Chapter 11 - The Endocrine System

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The zona glomerolosa is the ____ layer of the adrenal cortex. It secretes 3 different mineralocorticoids that balnce mineral levels in _____ (& thereby blood volume/blood pressure).

3, blood

Normal blood glucose levels run around _______.


1, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D stimulates intestinal absorption of ___. It is produced in the ____ and is stimulated by ____.

Ca2+, kidneys, PTH

_____ homeostasis is so vital that the absence of the hormones for its control would be catastrophic. It is vital to ____ contraction and _____ release from neurons.

Ca2+, muscle, neurotransmitter

TH is required for the normal production of ___ from the anterior pituitary.


_____ is released from the liver mediated by GH and stimulates cell division.


Iodine deficiency is when ___ is compromised, leading to a ____ in plasma concentration of TH. TSH ____ due to an _____ in TRH.

T3, decrease, increases, increase

____ ___ _____ is caused from inadequate insulin production by beta cells in the pancreas, A type of autoimmune disease as antibodies that target beta cells are produced. It affects the _____ and the _____.

Type 1 diabetes, kidneys, eyes

___ ____ ____ is when insulin levels are normal, but peripheral tissues no longer respond normally, often due to reduction in the number of insulin receptors. This type is ____% of all cases.

Type 2 diabetes, 90

TH stimulates carbohydrate _____ from small intestine and fatty acide ____ from adipocytes. It has the calorigenic effect needed for ______ homeostasis.

absorption, release, temperature

______ _____ is primarily adrenal insufficiency. Symptoms include ____, ___ of appetite and weight, ___ blood pressure, and ____ in blood sugar.

addison's disease, weakness, loss, decrease, decrease

The _____ ____ is perched on top of the kidneys and has a distinct cortex (with __ zones) and a medulla.

adrenal gland, 3

ACTH (________ _______) targets the adrenal cortex to release cortisol. It is released by the ____ ____ gland.

adrenocorticotropin hormone, anterior pituitary

_______ is 95% of secretions produced by the zona glomerolosa in the adrenal cortex and is a steroid hormone. It targets the kidneys to reabsorb ____ and excrete _____. Since water will also be reabsorbed, blood volume ______ and blood pressure _____.

aldosterone, Na+, K+, increases, increases

_______ hormones are dericatives of the amino acid tyrosine. They are ____ soluble and can dissolve in ____.

amine, water, plasma

______ are secreted in the zona reticularis of the adrenal cortex and are steroid hormones. They result in ____ sex characteristics & sex ____, and are also known as _____.

androgens, secondary, drive, gonadocorticoids

______ are the effects when hormones oppose each other. An example is glucagon v. insulin: when glucagon levels _____, blood glucose levels _____, and insulin ____ blood glucose levels.

antagonism, increase, increase, decrease

ADH or vasopressin (____ ______) is released to _____ water balance & osmolarity, to ______ water reabsorption in the kidneys, and ______ blood pressure. It is produced in the _____ but released in the _____ _____ gland.

antidiuretic hormone, maintain, increase, increase, hypothalamus, posterior pituitary

Hormone levels must be kept in ____. _____ means too much hormone has been produced. _____ means too little hormone is being produced.

balance, hypersecretion, hyposecretion

______ is secreted as a result of PTH only when Ca2+ concentrations are very high. It appears to play no role in normal day-to-day regulation of calcium.


_______ is produced in the thyroid gland and is involved in Ca2+ homeostasis.


The hormones that are secreted from the adrenal medulla are ______.


______ permits action of epinephrine and norepinephrine on muscles and blood vessels, thus maintaining blood pressure.


________ helps the body obtain nutrients during stress. It stimulates protein _____, _____ in the liver and ____ catabolism in fat tissue. It _____ the events that are associated with inflammatory response (capillary permeability and prostaglandin production) and _____ the non essential functions during stress (reproduction and growth). It is important in _____ developement.

cortisol, catabolism, gluconeogenesis, triglyceride, decreases, inhibits, fetal

_______ is 95% of secretions produced by the zona fasciculata in the adrenal cortex and is a steroid hormone. It is involved in the ____ response.

cortisol, stress

_____ _____ is a disease with excess glucocorticoids. Symptoms include catabolism of bone, muscle, and skin, ____ in blood sugar, and hypertension.

crushing's syndrome, increase

_______ glands release hormones into blood vessels.


_____ (a.k.a _____) is 80% of the hormone mixture that is secreted from the adrenal medulla. It targets the ___; ____ heart rate and ____ blood pressure.

epinephrine, adrenaline, heart, increases, increase

_______ and _______ are catecholamines.

epinephrine, norepinephrine

Endocrine galnds are derived from _____ tissue. However, some ____ tissue can release hormones.

epithelial, nervous

The ovaries produced the steroid hormones ______ and ______. They help the development of ______ sex characteristics, regulation of ___ cycle, maintaining pregnancy, and preparation of breast for ____ production.

estrogen, progesterone, secondary, menstrual, milk

______ glands have ducts that release hormones to the surface.


The nervous system sends electrical impulses that are _____ and have ___-term effects. The endocrine system sends hormones that are _____ and have ____-term effects.

fast, short, slow, long

FSH (______ _____ _____) targets the ovaries to produce follicle maturation & estrogen, and the testes to produce sprem. It is secreted by the ____ _____ gland.

follicle stimulating hormone, anterior pituitary

______ is the hypersecretion of GH in children that targets growth plates.


______ is made by the alpha cells in the pancreas and is under ____ control (decrease in blood glucose).

glucagon, humoral

The zona fasciculata in the adrenal glands secretes 3 different ______ involved in metabolism and stress resistance.


A _____ is the result of inadequate iodine intake. It is a form of ______.

goiter, hypothyroidism

____ ______ is the hypersecretion of TH and is an autoimmune disease. It causes a(n) ____ in heart rate and body temperature, and a(n) ______ in metabolism.

graves disease, increase, increase

Hormones, environment, and genetics all play a role in ______.


GH (_____ _____) and IGF-1 (___-____ ___ ___) stimulates cell ____ in epiphyseal plates, protein ____ in muscles and ______ in the liver.

growth hormone, insulin-like growth factor, division, synthesis, gluconeogenesis

The hypothalamus secretes hormones that stimulate the anterior pituitary gland to secrete hormones that stimulate other endocrine glands to secrete hormones. Which type of hormone release stimulus is this?

hormonal stimulus

hGH or somatotropin (_____ ____ ____) targets many body cells and effects growth and the metabolism of fat.

human growth hormone

______ control is used by detecting levels of something in the blood.


Capillary blood contains low concentrations of Ca2+ which stimulates the secretion of PTH by parathyroid glands. Which type of hormone release stimulus is this?

humoral stimulus

PTH is under ___ control and is stimulated by a _____ in blood calcium levels. It is in a ____ feedback loop.

humoral, decrease, negative

What are the three ways a gland can be told to release its hormones?

humoral, neural control, hormonal

_______ results in an increase of Ca2+ absorption from the small intestine. It affects the CNS and muscles by causing ____ and lethargy with muscle weakness, ____, and _____.

hypercalcemia, tiredness, nausea, vomiting

______ results in a decrease in Ca2+ absorption from the small intestine. It increases the excitability of nerves and muscles leading to _____ and muscle ____.

hypocalcemia, seizures, spasms

Amaziah is diabetic and didn't have more than 1 beer during a football game. He is having trouble walking straight, slurred speech, and isn't making sense. What is the most likely explination?

hypoglycemia, blood sugar is too low causing neurological problems

The ______-______ postal system links two capillary beds and exchanges blood and tissue.


TH _____ the number of sodium-potassium pumps in the body therefore ____ metabolism.

increase, increasing

Epinephrine ____ cardiac output, ____ coronary vessels, _____ muscle contraction efficiency, _____ fatty acid release, ____ intestinal motility, ____ glycolysis, ____ ACTH & TSH release, and ____ mental alertness.

increases, dilates, increases, increases, decreases, increases, increases, increases

The hypothalamus is connected to the pituitary gland by the ______. It produces _____ hormones to regulate hormone release in other glands.

infundibulum, tropic

Cortisol ____ growth and stimulates protein _____.

inhibits, breakdown

____ is made by the beta cells in the pancreas and is under ____ control (increase in blood glucose).

insulin, humoral

Thyroid hormone is ____ soluble and is derived from _____.

lipid, tyrosine

Glucagon primarily targets the ____ to secrete glucose into the blood through ________, thus ______ blood glucose.

liver, gluconeogenesis, increasing

LH (______ ______) targets ovary ovulation & estrogen production, and the testes to produce testosterone. It is secreted by the ____ ____ gland.

lutenizing hormone, anterior pituitary

The endocrine system works cooperatively with the _____ system to control homeostasis.


Preganglionic sympathetic fibers stimulate the adrenal medulla cells to secrete the catecholamines epinephrine and norepinephrine. Which type of hormone release stimulus is this?

neural stimulus

Hypothalamic tropic hormone release is controled by ____ input, _____ negative feedback, and the circadian rhythm _______ nucleus of hypothalamus.

neural, hormonal, suprachiamatic

The nervous system communicated via electrical impulses and ______ while the endocrine system communicates via ______.

neurotransmitters, hormones

______ (a.k.a ______) is 20% of the hormone mixture that is secreted from the adrenal medulla. It targets the ____ and causes _____; ____ blood pressure.

norepinephrine, noradrenaline, arteries, vasoconstriction, increasing

In abnormal tissue responsiveness, hormone levels are ____ and the tissue responds ______.

normal, inappropriately

_______ is responsible for milk ejection, uterine contractions, and helps with social interactions. It is produced in the ______ but released in the _____ ______ gland.

oxytocin, hypothalamus, posterior pituitary

PTH (____ ____) is responsible for raising blood calcium levels and is under humoral control. It targets the kidneys & _____ to reabsorb more _____, and the _____ to break down bone.

parathyroid hormone, intestines, calcium, osteoclasts

Two major hormones are involved in plasma Ca2+ concentration: _____ hormone and __________ _. ____ secreted from the ___ gland also plays a limited role.

parathyroid, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D, calcitonin, thyroid

______ and ______ have receptors located on the cell surface that exert both rapid (due to immediate phosphorylation of enzymes) and slower (due to gene transcription) effects.

peptide, catecholamine

______ and _____ hormones are water soluble and can be dissolved in plasma. Most hormones are _____.

peptide, protein, polypeptide

_______ is when one hormone is needed for another to exert its effects. An example would be thyroid hormones cause expressions of ____ adrenergic receptors for epinephrine in bronchiolar smooth muscle. Another would be that estrogen causes expression of ____ receptors in the uterus.

permissiveness, beta, progesterone

______ ______ is a disease that results from the hyposecretion of GH.

pituitary dwarfism

A _____ _______ organ's main job is to release hormones.

primary endocrine

A ____ _____ disorder is due to an abnormal endocrine gland. This means that the gland is either hyposecreting or hypersecreting.

primary secretion

PRL (_____ _____ _____) targets the breasts to produce milk. It is released by the ____ ____ gland.

prolactin releasing hormone, anterior pituitary

Insulin stimulates ____ synthesis and stimulates ____.

protein, IGF-1

The nervous system may stop ____ when the stimulus stops while the endocrine system may ____ to respond after the stimulus stops.

quickly, continue

The nervous system adapts relatively ____ to continual while the endocrine system adapts relativly _____, may respond for days to weeks.

quickly, slowly

The nervous system reacts _____ to stimuli, usually within 1-10 milliseconds while the endocrine system may respond _____ to stimuli, often taking seconds to days.

quickly, slowly

_____ _____ organs have a primary function but also release hormones.

secondary endocrine

A _____ ____ disorder is due to abnormal anterior pituitary or hypothalamus tropic hormones.

secondary secretion

A hormone's concentration in the blood depends upon the rate of _____ by the endocrine gland and the rate of ____ from the blood. ____ hormones are not removed as quickly as peptide hormones.

secretion, removal, steroid

____ ______ stimulate growth at puberty and eventual growth plate closure.

sex steroids

Insulin targets most body cells, especially ___ ____ cells and ___ cells but NOT ___, ____, or ____ cells. It causes these cells to _____ their uptake of glucose, thus _____ blood glucose.

skeletal muscle, fat, liver, kidney, brain, increase, decreasing

Acinar cells of the pancreas go into the ___ _____.

small intestine

The nervous system usually has relatively local, _____ effects while the endocrine system has sometimes general, ______ effects.

specific, widespread

The pancreas tail is attached to the ____ and the head is attached to the _____ _____. The pancreas has ____ cells that secrete digestive juices (exocrine) and has _____ __ ____ with alpha and beta cells that secrete hormones (endocrine).

spleen, small intestine, acinar, islets of langerhans

______ and _______ hormones have receptors that are located inside the cell. This leads to the activation or inactivation of transcription of particular genes.

steroid, thyroid

_____ hormones are produced by the adrenal cortex and the goands. It is not _____ soluble and must be transported in the blood via _____ _____.

steroid, water, carrier proteins

_____ is the real or potential threat to homeostasis. It causes an increase in ______ from the adrenal cortex and _____ from the adrenal medulla.

stress, cortisol, epinephrine

The nervous system releases neurotransmitters at ______ at specific target cells while the endocrine system releases hormones into the ______ for general distribution thoughout the body.

synapses, bloodstream

The testes secrete the steriod hormone _______. It helps the development of _____ sex characterists and the production of ___.

testosterone, secondary, sperm

If all neural connections between hypothalamus and pituitary were severed, what pituitary hormones would be affeted?

the hormones produced in the anterior pituitary

TH (___ _____) is permissive for ___ secretion and actions, as well as permissive for development of the ____.

thyroid hormone, GH, CNS

TH (____ ____) is a combination of ___ & ____. It is made by the _____ cells in the ____ and requires ___. It's release is controlled via _____ secreted by the anterior pituitary. It targets most ___ ___.

thyroid hormone, T3, T4, follicular, thyroid, iodine, TSH, body cells

TRH ( _____ ______ ______) targets the anertior pituitary gland to release TSH. It is released by the ______.

thyroid releasing hormone, hypothalamus

TSH (_____ _____ _____) targets that thyroid so that is will release TH. It is released by the ______ _____ gland.

thyroid stimulating hormone, anterior pituitary

_______ hormones affect the release of another hormone. It is mainly secreted by the _____.

tropic, hypothalamus

TH ___-______ beta-adrenergic (______) receptors, particulary in the heart and nervous system.

up-regulates, epinephrine

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