Chapter 11

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True or false: Black men and women took part in the culture of honor in the South. True false question. True False


True or false: Nat Turner escaped punishment for his role in leading the revolt. True false question. True False


True or false: Slaves in the United States generally had the same types of work and life experiences. True false question. True False


True or false: In the Amistad case, the Supreme Court ruled that there was no right of rebellion where slavery was legal. True false question. True False


True or false: One way that slaves resisted their masters was through daily acts of work sabotage and theft. True false question. True False


With the growth of the global demand for cotton, slavery in the South Multiple choice question. became irrelevant. shrunk considerably. was abolished. gained traction.


After 1830, Mexico ______ the continued migration of settlers from the United States to Texas. Multiple choice question. banned supported tolerated ignored


After 1830, many southern states passed laws that ______ private emancipation. Multiple choice question. prohibited postponed encouraged standardized


Because of the gag rule in the House of Representatives, the opinions of ______ were not presented in Congress. Multiple choice question. antislavery Northerners proslavery legislators proslavery Southerners merchants and bankers


In the antebellum South, paternalism led to ______ in slaveholder behavior towards their slaves. Multiple choice question. contradictions cruelty consistency


Like their masters, slaves adopted the ______ faith. Multiple choice question. Protestant Anglican Mormon Catholic


Nonslaveholding whites in the South generally ______ the institution of slavery. Multiple choice question. supported disregarded undermined protested


Slaves who were also conjurers, fortune tellers, and herb doctors earned ______ from their peers. Multiple choice question. special status physical abuse intense distrust low ranking


Southern conspiracy theorists accused ______ of aiding slave rebellions and taking slaves. Multiple choice question. abolitionists Masons slave masters Catholics


The Supreme Court ______ the federal ruling in the Amistad case. Multiple choice question. upheld overturned remanded dismissed


The judge in the Amistad case ruled that the captives' enslavement was recognized by ______ law. Multiple choice question. no Spanish international American


The slaves' animal trickster tales originated in Multiple choice question. Africa. Asia. Europe. North America.


Many southern states outlawed whites teaching slaves to read and write because of which fears? Multiple select question. that slaves would create fake slave passes that slaves would be influenced by abolitionist works that slaves would read the Bible that slaves could correspond with distant slaves that slaves would sue their masters for inhumane treatment


Which new laws did southern legislatures pass after Nat Turner's rebellion? Multiple select question. Masters could not mutilate their slaves. Slaves could not gather in groups without white supervision. Masters could not beat their slaves. Slaves could not possess firearms. Masters could not sexually assault their slaves.


Which types of jobs were held by slaves? Multiple select question. working as servants growing tobacco owning a business enforcing law laboring in factories


Christian slaves in the antebellum South tended towards which of the following Biblical texts? Multiple select question. the exodus story Ephesians the jubilee laws the epistles of Paul


For abolitionists, the evils of slavery were symbolized by which of the following? Multiple select question. the lash dog packs lacerated backs beating clubs


How did the honor culture clash with the forms of Christianity that spread in the nineteenth-century South? Multiple select question. They encouraged public behaviors like ecstatic conversion, which were not honorable. They emphasized a message in which slavery was unacceptable. They disapproved of gentlemanly pastimes like gambling. They encouraged an end to segregation within churches and spiritual communities.


Which of the following describe aspects of honor for white women in the antebellum South? Multiple select question. sexual chastity motherhood sexual fidelity sexual promiscuity


Which of the following statements are correct about white non-gentlemen and honor in the South? Multiple select question. A non-gentleman could be considered honorable by owning several slaves. A non-gentleman could be never considered honorable. A non-gentleman could be considered honorable by virtue of his race. A non-gentleman could be considered honorable after being publicly humiliated.


Among slaves, which three of the following enjoyed the highest status and respect? Multiple select question. healer field laborer slave driver preacher servant


Those who defended slavery gave which of the following reasons for the impracticality of abolition? Multiple select question. It was too costly to compensate slave owners. It was too difficult to send freed slaves to live in the North. It was too impractical to send millions of slaves back to Africa. It was too unsafe to free slaves and let them stay in the United States. It was too difficult because there wasn't enough land for everyone.


In the antebellum South, which of the following statements are true about slave marriages and families? Multiple select question. Slave families were not kept intact by the domestic slave trade. Slaves were not allowed to form extended kinships and family ties. Slave wives and mothers were more vulnerable to sale than slave husbands and fathers. Slave marriages were not recognized under southern law.


Southerns wielded at least some power in which of the following political parties? Multiple select question. Whig Party Republican Party Green Party Democratic Party


Which of the following groups attacked slavery and southern slaveholders? Multiple select question. abolitionists southern yeoman farmers poor white southern farmers northern politicians


Which of the following statements are true about how Northerners perceived the action of Slave Power? Multiple select question. It involved conspiratorial scheming and manipulation. It concerned itself with the injustices of slavery. It sought to undermine the power of slaveholders. It undermined free institutions in the United States.


Yeoman farmers and slave owners had a common perspective, which emphasized which of the following values? Multiple select question. hierarchy work defiance obedience


Why did American settlers rebel against Mexican control in Texas? Multiple select question. They greatly outnumbered Mexicans. They preferred American politics over Mexican freedoms. Mexico would not enforce its national laws, such as the slavery ban. Mexico did not provide military protection against Indians. They believed that Mexico might exert stronger control over Texas.


The Underground Railroad included which of the following aspects? Multiple select question. secret escape routes cooperative slave traders sympathetic engineers experienced guides sympathetic hosts


Beginning in the 1830s, Southerners regarded slavery as a Multiple choice question. curse. blessing. necessary evil. problem.


During Nat Turner's rebellion, he led a group of ______ on a murderous rampage against white families on local farms. Multiple choice question. abolitionists slaves militiamen slavers


For white gentlemen in the antebellum South, ______ were used to maintain or restore personal reputations. Multiple choice question. generous acts duels insults laws


In the nineteenth century, ______ grew in popularity throughout the South. Multiple choice question. Judaism evangelical Christianity Mormonism Roman Catholicism


In urban areas in the South, the population of free blacks and slaves ______ between 1820 and the mid-1840s. Multiple choice question. increased decreased remained steady


Initially, the Mexican government ______ slavery in Texas. Multiple choice question. welcomed tolerated fought controlled


Most slaves in the antebellum South worked on ______ plantations. Multiple choice question. medium-sized small large


President Andrew Jackson essentially ordered the ______ of abolitionist publications sent to the South. Multiple choice question. burning censorship reading spread


Slaves generally ______ the religion of their masters. Multiple choice question. distrusted accepted tolerated rejected


The American legal system had to determine if the people on the Amistad were Multiple choice question. servants. slaves. sailors. soldiers.


Under the gag rule, slavery ______ were tabled after being presented. Multiple choice question. debates petitions regulations laws


What were slaves able to do when they were for sale? Multiple choice question. It provided no power for slaves, only slave traders. It provided slaves an opportunity for resistance. It was an moment of complete weakness for slaves. It was a time in which slaves were generally not allowed to speak.


When the importation of slaves became illegal in 1808, the slave trade in the United States Multiple choice question. decreased in size. grew larger. became unnecessary. remained the same.


Which part of the Constitution directly increased the representation of the South in Congress and the Electoral College? Multiple choice question. the Fugitive Slave Act the three-fifths clause the Thirteenth Amendment the Fifth Amendment


With his newspaper the Liberator, William Lloyd Garrison called for slaves to Multiple choice question. use physical force to achieve liberation. be freed immediately. be sent to Liberia. establish a new colony in the North.


Which of the following statements are true about southern-produced cotton? Multiple select question. It was used in the diversification of the southern economy. It was used in the growing textile manufacturing sector in England. It was used in cotton goods sold in European and African markets. It was only a small fraction of American cotton production.


During the 1830s and 1840s, national political conspiracy theories were directed at which of the following groups? Multiple select question. Westerners abolitionists Roman Catholics Mormons Canadian


How did slaves make Christianity their own? Multiple select question. They rejected evangelical Christianity. They infused Christianity with African religious traditions. They embraced certain religious texts, like the psalms. They developed their own evangelical doctrine - Methodism. They practiced certain styles of worship.


How was the South able to meet the growing global demand for short-staple cotton? Multiple select question. Slave-driven factories cheaply processed cotton and wove it into cloth. The southern climate was ideal for growing cotton. Extensive industrialization in the South allowed efficient manufacturing of cotton textiles. Slave labor in the South allowed cotton to be grown efficiently.


What was paternalism in the antebellum South? Multiple select question. Owners were preparing their slaves for eventual freedom. Owners had authority over their slaves' lives. Owners protected their slaves so they would work harder. Owners saw slaves as inferiors and childlike.


In federal court, the Amistad case considered if the African captives were Multiple select question. fugitives from Africa. escaped slaves. murderers. pirates. legally enslaved.


Which of the following are aspects of an honorable reputation for southern white gentlemen during the antebellum period? Multiple select question. sacrifice strength timidity honesty generosity


Which of the following were contributions slaves made to Christian musical traditions? Multiple select question. use of instrumentation rhythmic singing choral singing spirituals vocal improvisation


Which of the following statements correctly describe the Second Seminole War? Multiple select question. It was a slave-supporting conflict. It was a slave rebellion. It was a fight over native culture. It was a conventional war. It was a resistance of removal.


Because of the large population of slaves and the accompanying increase in southern representation under the Constitution, the South strongly influenced who served as Multiple choice question. attorney general. secretary of state. U.S. president. Supreme Court justice.


Defenders of slavery regarded abolition as Multiple choice question. difficult. needed. impossible. desirable.


During the antebellum period, more than a million slaves moved from the eastern seaboard to interior states primarily to work on ______ farms. Multiple choice question. tobacco corn cotton wheat


Hired out slaves generally lived Multiple choice question. with their employers. with their owners. on their own. on plantations.


In animal trickster tales, many of the animal characters relied on their ______ to gain the upper hand. Multiple choice question. habits strength wits size


In fighting the Battle of the Alamo, the Mexican government was attempting to Multiple choice question. drive back U.S. troops invading Texas. claim Texas from the United States. suppress a rebellion by Texans. ensure Texan independence from Spain.


In terms of population, white nonslaveholding people were ______ in the antebellum South. Multiple choice question. unknown insignificant a majority a minority


In the southern culture of honor, the conduct was generally regulated through Multiple choice question. private guilt. payable fines. public shame. feats of strength.


Slave families that remained together most often lived Multiple choice question. in cities. on plantations with absentee owners. on larger plantations. on smaller plantations.


Slave patrols were staffed by Multiple choice question. former slaves. white women. white men. volunteer slaves.


Slave quarters and clothing were usually Multiple choice question. polished. modest. crude. refined.


The Amistad case had a ______ at its center. Multiple choice question. contract war mutiny truce


The abolitionist movement became more ______ in the period between 1825 and 1835. Multiple choice question. complacent measured radicalized irrelevant


The chief purpose of punishments, such as public floggings, was to ensure that Multiple choice question. slaves remained obedient to their owners. the work output of slaves would not decrease. slaves did not become part of the honor culture.


The federal government focused on removing Seminole Indians from Florida, in part, because the Seminole nation Multiple choice question. resisted cultivating cotton. supported slave masters. harbored runaway slaves. backed proslavery forces.


Under the hiring-out system, slaves worked for Multiple choice question. other slaves. the federal government. employers who did not own them. their owners.


Which of the following were common religious practices of southern slaves? Multiple select question. Christianity Judaism voodoo Islam


Whom did poor southern whites generally tolerate the least in southern society? Multiple choice question. black slaves slave owners freed slaves yeoman farmers


n the Americas, ______ was the largest region to allow slavery by the 1830s. Multiple choice question. the West Indies Central America the South South America


What were some of the responsibilities of slave patrols? Multiple select question. regulating slave punishment methods ensuring slave masters followed state laws related to slaves dispersing big gatherings of slaves catching runaway slaves checking the passes of slaves traveling in the countryside


Which of the following were common lifestyles of nonslaveholding whites in the antebellum South? Multiple select question. politicians plantation owners city dwellers yeoman farmers subsistence farmers


Which of the following were corporal punishments inflicted on slaves by their masters? Multiple select question. shooting starvation dog mauling castration whipping


Among the Democrats, which region's representatives controlled the party and its agenda? Multiple choice question. the North the West the East the South


Before the 1830s, many white Southerners believed that slavery was Multiple choice question. ideal. unneeded. desirable. objectionable.


Eli Whitney's cotton gin was Multiple choice question. the cause of an expansion in short-staple cotton cultivation. the first cotton gin to be invented in the South. not patented by Whitney, who had many imitators. a consequence of the growth of southern cotton cultivation.


Free blacks compromised about ______ of the total black population in the South by 1840. Multiple choice question. 1% 3% 18% 8%


In 1835, a petition was introduced in Congress to end slavery in Multiple choice question. South Carolina. Maryland. Virginia. Washington, D.C.


Many white Southerners believed that ______ would come with slavery's end. Multiple choice question. no violence little change instant equality racial conflict


Slave Power meant that ______ controlled the American political system. Multiple choice question. abolitionists slave overseers slaves slaveholders


Slavery expanded in the nineteenth century in the United States because of the growth of the global ______ market. Multiple choice question. wool wheat tobacco cotton


The American Colonization Society focused on Multiple choice question. introducing antislavery legislation in Congress. forcing the end of the slave trade. emancipating educated slaves in the South. moving slaves from the South to Africa.


The American Colonization Society founded the colony of ______ in 1822. Multiple choice question. Haiti Sudan Ethiopia Liberia


The Underground Railroad Multiple choice question. distributed abolitionist newspapers. returning escaped slaves. smuggled Northern contraband. helped slaves escape.


The market for a plantation's crops was usually Multiple choice question. in the North. on site. local. distant.


The vast majority of plantation slaves worked as Multiple choice question. slave drivers. house servants. blacksmiths. field laborers.


What was an effect of the 1835 petition to Congress to end slavery in part of the United States? Multiple choice question. Members of Congress seriously considered the petition. Members of Congress referred the petition to a committee. Members of Congress immediately began debating slavery's legalities. Members of Congress questioned if they should recognize criticism of slavery.


Why was the cotton gin was significant? Multiple choice question. It launched an agricultural revolution in the North. It served as the key mechanized aspect of the British textile industry. It created a surplus of cotton in the United States. It separated cotton fibers from seeds faster than humans could.


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