chapter 12 - drugs and alcohol

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total cost of alcoholism in the US is:

$249 billion per year

Workplace strategies

Common interventions used in the workplace to prevent & treat alcohol & other drug abuse -Promote the use of workplace health and wellness programs to prevent substance abuse. -Promote the use of employee assistance programs - most common intervention used -Distribute relevant workplace policies on substance abuse via email and/or the office newsletter and post policies in common areas such as the cafeteria. -Create a workplace culture that discourages substance abuse; focus work events on things other than alcohol. -Certain employers (such as transportation industry) - required to have drug free workplace programs - Drug Free Workplace Program encourages private employers to implement drug programs.

in 1984:

Congress enacted a law allowing police to seize drug dealers property they're convicted of any crime (seizure of property) * Supporters of this law: seizing property- one effective way to put drug dealers out of business. * Critics : punish people before they are convicted of a crime

binge drinking stats

Highest prevalence of binge and heavy drinking - aged 18 to 25, Peak age-21 Most likely to binge drink: -Men - Students under 24 - Student in athletics, fraternity & sorority residents. - Whites - Who socialize more.

club drug studies

Men and women use equally. :White students & homo/bisexual students -more likely than AA, Asian Am & heterosexual students to use it. : Sometimes used as "date rape" drugs.


Most commonly used illicit drug. "k2" or "spice" Globally, there are over 180 million marijuana users representing nearly 4% of the world's 15 to 64 year old population.

lowest region of alcohol abuse

North Africa, Middle East, Asia

highest region of alcohol abuse

Russian Federation, Western Europe

cultural (racial/ethnic) - sets of norms and values regulating drinking

Some - use w/eating or rituals. Drinking- less problems. Some groups- drinking as an activity. Higher rates of problems drinking.

3 prevention models

Student participation and involvement, such as volunteer services, advisory boards, or task forces to discourage alcohol or other drug (AOD) use or abuse. Educational and informational processes, such as AOD instruction in classes, bulletin boards and displays, and resource centers. Efforts directed at the larger structural environment; changing the campus regulatory environment and developing AOD free alternative programming.

nixon named...

drugs as our nation's "public enemy number one." Created the Drug Enforcement Agency.

among adolescents, highest


substance abuse costs the US...

more than $700 billion a year: more than the cost of cancer & diabetes combined. : Alcohol abuse contributed to about 86% of the costs.

tobacco companies spend

$9.5 billion dollars yearly for promoting cigarettes and chewing tobacco.


- Treatment strategy for nonviolent drug offenders - Community-based programs - Aims to eliminate racial disparity in sentencing. - Aims to reduce both supply and demand through education , early intervention in health care settings & treatment programs. - Drug abuse more as an illness than as a crime

drug addiction

- a physical or psychological craving for a drug. -Withdrawal symptoms when they stop. - Globally, 3.6 to 7% of the world's population between the ages of 15 and 64-beween 167 & 324 million people-reported using at least one illicit drug in the previous year. : Cannabis- most widely used illegal drug

binge drinking

- the heavy consumption of alcohol over a short period of time. For men: 5 or more drinks on a single occasion For women:4 or more.


-"War on drugs" policy focusing on interdiction (building border wall) & sending convicted drug offenders to prison.

Researchers also attributed alcoholism among ethnic minorities to three different sources of stress

1. Acculturative stress- experienced by immigrants- comes from leaving their homeland & adapting to a new society 2. socioeconomic stress- by ethnic minorities- comes from feeling disempowered b/ of social & economic inequality in society. 3. minority stress- tensions that minorities encounter resulting from racism.

symptoms associated with alcohol dependence

1. Craving- a strong need to drink 2. Loss of control - not being able to stop drinking once drinking begins, 3. Physical dependence - experiencing withdrawal symptoms 4. Tolerance - need to drink greater amounts of alcohol to get "high".

research findings

1. Drinking before age 15 : 4 times more likely to develop alcohol dependence than those who start after 20 2. Rate of fatal crashes related to alcohol among drivers ages 16 to 20 - more than twice the rate among drivers age 21 or older. 3. Adolescent who use alcohol - higher risk for social, medical, & legal problems. 4. Men drink more than women

factors that decrease women's chances of developing alcohol problems

1. W- socialized to abstain from alcohol use, or to drink less than M 2. Women who do not participate in the labor force may have less access to alcohol than men 3. Roles as wife & mother may discourage alcohol intake.

new targets for tobacco

1. Young in the US. Will look sexy & adult ( a sign of maturity) 2. the Least Developed Countries. Target: not only the young but also women :The global death toll from what is being called "brown plagues" is 5 million deaths a year. 8 million in 2030. 80% -developing countries.

marijuana in USA

: 18.9 million-current users. ~ 21 high school seniors-currentl users. 6%- daily, or near daily . : 81% of high school seniors say it's easy to obtain marijuana. : The majority of high school seniors do not think regular marijuana smoking is harmful, with only 36.1% saying that regular use puts the user at great risk. : Half of Americans smoked it at some point in lives.

nicotine stats

: More than 400,000 deaths per year (such as cancer, bronchitis) in the US including an estimated 41,000 deaths resulting from secondhand smoke exposure. : Kills more people than the number who die from all illegal drugs combined. : It exceeds the death toll from suicide, AIDS, homicide, and automobile accidents. : Total economic cost of smoking is more than $300 billion a year, including nearly $170 billion in direct medical care for adults. & $156 billion in lost productivity due to premature death and exposure to secondhand smoke.


:most prevalent synthetic drug manufactured in the US. : :highly addictive central nervous stimulant "speed", "Crystal" "crank" "go" and "ice". : More than 9million - tried at least once in their lifetime. : Today- fairly low : Highest rate- among 18 to 25 age group. Effects: violent behavior, anxiety, confusion, and insomnia, psychotic delusions, brain damage,`


:oldest known drugs. Powerful stimulants that heighten alertness. : 1.5 million-current users. : More than 5,000 deaths each year. : can be snorted, smoked, or injected. : Crack- street name : higher among: 18 to 25 yrs. : men : typical cocaine user - well-to-do people crack- working class. : American Indians & African Americans


Any chemical substance other than food or water that affects the mind or body. 60% of adults- worry about drugs and considered it as a serious problem

campus programs

Drug prevention programs and drug testing for student athletes - established The U.S Supreme Court ruled that drug testing in schools - legal for student athletes and for students in other extracurricular activities.

alcohol related crashes

Each year approximately 9,400 are killed in alcohol related crashes : 40% of all fatalities in auto accidents are associated with alcohol.: Alcohol is a factor in almost half of all traffic fatalities : Every other minute a person is seriously injured in an alcohol related crash : Police make 1.1 million arrests each year from driving a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol

club drugs

Ecstasy (known as MDMA): a mainstream drug, second only to marijuana as the most frequently used illicit drug among young adults. Worldwide, over 10.5 million people between the ages of 15 & 64 use at least once a yr. USA: 1.4 million-current users. : often abused by young adults/teen adults at all-night dance parties, dance clubs, and bars.

impact on work

Employers - concerned about the impact of substance abuse because drug use may undermine employees productivity, safety, and health. : Illicit drug users: common among white male workers, workers w/less than a college degree, workers w/low family incomes. : 73% drug users are employed.


Most used addictive drug. Both toxic & addictive. 2nd most recreational drug. About 1 billion smokers in the world & 80% of them live in low- & middle income countries. ~34.2 million Americans - current users.


Treatment over incarceration -treatment as a strategy to deal with illegal drugs -proposed to legalize some drugs. Negative response from people - Later years tougher enforcement - More than 1 million people-arrested for drug offences.


Worldwide, 55% of adults have consumed alcohol at some time in their life & 2.3 million people die from alcohol related use every year. Most abused drug in the USA 64% of U.S. adults drink alcohol. 6.3%- heavy drinkers.

national institute of health for teen drinking

a. 600,000 college students - injured in alcohol-related incidents. b. 400,000 college students report having had unprotected sex as a result of drinking alcohol. c. Alcohol contributes to 100,000 cases of sexual assault or "date rape".

proponents for drug legalization

a. Current drug laws and initiatives have failed to eradicate the drug problem. b. Drug arrests do nothing to alleviate the drug problem. c. Drug crimes are actually victimless crimes. d. Legalization - a) reduce drug related crimes and violence, b) improve the quality of life in inner cities, c). eliminate serious heath risks by providing a clean and high quality substance.

tougher sentencing has failed to:

a. decrease the availability of drugs b. reduce illicit drug use

wells and wild risk factors for drinking/drug abuse

a. linked to the quality & organization of work, drinking subcultures at work, and the safety of the workplace. b. jobs involving repetitive tasks & dangerous working conditions. : Highest rates - food preparation workers, waiters/waitresses, and bartenders (19%) , construction workers (14%) , service occupation (13%) , transportation & material moving workers (10%).

among adolscents, lowest

african american

alcohol abuse highest

american indians

alcohol lowest

asian americans

nicotine usage is lowest for

asian americans

opposition of durg legalization

by the medical and public health community. a. research shows drugs are harmful to an individual's health. b. significant factor in the spread of sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV c. users - engage in risky behaviors and in criminal activity.

drug testing programs

challenging the right to privacy and constitutional freedom from unreasonable searches

war on drugs

declared more than 40 years ago -a war with "no rules, no boundaries, no end"

Critics on mandatory sentencing

denies drug users access to needed treatment

Reagan defined...

drug problem as moral challenge - Slogan: "just say no to drugs" -Increased the federal budget to fight the drug problem tenfold to fight the drug problems. - Adopted mandatory jail time for convicted drug offenders based on type & quantity of drugs involved in their arrests. - must serve at least 87% of their court-imposed sentence

national institute on alcohol abuse and alcoholism

established in 1970 (signed into law by Richard Nixon) to address alcohol as public health concern. - develop and conduct comprehensive health, education, research and planning programs for the prevention and treatment of alcohol abuse.

national institute on drug abuse

established in 1974 - research, treatment, prevention, training services and data collection on the nature and extent of drug abuse.

office of national drug control policy

established in 1988 to set national priorities, comprehensive research based strategies, and certify federal drug control budgets.

nicotine usage is higher for

high school graduates than for college graduates. : unemployed :persons living below the poverty level : males but men's cigarette smoking has been more than cut in half; and close to this for women. : Am. Indians & Alaska Natives

marijuana effects

impair short time memory, judgment, other cognitive functions, chronic cough, bronchitis, lung cancer.

bush jr

terrorism took public attention away from drug. Focused * Reduce supply *prosecution as primary strategy.

Bush created:

the Office of National Drug Control Policy. Headed by William Bennet, who became known as the " drug czar" :Getting tough on drugs.

drug abuse

use any illegal or a legal substance in a way that violates accepted medical practice. - can lead to clinically significant impairment or distress. - ~24 million people in the US are current illicit drug users, representing 10% of the population ages 12 and older. -Americans spend120 to 145 billion billion dollars on illegal drugs each year.

legalization of marijuana

~69% - favor legalization (Nov 2019). In 2000: 31%. Supporters: this drug - not addictive & poses little danger to users Opponents: 1. drug's dangers are real, especially if users operate motor vehicles. 2. it's a gateway drug- the use of which causes progression to other drugs. : 33 states & the District of Columbia, Guam & Puerto Rico, & the U.S. Virgin Islands - have legalized for medical purposes. : 11 states & the District of Columbia -for recreational purposes. ( Jan 2020)

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