chapter 13

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Match the theorists with the major tenets of their personality theories.

1. locus of control Correct label: Julian Rotter 2. psychosexual development Correct label: Sigmund Freud 3. unconditional positive regard Correct label: Carl Rogers 4. trait Correct label: Raymond Cattell

secondary traits

considered to be less important or applicable to how individuals define themselves

Match the Freudian structures of personality with the principles they operate on.

morality Correct label: superego pleasure principle Correct label: id reality principle Correct label: ego


history of reinforcement

Jeffrey Gray proposed that personality is a result of the motivational systems in our brains that cause us to seek reward and avoid punishment. Identify the following traits as belonging to either the behavioral approach system (BAS) or the behavioral inhibition system (BIS).

BAS experiencing positive emotions linked to extraversion seeking pleasure and rewards BIS linked to neuroticism experiencing negative emotions linked to anxiety avoiding danger or pain


unconscious forces

Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)

A person tells a story about an ambiguous picture.

Which of the following are results from twin and adoption personality studies?

The correlations of personality traits between identical (monozygotic) twins are higher than the correlations for fraternal (dizygotic) twins. Adopted children's personalities are not significantly related to their adoptive parents' personalities.

Identify the statements about cross-cultural studies of personality as either true or false.

People from Africa rated themselves as more agreeable, more conscientious, and less neurotic. Cultural stereotypes were not held up in the research findings. People from East Asia rated themselves lower in extraversion, agreeableness, and conscientiousness, and higher in neuroticism.

Identify how self-esteem relates to life outcomes.

People who consider themselves to be smarter or more attractive do not necessarily exhibit these traits objectively. Violent criminals and bullies often have very high self-esteem. People with higher self-esteem report being much happier.

Identify how parents influence their children's personalities

by the environment in which they raise their children by the genes they pass on to their children by their response to their children's display of talents and abilities

Match the ways of measuring personality with the evidence that supports (or does not support) their use.

real-world behavior agrees with Big Five traits Correct label: EAR has a built-in procedure for identifying central traits Correct label: Q-Sort does a poor job of diagnosing psychological disorders and finds many normal people to be disturbed Correct label: Rorschach includes validity scales to detect when respondents are not being truthful Correct label: MMPI reliably predicts how likely people are to seek approval and support from others Correct label: TAT

Match the ways of measuring personality with the evidence that supports (or does not support) their use.

1. real-world behavior agrees with Big Five traits Correct label: EAR 2. includes validity scales to detect when respondents are not being truthful Correct label: MMPI 3. reliably predicts how likely people are to seek approval and support from others Correct label: TAT 4. has a built-in procedure for identifying central traits Correct label: Q-Sort 5. does a poor job of diagnosing psychological disorders and finds many normal people to be disturbed Correct label: Rorschach

Match the concepts of self-esteem with their descriptions.

1.Excessive self-esteem causes a person to expect special treatment and to come into conflict with those who do not endorse one's self-opinion. Correct label: narcissism 2.Self-esteem functions to provide us with cues that we are placing ourselves at risk for social rejection, which is evolutionarily adaptive. Correct label: sociometer theory 3.Our self-esteem is based on how we believe others perceive us. Correct label: reflected appraisal 4.In some people, high self-esteem is associated with a lack of care for other's welfare, and with the impulsive, reckless pursuit of their own interests. Correct label: psychopathy

Drag the labels into place to describe an experiment involving the use of brain scans to investigate inhibition and social anxiety.

1Participants were classified as either inhibited or uninhibited. 2. Participants received brain scans while viewing pictures of familiar and unfamiliar faces. -uninhibited Amygdala activity was the same for familiar and unfamiliar faces. -Inhibited Amygdala activity was significantly greater with unfamiliar faces.

electronically activated recorder (EAR)

A person wears a device that provides behavioral data.

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about personality change as a function of age.

Although personality is generally stable over time, changes in life circumstances can lead to personality changes. Experiences such as entering full-time employment and becoming a parent usually, over time, bring about increased conscientiousness. But other changes, such as a gradual decrease in neuroticism, may simply be a function of growing maturity.

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about how culture affects people's scores in a test of the Big Five personality traits.

Although the same Big Five traits show up in all cultures, differences in culture lead to differences in people's scores. For example, studies conducted in China suggest that in the cultural environment, interpersonal relatedness is much more important than it is in Western cultures. A possible reason would be that this trait matters more for people living in densely populated areas, where the ability to get along with others is essential.

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about Albert Bandura's theory of personality.

Bandura posits a model called reciprocal determinism, according to which behavior, environment, and an individual's person factors all influence one another. Person factors include a person's characteristics, self-confidence, and expectations of success.

Identify the ways in which people's personalities and environments jointly determine behavior, according to interactionism.

Correct Answer(s) A situation, such as a funeral, would make people's personalities less apparent. People's social environments influence their behavior. People's behavior influences their social environments. Incorrect Answer(s) People's personalities are more apparent in strong situations.

Which of the following temperamental differences exist between young boys and girls?

Correct Answer(s) Boys are more active. Girls exhibit stronger ability to control attention. Boys exhibit more intense pleasure. Girls exhibit less impulsivity. Incorrect Answer(s) Boys exhibit more anger. Girls are more anxious.

Which of the following are some contemporary criticisms of Freud's theories?

Correct Answer(s) Freud's views on women are misogynistic. Freud's theory is not scientifically testable. Incorrect Answer(s) There is no evidence for what Freud called defense mechanisms.

Identify how our genetics have an effect on our personalities

Correct Answer(s) Multiple genes interact with our environment to produce our dispositions. One's behaviors and attitudes are shaped in part by genetics. Incorrect For each specific behavior there is a specific gene that determines it. All of the genes that we have been given by our parents are expressed in our personalities.

In which of the following circumstances will Ronald's friend's description of him be more accurate than Ronald's description of himself?

Correct Answer(s) The trait being described is important to Ronald. The friend knows Ronald very well. Incorrect Answer(s) The trait being described is not observable.

How would psychologists using an idiographic approach assess life history data to understand personality?

Correct Answer(s) They would pay attention to people's personal myths. They would assess personality through interviews and biographical information. They would adhere to the notion that personality unfolds as people react to their circumstances. Incorrect Answer(s) They would use one metric to compare all people. They would use an electronic device that picks up conversations.

Identify each description as applying to either temperament or personality traits.

Correct label: temperament represents the innate biological structure of personality Correct label: temperament is normally quite stable from birth through adulthood Correct label: personality trait may be altered by life experiences Correct label: temperament consists of general tendencies to feel or act in certain ways Correct label: personality trait consists of a disposition to respond in predictable ways in certain situations

Identify the following as either idiographic or nomothetic approaches to evaluating personality

INDIOGRAPHIC interested in traits that make people stand out focus on individual lives NOMOTHETIC focus on common traits compare people by measuring how they rate themselves the five-factor theory is an example

Identify the relatives who are likely to have either similar or different personalities.

Similar identical twins Different mother and biological daughter biological siblings of different ages fraternal twins father and adoptive son

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about situationism.

The bombshell theory Walter Mischel introduced in the field of personality psychology proposed that behaviors are determined mostly by situations. To that point, psychologists in his field had believed that traits were responsible for a person's behavior.

Identify the statements about the effects situations have on people's personalities as either true or false.

True Being involved in a committed relationship can decrease neuroticism. Students who studied abroad show an increase in openness to experience and agreeableness and a decrease in neuroticism. Participants in an experiment who practiced cognitive tasks showed an increase in openness to experience. False People who care for spouses with terminal cancer show a decrease in sociability, agreeableness, and conscientiousness. It takes a dramatic, out-of-the-ordinary life event to change one's personality.

Identify the statements about the relationship between early childhood temperament and adult personality as either true or false.

True Childhood temperaments persist into adulthood. Socially inhibited children are more likely to become anxious and depressed, have less social support, and be unemployed as adults. It is possible to predict whether a 6-week-old baby will be shy later in life based on the baby's reactions to new situations. False Most inhibited babies are likely to stop being shy later in life.

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about trait approaches to personality.

Unlike some other approaches to studying personality, trait approaches focus on description of behavior rather than on explanation. These approaches emphasize behavioral tendencies that remain generally consistent in a person. Examples of trait approaches include the five-factor theory and Eysenck's biological trait theory.

projective measures

use ambiguous pictures or stories to examine unconscious processes

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)

A person fills out a self-report questionnaire.

Correct label: California Q-Sort

A person sorts statements according to how much he relates to each one.

Which of the following examples of beliefs are within normal range?

Correct Answer(s) Will thinks he is somewhat more handsome than the average man his age. Georgie is confident she will get the job she just interviewed for. Lalita thinks her matchmaking is the reason Balraj and Jaya got married. Incorrect Answer(s) Catherine believes she would have been a world-class pianist if she'd studied the instrument. Johnny uses a disabled parking spot at a store because "I'm a regular customer."

Which of the following are the basic temperamental styles identified by Buss and Plomin?

Correct Answer(s) emotionality activity level sociability Incorrect Answer(s) openness to experience conscientiousness

Which of the following are the dimensions in Hans Eysenck's biological trait theory?

Correct Answer(s) emotionally stable/neurotic high constraint/low constraint extraversion/introversion Incorrect Answer(s) agreeable/uncooperative openness to experience/likes routine

Which of the following qualities apply to narcissists?

Correct Answer(s) feel entitled to special treatment manipulative become angry when challenged view themselves in grandiose terms Incorrect Answer(s) have many friendships feel they are just as good as everyone else

Identify the following traits as belonging to either introverts or extraverts.

Introverts more sensitive to stimuli including sourness and pain distracted by noisy environments typically above optimal levels of arousal Extraverts impulsively seek out new emotional experiences perform better in noisy settings chronically under aroused

Match the genes with the ways they influence personality.

emotional stability Correct label: serotonin regulating gene novelty seeking Correct label: dopamine regulating gene

Place in order from earliest to latest Freud's stages of psychosexual personality development.



personal growth and self-understanding


thought processes

Which of the following are some challenges with cross-cultural personality studies that rely on self-reports?

People from Eastern cultures might answer a question about their family or group, whereas people from Western cultures might answer about themselves. People rate themselves in comparison with others of their culture, which can make it difficult to discern patterns relating to the whole group. Different types of people may go to university in other countries, so convenience samples are different.

Match the defense mechanism proposed by psychologist Anna Freud with the example of the behavior that best demonstrates it.

1. Carmen had no memory of her mother's death, which occurred when Carmen was seven years old. Correct label: repression 2. Dana used her credit card to buy clothes even though her account was overdrawn and she had no money. Correct label: denial 3. Aino explained that she broke her dormitory's "no pets" rule because it was too cold for the cat to stay outside. Correct label: rationalization 4. Jeanette picked fights with Tomás and told others he was a terrible person, but in reality, she was attracted to Tomás. Correct label: reaction formation 5. Alois accused his friend of being an alcoholic when in reality, Alois drank every night. Correct label: projection

Match the personality traits with their corresponding scenarios. (Personality traits can be used more than once, or not at all.)

1. Efren gets people to vote for him by making promises he knows will be impossible to keep. Correct label: Machiavellianism 2. Jared berates his neighbor after she refuses permission for him to shoot a movie in her front yard. Correct label: narcissism 3. Aaron's taekwondo skills are average at best, but he thinks he is somewhat better than average. Correct label: normally healthy high self-esteem 4. Trevor convinces people to buy his product by telling lies about his competitors. Correct label: Machiavellianism

Correct label: Rorschach inkblot test

A person describes what an ambiguous image appears to be.

Identify the following qualities as belonging to either collectivist or individualist societies.

Collectivist connections to family and social groups self-concepts determined by social roles obedience to authority conformity to social norms Individualist the pursuit of personal success self-concepts determined by being distinct from others diversity rights and freedoms self-expression

According to various cognitive psychologists, which of the following types of cognition would lead to someone having a studious personality?

Correct Answer(s) an internal locus of control the expectation that studying will lead to good grades a personal construct that the more one studies, the better one does in school a high value on academic success

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about one of the stages in Freud's theory of child development.

During the phallic stage, children desire an exclusive relationship with the opposite-sex parent and consider the same-sex parent a rival. In boys, this phenomenon is named the Oedipus complex, after the figure in Greek mythology.

Xavier's working self-concept varies from situation to situation and, in particular, depending on the group he is comparing himself to. Illustrate this by matching Xavier's self-description with the group setting where it would come into play.

Xavier is in a hospital waiting room where everyone else is a woman. Correct label: "I'm male." Xavier is having dinner with his conservative family. Correct label: "I am kind of a liberal on political issues." Xavier is making his way past a line of people rallying against illegal immigration. Correct label: "I'm Mexican American." Xavier is visiting friends in Connecticut. Correct label: "I'm a proud Texan." Xavier is on a backpacking trip. Correct label: "I'm used to seeing nature from behind a steering wheel."


how people differ in disposition

central traits

important to the way individuals define themselves

Match Freud's levels of consciousness with their descriptions.

thoughts people are aware of Correct label: conscious thoughts that are not currently in awareness but could be brought to awareness Correct label: preconscious thoughts that are not easy to retrieve Correct label: unconscious

Identify each example as representing a personality characteristic that is either generally stable or potentially variable over time?

Generally Stable As a child, Karen would rather curl up with a book than go to a party. Sydney found roller coasters and loud music upsetting, so he told his parents he didn't want to go to the amusement park visit. Sven loved to go fishing and hunting with his father, and wanted to try out for youth baseball as soon as he was old enough. Potentially Variable Isak lied to a teacher to cover for a friend who got caught cheating on a test. Denys would constantly interrupt his Sunday school teacher during the lessons.

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