Chapter 12 Section 1 Social Studies

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Understand the increase in voters from 1824 to 1828.

1824- 325,000 1828- 1,125,000 more than tripled

In what region did Adams enjoy his greatest support in the 1828 election? And Jackson?

Adams-Northeast Jackson-South and Midwest

Know the behavior of the people who came to the White House after Jackson's inauguration.

Although Jackson looked worn out and sad at his inauguration, the people at the capital were joyful and excited. People from all kinds of backgrounds came to the inauguration and to the White House reception. Eventually the crowd at the White House became rowdy and destructive, forcing the president to leave the White House.

Know what states all presidents prior to Jackson had come from

Andrew Jackson was the first president who was not from a rich Massachusetts or Virginia family. He was the first president from the West.

Election of 1828 - know which candidate......founded the Democratic Party.

Andrew Jackson: at first the challengers called themselves the ¨Friends of Jackson¨

Know who John McCain was and his position on campaign financing.

Arizona Senator, a supporter of campaign finance reform, has attempted to reform the campaign finance system by banning what is known as soft money. McCain still keeps this alive as an issue.

Know how and for whom voting rights changed in the Age of Jackson.

Before, for example, only those who owned property or paid taxes could vote in many states. This easing of voting restrictions increased the number of voters. But voting was still limited to adult white males.

Understand why Jackson felt the government needed to be reformed.

During his presidency Jackson worked to open the political process more to the common citizen.

Election of 1824 - political party of candidates.

Four men hoped to replace President Monroe. John Quincy Adams, Monroe's secretary of state, was the choice of the New England states. William Crawford of Georgia was the Southern choice. Westerners supported Henry Clay of Kentucky and Andrew Jackson, a military hero from Tennessee.

Define spoils system - who famously developed it?

Giving many government jobs to one's supporters. Andrew Jackson famously developed it.

Who gained political power during the Age of Jackson?

His election as president marked a 20 year period known as the Age of Jackson in which the common man grew in importance.Jackson was against favored treatment of the rich by Congress. His slogan was "Let the people rule", meaning all people should have a voice in government regardless of their position or wealth."

Jackson's nickname and campaign strategy in 1828.

His nickname was ¨Old Hickory¨. The Jacksonians ran a well-organized campaign. They put together national committees, state committees, and local "Hickory Clubs". Newspapers were printed that convinced thousands of voters that Jackson was the "people's candidate". Jackson's campaign leaders collected money, made lists of voters, thought up slogans, and organized many things. Party workers even distributed hickory canes, hickory sticks, and hickory brooms.

Know how Jackson supported workers' rights

In the 1830's, President Jackson and the Democratic Party supported the rights of workers to form labor unions and reduced the number of working hours per day to 10.

Election of 1824 - understand why Jackson felt Adams election was a corrupt bargain after House chose Adams to be president.

In the House vote, Clay gave his support to Adams, who won. Because Adams made Henry Clay his secretary of state, Jackson's supporters claimed that Adams made a deal with Clay and stole the election.

Understand who won the 1828 Election and how new voting laws helped in this man's win.

In the early 1800s, laws were passed that allowed more people to vote. The expansion of voting rights helped Jackson win the election by a landslide. His election was looked at as a victory for common people.

Understand how/when modern political party nominating conventions got their start

In the elction of 1828, Both Adams and Jackson were nominated by state legislatures and special conventions ans mass meetings.This was the first time that no presidential candidate was chosen by a 'caucus'.

Jackson's appearance/mood at his inauguration.

Jackson looked worn out and sad at his inauguration, the people at the capital were joyful and excited.

Define Jacksonian democracy

Jackson promised to look out for the interests of the common people and to promote the idea of majority rule. This idea became known as Jacksonian democracy.

Election of 1824 - Final decision and reason for this

Jackson won the most popular votes. But he did not receive the majority of electoral votes. According to the Constitution, the House of Representatives has to choose the president if no person wins a majority of electoral votes. Clay had come in fourth and was out of the running. In the House vote, he gave his support to Adams, who won. Because Adams made Henry Clay his secretary of state, Jackson's supporters claimed that Adams made a deal with Clay and stole the election.

Know at least 3 qualities that made Jackson a popular candidate and leader.

Jackson's humble background, his reputation for toughness and his success as a military leader made him popular.

Election of 1828 - know which candidate.....founded the National Republican Party.

John Quincy Adams

Election of 1828 - know which candidate......was the favorite of rich Eastern industrialists.

John Quincy Adams represented rich Easterners

Understand who won the 1824 Election and how much they did/did not accomplish.

John Quincy Adams won the election. Jackson and his followers spent the next four years opposing programs that President Adams wanted Congress to pass. As a result, Adams accomplished little during his administration.

Andrew Jackson

Military hero and seventh president

Explain the types of people who came to Washington to celebrate Jackson's inauguration.

People from all kinds of backgrounds came to the inauguration and to the White House reception. Eventually the crowd at the White House became rowdy and destructive, forcing the president to leave the White House.

Know the specifics of the scandal that led to Rachel Jackson's death.

She had previously been married to a man names Lewis Robards, who had left her to get a divorce. It was assumed that the divorce from Mr.Robards had been finalized, but it had not. When the divorce finally went through, the Jacksons remarried.

John Quincy Adams

Sixth president of the United States

Define soft money.

Soft money is a large donation made to political parties which indirectly help their candidate.

Henry Clay

Westerners supported Henry Clay of Kentucky; he got out and have his support to Adams in 1824, became secretary of state for Adam in 1824

William Crawford

William Crawford of Georgia was the Southern choice of president in the election of 1824

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