Chapter 13 Exam

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Striking the "funny bone" is actually stimulation of (or injury to) the ________. A) ulnar nerve B) radial nerve C) sciatic nerve D) median nerve


A fall or an improperly delivered gluteal injection could result in ________. A) sciatica B) neurofibromatosis C) postpoliomyelitis muscular atrophy D) phantom limb pain


All processing at the circuit level going up to the perceptual level must synapse in the ________. A) thalamus B) medulla C) pons D) reticular formation


Bell's palsy is ________. A) characterized by paralysis of facial muscles B) characterized by partial paralysis of diaphragm muscles C) often caused by inflammation of the trigeminal nerve D) characterized by loss of vision


External strabismus and ptosis could be caused by damage to the oculomotor nerve. A) True B) False


In the somatosensory system there are no third-order neurons in the cerebellum. A) True B) False


Irritation of the phrenic nerve may cause diaphragm spasms called hiccups. A) True B) False


Nerves that carry impulses toward the CNS only are ________. A) afferent nerves B) mixed nerves C) efferent nerves D) motor nerves


Pacinian corpuscles can be exteroceptors, interoceptors, or proprioceptor, A) True B) False


Pressure, pain, and temperature receptors in the skin are ________. A) exteroceptors B) interoceptors C) proprioceptors D) mechanoreceptors


Problems in balance may follow trauma to which nerve? A) vestibulocochlear B) accessory C) trigeminal D) abducens


The cerebellum and basal nuclei are involved in regulating motor activity, starting and stopping movements, and coordinating postural movements. A) True B) False


The meningeal branch of a spinal nerve actually reenters the vertebral canal to innervate the meninges and blood vessels. A) True B) False


The musculocutaneous nerve is a major nerve of the brachial plexus. A) True B) False


The only cranial nerves to extend beyond the head and neck region are the vagus nerves. A) True B) False


The second cranial nerve forms a chiasma at the base of the brain for partial crossover of neural fibers. A) True B) False


Which nerve is compressed in carpal tunnel syndrome? A) median B) radial C) ulnar D) axillary


Which of the following is not a way that sensory receptors are classified? A) sensitivity to a stimulus B) location in the body C) type of stimulus detected D) structural complexity


Which receptors adapt most slowly? A) nociceptors B) touch receptors C) pressure receptors D) smell receptors


A major nerve of the lumbar plexus is the ________. A) iliohypogastric B) femoral C) sciatic D) ilioinguinal


Spinal nerves exiting the cord from the level of L4 to S4 form the ________. A) lumbar plexus B) sacral plexus C) femoral plexus D) thoracic plexus


Starting at the spinal cord, the subdivisions of the brachial plexus are (in order): A) roots, divisions, cords, and trunks B) roots, trunks, divisions, and cords C) trunks, divisions, cords, and roots D) divisions, roots, trunks, and cords


The cranial nerves that have neural connections with the tongue include all except the ________. A) facial B) trochlear C) trigeminal D) glossopharyngeal


The glossopharyngeal nerve is the only cranial nerve that contains sensory fibers. A) True B) False


The obturator nerve branches from the sacral plexus. A) True B) False


Which of the following nerves does not arise from the brachial plexus? A) median B) phrenic C) radial D) ulnar


If the ventral root of a spinal nerve were cut, what would be the result in the tissue or region that nerve supplies? A) a complete loss of sensation and movement B) loss of neither sensation nor movement but only of autonomic control C) a complete loss of voluntary movement D) complete loss of sensation


Select the statement that is most correct. A) Ganglia are collections of neuron cell bodies in the spinal cord that are associated with efferent fibers. B) The dorsal root ganglion is a motor-only structure. C) Ganglia associated with afferent nerve fibers contain cell bodies of sensory neurons. D) The cell bodies of afferent ganglia are located in the spinal cord.


The sciatic nerve is a combination of which two nerves? A) posterior femoral cutaneous and tibial B) pudendal and common fibular C) common fibular and tibial D) pudendal and posterior femoral cutaneous


A fracture of the ethmoid bone could result in damage to which cranial nerve? A) accessory B) vagus C) glossopharyngeal D) olfactory


A patient who received a blow to the side of the skull exhibits the following signs and symptoms on that side of the face: he is unable to close his eye, and the corner of his mouth droops. Which cranial nerve has been damaged? A) accessory B) hypoglossal C) glossopharyngeal D) facial


After axonal injury, regeneration in peripheral nerves is guided by ________. A) Wallerian cells B) dendrites C) Golgi organs D) Schwann cells


Mixed cranial nerves containing both motor and sensory fibers include all except which of the following? A) vagus B) facial C) trigeminal D) olfactory


Potentially damaging stimuli that result in pain are selectively detected by ________. A) photoreceptors B) interoceptors C) proprioceptors D) nociceptors


The ________ nerve is not a branch of the trigeminal nerve. A) mandibular B) maxillary C) ophthalmic D) cervical


The flexor muscles in the anterior arm (biceps brachii and brachialis) are innervated by what nerve? A) median B) ulnar C) radial D) musculocutaneous


Reciprocal inhibition means that while one sensory nerve is stimulated, another sensory neuron for synergistic muscles in the same area is inhibited and cannot respond. A) True B) False


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