A measure of heat energy. It is the ampunt of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 pound of water by 1°F

Article 36 B general business law

All contacts of sale to new housing is a 1 year builders warranty aganist defects in construction , 2 years for utilities . 6 years for material defects

The NYS DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH (DOH) furnishes guidelines for the construction of wells. -IF WATER TOUCHES THE BODY IT DEALS WITH DOH

All water well contractors must register with the NYS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION (DEC)

Brass pipe

Brass pipe no longer used in many plumbing installations. Uses for cosmetic reasons only


Building plan stamped by a licensed architrct or engineer


Chemical insecticide and termiticide that was banned in the early 1980s because of its toxic Only liscensed nysdec can apply pesticide


Chronic disease of the lungs directly caused by inhalation of asbestos fobers

Urea formaldehyde foam insulation

Colorless gaseous chemical compound contained large amount of formaldehyde causes cancer Banned since 1980


Colorless odorless and tasteless radioactive gas found World wide as a byproduct of the natural decay of uranium present in the earth

Regulated by DOH and DEC

Community well serves 25 or more people or has more that five service connections

Copper wire

Copper wire is better than aluminum except at service entrances where aluminum is best.

On-site sanitary waster system requirement

DOH regulates the installation and approval of individual residential on-Site wastewater treatment systems of less than 1,000 gallons a day. -DEC standards apply to building or residences that process 1,000 or more gallons of waste water a day.

Environmental impact statement(EIS)

Describes and analyzes a proposed action that may have an important effect on the environment


Device that melts and Opens the circuit causing electric power to stop him berg eating occurs

Air to air heat pump

Draw in the outside air as a heat source

Ground source

Draw on consistent temperature of the ground to bring heating and cooling into the structure - in New York ground source heat pump is more economical than air to air


Electrical pressure that pushes through wires Standard voltage is 120/240

Electric heating system

Electricity can be economical in certain places since it does not require a furnace or duct work but in New York is more expensive then under feels fuel

The safe drinking water act

Established a maximum contaminant level for lead in drinking water

50% rule

Exempt commercial renovations, additions, and alterations from being subject to the current state energy code unless the project affected more than half of the building space.

Superfund amendments and re-authorize Act

Expanded definition of individuals liable for cleanup costs


Fiber opus mineral found in rocks and souls throughout world. Banned in 1988 from residential construction cause of cancerous material. When detected leave undisturbed

Sill plate

First wooden member of the structure and is used as the nailing surface for the floor system

Green field conductors

Flexible metal used for connecting air conditioners, clothes dryers, and other large appliances where BX or ROmex isn't used

Plastic pipe

For home plumbing, three types of plastic pipe are used: PVC, ABS and CPVC. NYC restricts use of plastic pipes

Gas-fired heating

Gas-fired heating is a popular form of heating in New York because it is economical and convenient since oil delivery is eliminated

Foundation walls

Generally consisted of -poured concrete -masonry block -sometimes brick

Safe drinking water act 1974

Guide lines for new York drinking water regulations

Radiant panels

He is transferred evening to objects and people read addition to the air


Heat emitting unit .more common heating medium

heating and cooling system (HAVC)

Heating, ventilation and air condition

Sick building syndrome

Large number of people in the commercial building fall ill with complaints ranging from allergic reactions to flulike symptoms and complaints down more serious

Slab on grade

Level terrain . The concrete slab is poured directly on the ground and eliminated the crawl space or basement

Romex cables

Like BX cable but plastic coated moisture resistant and flame retardant and less expensive than BX CABLE

Electrical capacity

Measure in watts it kiloewtts

BX cables

Metallic armored Eletric cable (branch circuits

National Electric code

National uniform do all electrical installation and service to safeguard people and property from hazards when using electricity

Carbon monoxide detectors

Ny uniform fire prevention and building code requires that at least 1 carbon monoxide detector be installed in all one and two family houses and condominiums and cooperatives. Owners must files a certificate of installation writhing department of housing preservation and development within ten days of installation

Headers/ lintels

Opening in walls for doors or windows are reinforced to support the vertical load. This is done with headers or lintels.


Overseen by nysdec. Wetlands are protected areas because they provide flood and storm water control, surface and ground water protection, erosion control , pollution treatment and a place for fish and wildlife and natural beauty. Article 24 of the environmental conservation law, the freshwater wetlands act 1975 protects wetlands in New York

Corrosiveness vs noncorossiveness

PH of water measures it's degree of alkalinity. High ph = high alkaline. Low ph = high acid

Pressure regulating cable (PRV)

Pressure reducing valve reduced and maintains water pressure wishing predetermined ranges

State environmental quality review act (SEQR)

Process requiring government to access the environmental Importance of actions for which they have a discretion to review, approve, fund or undertake Coordinated by lead agency

Due diligence

Reviews of the property phase 1 the investigator phase Phase 2 the testing phase phase 3. The coordinator cleanup phase

Electric heat

Rising cost makes the eletric furnace less econoical than in the past

The residential lead based paint hazard reduction act of 1992

Sets forth the procedures in disclosing the presence of lead based paint for sales of properties buoy before 1978. Liscensees who act on behalf of a purchaser or lesser and recieve payment exclusively by the purchaser or lesser do not have to comply

Energy Conservation Construction Code (ECCCNYS)

Sets minimum efficiency requirements for the design of new buildings and renovations and additions to existing buildings

Percolation rates (movement of water through soil)

Soils with rapid percolation rates should be blended with other less permeable soils to slow down the infiltration rate

Circuit breakers

Switch off the electric power for a give. Circuit when The current increases beyond the systems capacity Used since 1960 replacing fuses

Chlorofluoro carbon

Synthetic chemicals subsistence use in refrigerators and air conditioners Styrofoam's products spencers and cleaning agents also known as Freon

Septic System

System that contains a sewer, septic tank, distribution box, and an absorption field or seepage pit

Polychlorinated biphenyls (pbc) BANNED

Systemic liquid organic compound found in electrical transformers

Building Envelope

The building materials that enclose the interior and throwing which heating, cooling, and fresh air pass in and out.


The concrete base below the frost line that supports the foundation of the structure. The footing supports the foundation wall and therefore the entire weight load of the structure. Depth is usually 8" (one or two story homes) Twice as thick as foundation wall

Electro magnetic fields

The cream in over there is electricity electromagnetic fields generally refers to the high frequency radio waves in which the electric and magnetic field are inseparable


The main carrying Steel beam or several wooden members fastened together that spans the distances from one side of the foundation to the other


The most common refrigerant used in the air-conditioners

Steam system

The most common types of steam systems are one pipe systems in which steaming condensation are carried in one pipe


The overhang of the roof. These are the lower parts of the roof that projects beyond the walls of the structure. -Soffit>Area under roof extentsion -Fascia>area of material facing outer edge of the soffit -Frieze board- wood between soffit and wall. PREVENTS WIND AND MOISTURE FROM PENETRATING THE JUNCTION OF THE SOFFIT SHEATING


The slope of the roof

Forced warm air system

The system extracts cool air from outdoors and passes this cool air through the heat sources

Post-and-Beam framing

These members are much larger than ordinary stud and may be 4 or 6 inches square. The larger posts can be placed several feet apart instead of 16 or 24 inches on center. (seldom used)

Lally columns

They are round steel columns filled with concrete. Rest on base plate called the column footing pad

Copper pipe

This type of pipe is use for both supply systems and drainage systems. In the water supply system, copper pipe is used for hot water lines and cold water lines for branch pipes to fixtures such as sinks and washing machines

Service lateral

Underground wiring connecting the structure

Steel pope

Used 40 years ago and replaced by brass. This is not used for underground plumbing

Cast iron pipe

Used for underground plumbing in the drainage system because it is strong and durable


Used for vertical wall construction


Wooden skeleton of the home. Lumber with nominal dimension of 2 inches. Ex 2" by 4" -studs -joists -rafters

Building specifications

Written narratives explaining the building plan -materials -heating/air conditioning/plumbing -designs not entirely visible in plan -landscaping plans

Balloon framing

alternative to platform framing. Single system of wall stufs running from the foundation through first and second floors to the ceiling support. THIS IS RARELY USED IN RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION

Sheetrock, wallboard, plasterboard

for the interior walls of the structure

Platform framing

platform framing is the most common type of framing used in residential construction

vapor barrier

prevents the warm interior air from mixing with the cold exterior air and forming condensation withing the wall. Should condensation occur, the structure in effect "sweats" causing the wood framing members to rot.

*Spray-on insulation

spray becomes solid. UREA FORMALDEHYDE foam insulation is no longer used.

Bearing walls

support the ceiling and the roof and include the oustide wall frame

R Factor

the degree of resistance to heat transfer of the walls (heat is kept in or out), the larger the R factor, the greater the degree of insulation.

hot water system (HYDRONICS)

when water is heated or cooled. CONVECTORS is most common heat medium.

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