Chapter 13

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___ is a mood disorder characterized by episodes of extreme activity, happiness, risk taking, and inability to focus, or ____, and episodes of extreme sadness or lack of interest in activities and social interaction, or ____. In rare cases, these episodes can happen simultaneously, which are referred to as ____.

Bipolar disorder mania depression mixed states

Which of the following situations are examples in which unusual and disruptive behavior would not be considered a psychological disorder?

Should Not Be Considered Downy is depressed and refuses to talk to anyone because she just found out her mother died. Kahlil has not been joining his friends at lunch or dinner because of religious fasting. Jameson wears odd-fitting and brightly colored clothes to class, which results in many people staring at him. Should Be Considered Claire is not sleeping or eating because she is afraid she will fail her exam, even though she has always done well on exams in the past.

Identify the true and/or false statements about schizophrenia.

False Statement(s) Those with schizophrenia typically have multiple personalities to which they jump back and forth to. Schizophrenia typically begins in early childhood. Schizophrenia is easily treatable and has a good recovery rate.

Identify the examples as representing either the posttraumatic model or the sociocognitive model of dissociative identity disorder (DID).

Posttraumatic Model Curtis says he has multiple people that live inside his mind. He and his other identities all report being abused when younger. Catalina saw her mother killed in a terrible accident. Now her voice and demeanor change to represent completely different people at different times. Sociocognitive Model Emma sought therapy after being deeply troubled for a long time. After several therapy sessions, she realized she was suffering from DID. Qihe always knew something was wrong with him, but after seeing the movie Split he realized he had DID the whole time.

Match each definition to the correct term.

abnormal psychology, study of the nature and origins of psychological disorders clinical psychology assessment and treatment of psychological disorders psychopathology scientific study of psychological disorders

Identify the true and false statements about the causes of schizophrenia.

True Statement(s) Those with low socioeconomic status are more likely to develop schizophrenia. Prenatal infections have been shown to be a risk factor for schizophrenia. False Statement(s) Biological causes are the sole risk factor for schizophrenia.

Identify the true and false statements about the risk factors for psychological disorders.

True Statement(s) The biopsychosocial model considers risk factors from biological, psychological, and social dimensions. Cognitive mindsets can serve as risk factors for psychological disorders. False Statement(s) If someone is mistreated as a child, it is almost certain that they will experience a psychological disorder. Most people who suffer traumatic events end up with a psychological disorder.

Identify the true and false statements about ADHD.

True Statement(s) Those with ADHD often have trouble shifting their attention from one task to another. ADHD is the most common childhood disorder. False Statement(s) ADHD is often treated with methylphenidate, which blocks dopamine from binding. Scientists agree that ADHD is increasing at an exponential rate within the population.

Which of the following is the best example of the diathesis-stress model?

Ravin lost his mother when he was young, but he never thought much about it until recently, when he was fired. Now he can hardly get through the day.

Identify the true and false statements about bipolar disorder.

True Statement(s) Manic episodes can last anywhere from hours to months. Acute mania occurs when someone begins to lose touch with reality. False Statement(s) Bipolar disorder is found only in adults.

Identify the true and false statements about the DSM-5.

True Statement(s) The DSM is regularly updated to reflect changes in research and societal principles. The DSM lists disorders that may be specific to certain cultures. False Statement(s) The DSM has specific information on how to treat each disorder.

Match each example to the correct disorder.

specific phobia, Jasmine is terrified of frogs and will not leave her apartment if she hears one outside. PJ refuses to get on an airplane and avoids family vacations because of it. social anxiety disorder, Parties make Ella extremely nervous, as she feels like everyone there is judging her. Shinya finds it very difficult to make new friends. He thinks that other people will think he is awkward and goofy if he tries to talk to them in public.

Identify each example as either an obsession or a compulsion.

Obsessions Renaldo is certain that he will catch a deadly virus. Penelope is sure she will forget to do something at work that will result in her losing her job. Ron believes that his actions will cause a disaster that will hurt many people. Compulsions Bo counts odd numbers to 77 before getting into bed each night. Pam checks over her email for spelling errors for more than an hour. Nathalie brushes her teeth exactly seven times before leaving her apartment in the morning.

Identify the examples as either positive or negative symptoms of schizophrenia.

Positive Symptom(s) Chip believes that he was placed on Earth to protect it from evil aliens. Carly hears a voice that tells her she is worthless. Will begins singing a few words every so often mid-conversation. Negative Symptom(s) Deonte will sit absolutely still for hours at a time, seemingly in a trance. Che rarely speaks anymore, and if someone engages him, he simply nods or stares at them. Jakkie has not felt like going out with her friends for more than a month and prefers to sit in her room.

Identify each symptom as either a biological, psychological, or social contributing factor to mood disorders

biological neurotransmitter imbalance overactive subgenual cingulate cortex psychological negative cognitive schema internal explanatory style social interpersonal stress depressed caretaker

A ____ is a psychological disorder consisting of frequent and unexpected ____. This psychological disorder is often paired with ____, an excessive fear of being in a situation in which one cannot escape or get help.

panic disorder panic attacks agoraphobia

Match each example to the correct term.

point prevalence 9.1 percent of people in the United States currently suffer from a specific phobia. Over the last ten years, an estimated 1 percent of people have suffered from OCD at some point. lifetime prevalence, By the time someone is 50, they have a 15 percent chance of being diagnosed with depression. The chance of someone being diagnosed with ADHD at some point in their life is 8.7 percent.

One category of anxiety-related disorders is ____. These are typically triggered by previous experience with traumatic events. If someone experiences extreme symptoms from recollection of a traumatic event for less than a month, it is referred to as ____. Whereas if these symptoms last for more than a month, it is referred to as ____.

trauma- and stressor-related disorders acute stress disorder post-traumatic stress disorder

Identify the following conditions as either diatheses or stressors.

Diathesis a lack of serotonin caused by genetics being verbally abused as a child a pessimistic outlook Stressor death of a sibling losing your job not being accepted into graduate school

A ____ is a group of physical or mental features (____) that happen concurrently.If this results in a significant disturbance or disability in social, professional, or other essential activities, it can be characterized as a ____

syndrome symptoms psychological disorder

Match each description to the correct feature of major depressive disorder.

depression deep feelings of sadness or emptiness anhedonia diminished enjoyment or interest in previously frequented activities or hobbies psychotic delusions persistent false beliefs relating to feelings of worthlessness or guilt rumination repeatedly focusing on negative thoughts or stresses

Match each example to the correct feature of major depressive disorder.

psychotic delusions Dane thinks that he is a hindrance to everyone he meets and believes it would be better for everyone else if he were alone. depression Manny has been feeling down about his life. Even though positive things are happening, he often cries because he is so sad. anhedonia Marie loves to garden, but lately her plants have fallen into disarray and she has no interest in maintaining them. rumination Genie cannot stop thinking about her husband leaving her, even though it was several years ago.

Trina has not been sleeping much lately, but her friends say she has been extra bubbly and friendly. She has had many new ideas about possible projects for her new house and has already started several of them. When asked how she is feeling, she says, "Great!" What symptom of bipolar disorder is Trina experiencing?


Identify the true and false statements about psychological disorders and the law.

True Statement(s) It is rare for someone with a psychological disorder to commit a violent crime. False Statement(s) Many criminals are able to receive not guilty verdicts using the insanity defense. Those found not guilty by reason of insanity are released without further confinement.

Identify the true and false statements about OCD.

True Statement(s) OCD is a somewhat rare disorder that affects both sexes equally. False Statement(s) Compulsions are always actual physical behaviors, such as hand washing or organizing.. Many people who have a less severe version of OCD just feel the need to be very organized. In order to be diagnosed with OCD, a person must have both obsessions and compulsions.

Match each example to the correct personality disorder.

dependent Emanuel met his girlfriend at a young age and cannot imagine life without her. She cooks his meals, takes care of his finances, and makes decisions for him. antisocial James will do whatever he needs to get ahead at his company, even if that involves causing harm or sabotaging others' work. schizoid Kevin prefers to be on his own and works as a park ranger in the mountains. He only goes to town if he needs something. narcissistic Melissa is always talking about her achievements. If other people bring up theirs, she dismisses them even if it is insulting to the other person.

Marcellus has not been the same since his car accident two weeks ago. He refuses to drive and becomes very anxious and nauseous when getting into any vehicle. Even when Marcellus is at home watching TV, a scene of a car wreck will cause him to leave the room or change the channel. What psychological disorder is Marcellus likely suffering from?

Acute stress disorder

Rodney's manager tells him that they need to talk later, and Rodney starts to fear that he may lose his job. Rodney then thinks about his family and his mortgage. He starts to feel lightheaded and short of breath. As his symptoms get worse, Rodney feels like he could pass out or even die. What term best describes what Rodney is experiencing?

Panic attack

Place the symptoms of a stress disorder in the order in which they would be likely to appear after a traumatic event, from first to last.

dissociation intrusive symptoms arousal symptoms avoidance symptoms

Place the first-degree relatives of someone with schizophrenia in order from the highest to the lowest risk of developing it themselves.

monozygotic twins siblings with one parent with schizophrenia siblings without a parent with schizophrenia parents

Roberto is impulsive. If he gets an idea in his head, it is often difficult for him to stop himself from acting on it, even if the idea is risky. He often leaves his college course early and gets into arguments with his roommate. His girlfriend recently broke up with him because he cheated on her, but when he tried to talk to her about it, he blew up in a rage and blamed it on her. Roberto feels deep regret and distress over his actions, but does not know how to stop. Identify each DSM-5 criterion for the diagnosis of a personality disorder as present or not present in this scenario.

Present deviates markedly from cultural norms and expectations is inflexible and pervasive across a broad range of personal and social situations leads to clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other areas

Which person would most likely attempt suicide?

Sydney a single teenage girl who just lost her waitressing job

Kara is a 14-year-old who was recently diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder. Which obsession is Kara most likely to have?


Which of the following examples are symptoms of autism?

Symptom(s) of Autism Carissa rarely speaks, and when she does, she repeats words someone has just said to her. Duane does not like it when the teacher changes the usual order of class and shakes his hands back and forth for some time. Not Symptom(s) of Autism Brian starts fights regularly on the playground and is quick to bully younger children. Bella cannot sit still and often disobeys the teacher's instructions.

Identify the true and false statements about suicide.

True Statement(s) In the United States, women are more likely to attempt suicide than men are. The grand majority of those who attempt suicide are thought to have a mental disorder at the time of the attempt. False Statement(s) School interventions have not been shown to be effective in reducing suicide rates. In the United States, women are more likely to die by suicide than men are.

Identify the true and false statements about major depressive disorder.

True Statement(s) The more depressive episodes someone has had, the more likely they are to have another. Major depressive disorder is categorized as a mood disorder. False Statements(s) Major depressive disorder occurs only in teens and adolescents. Major depressive disorder has only a few symptoms, and it typically manifests in the same way in each case.

A feeling of intense worry, unease, or nervousness is a symptom often referred to as ____. This symptom is the primary characteristic of two common psychological disorders. A ____ is a fear of a particular thing or scenario. A fear of being evaluated or judged by others is referred to as ____.

anxiety specific phobia social anxiety disorder

Which of the following is the best example of the diathesis-stress model?

Likely to Benefit Mac was labeled with major depressive disorder by his therapist, so his insurance now covers therapy. Renee never really understood what was happening to her before she was diagnosed with schizophrenia. Likely to Harm Yvonne's parents tell her she has ADHD and that it will hurt her ability to learn going forward, even though she never perceived herself as struggling.

Match each example of a potential mood disorder to the type of contributing factor that is likely most responsible.

biological Ophelia has been sad for as long as she can remember, and despite care and support from her friends and family, she cannot seem to shake her depressed mood. social Quincy grew up with a mother who suffered from depression and often felt she was unavailable to support him. Now he is beginning to show the same symptoms as her. psychological Lately, Joel is beginning to notice the bad in every situation. The more he thinks about it, the more he cannot seem to think of a way for things to go right.

Match each personality disorder to the correct cluster.

odd or eccentric schizotypal paranoid anxious or fearful obsessive-compulsive avoidant dramatic or emotional histrionic borderline

Match each example to the correct type of clinical assessment.

self-report measure Thomas asks a client to complete the Beck Depression Inventory. Jeanne gives a standardized measure of anxiety to a patient before their appointment. projective test Ansley asks a young patient to draw a picture of how he has been feeling lately. Reggie gives his client a word and asks her to say the first word that comes to mind. clinical interview Rose asks her client a series of structured questions. Dev asks his patient to describe her problems in as much detail as possible.

Ti'Awna's home and office are spotless. Everything she owns is placed in a certain spot and labeled. Her days are regimentally scheduled, and she never deviates from that pattern. Her family and coworkers know to not disrupt her system, or she will likely become inconsolable. Despite her quirks, she gets along well with most people and enjoys her life. Identify each DSM-5 criterion for the diagnosis of a personality disorder as present or not present in this scenario.

Present deviates markedly from cultural norms and expectations is inflexible and pervasive across a broad range of personal and social situations Not Present leads to clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other areas

Identify the true and false statements about the biological bases for schizophrenia.

True Statement(s) Patients with schizophrenia often show a reduction in gray matter in the prefrontal cortex. Antipsychotics block dopamine in the brain, reducing symptoms of schizophrenia. False Statement(s) Schizophrenia is caused by a lack of dopamine in the brain.

Identify the true and false statements about generalized anxiety disorder (GAD).

True Statement(s) Some researchers think that GAD is a way for the patient to avoid extreme levels of anxiety. False Statement(s) Those with GAD often have a specific worry in mind. GAD typically only results in cognitive symptoms.

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