Chapter 13 Quiz Ap Euro

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George Stephenson

English railway pioneer who built the first passenger railway in 1825 (1781-1848)

Victor Emmanuel II

He was king of Sardinia, Piedmont and Savory until 1861 when he was crowned the first king of a united Italy

Alphonse de Lamartine

He was the poet who led the liberal opposition in France and organized a provisional government.

Louis Kossuth

Hungarian (Magyar) leader, demanded independence and filed student uprisings

What did Germany do for economics?

Major German states and austria formed the Zollverein or a free trade union William IV supported heavy governmental control to catch up with Britain

Describe the events that led to the Hungarian revolt and their level of success

March revolution liberals created hungarian diet → accepted by emperor ferdinand → drive towards Magyarization: union of hungarians, croatia, and transylvania,m romanians, serbs and forced hunagrian language →Vienna sent Josip Jelacic →Hungarian March Laws: Would have created a state that was liberal in political structure but would have allowed a autonomous Hungarian speaking people within hungary's borders. →conflict between liberals and nationals led to failure

What was the socialist experiment at New Harmony?

Robert Owen tried to make a perfect society in new harmony and failed.

Josip Jelacic

Sent by Vienna to aid Hungarian rebels

Unemployment + poverty + population boom =

Skyrocketing crime

Bobbies or Peelers

The common term for British police officers, named after Sir Robert Peel


The transformation of large numbers of small peasant farmers into landless rural wage earners.

Pierre Joseph Proudhon:

This socialist man believed that property is theft

Philadelphia system

This was a European prison model in which prisoners were kept rigorously separated at all times.


Those who believe that government and social institutions are oppressive and unnecessary and Society should be based on voluntary cooperation among individuals.

Voix des femmes

newspaper which addressed women's issues, as an organization they advocated for a better education, the right to work, civil rights, and the right to vote

Auburn System

prisoners were separated at night but not in the day

Frederick Engels (1820-1895)

publisher of "the condition of the working class in england" to persuade people to adopt the "communist manifesto" which called for the abolishment of private property


the movement to create a nation or federation that would embrace all the slavic peoples of eastern europe.


the theory associated with Jeremy Bentham that the principle of utility, defined as the greatest good for the greates number of people, should be applied to governments and. The judicial systems. Cl


the theory of Karl Marx and Fredich Engels That history is the result of class conflict, which will end in the inevitable Triumph of the Industrial proletariat over bourgeoisie and the abolition of private property and social class.

What did police forces do?

to keep order, protects property and lives, investigates crimes, and catches bad guys Differed in both authority and organization but provided great importance to creating an orderly European society

Louise Aston

wrote poems on how many women were forced to prostitution because of lack of wages

ohn Howard, Elizabeth Fry (GB) and Charles Lucas (France)

xposed horrendous conditions in prisons

Define Confection

→goods, ie shoes clothing, and furniture are produced in standard sizes rather than by request


"body of directors" Count Claude henri de saint Simon founded this idea of a government governing an ideal community and the ir management of property


"phalanax agrian societies" Charles Fourier of France had the idea of PHALANXES, or societies in which liberated living would replace the boredom and dullness of industrial existence. Agrarian rather than industrial production would predominate in these communities

Robert Owen

"we all get our needs and help each other" Robert Owen, a cotton farmer and believer in the environmentalist enlightens, and believed in an ideal society where all workers were given what they needed, and the society would exist on a 'moral premise' . Pleaded industry owners organize their factories like he did. Tried to make a perfect society in new harmony and failed. Tried to bring all British trade unions under one bod

Describe the administration of the Second Republic

(Inciting incident) Alphonse de Lamartine organized provisional french government or republican constitution (conflict) Louis Blanc led a movement for a republic (Cause) Peasants didn't want their property taken away and clashed with him until General Louis Cavaignac stopped the fighting (Effect) Emergence of Louis Napoleon New president elected represented the will of the nation, seized power in 1851, (Result) and people voted on a constitution that would demolish the second republic.

Why did countries with railways succeed industrially?

1) Railways provided a fluid movement of free labor into cities, 2) Cheaper and raw passage of materials and people 3) Major construction projects that created jobs ——-Transportation of iron →iron ships and industrial fortunes → increased demand for iron workers 4) Represented investment in capital goods rather than consumer

What changes in expectation occurred in working class marriages as a result of the industrial revolution?

1)Cohabitation became common 2) No longer a economic contract as these marriages did not determine field of work 3) Men were more mobile bc of job atmosphere, thus did not have to settle down in a journeymanship, and did not need to marry 4) Ilicitamente births increased as fathers were fleeting

What were the six points of the charter? (England)

1)Universal male suffrage 2) annual election of the House of Commons 3) the secret ballot 4) equal electoral districts 5) the abolition of property qualifications 6) payment of salaries to members of the House of Commons

English Factory Act of 1833

1. Forbade the employment of children under the age of 9 2. Work day for children between the ages of 9 and 13 could not exceed 9 hours 3. Factory owners required to pay for 2 hours of education per day. The effect of this further divided work and the home life. Caused adult workers to demand shorter workdays to fit that of their kids or for the purpose of spending more time with their kids. Was originally meant to create more job opportunities for adults.

Karl Marx

1818-1883. 19th century philosopher, political economist, sociologist, humanist, political theorist, and revolutionary. Often recognized as the father of communism. Analysis of history led to his belief that communism would replace capitalism as it replaced feudalism. Believed in a classless society.

Fredrick William IV

1840-1861, promised to grant Prussia a liberal constitution to merge Prussia into new national German state, national assembly elected him to be emporer of new german state

Communist Manifesto (1848)

A book written by Karl Marx. It suggested that there would be a social revolution in which the proletariat (working class) would overthrow the bourgeoisie (middle class factory owners) and then set up a classless, socialist community. This book was the blueprint for communist governments around the world.

What was the Anti-Corn Law League?

A lobbying group who wanted to remove the corn laws to bring food to the irish. They were a monopoly on grain prices to support the rich British

Auguste Blanqui

Anarhcist, issues with government and industry solved by terrorism and violence

Friedrich Engels

Another German communist who aided Marx in writing The Communist Manifesto; German social scientist, author, political theorist, philosopher, and father of communist theory, alongside Karl Marx.

Who were the hardest hit by industrialization and why?

Artisans lost control over their craft and worked for a boss rather than themselves. Caused by factories Guilds could not compete → raised the price of goods → turned consumers away even more


Attempt by Hungary to solve its nationalities problem by imposing the Hungarian language in all schools annd making it the official language spoken by the govt.

Joseph Wenzel Radetzky

Austrian General who fought against Pidemont

What two independent nations resulted from the revolutions of 1830?

Belgium and Greece

What caused Prussian reform in the 1830s?

Berlin riots → forced the king to write a constitution and salute dead rioters →king appointed cabinet under David Hansemann →ability to vote by all tax paying males→office crops still loyal to monarch →continued resentment →NEXT TOPIC

Describe the events that led to an independent Slav state and note their success

Bohemia and Morviva allowed a slavic state in austria →first pan-slavic congress to profess slav independence →Francis Palacky: declared equality and delivered manifesto →no political independence → Alfred Windisch Graetz led troops against anti-pan-slavism →end of czech nationalism

What allowed Britain to be so successful in the industrial revolution?

Britain + advantages; natural resources, adequate capital, technology, social mobility, slave trade, capacity for manufacture → expample of industrial society:

What system of imprisonment did Britain use?

Britain) had transportation to take prisoners to remote colonies in Austria. They also had public works prisons

Jeremy Bentham

British philosopher and economist who advocated utilitarianism

Corn Laws 1846

British tariffs on imported grain that protected the price of grain grown within the British isles.

Francis Palacky

CZECH He was the leader of the first Pan-Slavic Congress.

What did Charterism show?

Charterism showed that the working class had to adopt more radical measures if they were to achieve rights in factories.

Utopian Socialism

Early nineteenth century writers who sought to replace the existing capitalist structure and values with visionary solutions or ideal communities.

Louis Napoleon Bonaparte

Elected president of France following general election. Won 70% of the votes because of his name. Bonaparte later changed the government to an empire w/himself as emperor just like his uncle, the original Napoleon.

Who was the main speaker for Charterism?

Feargus O'Connor

Define Chartism

Frustrated artists gave birth to Chartism: The first large scale European working class political movement. It sought political reforms that would favor the interests of skilled British workers in the 1830s to 1840s.

Felix Schwarzenberg

General who imposed military rule over Hungary

Frankfurt Assembly

German Parliament met in Frankfurt to fulfill a liberal and nationalist dream: the preparation of a constitution for a united Germany

Second Republic

Government established in France from 1848-1852, After the 1848 revolution in France, which caused Louis-Philippe to flee, this government system was put in place by revolutionists and guaranteed universal male suffrage. Louis-Napoleon (later known as Napoleon III), nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte, was overwhelmingly elected president, and France enjoyed a period of stability and prosperity. This government was later overthrown in yet another coup d'etat.

David Hansemann

He headed Frederick William IV's cabinet. He was a widely respected moderate liberal.

Charles Albert of Piedmont

He wanted to expand the influence of his kingdom in Lombardy and aided the rebels in Milan as a result. He was defeated by Radetzky and the revolution was foiled.

Who was Pierre Joseph Proudhon?

In "what is property?" She attacked the banking system, which rarely extended credit to small property owners and the poorer. He wanted credit extended to them so they can engage in economic Enterprise that would not involve unfair or unearned profits. Emphasized peaceful cooperation. "" The Fairman""

Giuseppe Mazzini

Italian nationalist whose writings spurred the movement for a unified and independent Italy (1805-1872)

Describe the events that led to the Vienna Uprising

Louis Kossuth started student uprisings → metternich fled austria →democratic clubs → uprings serfs → emancipation act of 1807 → only permanent result

What did the July monarchy do for economics?

Louis Phillips and Francois Guests under the July monarchy provided construction projects and told the classes to enrich themselves, but did little to aid poverty.

Describe the events that led to the Second Republic?

Louis Phillpie and minister Guizot poor reign + poor harvest + poor working conditions →riots demanded guizot's outsing → both resigned

Highlights of Frankfurt parliament

Organize German confederation →offended conservatives →working class hated no rights given by liberals →worker's riots →debate between grossdeuscj or kleindeutsch on whether or not to include austria →Archduke John asked to be regent of the german nation →habsburgs rejected →constitution produced →Frederick William reasserting divine right →too much division for success again

What made anarchism different than owensim and fourierism?

Owen and Fourier thought the existing government could carry out their ideas. Anarchists wanted to burn gov

Pope Pius IX

Pope during unification of Italy who opposed creation of federation of Italian states

What region did socialism evolve in?

Resulted from the political situation of Germany in 1830.


Written by Karl Marx

Louis Blanc

Wrote the Organization of Work (1840) which proposed the use of competition to eliminate competition. It was the first step toward a future socialist society. Advocated the principle of "from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs." LED movement for republic in paris 1848

March Laws

mandiated equity of religion, jury trials, the elctrions of the lower chamber of the diet, a relatively free press, and payment of taxes by the nobility → accepted by emproer ferdinand

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