chapter 13

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boys, girls

ADHD is diagnosed more often in ______ than in ______.


Drugs used to treat ADHD are classified as _______

personality disorder

______ _____ is characterized by inflexible and enduring maladaptive character traits that impair social functioning


_________ are psychoactive drugs, such as alcohol, opiates, and barbiturates, that reduce neural activity and slow body functions

obsessive-compulsive disorder

a disorder characterized by repetitive thoughts and actions


a false belief


a false sensory experience

mood disorder

according to the social-cognitive perspective, a person who experiences unexpected negative events may develop helplessness and manifest an ______ _____

medical model

an approach that considers behavior disorders as illnesses that can be diagnosed, treated, and, in most cases cured

bulimia nervosa

an eating disorder marked by binge eating and purging

antisocial personality

an individual who seems to have no conscience

low, frontal

brain scans have shown that many people suffering from schizophrenia have abnormally _____ brain activity in the ______ lobes.

disordered, culture dependent

definitions of ______ behavior are ______ - ______

depression, bulimia nervosa

evidence of environmental effects on psychological disorders is seen in the fact that certain disorders, such as _______, have appeared more consistently worldwide/; others, such as _________, are culture-bound


most of the hallucinations of schizophrenia patients involve the sense of ______.

neural activity

psychoactive drugs affect behavior and perception through altering ______ _____ in the brain


schizophrenia, or "split mind", refers not to split personality but rather a split form ________.

over, environment, evolution

skeptics think ADHD is ______ (over/under) diagnosed. they also maintain the real problem lies in the _________ in which children are forced to do what _________ has not prepared them to do.


the view that all behavior arises from the interaction of heredity and environment is referred to as the ________ approach

panic attacks

which of the following is NOT a symptom of schizophrenia?


psychodynamic and learning theorists both agree that the symptoms of dissociative identity disorder are the person's attempt to deal with ______

depression, schizophrenia, bulimia nervosa, symptoms

psychological disorders such as _______and ________ have appeared more consistently worldwide; others, such as ________, ________ are culture-bound. These culture bound disorders may differ in their _______

field trials, varied

real-world treats, called ____ _____, of independent diagnoses made by different clinicians show _______ agreement across categories.

a viral infection contracted

research evidence links the brain abnormalities of schizophrenia to _______ during prenatal development

negative, maladaptive, self defeating

social cognitive theorists believe that depressions is linked with _____ moods, ______ explanations of failure, and ____ -____ beliefs.

stimulus generalization

some fears arise from _______ _______, such as when a person who fears heights after a fall also comes

flat affect

some victims of schizophrenia lapse into zombie-like state of no apparent feeling, or _______ ____

near death experience

the ______-____ _____ is an altered state of consciousness that has been reported by some people who have had a close brush with death


the anxiety response probably ______ (is/is not) genetically influenced.

dopamine, decrease

the brain tissue of schizophrenic patients has been found to have an excess of receptors for neurotransmitters _______ .drugs that block these receptors have been found to ______ positive symptoms of schizophrenia.

DSM-5, does not, describes,

the current best scheme for classifying psychological disorders is the american psychiatric association manual, commonly known by its abbreviation, _________. this manual _______ explain the cause of a disorder, rather it ________ the disorder and estimates how often it occurs.


the diminishing of a psychoactive drug's effect with repeated use

lessen schizophrenia

the effects of drugs that block receptors for dopamine is to _________ _________ symptoms

depressants, stimulants, hallucinogens, neurotransmitters

the three broad categories of drugs discussed in the text include _______, which tend to slow body functions; ________ , which speed body functions; and _______, which alter perception. these drugs all work by mimicking, stimulating, or inhibiting the activity of the brain's ______

medical, illness, symptoms, therapy

the view that psychological disorders are sicknesses is the basis of the _______ model. according to this view, psychological disorders are viewed as mental _______, diagnosed on the basis of ___________, treated, and in most cases cured through _______.

biology, personal, social, cultural

to call psychological disorders "sicknesses" tilts research heavily toward the influence of _______. however, behavior also is influenced by our _______ histories and ______ and ______ surroundings

diagnosis criteria, codes

to guide medical diagnoses and define who is eligible for treatment, physicians and mental health workers use the _____ _______ and ______ in the the DSM-5.

social anxiety disorder

when a person has an intense fear of being scrutinized by others, the diagnosis is a ______ _____ _____ . People who fear situations in which escape or help might not not be possible when panic strikes suffer from ___________.

bodily arousal, stress hormones

when expecting to be electrically shocked, people with an anti-social personality disorder, as compared with normal people, show little _____ ______ and lower levels of ____ _____

process, unlikely

when schizophrenia is slow to develop, called ______ schizophrenia, recover is ________

genetic predisposition

which is generally accepted as a possible cause of schizophrenia?


which neurotransmitter is present in overabundant amounts during the manic phase of bipolar disorder?

bipolar disorder

___ _____ is the mood disorder in which a person alternates between depression and the euphoria of a manic state;

major depressive disorder

_____ _____ _____ is the mood disorder that occurs when a person exhibits five or more symptoms, atleast one of which must be either a depressed mood or loss of interest or please for more than a two-week period and for no obvious reason

psychoactive drugs

______ _____ - which include stimulants, depressants, and hallucinogens -- are chemical substances that alter mood and perceptions. they work by stimulating, inhibiting, or mimicking the activity of neurotransmitters


_______ are depressants that temporary lessen pain and anxiety


_______ is a disorder characterized by haunting memories, nightmares, social withdrawal, jumpy anxiety, and/or insomnia lasting four weeks or more after a traumatic experience


_______ is a powerful hallucinogen capable of producing perceptual distortions and hallucinations and extreme emotions. It produces its unpredictable effects partially because it block the action of the neurotransmitter serotonin

nicotine, central nervous, appetite, altertness

_______ is a stimulant drug found in tobacco, it is highly addictive. this drug quickly stimulates the _____ _____ system to release epinephrine and norepinephrine, two transmitters that diminish _____ and boost ______ and mental efficiency.

dissociative identity disorder

________ ______ ______ is a dissociative disorder in which a person exhibits two or more distinct and alternating personalities. (multiple personality disorder)


________ are depressants, sometimes used to induce sleep or reduce anxiety, they depress central nervous system activity and impair memory and judgment


________ excite neural activity and speed up body functions


________ refers to the discomfort and distress that follow the discontinued use of an addictive drug or behavior


__________ are a type of stimulant and, as such, stimulate neural activity, causing speeded-up body functions and associated energy and body functions


___________ are psychedelic drugs, such as LSD and marijuana, that distort perception and evoke sensory images in the absence of sensory input

substance use disorder

a ____ ___ _____ is continued substance craving and use despite significant life disruption and/or physical risk

panic disorder

a ____ _____ is an unpredictable episode of intense dread accompanied by chest pain, dizziness, or choking. it is essentially an increase of the anxiety associated with generalized anxiety disorder

dissociative disorder

a disorder in which conscious awareness becomes separated from previous memories, feelings, and thoughts


a disorder marked by disorganized thinking and speech, disturbed perceptions, and/or diminished inappropriate emotional expression


a person who requires increasing amounts of a drug in order to feel its effect is said to have developed a ______

syndrome, clinically significant, thoughts, feelings, behavior.

a psychological disorder is a _______ marked by a ______ _______ disturbance in a person's ______, _______, or _______.

mood disorders

a psychological disorders marked by emotional extremes

panic attack

a sudden escalation of anxiety often accompanied by a sensation of shocking or other physical symptoms

bipolar disorder

a type of mood disorder

stimulus generalization

after falling from a ladder, joseph is afraid of airplanes, although he has never flown. this demonstrates that some fears arise from ______ ______

survivor resiliency, post traumatic, trauma

after stress, most people display an impressive _______ _________ . also, researchers have pointed that suffering can lead to __________ growth . some researchers believe that this disorder has been over diagnosed, due partly to a broader definition of ______.

long term, rem sleep, shrink

alcohol has its strongest effect on the transfer of experiences to ____-____ memories in part because alcohol suppresses ___ ___. Prolonged and excessive drinking may cause the brain to _____.


an anxiety disorder marked by a persistent, irrational fear of a specific object or situation

anorexia nervosa

an eating disorder marked by self starvation


an extremely elevated mood

intensity, persistent

anxiety disorders differ from normal anxiety in ______ and _______ of the uneasiness.

high activity, impulse, habitual

brain scans of persons with obsessive-compulsive disorder reveal unusually _____ ____ in brain areas involved in _______ control and ______ behavior


classified as both a synthetic stimulant and mild hallucinogen, _______ produces short term euphoria and social intimacy

dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine

cocaine depletes the brain's supply of the neurotransmitters ______, _____ and _______ and results in depression as the drugs effects wear off.

exaggerate, species survival

compulsive acts typically ______ behaviors that contributed to our _____ _____.


compulsive craving for a drug despite unpleasant consequences and withdrawal symptoms

world salad

disorganized thinking may appear as jumbled ideas that make no sense, called _____ ____

dysfunctional, maladaptive, variable, culture

disturbed, or ________ thoughts, emotions, or behaviors interfere with everyday life; that is they are ________. this definition emphasizes that standards for determining whether behavior is considered are ________. these standards depend on the situation, the _______ and time.

classical, fears

drawing on experiments in which rats are given unpredictable shocks, researchers link general anxiety with ________ conditioning of _______.


freud proposed that anxiety disorders are symptoms of submerged mental energy that occurs because impulses that were ________ during childhood leak out in odd ways.

ADHD, extreme inattention, hyperactivity, impulsivity

high-energy children once regarded as normal children running wild are now being diagnosed with ________. the key symptoms of this disorder are _________, ________, and _______.

similar phobias

identical twins often develop ______ _____

autism spectrum disorder

in DSM-5, conditions formerly called "autism" and "Asperger's syndrome" have been combined under the label _____ ______ _______.


in real life, people with psychological disorders are ______ likely than those with no diagnosed disorder to commit a violent crime

generalized anxiety disorder, free floating

in the _____ ____ ____, the person is continually tense, fearful, and in a state of autonomic nervous system arousal for no apparent reason. In freud's term, the anxiety is _____ - ______.

increase, norepinephrine

in treating depression, a psychiatrist would probably prescribe a drug that would ______ levels of _____

Limbic system

people who have a sensitive emotion-producing ______ ________ are more vulnerable to PTSD.

reinforced, observational

phobias and compulsive behaviors reduce anxiety and thereby are ________. through _______ learning, someone might also learn fear by seeing others display their own fears.

anxiety disorders

phobias and panic disorders are classified as ______ ______

alcohol use disorder

popularly known as alcoholism, ____ ____ ____ is characterized by the development of alcohol tolerance, withdrawal, and drive to continue use.

Evidence of biological influences on anxiety disorders of OCD and PTSD

(A) Identical twins often develop similar phobias. (B) Brain scans of persons with OCD disorder reveal unusually high activity in brain areas involve in impulse control and habitual behavior. (C) Brain pathways resulting from fear-learning experiences create easy inroads for more fear experiences.


Julia's psychologists believes that Julia's fear of heights can be traced to a conditioned fear she developed after falling from a ladder. this explanation reflects a _______ perspective.

sympathetic, reactions

low doses relax the drinker by slowing _______ nervous system activity. with larger doses, speech slurs, ______ slow, and skilled performance declines

ancestors also feared

most phobias focus on objects that our ______ _____ _____

hoarding, binge eating

new categories in DSM-5 include ______ disorder and ____ - _____ disorder.

dopamine, opioids, anxiety, pain

nicotine also stimulates the release of ____ and _____, neurotransmitters that calm _______, and reduce sensitively to ______.

unwanted, repetitive, compulsive behaviors

obsessive thoughts are _______ and _______. response to such thoughts are classified as ______ ______.

increased, increased, significant

one criticism of DSM-5 is that as the number of disorder categories has ______, the number of adults who meet the criteria for at least one disorder has ________. Studies have shown that labeling has a _________ effect on our interpretation of individuals and their behavior.

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