How much fat do you need for exercise? :
1. 25 to 30 percent of calories should come from fat 2. Consume unsaturated fats and limit saturated and trans fats to <10 percent of total calories 3. Too little fat (<20 percent) has nutritional risks
What you should eat before exercise (cont.) :
1. 3-4 hours before exercise (if time allows) - have a regular meal. = Turkey & Cheese or Peanut butter and jelly on whole wheat bread Fruit and yogurt smoothie and handful of cereal Oatmeal, skim milk and banana Lean hamburger on whole wheat bun and side salad 2. 30-60 minutes before exercise - have a low-fat, low-fiber (and relatively low-protein) snack. = Granola or fruit & nut bar (recommended bars Lara, Kashi, Nature Valley) Piece of fresh fruit Handful of Pretzels Nonfat yogurt or smoothie
Physical activity recommendations :
1. Adults should get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week. 2. Exercise recommendations can be met through 30-60 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise (five days per week) or 20-60 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise (three days per week). 3. One continuous session and multiple shorter sessions (of at least 10 minutes) are both acceptable to accumulate desired amount of daily exercise. 4. Gradual progression of exercise time, frequency and intensity is recommended for best adherence and least injury risk.
Can Dietary Supplements Contribute to Fitness? :
1. All sorts of dietary supplements claim to make you faster, stronger, more energized and slimmer. 2. Dietary supplements are not strictly regulated by FDA 3. Manufacturers not required to prove safety or efficacy of supplement claims 4. The FDA can take action to remove or restrict the sale of a supplement only after it has been on the market and been shown to be unsafe.
What should you eat before exercise? : Exercising on an empty stomach leads to a less beneficial workout - you need to fuel your body!
1. Allow adequate time for digestion 2. Large meal: 3 to 4 hours; smaller meals: 2 to 3 hours; snack: ½ to 1 hour 3. Pre-exercise meal: 1 to 4.5 g carbohydrate/kg body weight, 1 to 4 hours before exercise = Carbohydrate 15 to 30 minutes before gives muscles immediate energy, spares glycogen stores, helps reduce muscle damage High-fat foods should be avoided before exercise: takes longer to digest, may cause stomach discomfort and sluggishness
Fact or Fraud? : To determine if a supplement is safe and useful, well-planned and controlled research is required. Red flags of junk science to look out for to help protect your body and your wallet :
1. Boasts that it is quick and easy 2. Uses testimonials from "real users" to promote its benefits 3. Claims it's right for everyone 4. States it has been used for millions of years 5. Belittles the medical or scientific community 6. Has a secret formulation.
Carbohydrate is the primary energy source during high-intensity exercise :
1. Carbohydrate from blood glucose and stored glycogen in muscle and liver: about 2 hours of exercise 2. Well-trained muscles store 20 to 50 percent more glycogen than untrained muscles 3. Liver glycogen maintains normal blood glucose.
What should you eat after exercise? : Your body wants both carbohydrate and protein
1. Carbohydrate: protein ratio of 4:1 is ideal to promote muscle glycogen and protein synthesis and faster recovery time 2. Eating a healthy snack right after is the best way to prepare for your next workout. 3. Re-fuel your body within 30-60 minutes post workout when muscles are most sensitive. 4. Recovery Food: Chocolate milk, trail mix, smoothies, cottage cheese and fruit, apple with peanut butter.
Essential Nutrients : Your body needs ALL the essential nutrients to fuel for exercise
1. Carbohydrates 2. Fat 3. Protein 4. Vitamins 5. Minerals 6. Water
How Carbohydrates are used during Exercise :
1. Carbohydrates are a primary fuel for exercise and sports. Adequate carbohydrates spares protein use as a fuel source during exercise. 2. Carbohydrates provide the perfect fuel; they are easily digested and quickly used by your body. 3. A diet that includes enough carbohydrates can prevent early fatigue and injury. 4. Your carbohydrate needs will depend on the type of training you are doing.
Physical fitness has 5 basic components :
1. Cardiorespiratory endurance : ability to sustain cardiorespiratory exercise for extended time = Examples: running, biking Cardiovascular and respiratory systems must provide enough oxygen and energy to muscles 2. Muscle strength : ability to produce force for brief time 3. Mental endurance : ability to exert force for a long period of time without fatigue = Muscle strength and endurance best achieved with weight training 4. Flexibility : range of motion around a joint = Improved with stretching 5. Body composition : proportion of muscle, fat, water, and other body tissues which make up body weight
What should you eat during exercise? :
1. During exercise : For exercise >1 hour, begin carbohydrate intake shortly after start and every 15 to 20 minutes 30 to 60 g carbohydrate/hour to avoid fatigue 2. Glucose, sucrose, maltodextrin are best choices for quick absorption 3. Best Choices : Raisins, Banana Sports foods (gel, gatorade, sports bars)
How Fat is used during Exercise :
1. Fat is the primary energy source during low-intensity exercise
Tips for success :
1. Find something you enjoy - forcing something you hate won't stick long term. 2. Start slow and work your way up - doing too much at first can lead to injury and then you can't exercise at all! 3. Enlist a friend or family member to help stay motivated. 4. Diversify! Change up the workouts to keep things interesting. 5. Fuel your workouts properly to make sure you are energized. 6. Make a day off part of your plan. It's a good way to find balance and you'll reduce your risk of injury.
How Does Fluid Intake Affect Fitness
1. Fluid and electrolyte balance and body temperature affected by exercise = Water is lost through sweat and exhalation. Sodium and chloride, and to lesser extent potassium, are electrolytes lost in sweat Electrolyte imbalance can cause heat cramps, nausea, lowered blood pressure, edema
Reap the benefits :
1. Help you train longer and at a higher intensity 2. Delay the onset of fatigue 3. Promote recovery 4. Help your body adapt to workouts 5. Improve body composition and strength 6. Enhance concentration 7. Help maintain healthy immune function 8. Reduce the chance of injury 9. Reduce the risk of heat cramps and stomach aches.
Benefits of physical fitness :
1. Overall health 2. Reduces risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes 3. Improves body composition, bone health and immune system 4. Improves sleep and reduces stress Over half of adults in United States do not meet regular physical activity recommendations
How Protein is used during Exercise :
1. Protein is primarily needed to build and repair muscle = Muscle damage results from exercise, especially in weight or strength training 2. Body can use protein for energy but prefers carbohydrate and fat as main energy sources = Amino acids are converted to glucose in liver 3. Endurance athletes need 1.2 to 1.4 g of protein/kg body weight 4. Resistance/strength activities: 1.6 to 1.7 g/kg body weight
Consuming Too Little or Too Much Fluid Can Be Harmful :
1. Thirst not a good indicator of fluid needs for athletes. 2. Acute dehydration: when not adequately hydrated before strenuous exercise 3. Chronic dehydration: when not adequately hydrated over extended period of time = Fatigue, muscle soreness, poor recovery from workout, headaches, nausea, dark urine 4. Hyponatremia: low sodium blood levels due to consuming too much water without electrolytes
What Vitamins and Minerals Are Important for Fitness :
1. Vitamins and minerals do not provide energy, but they are crucial for turning food into energy. 2. Vitamins and minerals play major role in metabolism of carbohydrate, fat, and protein for energy during exercise. 3. Some also act as antioxidants and help protect cells from the oxidative stress that can occur with exercise. 4. While vitamins will not enhance your performance, a shortage is sure to get you down.
How Does Fluid Intake Affect Fitness (cont.) :
1. You need fluids before, during, and after exercise 2. The American college of Sports Medicine has specific recommendations for how much fluid to drink before and during exercise
When you eat and drink, you meet your nutrient needs for physical activity in two ways :
1. You supply the energy, particularly from carbohydrate and fat, that your body needs for the activity. 2. You provide the nutrients, particularly carbohydrate and protein, that will help you recover properly so that you can repeat the activity.
1. enhances athletic performance, mostly during endurance events. 2. Stimulates central nervous system, breakdown of muscle glycogen, may increase fatty acid availability Improves high-intensity, short-duration activities (like weight training) that rely on anaerobic metabolism 3. Considered a banned substance by some athletic associations
Healthy sources of fat include :
1. fatty fish 2. nuts 3. nut oils 4. vegetable oils 5. spreads made from a vegetable oil base 6. avocados 7. olives.
1. research data mixed regarding enhancement of performance 2. Improves high-intensity, short-duration activities (like weight training) that rely on anaerobic metabolism
Eating after exercise is a MUST for healthy muscles. Recover and refuel with these regenerating foods.
The body craves both carbs and protein after exercise. Carbohydrates are required to replenish energy stores, while protein repairs tired muscle fibers. To optimize results, you want to take in carbohydrate and protein in about a 4 to 1 ratio, that's 3 grams of carbs for every one gram of protein. Depending on when you exercise, recovery food can be a snack or a meal; either way, look to these 5 recovery foods. After rigorous physical activity, your body may be lacking energy and nutrients it needs to recover. It is important to replace carbohydrates, sodium and potassium that are lost during exercise. Protein may also be needed to aid in muscle repair. After a hard workout or taxing sporting event, be sure to have a nutrient-rich snack or meal within 15 minutes to an hour.
Physical fitness
good health or physical condition, primarily result of exercise and proper nutrition