Chapter 12 Quizlet French Revolution

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Key Events- Assassination of Marat

Key Events- Charlotte Corday stapped him when meeting him while bathing. This allowed for Robespierre to take control of the Jacobin party.

Key People/Groups- Convention

Key People/Groups- A group of people meeting to perform a task of writing a constitution

Key Events- Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen

Key Events- Civil rights document, from the French Revolution. This is important because it informs the role of the citizens and the government and further asserts that the citizens have the right to choose and form their government.

Key Events- Civil Constitution of the Clergy

Key Events- Law passed on July 12th, 1790 that weakened the Church in France to the Government. This is important because it confiscated all land owned by the Church, severely limiting its harmful influence on French government and society.

Key Events- Tennis Court Oath

Key Events- On June 20th 1789, the members of the Third Estate met at an indoor tennis court called the Jeu de Paume, after King Louis XVI told them to stop meeting. They made an oath that they would not stop meeting until a new French constitution was adopted.

Key Events- March on Versailles

Key Events- On October 4, 1789 a crowd woman massing to about 10,000 demanded bread for their families. They marched Toward Versailles and demanded to speak to The Baker, The Baker's Wife, and The Baker's Son. The situation escalated quickly because of the arrival of the National Guard who were trying to take the king back to paris; Marie Antoinette was able to escape because of a secret passage to the King's room.

Key Events- Constitution of 1791 becomes official

Key Events- Takes away absolute power from the Monarchy and splits power into two branches. Also established the Active and Passive Citizen system.

Key Events- Great Fear

Key Events- The great fear was a period of Panic from July 17 1789-August 3 1789. Troops gathered in Paris because of the fear of the Third Estate revolting, and the Third estate was afraid because they thought that the Troops gathering in Paris were planning to kill members of the Third Estate.

Key Events- Reign of Terror

Key Events- The period of the French Revolution from September 5,1793-July 27,1794 when the Revolutionary government made terror the order of the day. They were to execute people who were suspected to be enemies of the Revolution. The main people suspected were members of the first and second estate, but you could just randomly accuse someone of treason and they would likely be sent to the guillotine because they wouldn't be able to provide proof that they weren't commiting treason. The big problem with this was the fact that if that person was convicted, they could just accuse you and three other people of committing treason with them then they would also be sent to the guillotine. This caused french citizens to not trust each other.

Key Events- September Massacres

Key Events- The time between September 2,1792-September 7,1792 where prisoners were killed in Paris by the hundreds. They were killed because the main people in the prisons were the second and first estate which were suspected to be developing counter revolutionary ideas and if they were freed from their cells by the austrians then they would kill everyone in the third estate. The solution to this was to kill them all, with up to 1000 people decapitated every day.

Key Events- Frances defeats the first Coalition

Key Events- The war of France against, Britain, Austria, and Russia had ended with the victor being France. France's war strategies were unmatched at the time.

Key Events- Start of War with Austria

Key Events- [April 20, 1792] The Legislative Assembly declared war on Austria. Although French fared poorly at the beginning, they pulled through; The Battle of Valmy, was the turning point for the French forces.

Key Events- Feudalism is Abolished

Key Events- [August 4, 1789] On the night of August 4th, the National Assembly agreed to come to turns to removing the feudal regime from France. The whole concept was fully removed on 1790. The abolition of feudalism led to the end of seigneurial rights from the 2nd Estate and tithes from the 1st Estate. This attacked the nobility and the Church as the 3rd Estate were given more rights.

Key Events- Execution of King Louis XVI

Key Events- [January 21, 1793] The National Assembly put him on trial for treasonous acts and declared him guilty. His execution brought down the power of the monarchy and led to the rise of the Jacobin club in the future.

Key Events- Fall of Bastille

Key Events- [July 14, 1789] A few days after Necker was removed from office, the people of France were hungry and needed food. To revolt, they first stormed a nearby hospital, which carried weapons, but no gunpowder. The only place they can think that has gunpowder is the strong fortress in Paris, called the Bastille. Rebels raided the fort and took ammunition, along with freeing some prisoners. The importance of the storming was shown to be a great significant turn of events against the French monarchy, including the king. Some French nobles left the country as emigres, which soon led to further economic problems in France.

Key Events- Execution of Robespierre

Key Events- [July 28, 1794] Revolutionary leaders had enough of the Terror, and turned against Robespierre, and arrested him, and executed him along with many of his supporters.

Key Events- Flight to Varnnes

Key Events- [June 20, 1791] Louis XVI and his royal family fled to Varennes in spite of starting a counter-revolution against the rebels. His plan failed and they were sent back to Paris. As a result of him trying to flee, this enraged the common people, which eventually led to his execution

Key Events- Execution of Danton

Key Events- [March 30, 1794] Danton and others of the indulgent party were arrested, tried, and executed. This happened because of crime in a political sense, as such unfolded in an irregular fashion.

Key Events- Estates General begins

Key Events- [May 5, 1789] the first meeting of the Estates since 1614. This happened because the French government was having financial problems.

Key Events- Execution of Marie-Antoinette

Key Events- [October 16, 1793] Found guilty after being tried for treason, theft, and sexual abuse against her son, and was executed by guillotine.

Key Events- Constitution of Year III of the Republic becomes official

Key Events- all male taxpayers could vote, but they selected electoral assemblies for which only about 30,000 men were eligible.

Key Events- Abolition of Feudalism

Key Events- owners of seigneuriales due, or payments owed by peasants who worked land owned by nobles, would receive compensation from the peasants. It happened in an effort to appease the peasants and to forestall further rural disorders.

Key People/Groups- Charles Talleyrand

Key People/Groups- 1st Prince of Benevento, then 1st Duke of Talleyrand, was a French politician and diplomat. He brought one European state after another under French hegemony, as, he believed, they rightfully should be.

Key People/Groups- Jacques-Louis David

Key People/Groups- An artist that became good friends with Robespierre and was effectively a dictator of the arts under the French Republic.

Key People/Groups- Jacques Necker

Key People/Groups- Banker of Geneva who became a finance minister for Louis XVI and a French statesman.

Key People/Groups- 3rd Estate

Key People/Groups- Between 90-97% of the French Revolution that consisted of peasants, workers, farmers, etc. They had no rights or privileges, and they were heavily taxed, so many of them revolted.

Key People/Groups- 1st Estate

Key People/Groups- Clergy or the Church; passed down via birthright; privilege of no taxation

Key People/Groups- Madame Roland

Key People/Groups- French Revolutionary, writer, and wife of Jean-Marie Roland de la Platiere.

Key People/Groups- Olympe de Gouges

Key People/Groups- French political activist whose writings on women's rights and abolitionism reached a large audience in various countries.

Key People/Groups- Jean-Paul Marat

Key People/Groups- French politician and journalist who vigorously defended the sans-culottes and was seen as a radical voice.

Key People/Groups- Charlotte Corday

Key People/Groups- Girondindist who became famous for stabbing Marat.

Key People/Groups- Committee of Public Safety

Key People/Groups- It was set up during one of the crises of the revolution to provide for the defense of the nation against its enemies, foreign and domestic, and to oversee the already existing parts of executive government. It started the reign of terror and made the Law of Suspects and the General Maximum (price limit on food).

Key People/Groups- 2nd Estate

Key People/Groups- Nobility; Nobility of the Sword were those who were nobility via birthright and were usually in the military, and the Nobility of the Robe bought the title from the king after being in the Third Estate. They had the privilege of only being taxed on land and nothing else.

Key People/Groups- Robespierre

Key People/Groups- Politician, mad man, leader of the Jacobins, who notably purged those who even thought about not being compliant with the Jacobins.

Key People/Groups- General Carnot

Key People/Groups- Politician, who was known as the Organizer of Victory in the French Revolutionary Wars and the Napoleonic Wars.

Key People/Groups- Jacobins

Key People/Groups- Radical revolutionaries who plotted the downfall of the king and the rise of the French Republic.

Key People/Groups- Marie-Antoniette

Key People/Groups- The queen of France known as "The Austrian W h o r e" who cared little for France and spent a lot of money on her dresses.

Key People/Groups- Abbe Sieyes

Key People/Groups- Wrote the 1789 pamphlet "What is the Third Estate?" Where he famously said that the Third Estate was nothing yet should be everything.

Key People/Groups- Girondins

Key People/Groups- a French moderate republican party in power 1791-93 during the French Revolution, so called because the party leaders were the deputies from the department of the Gironde.

Key People/Groups- Directory

Key People/Groups- a group of five men who held the executive power in France according to the constitution of the year III (1795) of the French Revolution.

Key People/Groups- Georges Danton

Key People/Groups- a leading figure in the early stages of the French Revolution, in particular as the first president of the Committee of Public Safety.

Key People/Groups- Sans-Culottes

Key People/Groups- a lower-class Parisian republican in the French Revolution.

Key People/Groups- National Assembly

Key People/Groups- a revolutionary assembly formed by the representatives of the Third Estate of the Estates-General with the goal of creating a constitution to limit the power of the monarchs and eliminate the privileged estates system; drafted the Constitution of 1791.

Key People/Groups- Monarchist

Key People/Groups- a supporter of the principle of having monarchs

Key People/Groups- Republican

Key People/Groups- a supporter of the principles of a republic

Key People/Groups- Emigres

Key People/Groups- nobility fleeing france to somewhere else; emigrants

Key People/Groups- Louis XVI

Key People/Groups- was the last King of France before the fall of the monarchy during the French Revolution. He spent France's money on his wife and building the palace of Versailles.

Key People/Groups- Legislative Assembly

Key People/Groups- was the legislature of France from 1791 to 1792 during the years of the French Revolution. It provided the focus of political debate and revolutionary law-making between the periods of the National Assembly and of the National Convention.

Key Term- Constitutional Monarchy

Key Term- A form of monarchy that limits the power of the Monarch via a constitution.

Key Term- March on Versailles

Key Term- A group of women marching to the palace to complain to the king about the hunger problem. Brought the king to Paris where he was held practically imprisoned.

Key Term- Estate

Key Term- A group that people were categorized to in France. Higher estates had privileges such as no taxation that eventually caused the third estate to revolt.

Key Term- Marseillaise

Key Term- A song written by Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle after the declaration of war by France against Austria. The song later was adopted by the National Convention

Key Term- Passive v. Active Citizens

Key Term- A system established by the Constitution of 1791 that classified the population into two categories, active citizens paid an annual tax equal to three days wages and passive citizens whom didn't pay and couldn't vote as a result

Key Term- Tennis Court Oath

Key Term- An oath that the members of the third estate took vowing to continue to meet anywhere possible until they created a constitution. This created the National Assembly, this happened due to the fact that the king closed down the building that the people were meeting in.

Key Term- Constitution of 1791

Key Term- Created by the National Assembly that split power into two bodies making France a Constitutional Monarchy.

Key Term- Declaration of the Rights of Man

Key Term- Document that set the standards for man's natural rights and equality among the estates

Key Term- Bastille

Key Term- Prison, The third estate stormed it for gunpowder and other supplies.

Key Term- Civil Constitution of the Clergy

Key Term- The Civil Constitution of the Clergy was an attempt to reform and regulate the Church, altered the course of the Revolution largely because it was widely resisted and contributed directly to the growth of a counter-revolutionary movement.

Key Term- Thermidorian Reaction

Key Term- The parliamentary revolt initiated on 9 Thermidor, year II (July 27, 1794), which resulted in the fall of Maximilien Robespierre and the collapse of revolutionary fervour and the Reign of Terror in France. It wound back the Reign of Terror, purged the government of Jacobin influence and attempted to restore some of the political, social and economic values of 1789. It ended the Constitutional Church and permitted freedom of religion, though religious worship was strictly controlled.

Key Term- Flight to Varennes

Key Term- The royal family attempted to flee France toward the Austrian Netherlands to help counter-revolution measurements from outside of France. They were caught at Varennes and sent back to Paris.

Key Term- Enlightened Despot

Key Term- a form of government in the 18th century in which absolute monarchs pursued legal, social, and educational reforms inspired by the Enlightenment.

Key Term- Republic

Key Term- a form of government, they take the public's opinion and do it.

Key Term- September Massacres

Key Term- a number of killings in Paris, rumors were spread that Parisian people who secretly opposed the Revolution, especially refractory priests, so they purged people.

Key Term- Great Fear

Key Term- a period of panic and riot by peasants and others amid rumours of an "aristocratic conspiracy" by the king and the privileged to overthrow the Third Estate.

Key Term- Deficit Spending

Key Term- a situation in which a government spends more money than it takes in, France was almost bankrupt, they didn't tax their nobility.

Key Term- Cahier

Key Term- an exercise book or notebook, lists of grievances drawn up by each of the three Estates in France.

Key Term- Constitution of Year III of the Republic

Key Term- created a bicameral legislative assembly and collective a collective executive of five directors. Founded the Directory. The Thermidorians made the constitution because the Convention had fallen.

Key Term- Bourgeoisie

Key Term- the French word used to describe the middle class, it consisted of a good 98% of the population.

Key Term- Paris Commune

Key Term- the government of Paris from 1792 until 1795, right after the storming of the Bastille. It is best known for popularizing extreme views and actions among the people and for its campaign to de-christianize the churches and the people (which people didn't like). It was a direct democracy, and the people could have a say in what would happen. It performed civic functions like tax collection, services and public works like a normal government. It gave the Jacobins and the sans culottes power to challenge the national government.

Key Term- Ancien Regime

Key Term- the political and social system of the Kingdom of France until 1789, three-estate system.

Key Term- Estates General

Key Term- under the old Regime, the Estates General was a legislative assembly of different classes of French subjects, it determined that person's rights, obligations, and status.

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