chapter 13 spinal cord and spinal nerves

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what divides the spinal cord partially into right and left sides?

anterior median fissure and posterior median sulcus

where are the motor neurons?


_____ mater is thin and wispy


what is in the center of the spinal cord

central canal

what runs the length of the spinal cord

central canal

in pia mater, what is the subarachnoid space filled with? (that separates it from the arachnoid mater)

cerebrospinal fluid

what enlargements foes the spinal cord contain?

cervical and lumbar

which root of the spinal never is responsible for motor neurons leaving the spinal cord?


how many pairs or coccygeal nerves


how many pairs of thoracic


how many pairs of spinal nerves are there


there are ___ parts of the spinal nevers


how many pairs of lumbar


how many pairs of sacral


how many pairs or cervical


what are the three components of meninges?

dura, arachnoid, pia (mater)

how are spinal cords named and numbered

according to the region and level of the spinal cord from which they emerge

the epidural space is the site of epidural ______ injections


in the spinal cord of gray matter, what type of horn does the below describe? cell bodies of the somatic nervous system


in the spinal cord of gray matter, what type of horn does the below describe? voluntary


where does the spinal cord begin

as a continuation of the medulla oblingata

where does the spinal cord end in an adult?

at the second lumbar vertebra

in the spinal cord of gray matter, the lateral horn is in the _____ nervous system; whereas, the anterior horn is in the ______

autonomic, somatic

epidural space is filled with what three things?

blood vessels, loose connective tisse and fat

what is the spinal cord protected by?

bony vertebrae, meninges

meninges is continuous with the meninges of the ____


a short distance from the spinal cord is where spinal nerves ___, this ____ are called rami

branch, branches,

how does the spinal cord convey sensory and motor information ?

by way of the ascending and descending tracts

what is the tapered inferior portion of the spinal cord?

conus medullar

what are spinal nerves formed by?

convergence of dorsal and ventral roots, a mixed neerve

section of the spinal cord

cross (figure 13.3 p, 424)

in the spinal cord of gray matter, what type of horn does the below describe? involuntary


what type of reflex is associated with the withdrawal reflex, contrelateral collateral branches of the sensory neurons cross over to the other side of the cord & synapse with interneurons that excite the extensors of the opposite limb - allows the weight to be shifted to the opposite leg ( for example)

crossed extensor

what type of ligaments are extensions of the pia to the dura, which suspend the spinal cord within the vertebral column


____ is the area of skin supplied with sensory innervation by a pair of spinal nerves


which root of the spinal cord contains sensory bodies?

dorsal root ganglion

___ mater is the toughest, most superficial


what are the name of the three meninges?

dura, arachnoid, pia

what are the 3 connective tissue of the nerves?

endonerirem, perineureum, epineureum

what type of connective tissue of nerves does the below describe? covers a single myelinated axon


what are the three connective tissue coverings associated with spinal nerves?

endoneurium, perineurium, epineruium (endo, peri, epi)

what is the dura mater separated from the periosteum of the vertebrae by?

epidural space

what type of connective tissue of nerves does the below describe? covers a bundle of fascicles (the entire nerve)


the 31 pairs of spinal nerves are named for the location of ___ from the spinal cord


what arises from the tapered inferior portion of the spinal cord?

filum terminale and cauda equina

the spinal cord extends from the ___ ___ to the ___ _____

foramen magnum, L2 vertebrae

what type of reflex detects muscle tension , protects muscle & tendon from damage by too much tension, ipselateral

golgi tendon

in the spinal cord, what type of matter does the below describe? unmyelinated axons , dendrites & cell bodies


what is the gray matter in the spinal cord divided into?


in the spinal cord of gray matter, what type of horn does the below describe? cell bodies of the autonomic nervous sysem


Golgi tendon organs detect muscle tension -> send APs to inhibirotry _____ in the spinal cord -> inhibit ____ neurons to the muscle -> muscle relaxes, prevents muscle damage

interneurons, motor

in the arachnoid mater, the subdural space separating it from the dura is filled with ______ fluid


in the gray matter of the spinal cord, the lateral horn is _____; whereas, the anterior horn is ____

involuntary, voluntary

muscle spindle detects the amount of stretch --> sends APs to the spinal cord & synapses with motor neurons that contract the muscle (ex. ___-___ reflex)

knee jerk

what is dura mater separated from?

the periosteum of the vertbrae

what is the connective tissue covering the spinal cord?


since all spinal nerves contain sensory and motor axons they are

mixed nerves

stretch reflex: muscle spindle detects the amount of stretch --> sends APs to the spinal cord & synapses with _____ neurons that contract the muscle


the anterior horn is also known as the ___ horn


what type of connective tissue of nerves does the below describe? covers a small bundle of axons (fascile)


Spinal nerves & their branches - part of the ______ nervous system


__ mater contains blood vessels


___ mater adheres to the spinal cord


some rami converge with other rami to make a ____


what do the cervical and lumbar enlargements serve as in the spinal cord?

points of orgin for nerves to limbs

in the spinal cord of gray matter, what type of horn does the below describe? sensory input


what two roots do the spinal nerves connect to each segment of the spinal cord by?

posterior or dorsal / anterior or ventral

branches of the spinal nerve include

posterior ramus, anterior ramus, meningeal branch, rami communications

how are spinal nerves typically connected with the spinal cord?

posterior root and an anterior root

what are the three horns of gray matter in the spinal cord?

posterior, lateral, anterior

where are the sensory axons


All the reflexes involve ____ ______ - inhibition of antagonistic muscles so they do not contract

reciprocal innervation

inhibition of antagonistic muscles so they do not contract

reciprocal innervation

____ __ is the smallest portion of the nervous system that can receive a stimulus and respond to it

reflex arc

involves sensory receptor, sensory neuron, integrating center (CNS) , motor neuron, effector organ

reflex arc

_____ are homeostatic, can be modified by high brain centers


arachnoid mater

right under the dura mater, literally right below it, kind of like an envelope

peripheral nerves consist of ______ cells, ____, and ______ tissue

schawnn, axons, connective

dorsal root of spinal nerve

sensory axons (dorsal root ganglion contains sensory cell bodies)

Spinal nerves formed by convergence of dorsal & ventral roots , a mixed nerve (carries both ____ and _____ information)

sensory, motor

all spinal nerves contain both ____ and ____ axons

sensory, motor

the dorsal root and ventral root converge to form a ___ ___

spinal nerve

stretch reflex: muscle ___ detects the amount of stretch


____ reflex helps maintain posture; detects the amount of stretch of a muscle, ipselateral


pia mater is sepereated from anachnoid mater by the ______ space


arachnoid mater is repeated by the dura by the ______ space


what is the function of the meninges,

they are coverings that continuously run around the spinal cord and brain

what is the spinal cord protected by?

vertebral column, the meninges, cerebrospinal fluid, and denticulate (veronica's mom can dance)

in the spinal cord, what type of matter does the below describe? myelinated axons of ascending and descending pathways in the spinal cord


what is the white matter in the spinal cord divided into?

white columns

Pain receptors send APs to the spinal cord -> excite motor neurons to the flexor muscles, flexors contract resulting in _______ of the limb from painful stimulus


what type of reflex removes a body part from painful stimulus, ipselateral?

withdrawal (flexor)

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