Chapter / 11 The First World War 1914 - 1920

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(3) THESE should be lowered to promote free trade.

"no man's land"

"THIS" is what lied between the two trench lines. They did this while facing machine gun fire and poison gas.


(2) Freedom of THIS should be maintained.


(4) countries reduce THESE.

colonial peoples

(5) the interests of THESE people should be considered.


A U-boat sank THIS British ship, killing more than a thousand people, including 128 Americans.

AMERICA MOBILIZES! How did the US prepare for war?

AMERICA MOBILIZES! How did the US prepare for war?

AMERICA TURNS THE TIDE! How did the United States help?

AMERICA TURNS THE TIDE! How did the United States help?

AMERICAN TROOPS GO ON THE OFFENSIVE! How did American troops help end the war?

AMERICAN TROOPS GO ON THE OFFENSIVE! How did American troops help end the war?



AN ASSASSINATION LEADS TO WAR! What sparked the war?

AN ASSASSINATION LEADS TO WAR! What sparked the war?

ATTACKS ON CIVIL LIBERTIES! How did the war affect civil liberties?

ATTACKS ON CIVIL LIBERTIES! How did the war affect civil liberties?

racial discrimination jobs in Northern industries

African Americans left the South to escape THIS while hoping to find THESE in the North.

Eddie Rickenbocker

Air warfare developed rapidly during the war. Pilots went from shooting at each other with pistols to using mounted machine guns. HE was an American ace pilot. He fought in 34 air battles and shot down 26 enemy planes.

a world wide flu epidemic

Also during the war, THIS, probably spread by American soldiers, killed 500,000 Americans and caused disruptions in the American economy.


American infantry men were called THIS because of white belts they wore and cleaned with pipe clay, or "dough."


American ships would not challenge Britain's blockade. THESE German vessels attacked ships from all nations.

Alvin York

American soldiers arrived in Europe just in time to stop a German advance on Paris. THIS soldier from Tennessee became a war hero for his actions in battle.

Russia The Russian Revolution of 1917 involved the collapse of an empire under Tsar Nicholas II and the rise of Marxian socialism under Lenin and his Bolsheviks. It sparked the beginning of a new era in Russia that had effects on countries around the world.

American soldiers helped turn the tide of battle in Europe. The Allies had absorbed many casualties and were running out of men. Thousands of fresh soldiers were eager for battle. THIS country pulled out of the war in March of 1917.

War Bonds

American women played new roles during the war. They did jobs that had been done previously only by men. They worked as truck drivers, cooks, dockworkers, and builders. Women also volunteered in the Red Cross and sold THESE.

Treaty of Versailles

Americans had hoped that the war had convinced the world never to fight again. But in Europe the war settled nothing. In Germany, Adolf Hitler exploited Germans' discontent with THIS and threatened to fight again

conscientious objector

At the start, Alvin York had been known as THIS (a person who opposes war on moral grounds), but he then agreed to fight. For his actions in battle he was promoted to sergeant and became a celebrity when he returned to the US.


By the Spring of 1915, two lines of deep trenches had developed in THIS country. The Germans occupied one line and the Allies occupied the other.

CONGRESS GIVES POWER TO WILSON! How did business and government work together?

CONGRESS GIVES POWER TO WILSON! How did business and government work together?

Espionage and Sedition Acts

Congress passed THIS to punish people who did not support the war effort.

Henry Cabot Lodge

Conservative senators, headed by THIS Republican senator, opposed joining the League.



National War Labor Board

Due to rising inflation, many workers joined unions. Wilson established THIS agency to help settle disputes between management and labor. It also helped to improve working conditions.

FIGHTING "OVER THERE" What new weapons were used?

FIGHTING "OVER THERE" What new weapons were used?

France, Great Britain, Russia

Germany and Austria-Hungary were now facing ?, ?, and ?


Germany began by invading THIS neutral country.

France then Russia

Germany planned to overrun THIS country first and then to attack THIS country. The British and French could not save Belgium. They did, however, manage to stop Germany's advance.

armistice 11/11/11/1918

Germany, exhausted from the war, finally agreed to THIS on November 11, 1918.

George Creel

HE headed the CPI. He had been a muckraking journalist. He used artists and advertising people to create thousands of posters to promote the war. He distributed pamphlets in many languages.

John J. Pershing

HE led the American Expeditionary Force.

Bernard Baruch

HE was appointed to run the War Industries Board.

Gavrilo Princip

HE was the killer who wanted to unite all serbs (including those in Austria-Hungary) under one government. This touched off an action to punish Serbia.


Hitler was true to his predictions; American did have to fight again years later in THIS event

I. CAUSES OF WWI! What conditions led to war?

I. CAUSES OF WWI! What conditions led to war?







Archduke Franz Ferdinand

In 1914, HE was assassinated. He had been the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary.

Communists Fascists

In Europe, the war left a legacy of massive destruction, loss of life, political instability, and violence. THEY now ruled in Russia, and soon after the war THESE organizations seized power in Italy.


In the United States, public opinion about the war was strong but divided. THIS political group saw the war as an imperial struggle between German and English businessmen.

war-guilt clause

It also contained THIS. Germany had to admit that it was responsible for causing the war.

the French Croix de Guerre Soldiers of the 369th (15th N.Y.) who won the Croix de Guerre for gallantry in action, 1919. Left to right. Front row: Pvt. Ed Williams, Herbert Taylor, ...

Many African Americans served in the military. They were placed in separate units, but some blacks were trained as officers. Blacks were among the first to receive THIS honor.


Many Americans were horrified that THEY had attacked Belgium and they had strong economic ties with the Allies.

Great Britain France

Many naturalized US citizens still had ties to the countries they came from. many Americans tended to sympathize with THESE two countries because they shared a common heritage.

mustard gas

New weapons and tactics made WWI very destructive. Soldiers faced miserable conditions, including filth, trench foot, trench mouth, "shell shock" from constant bombardment, vermin, THIS poison gas, and disease.

tank - airplane

New weapons played a decisive role in the war. THESE were the two most innovative weapons.

OBJECTIVE: Discuss and explain about the treaty that ended the war and Wilson's proposal for a League of Nations.

OBJECTIVE: Discuss and explain about the treaty that ended the war and Wilson's proposal for a League of Nations.

OBJECTIVE: Discuss and explain how Americans prepared to fight and how they helped the Allies win.

OBJECTIVE: Discuss and explain how Americans prepared to fight and how they helped the Allies win.

OBJECTIVE: Discuss and explain how the war changed American society at home.

OBJECTIVE: Discuss and explain how the war changed American society at home.

Objective: Discuss and explain the events that sped up or slowed down the entrance of the United States into the war.

Objective: Discuss and explain the events that sped up or slowed down the entrance of the United States into the war.

Woodrow Wilson

On April 6, 1917, at at THIS president's request, Congress declared war on Germany.

Treaty of Versailles

On June 28, 1919, the leaders of the the Allies and the Central Powers met in the palace of ? in France. They were to sign THIS.


One negative outcome of WWI was that THIS campaign had left a legacy of mistrust and fear.

the Railroad Administration

Other federal agencies also regulated the economy for the war effort. THIS controlled the nation's railroads.

draft sale of war bonds

People could not interfere with THIS or obstruct the sale of THESE. They could not even speak out against the war effort.

Fourteen Points

President Woodrow Wilson presented THIS plan for world peace to Congress in January 1918.


Republican senators did not like the idea of working with other countries to take economic and military action against aggression. They wanted the treaty to include the constitutional right of THIS to declare war.


Russia had been one of the Allies and had suffered more of THESE than any other country. The Soviet Union was determined to get its territories back.

SELLING THE WAR! How did the government win over public opinion?

SELLING THE WAR! How did the government win over public opinion?

Zimmermann note

Second, British agents intercepted THIS, a telegram that proposed an alliance between Germany and Mexico against the United States.


Some black leaders should not help a government that did not support THIS for everyone.


Some countries in Europe had made treaties promising to defend each other.

THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THE FIGHTING STARTS! Where did the fighting begin?

THE FIGHTING STARTS! Where did the fighting begin?

THE LEGACY OF THE WAR! What was the legacy of the war?

THE LEGACY OF THE WAR! What was the legacy of the war?

THE UNITED STATES DECLARES WAR! Why did the US join the war?

THE UNITED STATES DECLARES WAR! Why did the US join the war?

THE WAR ENCOURAGES SOCIAL CHANGE! How did the war affect women and African Americans?

THE WAR ENCOURAGES SOCIAL CHANGE! How did the war affect women and African Americans?

THE WAR HITS HOME! How did the War Affect Americans?

THE WAR HITS HOME! How did the War Affect Americans?

THE WAR INTRODUCES NEW HAZARDS! What made World One harder for soldiers?

THE WAR INTRODUCES NEW HAZARDS! What made World One harder for soldiers?


THEY believed that all wars were bad. They urged the United States to set an example for peace. Many other Americans simply did not want to send their sons to war.

Fuel Administration

THIS agency watched over the the use of coal, gasoline, and heating oil.

Eugene V. Debs

THIS labor leader was jailed for making a speech about the economic causes of the war.

Food Administration

THIS new agency was established to produce and conserve food supplies. It taught them to eat differently. American were able to send more food to the Allies.

alliance system

THIS pulled one nation after another into the conflict. If a nation had sworn to protect another, it had to declare war on that nation's enemies.

Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)

THIS union/organization urged workers to strike. This was considered antiwar activity, and they received jail sentences.

League of Nations

The 14th point called for THIS. This international organization would address problems between countries before they led to war.

secret treaties or alliances

The first five points suggested ways that wars could be avoided. They stated that (1) countries should not make THESE with one another.

war bonds

The government needed to raise money for the war. They did this by increasing several kinds of taxes and by selling THESE.

B = (BLAME) Germany had to admit that it was responsible for causing the war. R = Germany had to pay huge (REPARATIONS) which they would not be able to pay. A = (ARMY) - was to be reduced to 100,000 men and no tanks were allowed (NAVY) - Germany was only allowed 6 ships and no submarines (AIRFORCE) - Germany was not allowed an airforce Rhineland - The Rhineland area was to be kept free of German military personnel and weapons T = (TERRITORY) In the west, Germany returned Alsace-Lorraine to France.

The Treaty of Versailles had three basic weaknesses. The first was the harsh treatment of Germany. Germany was the not the only country that had been militaristic, yet Germany alone was being punished. What four letter word helps you to remember this?


The US built ships to transport men and supplies to Europe. Shipyard workers were exempted from the draft and the importance of their work was publicized. THESE techniques were used to speed the production of ships.


The United States first needed to build up its armed forces. When war was declared, only about ???,??? men were in service.


The United States never entered the League of Nations. It finally signed a separate treaty with THIS country in 1921 when Wilson was no longer president.


The belief that the interests of a single country were more important than cooperation among countries. This led to competition.


The end of the war made Americans yearn for what Warren G. Harding called "THIS."

socialists and union leaders

The key targets of the Espionage and Sedition Acts were ? and ?


The next eight points suggested new national boundaries. Wilson believed in THIS: different ethnic groups should decide for themselves what nation they wanted to belong to.


The process of the Selective Service Act put about ? million men in uniform.

territory Poland Finland Latvia Lithuania Estonia

The second weakness of the Treaty of Versailles was that the Soviet Union (formerly Russia) lost more of THIS than Germany did.


The third weakness concerned colonies. The treaty did not recognize the claims of colonies for THIS, in Southeast Asia, for instance.

The countries that emerged after WWI in Europe were: Austria and Hungary - they had both been part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire Czechoslovakia - part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire Yugoslavia - formed from parts of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Ottoman Empire Turkey - emerged from the Ottoman Empire Poland - re-emerged from the Russian Empire Finland - emerged from the Russian Empire Latvia - emerged from the Russian Empire Lithuania - emerged from the Russian Empire Estonia - emerged from the Russian Empire

The treaty created new national boundaries by (1) establishing 9 new nations. How many can you name? (2) Shifting the boundaries of other nations. (3) and carving out parts of the Ottoman Empire to create colonies in the Middle East for France and Britain.


The treaty took away Germany's army and navy. It also forced the to pay THESE, or war damages, to the winners.


The war affected American shipping. Great Britain set up THIS along the German coast to keep goods from getting through.

WEB Du Bois

The war brought many social changes for women and African Americans. African American leaders were divided over the war. THIS African American leader believed that helping the war effort would help the fight for equality.


The war brought out anti-immigrant feelings. Immigrants from Germany were often targeted for attack. Americans with German-sounding names lost their jobs. THESe refused to play German music. Some towns with German names changed them.


The war had taken a bloody toll, killing more than ?? million and causing untold suffering.

women and African Americans

The war had transformed the United States and the world. WWI had strengthened both US military power and the power of government. It had also accelerated change for THESE two groups.

Great Migration

The war sped THIS up this movement of thousands of African Americans from the the South to cities of the North.

6,000 arrests 1,500 convictions

These laws violated the spirit of THIS, which guarantees freedom of speech. The law led to 6,000 arrests and 1,500 convictions for antiwar activities.

Allies Central Powers

These mutual defense treaties placed European countries in THESE two main groups.

Russian Czar Nicholas II: was Russia's last Emperor

Third, the replacement of the THIS Russian monarch with a representative government allowed Americans to characterize the was a struggle of democracies against brutal monarchies.


This European alliance consisted of France, Great Britain, and Russia.

Central Powers

This European alliance consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire.


This bloody trench warfare continued for more than three years. Neither side gained territory, but more than ? soldiers died.

War of 1812: An early use of the term "war bond" was for the $11 million raised by the US Congress in an Act of 14 March 1812, to fund the War of 1812, but this was not aimed at the general public.

Thousands of volunteers sold the bonds. Famous people spoke at rallies to promote sales. Newspapers and billboards carried advertisements free of charge. What war did the US government first sell war bonds?

unrestricted submarine warfare

Three incident brought the United States into the war. First, Germany announced THIS, that it would sink all ships in British waters on sight whether they were hostile or neutral.

consumer goods war goods and supplies

To fight the war the US needed the help of industry. The economy had to change from making THESE goods to making THESE. Congress gave President Wilson direct control over much of the economy. He had the power to fix and

Committee on Public Information

To popularize the war, the government created THIS agency.

convoy system

To reduce the loss of ships to German submarine attacks, the United States and Britain began to use THIS. In this way, merchant ships traveled in a large group guarded by naval vessels.

the Selective Service Act

To solve the problem of troop numbers, Congress passed THIS. It required men to register with the government so that some of them could be selected for military service.

WILSON PRESENTS HIS PLAN! What were Wilson's peace plans?

WILSON PRESENTS HIS PLAN! What were Wilson's peace plans?


Wages in industry went up. But workers in other jobs lost money because of THIS.

Militarism - Alliances - Imperialism - Nationalism

What are the four main factors that led to WWI?


When countries build up their armies, navies, and other armed forces. It also meant using them as a tool for negotiating with other countries.


When countries tried to increase their power and influence around the world. This led to conflicts among them.

the League of Nations - 14th point

When it was all said and done THIS was the only one of Wilson's 14 points included in the Treaty of Versailles.

the League of Nations

Wilson brought the treaty back to the US for approval. He found several groups opposed to it. Some thought the treaty too harsh. Others though it favored imperialism. Some ethnic groups objected to the way the treaty treated their homelands. The main opposition to the treaty was over THIS.


Wilson refused to compromise on the League. He would not accept THESE proposed by Republican leaders. As a result, the Senate failed to ratify the treaty.


Women were not drafted. The army would not let them join. But THIS branch of the military accepted women in noncombat positions. Woman served as nurses, secretaries, and telephone operators.

19th Amendment

Women's activities made them more visible. They were not paid the same as men. But soon after the war, Congress finally passed THIS giving them the right to vote.

the War Industries Board

Woodrow Wilson created THIS agency. This agency helped boost industrial production by 20%

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