Chapter 12- Male and Female Reproductive Diseases

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Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)

-A nonmalignant, non-inflammatory enlargement of the prostate gland. Symptoms: -May compress urethra and cause urinary blockage, -Difficulty starting urination, -Weak urinary steam, -Inability to empty bladder

Symptoms of Cervical cancer

-Abnormal pap smear test result, -Watery, bloody vaginal discharge, -Bleeding between menstrual periods and/or after intercourse or after menopause


-Acute or chronic inflammation of the prostate gland. -Infection (bacterial or non-bacterial) is the most likely cause. -Inflammation of the prostate gland is more common in men older than 50 but can occur at any age

Treatment of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)

-Aggressive antibiotic therapy to treat disease and help prevent complications, -Analgesics, -Bed rest, Without effective treatment, serious and life-threatening complications can develop

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)

-An infection of a women's pelvis, -Is self limiting to life-threatening

Treatment of menopause

-Consists of managemetn of symptoms. -Recent research links Hormone Replacement Therapy with increased rates of: Breast cancer, Heart disease, Stroke, Blood clots, -Alternate symptom management is suggested: consumption of soy products to replace missing hormones

Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer

-Digital rectal exam, -Blood test to determine level of prostate specific antigen (PSA), -Biopsy (indicated if PSA level is 10 ng/ml)

Prognosis of Endometrial cancer

-Early stage tumors have a 5 year survival rate of 96%, -Advanced tumors have only a 66% survival rate

Diagnosis of endometrial cancer

-Endometrial biopsy, -Dilation and curettage (usually performed when biopsy is inconclusive), -Trans-vaginal ultrasound

Symptoms of ovarian cancer

-Enlargement of abdomen caused by accumulated fluid, -Lower abdominal discomfort, -Lower back pain, -Irregular menstrual cycles, -Frequent urination, -Painful intercourse, -Persistent, vague digestive disturbance

symptoms of menopause

-Fluctuations in menstrual cycle, -Periods become lighter and less frequent, -Hot flashes/night sweats, -Vaginal dryness/skin changes

Ovarian cysts

-Fluid filled semisolid or solid masses that originate within ovaries. -Physiologic cysts- those caused by normal functioning of the ovary, -Neoplastic cysts- benign or malignant and not related to normal functioning

Treatment of Endometriosis

-Hormone treatment for younger patients, -Pregnancy, nursing, and menopause usually bring a remission of symptoms, -Surgery to remove or destroy endometrial growth, -Total hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy may be indicated in severe cases

Treatment of uterine prolapse

-Kegel exercise to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, -Weight loss, -High fiber diet, -Insertion of supportive uterine device (pessary), -Surgery (for serious prolapse)

Ovarian cancer

-Malignancy of one or both ovaries. -Ovarian cancer accounts for more deaths than any other gynecological malignancy, because ovaries are located deep within the pelvis and disease is often asymptomatic until the advanced stage.

Endometrial Cancer

-Malignancy of the lining of the uterus, -Most common gynecological malignancy

Prostate Cancer

-Malignancy of the prostate gland. Risk factors: -Age (most cases occur in men over age 45), -Heredity (presence of certain genes), -Lifestyle (diet high 9in animal fat, low in vegetables and selenium), -Ethnicity (more common in African-Americans)

Cervical Cancer

-Malignant cell growth that is located in the cervix region, -Most cervical cancers are squamous cell carcinomas, -Invasive cervical cancer is very preventable because it has a long premalignant stage of 10 years or later.

Symptoms of Ovarian cysts

-Most are small and unnoticed by the patient, -Large cysts can cause urinary retention, -If cyst produces hormones various symptoms result, -cysts may twist on themselves causing pain, nausea, and vomiting

Male Reproductive Diseases

-Most commonly affected organ is the prostate gland. -The gland can become inflamed or enlarged as a result of bacteria and can cause urinary problems. -Symptoms may include: Urinary problems (incontinence, difficulty urinating), Pain or swelling of reproductive organs, Sexual dysfunction (ED/impotence)

Risk factors of cervical cancer

-Not having routine pap smears, -smoking, -Exposure to human papillomavirus (HPV), most often through unprotected sexual contact. HPV DNA is detected in nearly all of cervical cancers

Symptoms of Prostatitis

-Pain or burning sensation during urination, -Lower back pain, -Perineal pain, -Fever, -Muscular pain and tenderness, -Frequent urination, -Blood in urine

Advanced stage symptoms of Cervical cancer

-Pelvic and lower back pain, -Blood in urine, -Painful urination, -Rectal bleeding

Prognosis of cervical cancer

-Prognosis depends on the stage cancer is in when discovered: the earlier the stage, the better the prognosis. -92% survival rate for women with stage 1 cancer to 15% with stage IV. -Recurrence carries a poor prognosis of 10 to 15% 1 year survival rate. -Screening can cease at age 65 to 70 for women with no risk factors.

Prognosis of ovarian cancer

-Prognosis for those finding cancer in early stage is good (89% 5 year survival rate), -Most cancers have spread outside the ovaries by diagnosis (50% 5 year survival rate), -If cancer is found very early and woman desires to still have children, only one Fallopian tube may be removed

Uterine Prolapse

-Prolapse of the uterus is a downward displacement of the uterus from its normal location in the body. -The uterus becomes prolapsed when the pelvic floor muscles and ligaments become extremely overstretched or weakend

Treatment options for prostate cancer

-Radical resection of the prostate, -Hormone therapy (for metastatic prostate cancer), -Radiation therapy, -Chemotherapy, -No intervention (for men 70 years or older or who have other coexisting illnesses) or active surveillance


-Represent the cessation of menstrual periods. -Menstruation discontinues due to ovaries producing less estrogen, which inhibits ovulation. -Changes in pituitary hormone levels bring psychological changes.

Symptoms of endometriosis

-Secondary dysmenorrhea is a classic symptom, -Constant pain and cramping in lower abdomen beginning before and lasting several days after menstruation, -Infertility, -pelvic pain during intercourse

Diagnosis of ovarian cancer

-Sometimes, but rarely, mass is discovered during routine pelvic exam, -Laparotomy is indicated once mass is found to confirm diagnosis, -Abdominal or pelvic CT scans may be used to identify degree of metastasis

HPV Vaccine and Cervical Cancer

-The HPV vaccine is now recommended for girls between 11 and 12 years of age. -The vaccine can be given to those as young as 9 years of age, and as a catch up vaccination for those between 13 and 26 years of age. -The HPV vaccine has recently been approved for use in males.

Female Reproductive Diseases

-The female reproductive organs are susceptible to diseases in two distinct ways: -Microorganism can invade the organs, allowing infections to develop. -Tumors (both benign and malignant) and cysts can develop

Diagnosis of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)

-There is tenderness during vaginal exam, -Signs include elevated WBD and fever, -Ultrasonography may be used to identify abscess information, -Laparoscopy is helpful to confirm diagnosis

Symptoms of endometrial cancer

-Usually begins with a thickening of the endometrial tissue, followed by ulcers. -Abnormal uterine bleeding at the onset of or following menopause, [As blood vessels erode, vaginal spotting or bleeding occurs], -Abdominal pain (in advanced stage)

Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

-Watchful waiting, -Control fluid intake before bedtime, -Avoid medications that cause urinary retention, -Drug therapy (to relax tightened muscle inside the prostate or shrink enlarged prostate gland), -Surgery may be performed to remove urinary tract obstruction

Symptoms of Prostate Cancer

-Weak or interrupted urine flow, -Frequent urination, -Urinary retention, -Blood in urine

Treatment of Ovarian cysts

-small cysts are common and seldom require treatment, -large cysts can be drained or removed


A condition in which the endometrial tissue implants outside the uterus in the pelvic cavity or in other distant sites

Prevention of Prostate Cancer

Annual screening for all men 50 years of age or older, which consists of: Digital rectal exams, Serum PSA test, If either test is positive, transrectal ultrasound biopsy is performed

Treatment of Epididymitis

Antibiotic Therapy, Analgesics (pain relief), Anti-inflammatories, Rest, Avoidance of alcohol and spicy foods, Scrotum support and elevation

Treatment of Prostatitis

Antimicrobial penicillin and other antibiotics, Sitz baths, Rest, Increase fluid intake, Analgesics (for pain), Anti-inflammatories

Treatment of uterine leiomyomas (fibroids)

Depends on: Severity of symptom, Age of patient, Desire to bear children. Treatment options: -Surgery to remove tumors (childbearing age), -Hysterectomy (if bleeding continues), -ultrasound ablation, -uterine artery embolization

Treatment of Cervical cancer

Early stage: -Laser therapy, -cryoablation (removal by freezing), -Electrocoagulation (high-frequency electric current that destroys tissue) Later stage: The above plus radiation therapy and chemotherapy

Treatment of ovarian cancer

Early stage: -Removal of the ovaries, Fallopian tubes, and uterus. Advanced stage; -Removal of the above organs in combination with chemotherapy

Treatment of endometrial cancer

Early stage: -surgery, Advanced stage: -Radiation therapy with or without chemotherapy, -Radiation involves inserting a radioactive implant into the uterus

Symptoms of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Fever, Chills, Malaise, Foul-smelling vaginal discharge, Backache, Painful, tender abdomen

Symptoms and Signs of Epididymitis

Fever, Dysuria, Malaise, Scrotal pain and discomfort that radiates into the groin, Difficulty walking, Epididymis may become enlarged, tender, or hard

Uterine Leiomyomas (Fibroids)

Leiomyomas are benign tumors of the smooth muscle within the uterus

Symptoms of uterine Leiomyomas (Fibroids)

Most do not cause any symptoms. If present, they often include: -heavy and prolonged periods, -Pelvic pain and pressure, -Constipation, -Frequent urination, -Abnormal bleeding

Diagnosis of Epididymitis

Physical Examination, Urinalysis, Urine cultures


Protrusion of the rectum into the posterior portion of the vagina, -Occurs when the posterior wall of the vagina is weakened, -Could result from trauma to the area during childbirth

Risk factors of ovarian cancer

Risk Factors: Age (most diagnosed between ages of 40 and 65), History of breast or ovarian cancer, Factors that may reduce risk: Pregnancy, Breast-feeding, Prolonged use of oral contraceptives, Tubal ligation (tubes tied)

Causes of Epididymitis

STDs (gonorrhea and syphilis), Urinary tract infection, Inflamed prostate (prostatitis)

Symptoms and treatment of rectocele

Symptoms: -A bearing-down feeling, -Constipation, -Incontinence of gas/feces, -Difficulty with eliminating feces


The inflammation of the epididymis, which is a long convoluted tube in the sperm duct system located in the testes. -Epididymitits can be a very painful condition

Risk Factors for endometriosis

The thickening and bleeding in these unnatural areas (and the resulting cysts, scar tissue, and adhesions) are the cause of pain and discomfort. -Risk factors include: Family history of the disease, Menstrual cycles shorter than 28 days, Uterine structural abnormalities, Periods lasting longer than a week


The veins of one testicle become abnormally distended, causing swelling around the testicle. -Symptoms: Discomfort (especially in hot weather or following exercise), Possible lower sperm count, -Treatment: Surgery may be indicated to remove distended veins if fertility is threatened

Treatment of Prostate Cancer

Type of treatment depends on several factors: -PSA level, -Age, -Stage of disease, -physical condition of patient

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