Chapter 12: Fruits 🍓🥝

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a small, dark blue berry that grows on a shrub


type of fruit that contains one hard seed or pit. Also known as a stone fruit

tropical fruit

type of fruit that grows in warm climates and is readily available


type of fruit that has a hard outer rind and a soft inner flesh that contains many seeds

citrus fruit

type of fruit with a brightly colored thick rind and pulpy, segmented flesh that grows on trees in warm climates

a key lime

variety of lime that is smaller, more acidic, and more strongly flavored than other limes


what type of fruit that is small and has many tiny, edible seeds


A hybrid of a tangerine and a sweet orange.

fruit vegetable

Botanical fruits that are usually sold, prepared and served like vegetables


a citrus fruit that is similar to a tangerine but it has a rougher skin


a deep maroon hybrid Berry made by cross-breeding a raspberry, a Blackberry, and loganberry


a drupe that has pale orange to yellow skin with a fine Downy texture and a sweet and aromatic flesh


a drupe with a white meat that is housed within a hard, fibrous Brown husk


a fleshy fruit that contains a core of seeds and has edible skin

variety fruit

a fruit that is the result of breeding two or more fruits of the same species that have different characteristics


a hard, Round Pome that can range in flavor from sweet to tart and in color from pale yellow to dark red

Bartlett pear

a large golden pear with a bell shape

Crenshaw melon

a large pear-shaped melon with a yellow green, slightly red rind and an orange or salmon colored Flesh


a pear or cylinder shaped tropical fruit weighing 1-2 pounds with flesh that ranges in color from Orange to red yellow

prickly pear

a pear-shaped tropical fruit that has protruding prickly fibers and is a member of the cactus family


a plump lopsided pear that is green in color


a red purple hybrid Berry made by cross-breeding a raspberry and a BlackBerry

Asian pear

a round pair with the texture of an apple and yellow skin. also known as an apple pear


a round, bright red tropical fruit with a hard, thick outer skin. this fruit has a thick white membrane that encloses hundreds of red seeds that are the edible portion of the pomegranate


a round, orange colored citrus fruit

concord grapes

a seeded grape with a deep black color

red flame grape

a seedless grape that ranges from a light purple red color to a dark purple color


a slightly tart, red fruit that grows in clusters


a small citrus fruit with a slightly red orange peel that can easily be removed without a knife


a small intensely sweet citrus fruit that is closely related to the orange but has a more intense fragrance

passion fruit

a small oval-shaped exotic fruit that typically weighs 2-3 Oz and has firm inedible skin that it can either be yellow or purple


a small red, black, golden, or white Berry that grows in grape-like clusters

kiwi fruit

a small, barrel-shaped tropical fruit approximately 3 inches long and weighing between 2 to 4 oz


a small, golden, oval shaped fruit with a thin, sweet peel and tart Center


a small, smooth-skinned drupe that grows in a cluster on a cherry tree


a sweet acidic tropical fruit with a prickly pine cone like exterior and a juicy yellow flesh


a sweet extremely juicy melon that is round or oblong in shape and has pink, red, or golden flesh and green skin. The watermelon is over 90% water


a sweet, orange to yellow fruit with a Downy skin


a sweet, slightly tart orange to Yellow drupe with firm, yellow Flesh and large oval pit


a tart yellow citrus fruit with a high acidity level


a yellow elongated tropical fruit that grows in hanging bunches on a banana plant

ugly fruit

also known as a unique fruit is a large, teardrop-shaped seedless citrus fruit


an enormous, spiny, oval exotic fruit with a yellow flesh that tastes like a banana and has seeds that can be boiled or roasted and then eaten. the largest tree borne fruit in the world


an exotic drupe covered with a thin, red, inedible shell and has a light pink to White flesh that is refreshing, juicy, and sweet

dragon fruit

an exotic fruit of a cactus with a thin inedible pink skin, green scales and white or red flesh speckled with small, crunchy black seeds


an exotic fruit that is needed native to Polynesia and has bumpy green skin and white starchy flesh

star fruit

an exotic fruit that is shaped like a star when cut perpendicular to the stem. Also known as a Carambola


an exotic fruit with Jagged Peaks rising from an orange and red ridged rind that is native to Africa. Also known as a horned melon


an orange fleshed melon with a rough, deeply grooved rind


an oval fruit that has smooth skin and grows on Woody vines in a large clusters


an oval or kidney-shaped drupe with an orange to orange yellow flesh

exotic fruits

any fruit that grows in a tropical environment but is not as readily available


around, sweet, and juicy exotic fruit about the size of an orange with a hard, thick, dark purple rind that is inedible


bell-shaped Pome with a thin peel and sweet flesh


bright orange tropical fruit that grows on a tree and is similar in shape to a tomato


bright red, heart-shaped Berry covered with tiny black seeds

aggregate fruit

cluster of very tiny fruits. examples are blackberries raspberries loganberries and boysenberries


cross between grapefruit and tangerine

Meyer lemon

cross between lemon and an orange


exotic fruit that contains several pods of sweet, yellow flesh that has a custard like texture

Canary melon

fairly large canary yellow melon with a smooth rind that is slightly waxy when ripe

comice pear

fairly large pear with the rotund body and very short, well-defined neck


fragrant and sweet exotic fruit covered on the outside with soft, hair like spikes. Native to Malaysia and grows in clusters on an evergreen tree

freeze dried fruit

fruit that has had all of the moisture removed and has been replaced with gas

dried fruit

fruit that has had most of the moisture removed either naturally or through the use of a machine such as a food dehydrator

Persian melon

green muskmelon with a finely textured netted Rind. Also known as a Patelquat


hard yellow pome that grows in warm climates

Santa Claus melon

large yellow and green variety of muskmelon that has a slightly waxy skin and a soft stem and when ripe

honeydew melon

melon with a smooth outer rind that changes from pale green color to a creamy yellow color as it ripens


oval-shaped drupe that grows on trees in warm climates and comes in a variety of colors such as blue purple red yellow or green


pear shaped fruit with a rough green skin and a large pit surrounded by yellow to Green flesh. Also known as an alligator pear

bosc pear

pear with a gourd like shape and a brown color to bronze colored peel


plump, juicy, and Meaty drupe that grows on a date palm tree


round citrus fruit with a thick, yellow outer rind and tart Flesh


round, orange flesh melon with a beige or brown, netted rind

Thompson grapes

seedless grape that is pale to light green in color


small citrus fruit that can range in color from dark green to yellow green


small oval shaped fruit, usually 2 to 3 inches in diameter with inedible skin that can be yellow, red, or green

seckel pear

small pear that is sometimes called a honey pear or sugar pear


small pear-shaped fruit of the fig tree


small, green or black drupe that is grown for both the fruit and its oil


small, red, round Berry that has a tart flavor


smooth skined Berry that can be green, golden, red, purple, or white and has many tiny seeds on the inside


sweet, dark purple to Black aggregate fruit that grows on a bramble bush

casaba melon

teardrop-shaped melon with a bright yellow Ridged rind and white Flesh


the edible ripened ovary of a flowering plant that usually contains one or more seeds


tropical fruit that is a close relative of the banana, but is larger and has a dark brown skin when ripe

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