Chapter 12 and 13

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schizoid personality disorder

-characterized by indifference to relationships and flat emotional response. -Have few friends and few long term relations. -some do very well on the job provided that continuous provided that social interaction is not required.

How does attribution relate to depression?

People who are depressed are more likely to attribute the cause of their failures to internal, stable, and global. fators that are relatively powerless to change.


characterized by loss of control of thought process and inappropriate emotional responses.

What type of patient do we use ECT

for people with major depression and do not respond to antidepressants.

Advantages of group therapy

-It is economical. allows therapist to work with several clients at once. -provides more information and life experience for clients to draw upon. -Appropriate behavior receives group support. Clients usually appreciate peer approval -Affiliating with people who have similar problems is reassuring -group members who show improvement provide hope for others -members of groups have the opportunity to practice social skills in a nonthreatening atmosphere

Client centered therapy

Carl rogers method of psychotherapy, which emphasizes the creation of a warm, therapeutic atmosphere that frees clients to engage in self exploration and self expression.

Borderline personality disorder

Characterized by indifference to relationship, self-image, and mood, and a lack of control. - uncertain of goals and values, goal, loyalties, careers, choices of friends, and sometimes even sexual orientation. -They may feel feelings of emptiness and boredom so they become clingy. -partner to partner in brief stormy relationships -people are either all good or all bad -have difficulty controlling anger often smash .

Specific attribution

Chops the problem down into manageable sizes

Dream analysis

Freud considered dreams the royal road to the unconscious. Content of dreams consist of unconscious processes as well as by the events of the day. wish fulfilment-the acting out of ideas and impulses that are repressed when one is conscious. -unacceptable and aggressive impulses are likely to some out onto objects that reflect the clients era and culture. objects become symbols of unconscious wishes. Manifest content - the reported content of dreams Latent content - the symbolized or underlying content of dreams. Ex. persons dreams they are flying -manifest is flying-latent is symbolization of flying

Gestalt therapy

Fritzs perls Psychotherapy, which attempts to integrate conflicting parts of the personality through directive methods designed to help clients perceive there whole selves. Both believed that early incorporation of other peoples values often leads clients to "disown" parts of their personalities.

Why does suicide tend to run in families?

Many suicide attempters have family members with psychological disorders and a large amount have taken their own lives, Do people who attempt suicide inherit disorders that lead to suicide? Does the family environment subject the family to feelings of hopelessness? Does the history of suicide make the attempter feel like its their fate?

Antisocial personality disorder

a personality who is frequently in conflict with society, yet who is undeterred by punishment and experiences little or no guilt and anxiety. -superficial charm -fail to learn to improve behavior -though they are punished and rejected and still don't change more common among men.

paranoid personality disorder

a tendency to interpret other people's behavior as threating or demeaning. They mistrustful of others, and their relationships suffer for it. They may be suspicious of coworkers and supervisors, but they can generally hold a job.

Avoidant personality disorder

are generally unwilling to enter relationships without some assurance of acceptance because they fear rejection and criticism. -few close relationships outside of family -some interest in in feelings of warmth toward, other people.

Diathesis stress model

assumes that there may be biological differences between individuals - diatheses(underlying vulnerability) - that explain why some people develop certain psychological disorders under stress, whereas others do not. Psychological disorders can be explained by undying vulnerability and problems that create PRESSURE OR TENSION.

Schizotypal personality disorder

characterized by peculiarities off thought perceptions or behavior, such as excessive fantasy and suspiciousness, feelings of being unreal, or the odd use of words. There are no complex delusions, no hallucinations, and no unusual motor activities, so this disorder is schizotypal not schizophrenic.

Positive schizophrenia symptoms

inappropriate behavior we find in afflicted people including, agitated behavior, vivid hallucinations, unshakable delusions, disorganized thinking and nonsensical speech.

internal attribution

involves self blame

systematic desensitization

originated by joseph wolpe a gradual process in which the client learns to handle increasingly disturbing stimuli while anxiety to each one is being counter conditioned. 10 to 20 stimuli are arranged in hierarchy according to their capacity to elicit anxiety. - Wolpe believed that anxiety could be unlearned. counter conditioning a response that is incompatible with anxiety and is made appear under conditions that usually elicit anxiety.

Aversive conditioning

pairs painful or aversive stimuli with unwanted impulses to make the impulse less appealing. ex. to help people control alcohol intake taste of alcoholic beverages can be paired with drug induced nausea. can be used for smoking addictions all the way to sexual abuse -blow dryer method to blow smoke in clients face -quitter inhales every 6 seconds -branching pipes so the smoker draws more smoke Makes smoking a bad experience.

Somatoform disorders

people complain of physical problems even though no physical abnormality can be found. Conversion disorder- anxiety is transferred to physical symptoms

External attribution

places the blame elsewhere


responding to one person ( such as a spouse or psychoanalyst) in a way that is similar to the way one responded to another person (such as parent) in childhood. -believed people reenact their experiences with family as a child in therapy. - transference can also distort peoples relationship because they are bringing childhood problems into their relationship

Stable attribution

suggest a problem that cannot be changed

unstable attribution

suggest a temporary condition

global attribution

suggests that the problem is quite large

Negative schizophrenia symptoms

those that reflect the absence of inappropriate behavior such as blank faces, monotonic voices, motionless bodies.

Freud's free association

uncensored uttering of all thoughts that come to mind -repressed impulses clamor for release. Freud believes if his client just talks freely his regressed impulses will come out. when repressed feelings begin to emerge people begin to resist by missing next appointment or claim their mind is blank. Interpretation - an explanation of a clients utterance according to psychoanalytic theory.

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