Chapter 13 -- Intangible Assets and Goodwill

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What is the equation for amortization expense

(Capitalized cost-residual value) / (shorter of useful or legal life)

What are the two parts of the intangible definition

1) Lack physical substance, long-lived, and used in operations 2) Not financial instruments (bank deposits, A/R, LT bond investments)

How are patented products classified?

20 yrs = definite life

How do you account for R & D costs? Exception?

Companies must expense all R & D costs when incurred Exception if the asset has an alternative future use, then you can capitalize it

Equation for impairment loss under IFRS

impairment loss = carrying amount - recoverable amount

What does writing down the assets essentially do?

makes the carrying value equal the fair value

What is undiscounted net cash flows equivalent to?

net cash flows

How do we account for indefinite life intangibles?

no amortization, written down for impairment

How do you impair indefinite life intangibles? (other than goodwill)

no recoverability test, just record impairment

Where are internally created intangibles put?

not on the balance sheet as an asset

How do you record internally generated goodwill

not recorded as an asset

What is an example of an artistic-related intangible?

ownership rights to plays, literary works, musical works, pictures, photographs, video material (i.e. copyrights) Ex: Disney's Mickey Mouse

What is an example of a technology-related intangible?

patented products or processes (i.e. technology products & pharmaceuticals)

How does one acquire goodwill?

purchase a business; cannot otherwise purchase GW or record internally generated GW

What is the equation for goodwill?

purchase price - FV of identifiable net assets

How do you value goodwill?

purchase price of acquired business - FMV of identifiable net assets

What are the two types of intangibles considered for valuation?

purchased and internally produced

How do you record purchased goodwill

recorded as an asset

When does an impairment exist under IFRS?

recoverable amount < Carrying amount

How does one get rid of goodwill?

sell the business

What is an example of a marketing related intangible asset?

trademarks, trade names, internet domain names

How long do copyrights last?

Author's life + 70 years

What is the recoverable amount under IFRS?

The higher of the fair value less the cost to sell or the assets value in use (PV of future net cash flows)

How do you account for purchased intangibles?

capitalize the cost of the asset (i.e. purchase price, legal fees, and incidentals)

What is an example of goodwill?

company purchases another and records excess cost of purchase over the fair value of the identifiable net assets purchased

What are the two models for IFRS intangibles?

cost model and revaluation model

What is an example of a customer-related intangible

customer lists, order or production backlogs

What is the JE for limited life intangibles?

debit amortization expense; credit accumulated amortization (or direct to asset)

JE for recording an impairment for intangible asset

debit impairment loss; credit accumulated depreciation

What is the JE for recording the impairment?

debit impairment loss; credit intangible asset (or accumulated amortization)

How do you amortize limited life intangibles? (3 steps)

1) amortization length shorter of useful life or legal life 2) amortization amount (cost-residual value) 3) amortization method (typically straight-line)

How do you impair limited life intangibles?

1) determine if circumstances changed 2) recoverability test (Undiscounted cash flows < CV?) 3) if yes for recoverability test, impairment is made for the value of CV-FV

What are the 3 steps for accounting for intangible assets?

1) how much should we capitalize? (valuation) 2) How do we allocate cost over time? (amortization) 3) How do we adjust carrying value if circumstances change? (impairment)

What are the two classifications for intangible assets?

1) limited life intangibles: finite useful life 2) indefinite life intangibles: indefinite useful life

How do you impair goodwill?

1) more than 50% that FV of reporting unit is less than carrying amt? 2) CV > FV = impairment

What are the three steps in accounting for goodwill?

1) valuation 2) amortization 3) impairment

How do you calculate the impairment amount for goodwill?


What set of rules allows you to undo an impairment?


What is special about impairment and IFRS

Impairments can be reversed for assets other than goodwill and are credited to income

What are the 6 types of intangible assets?

Marketing-related Customer-related Artistic-related Contract-related Technology-related Goodwill

How do you amortize goodwill?


How do you amortize indefinite intangibles?


How do you undo an impairment?


What are the two ways R & D is capitalized?

R & D asset has alternative future use OR Development costs that meed specified criteria are capitalized as an intangible asset under IFRS

What about amortization and impairment for goodwill?

US GAAP does not allow amortization of goodwill; impairment tested annually

Why is goodwill a thing?

a successful, going business is usually worth more than the sum of its parts competitive advantage = internally created goodwill not found on companies balance sheet

what is amortizing intangibles?

allocating historical cost of intangible asset to expense of periods benefitted

What is the overview for intangibles and goodwill?


How often do you evaluate intangibles for impairment?


Why is there no recoverability test for indefinite life intangibles

because you can't discount the cash flows

JE for impairment loss under IFRS

debit to loss, or in certain cases to revaluation equity

How is customer list classified?

definite life

How are franchise and licensing agreements classified?

definite or indefinite life

What is Fair Value equivalent to?

discounted net cash flows

How are internally created intangibles accounted for?

expensed as incurred: costs related to R&D, contributions to charity, initial start-up costs, initial operating losses, ad costs capitalize: only direct costs incurred in developing the intangible (i.e. legal fees for securing the patent, registration fees)

How much of a purchased intangible is capitalized if acquired in exchange for stock or other asset?

fair value of consideration given OR fairy value of the intangible asset received, whichever is more evident (value given = value received)

What is an example of a contract-related intangible asset?

franchise and licensing agreements, construction permits

What is goodwill?

future economic benefit arising from other assets acquired in a business merger that are not individually identified and separately recognized

What is used to determine whether you should record an impairment for indefinite life intangibles?

if >50% chance of impairment, use the Fair Value Test

What is the classification for a trademark?

indefinite life

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