Chapter 12 & 13 Quiz & Exam #4

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The key recommendations for a healthy eating pattern include the following:

-A variety of veggies for all the subgroups-dark green, red, & orange, legumes (beans & peas) -Fruits (whole fruits) -Fat-free or low-fat dairy, including milk, yogurt, cheese, and/or fortified soy beverages -A variety of protein foods, including seafood, lean meats & poultry, eggs, legumes (beans & peas) and nuts, seeds, & soy products -Oils

occupational hazards

-health care professionals encounter various risks on the job:exposure to infectious diseases, to chemicals, and to potentially dangerous equipment -most risks can be minimized by using proper safety precautions and following facility rules

How to calculate BMI

1. Multiply body weight in pounds by 703 2. Divide that number by height in inches 3. Divide the results from step 2 by height in inches Ex. Calculate the BMI for a man who is 5 feet, 10 inches tall and weighs 236 pounds Step 1. 236 X 703 = 165,908 Step 2. 5'10" = 70 inches 165,908/70 = 2370 Step 3. 2370/70 = 33.86 BMI = 33.86

List the six essential nutrients and function of each *

1. Proteins: food substance containing amino acids, which are necessary for both building and maintaining the structural component of the body. Common sources are meat, fish, poultry, eggs, legumes (plants with seed pods, such as peas), nuts, seeds, and grains. 2. Carbohydrates: food substances composed of starches and sugars that provide the body with immediate energy. Common sources are fruits, grains, legumes, breads, cereals, and pasta. 3. Fats: food substances consisting of fatty acids that provide the most concentrated forms of energy for the body. In addition to oils and butter, fats are found in meat, fish, nuts, eggs, and certain plants such as olives and avocados. 4. Vitamins: organic (related to, or derived from, living organisms) substances found in foods that are essential, in very small quantities, for growth, health, and life. 5. Minerals: inorganic (not derived from living matter) substances that must be supplied to the body, in very small quantities, in order for it to function properly. 6. Water: essential for life. Water makes up 55% to 80% of human body weight.

List six techniques for developing positive habits *

1. Recognize that making changes may not be easy at first. Accepting this fact will help prevent you from becoming discouraged in the beginning. 2. Be patient with yourself. Changes do not occur overnight. 3. Set reasonable goals. Do not try to make so many changes at once that you feel defeated from the start 4. Focus on the positive. Think about the long term benefits you will enjoy 5. Tract your progress. Make a chart, maintain a journal or diary, or create some other personal recording system 6. Plan rewards for your achievements.

Conventional vs. organic farming methods

1. Use chemical fertilizers vs. use natural fertilizer such as compost and manure 2. Spray insecticides vs. use insects and birds that eat pests & disrupt mating of pests. Set traps 3. Use chemical weed killers vs. rotate crops, hand weed & apply mulch 4. Give animals antibiotics & other medications, & growth hormones. FDA regulations allow rendered animal by-products & waste to be added to the feed vs. give animals organic feed. Provide animals with access to the outdoors to prevent spreading disease. Use various preventative measures to help prevent disease

What percent of adults in the US is obese?


What percent of adults in the US is overweight?


flexitarian (semi-vegetarian)

A mostly plant based diet, by may occasionally include small amounts of meat, poultry or fish

Explain why added sugars should be limited in the diet

Added sugars contain no nutrients while at the same time they add calories, often in high amounts. Sugars contribute to over-weight and obesity, especially if consuming them replaces more nutritious foods. They also increase the level of triglycerides, a type of fat in the bloodstream, and the likelihood of cavities. The most added sugars are sodas and sugary fruit drinks.

internal stressors *

Are self generated and within the individuals control. Ex. Include a negative attitude, unrealistic goals, poor time management skills and lack of problem-solving ability.

External stressors *

Are those outside one's immediate control. Ex. Include the fast pace of life, the high cost of living, crowded cities, and freeways, and demanding patients.

State the meaning of attitude

Attitude is how a person views a situation- the way she thinks and feels about someone or something. Every situation in life an be viewed in different ways: positively or negatively. For example, problems can be viewed as dreaded difficulties or as challenges that keep life interesting or as opportunities to learn and apply one's skills.

What are some factors that contribute to the epidemic of overweight and obesity in the US?

Availability and aggressive advertising of inexpensive, calories-dense foods. Limited access to markets and stores that sell fresh foods. The relatively high cost of healthy foods such as fresh vegetables, fruits, fish, and nuts. Heavy use of automobile as a means of transportation. Increased number of hours watching television using the computer and playing video games. Lack of safe place to walk, parks, and economically priced gyms. Increases in technology and decreases in tasks that require manual labor. Genes that make some individuals susceptible to weight gain. Hormone problems, such as an underactive thyroid and Cushing syndrome. Certain medications, such as some corticosteroids, antidepressants, and seizure medicines. Stress and emotions such as anger and boredom. Insufficient sleep.

Explain the meaning and purpose of cholesterol, including a description of the two types

Cholesterol is a type of fat produced by the liver and also found in food. It circulates in the blood and, when present in excess quantities, can contribute to plaque that builds up in the arteritis, causing atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). At the same time, certain amounts of cholesterol are essential for a number of body functions, including making hormones and building cell membranes. There are two types of cholesterol 1. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL): the type that contributes to plaque in the arteries, this it is referred to as bad cholesterol. 2. High-density lipoprotein (HDL): good cholesterol is believed to carry LDL cholesterol away from the arteries and back to the liver where it is broken down and carried away from the body. If the body is producing too much cholesterol, eating certain foods is recommended to help raise HDL levels.

Define compassion and explain why it is important in health care

Compassion, the sincere concern for others, especially those who are anxious, fearful, and in pain, is the foundation of the caring component of professionalism. It is the basis for developing empathy.

List six ways to demonstrate a professional attitude

Demonstrating a Professional Attitude: A professional attitude in health care work can be expressed in many ways: 1. Be committed to your work. Believe in the value of what you are doing and your ability to do it. 2. Keep in mind your impact on patient care and services. Aim to contribute positively to the well-being of patients and their perception of the facility. 3. Use an objective approach to situations. This means considering the facts rather than responding emotionally. For example, if a patient you have assisted is rude, think about possible causes. The rudeness may be a reaction to fear or pain and have nothing to do with you personally. 4. If you make a mistake or are at fault when working with a patient, take responsibility for correcting the situation. 5. View problems as opportunities for positive action. Problems are part of everyday life, and learning to deal with them effectively is essential for achieving work success and satisfaction. (Review the five-step problem-solving process described in Chapter 1. 6. Develop and practice self-discipline. Knowing you can depend on yourself to accomplish what needs to be done results in both competence and self-confidence.

How does sleep contribute to health? *

During sleep that the body recuperates from the day's activities. Body functions slow down and body temperature drops. It is believed that during the last few hours of sleep before awakening, the time when most dreams occur, mental recuperation takes place. During sleep the brain is preparing itself for learning and remembering.

State the meaning of empathy and explain the importance of empathy in health care

Empathy means making an effort to understand another person's thoughts and feelings to experience empathy is to look at the world from the other person's viewpoint. Empathy includes communication that you are aware of the other person's feelings. At the same time, it is inappropriate to say, "I know exactly how you feel" because, this is not possible. However, striving to understand patients can help relieve the loneliness and anxiety and encourage them to feel safe about sharing their feelings and discussing their concerns.


Essential for life. Makes up 55%-80% of the human body

What conditions and diseases does excess body weight contribute to? *

Excess body weight contributes to a number of uncomfortable conditions and serious diseases, such as, high blood pressure, elevated levels of fats in the blood, including cholesterol, Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, gallbladder disease, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea, respiratory problems, cancers, and depression.


Expressing feelings freely in a non threatening manner and communication skills can help resolve workplace issues that might otherwise result in burnout.

All processed foods are bad for you *


We have limited control over internal stressors *



Food substance containing amino acids, which are necessary for both building and maintaining the structural component of the body. Ex. Meat, fish, poultry, eggs, legumes (plants with seed pods, such as peas), nuts, seeds, and grains


Food substances composed of starches and sugars that provide the body with immediate energy. Ex. Fruits, grains, legumes, breads, cereals, and pasta


Food substances consisting of fatty acids that provide the most concentrated forms of energy for the body. Ex. Oils, butter, meat, fish, nuts, eggs, olives and avocados

Describe good and bad fats and the effects of each on the body

Good fats are those found in certain types of fish (Omega-3 fats), olive oil, nuts, and seeds. Examples of foods still recommended to be eaten in moderation because of their bad fat content are fatty meats, cream, butter, and cheese. Eaten in excess, these can contribute to heart disease and certain types of cancer.

List the four top causes of death in the United States that are influenced by personal health habits *

Heart disease, cancer, chronic lower respiratory diseases, and stroke.

Sexually transmitted diseases that health care professionals should be aware of

Human papillomavirus (HPV) Chlamydia Gonorrhea Syphilis Trichomoniasis


Includes eggs, milk, and milk products also with plant based foods


Includes milk and milk products almonds with plant based foods


Includes only plant based foods. People who follow this diet do not eat any foods produced by animals such as milk, cheese, and eggs. Vegans do not use or wear any animal products

What is aerobic exercise?

Increases the heart's strength. The heart is a muscle and therefore is strengthened by regular exercise that forces it to work by increasing the heartbeat beyond its normal resting rate, within a target rate. For a healthy person, the maximum desired heart rate during exercise is 220 minus his or her age. Therefore, the older the person the lower the target heart rate.


Inorganic (not derived from living matter) substances that must be supplied to the body, in very small quantities, in order for it to function properly

List healthy ways to manage stress

Interact with people who are ill or injured, remain calm in difficult situations, remain constantly attentive, apply thinking skills, perform tasks accurately, work under time constraints, and respond to changing needs of patients and the facility.


Is a form of physical and emotional exhaustion that can be caused by a variety of personal and environmental stressors experienced over an extended period. Ex. Of stressors that can lead to burnout include the following- long hours working under difficult conditions, lack of adequate rest, inability to deal effectively with frustrating situations, and no time for recreational activities

Substance abuse

Is a growing problem that increases the risk of stress, disease, and injury, accounting for tens of thousands of deaths annually. Paradoxically, it is to escape from stress that many individuals turn to alcohol and drugs. These habits are likely to create problems and become additional sources of stress


Is a process for quieting the mind by clearing it of thoughts. It slows the rate of brain waves experienced during normal activity.

What does the term "caring competent" mean? *

Is one way to express the meaning of professionalism in health care. The provision of health care with tolerance and respect for people of all ages, nationalities, races, beliefs, and customs.


Is the kinds of food a person or people eat. It is also used to describe various types of eating plans, such as vegan diet or low-salt diet

Salt (sodium)

It adds flavor to foods and a certain amount of sodium is necessary for the body to function properly. However, excessive amounts contribute to high blood pressure which in turn can cause a heart attack or stroke. The recommended amount of salt per day is 2,300 (1 teaspoon)

Body Mass Index (BMI)

It measures the relationship of weight to height using a mathematical formula. A BMI of 25.0 to 29.9 is defined as overweight. A BMI of 30.0 or higher is considered obese. (Muscle weights more that fat)

Define leadership and list the characteristics of a health care leader. *

Leadership involves encouraging people to work together and do their best to achieve common goals. Leaders combine visions of excellence with the ability to inspire others. Effective leaders in health care do the following: -Demonstrate a high level of competence in their profession -Commit to providing high-quality service -Show a willingness to recognize and support the word of others -Dedicate themselves to meeting high standards -Believe that necessary changes and improvements can be accomplished -Show willingness to serve as an example and compete that task necessary to achieve the goals of the group -Demonstrate an ability to communicate effectively -Set a good example of professionalism -Encourage others to be their best

List two ways found effective to help individuals change habits that involve addictive substances

Many people have found that seeking professional assistance or participating in self-help groups are the most effective ways of dealing with addictive behaviors.

Explain the importance of a positive attitude in health care

Patient welfare is the primary focus of the employee with a professional attitude, and studies have shown that the attitude of the health care professional has a significant effect on patients. This is true whether the task is preparing accurate billing statements or providing direct patient care.

time management

Poor time management is a major cause of stress. Improving the use of time not only can reduce stress, but it can also improve personal performance and increase feelings of personal power

Describe how to accept criticism professionally

Professional Acceptance of Criticism Criticism and correction can be valuable learning resources. These opportunities to learn are often lost because it is hard for people to admit that they might be wrong. It is common to react defensively in these situations and miss the message. Responding gracefully to criticism is a sign of self-confidence and professionalism. Health care professionals who feel secure about themselves are comfortable with suggestions about their work and conduct. They are able to evaluate the information and decide if it applies to them. Being willing to recognize and work on imperfections is a sign of emotional maturity and professionalism.

Explain the meaning of professionalisms for individuals who work in health care

Professionalism is an essential for everyone who works in health care. Individuals in all health care occupations display professionalism by dedicating themselves to doing their best on the job and providing and maintaining high-quality service. "Caring competence" is one way to express the meaning of professionalism in health care.

What is the benefit of exercise?

Promotes feelings of well-being through the body's production of endorphins, substances that naturally raise the pain threshold and produce sedative effects. Relieves stress and improves mental outlook. Improves memory and concentration. Improves the quality of sleep. Helps with weight control. Increases energy level. Helps prevent lower back pain. Reduces symptoms of arthritis. Reduces the risk of developing heart disease.

Explain the meaning of "professional distance" *

Refers to a healthy balance in the health balance in the health professional-patient relationship. It means demonstration a caring attitude toward patients without the goals of becoming their friend.

muscle relaxation

Refers to releasing tension in the muscle. This reduces stress, both physical and emotional, by improving blood circulation and allowing the release of blood lactate, a substance that some studies have shown to be associated with anxiety. Using relaxation techniques also produces the sensation of being rested.


Stress can be created when you do not prioritize. To prioritize means to rank tasks that need to be done in order of importance. The ability to prioritize will continue to be an important skill both on the job and as you balance professional, family and personal responsibilities

Define stress and list three examples of physical changes that typically accompany it *

Stress refers to the body's reactions when it responds to danger, either real or imagined. Increased heart rate, increased rate of breathing, elevated blood pressure, raised blood sugar level, dilated blood vessels in the muscles to give them the immediate use of sugar, and dilated pupils of eyes.


Substances that reduce damage in the body due to oxygen.


The "plate" is divided into four sections of different sizes to show the recommended proportions of five food groups: 1. Vegetables 2. Grains 3. Protein 4. Fruits 5. Dairy

What is the best diet for a healthy heart?

The Mediterranean diet is a way of eating recommended by organizations such as the Mayo Clinic. Recent research also suggests that following this diet may reduce inflammation and the risk of heart disease, stroke, and Alzheimer's.

What does a Mediterranean diet entail? Is this a healthy diet? *

The Mediterranean diet is a way of eating recommended by organizations such as the Mayo Clinic. Recent research also suggests that following this diet may reduce inflammation and the risk of heart disease, stroke, and Alzheimer's. 1. Eating primarily plant-based foods, such as fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and nuts. 2. Replacing butter with healthy fats such olive oil and canola oil 3. Using herbs and spices instead of salt to flavor foods. 4. Limiting red meat to no more than a few times a month 5. Eating fish and poultry at least twice a week 6. Enjoying meals with family and friends 7. Drinking red wine in moderation 8. Getting plenty of exercise

Define controlled substance *

The abuse of drugs, especially prescription drugs that are controlled substances (have potential for addiction), has become a serious health problem. There were 70,237 prescription and over-the-counter overdoses in 2017. There are a number of reasons for drug use among health care professionals: easy access to controlled substance medications, stressful job conditions, self-medication, and perceived ability to improve work performance and alertness.

Explain the meaning of a calorie. *

The body obtains energy from foods in order to function. The potential energy a food can provide the body is measured in calories. A gram of carbs has 4 calories, a gram of protein has 4 calories, and a gram of fat has 9 calories. Our bodies burn calories and either use them for immediate energy needs or store them as body fats.

Binge eating

The compulsive consumption of large quantities of food, beyond that needed to satisfy physical hunger


The compulsive eating of huge quantities of food, followed by self-induced vomiting and/or the use of large amounts of laxative.

anorexia nervosa

The distorted belief that one is overweight, even when severely underweight, and the cutting of calories below the number necessary to maintain health.

Explain why it is important for health care professionals to practice a healthy lifestyle

The health professions require adequate physical energy and the ability to handle stress, two results of healthy living practices. The health care professional can serve as a role model for patients. Patient education is a growing part of the health care professional's duties, because patients are assuming more responsibility for their own health. An effective way to provide this education is to combine being a positive role model with having compassionate conversations with patients that include some wellness advice.

What makes up processed foods and can you give some examples of processed foods *

These are defined as foods that have been "cooked, canned, frozen, packaged, or changed in nutritional composition with fortifying, preserving or preparing in different ways" Examples of processed foods include prewashed salad greens, frozen vegetables, canned tuna, canned soups, chips, cookies, and microwave means. Not all processed foods are unhealthy; in fact, vegetables frozen and preserved at their peak and canned salmon are healthy choices. It is the highly processed and "ultra-processed" foods that present problems. These are ready-to-eat and pre-made meals that usually contain high levels of sodium and-or added sugar. In fact, some common highly processed foods contain more sodium in one serving than the recommended amount for one day.

When applying for a job in health care they look at your Facebook *


What is the benefit of a plant-based diet?

Vegetarian diets may prevent many of the chronic diseases and conditions that have become epidemic in the US, such as heart disease, cancer, obesity, and diabetes.

Organic foods

When applied to foods, refers to the way they are grown and processed. People who are concerned about chemical residues on food may prefer to eat organically grown products. (All fruits and vegetables should be washed). The major disadvantage of organic foods is that they are more expensive to grow than conventional foods and therefore cost more to purchase

Weight loss diets

When planning a weight loss diet, it is important to include all necessary nutrients rather than focusing only on the restriction of calories


are the various substances the body uses to grow and function properly.


causes of stress

Explain the role of fiber in the diet

is an important component of the diet. Fibers are food contents, but most cannot be fully digested. Their principal benefits are maintaining a healthy bowel and normalizing bowel movements (preventing constipation) fiber is found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains (contain all their original parts), and legumes.

Tell why trans fats should be avoided. *

is not natural, but results when hydrogen is added to vegetable oil, which is then identified on food labels as "partially hydrogenated oil". The problem with trans fats is that they raise the level of LDL (bad cholesterol) while decreasing HDL (good cholesterol). The use of trans fats by food manufacturers is not illegal in the US. (On the quiz it said what has hydrogen)


organic (related to, or derived from, living organisms) substances found in foods that are essential, in very small quantities, for growth, health, and life.

What increases the incidence of cancer and heart disease?



that the process of obtaining food necessary for health and growth

Describe good and bad carbohydrates and the effects of each on the body

they exist naturally in many healthy foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and are vital for health: they are the body's main fuel sources, whole grains help decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease. And eating fruits, vegetables, and whole grains helps control weight. Foods containing carbohydrates that are high-calorie but low in nutrition are considered to be bad carbs and the ones that should be limited. These include refined grains (modified so most nutrients are removed) and foods with added sugar.

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