Chapter 13,14,15

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(Q028) In response to the nomination of Stephen Douglas's Democratic candidacy, seven of the southern delegates

walked out of the convention, causing it to recess in confusion.

Which was the dominant group in the disputed territory in southern Texas until the 1870s?


Which of the following statements is true of the Fourteenth Amendment?

It prohibited all states from denying equal protection of the laws to any person.

(Q010) In the 1844 presidential election,

James K. Polk, a slaveholder, was the Democratic Party's nominee.

(Q031) The initial fighting of the Civil War began when

Jefferson Davis ordered gun batteries to fire on a federal installation called Fort Sumter.

What was a source of conflict between the Mexican government and American settlers in Texas in the 1820s and 1830s?

Mexico had abolished slavery, but many American settlers were practicing slavery in Texas.

What was a key provision of the Compromise of 1850?

The New Mexico and Utah Territories would use popular sovereignty to decide on slavery.

(Q034) Who was James McCune Smith?

a black physician, author, and antislavery activist

Which characterizes Grant's abilities as a general?

a daring yet logical strategist who wasn't afraid to incur high casualties for strategic aims

(Q025) The Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, ratified in December 1865,

abolished slavery throughout the Union.

(Q021) The Fugitive Slave Act

allowed federal commissioners to determine the fate of fugitives without the benefit of a trial or testimony by the accused individual.

(Q031) What did Frederick Douglass encourage African-Americans in the North to do as part of the war effort after 1863?

enlist in the United States Army

Radical Republicans

hoped to institutionalize the principle of equal rights for all, regardless of race.

For most former slaves, freedom first and foremost meant


(Q008) The expansionist spirit of the early nineteenth century that God intended the American nation to reach all the way to the Pacific Ocean was called

manifest destiny.

(Q014) The Civil War is sometimes called "the first modern war" because it used weapons and other technological advances of the industrial revolution. Which of the following was one of these advances?


With regard to civil liberties during the Civil War, President Lincoln

suspended the writ of habeas corpus.

(Q022) In the 1850s, two great areas of industrial production had arisen in consequence of the market revolution:

the Atlantic Coast from Baltimore to Boston, and the cities around the Great Lakes.

(Q037) What major engineering feat was undertaken during the Civil War and completed at war's end?

the Capitol Dome

(Q024) The first American conflict to be fought primarily on foreign soil and the first in which American troops occupied a foreign capital was

the Mexican War.

(Q024) At Vicksburg in July 1863,

the Union, under Ulysses S. Grant's leadership, was victorious.

(Q015) The population rush into California in 1848 was a result of

the discovery of gold.

(Q002) According to the 1854 Kansas-Nebraska Act,

the question of whether slavery would be allowed in these territories would be decided by local (white) settlers.

(Q019) In the Compromise of 1850,

the slave trade was abolished in the District of Columbia.

(Q023) The Republican Party, founded in 1854,

was a coalition of antislavery Democrats, northern Whigs, Know-Nothings, and Free Soilers.

(Q003) During the early 1800s, the territory between the Nueces River and the Rio Grande was claimed by both Texas and Mexico but was physically controlled by

Comanche Indians.

(Q014) When California became a state in 1850,

it entered the Union as a free state.

Which of the following became an established business as a result of the Civil War?


(Q013) When Texas declared itself independent of Mexico, its new constitution

protected slavery even though Mexico had earlier abolished slavery.

After the capture of Vicksburg, the Union army established a labor system in Louisiana and the Mississippi Valley that

required emancipated slaves sign labor contracts for paid wages with white plantation owners.

(Q026) Which of the following was the Gettysburg Address specifically designed to communicate?

the need for national reconciliation after years of war

The Bargain of 1877

was not fulfilled in all its parts.

Lincoln's vision during the Civil War

was that the American nation embodied a set of universal ideals rooted in political democracy and human freedom.

(Q013) Population in the North was 22 million in 1860, while the white population of the South in 1860 was

5.5 million.

How was Ulysses Grant received in Europe during his tour in the 1870s?

He was praised as a "Hero of Freedom."

When analyzing the election of 1876, what conclusion can be drawn?

If Tilden had won Louisiana, Florida, or South Carolina, he would have been president.

Which position was taken by Stephen Douglas in the Lincoln-Douglas debates?

Local self-government was essential in order for American to truly be a free county.

Which of the following is true of the Confederacy and Native Americans?

Slave-owning Indians generally supported the Confederacy.

(Q036) What was the meaning of the Civil War for poet Bret Harte?

The war led to the sacrifice of individual soldiers.

The southern Black Codes

allowed the arrest on vagrancy charges of former slaves who failed to sign yearly labor contracts.

The Free Soil Party

appealed to northern working-class Americans who saw access to homesteads on western lands as the only possibility for economic independence.

How do historians frequently perceive the laws and amendments introduced to the Constitution during Reconstruction?

as equivalent to a second founding of America

(Q009) Which of the following was an initial goal of James K. Polk when he assumed the presidency?

bring California into the Union

Which industry declined during the Civil War?


(Q026) At the 1860 Democratic convention, Douglas's supporters felt they had a majority, yet

they did not have the two-thirds required for a presidential nomination.

(Q038) What was General Grant's strategy in 1864 that became a turning point in the war for ultimate Union victory?

to use as many Union troops on the battlefield as possible in a war of attrition

(Q006) Between 1848 and 1860, American trade with China


(Q023) George E. Pickett's crack division marched across an open field toward Union forces into withering gunfire in July 1863 at


(Q017) In the presidential election of 1848,

Martin Van Buren ran for president on the Free Soil Party ticket.

"Fifty-four forty or fight" referred to demands for American control of


(Q001) In the early decades of the 1800s, the population living in Texas who were non-Indian and of Spanish origin were called


How did the Reconstruction amendments change the role of government?

They set the stage for the federal government to be the protector of individual freedoms.

(Q029) Which of the following describes the Battle of Antietam?

This was the bloodiest battle of the war.

Which of the goals of the Polk administration resulted in war?

acquiring California

During Reconstruction, what new southern class arose due to the building of new railroads?

an urban middle class

The Emancipation Proclamation of January 1, 1863,

did not apply to the border slave states that had not seceded.

(Q012) The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in February 1848

ended the Mexican War.

During Reconstruction, southern cities

enjoyed newfound prosperity as merchants traded more frequently with the North.

(Q020) The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854

established the principal of popular sovereignty to decide the status of slavery.

(Q016) In 1853-1854, President Millard Fillmore dispatched American warships to Japan under the command of Commodore Matthew Perry to

force a trade treaty with an outright demand that the Japanese deal with the United States.

(Q029) Which of the following pieces of the statue atop the Capitol building in Washington, D.C., was part of a controversy concerning slavery?

her cap

In the wake of the Kansas-Nebraska Act,

the unity of the Democratic Party was shattered.

(Q020) In what 1863 speech did Lincoln assert that the sacrifices of the Union soldiers would ensure that "government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth"?

Gettysburg Address

Which of the following statements accurately describes the sharecropping system?

Sharecroppers rented land and split the crops with the plantation owner.

(Q011) As Lincoln withdrew forces in the West to protect areas in the East, tensions flared between the Indians and settlers, leading to

Sioux Indians killing hundreds of white farmers.

(Q030) The first state to secede the Union was also the state with the highest percentage of slaves in its population was

South Carolina.

Besides ending slavery, the Civil War had what result?

It shifted power from slave-owning planters to northern capitalists.

(Q011) A major factor that explains why Henry Clay lost the 1844 election is that

James G. Birney, running on the Liberty Party ticket, received 16,000 votes in New York.

How did the California gold rush affect the California population?

Treasure seekers from around the world created a population with remarkable ethnic diversity.

(Q007) Which of the following was a feature of the rise of southern nationalism during the late 1850s?

a growing vision of a southern empire, extending to the Caribbean, Mexico, and Central America

Which was a component of the Know-Nothing Party?


At Antietam,

the nation suffered more casualties than on any other day in its history.

Which is true of the Emancipation Proclamation?

It committed the federal government to enlist black soldiers.

What was the significance of the argument concerning the extension of slavery into territory acquired following the Mexican War?

It represented a struggle between the North and South for control of the federal government.

Which was demonstrated by the Sea Islands Experiment and other early trials with Reconstruction?

Most former slaves wanted to own their own land.

(Q036) In the wake of the Dred Scott decision by the Supreme Court, what western state legislature adopted a resolution declaring that "every free person, born within the limits of any state of this Union, is a citizen thereof"?


(Q027) Which of the following was part of Lincoln's appeal to northern voters in the 1860 election?

his position to carry the "doubtful states" needed for victory

What did Andrew Johnson focus on with his Reconstruction plan?

issuing presidential pardons

(Q033) Why did President Lincoln think that secession might collapse from within before a war broke out?

Many southern whites strongly opposed secession.

(Q018) The Free Soil Party's platform called for

the government to bar slavery from the western territories and provide land free in the territories to people who wanted to homestead there.

How did the Civil War affect planter families?

For the first time, some of them had to do physical labor.

Which statement is true about the Ku Klux Klan (KKK)?

Founded in 1866 in Tennessee, the KKK was a terrorist organization that attacked black and white Republicans during Reconstruction.

(Q006) Which of the following is a true statement about Ulysses S. Grant before the Civil War?

He resigned from the army in part because of allegations of excessive drinking.

(Q035) What was the controversy surrounding the Lecompton Constitution in Kansas?

It was drafted by a pro-southern convention and never submitted to a popular vote.

Which statement is true about the concept of race in the United States in the nineteenth century?

Race was a vague notion; for example, the "Anglo-Saxon race" was defined largely as the opposite of being black, Hispanic, Indian, or Catholic.

(Q027) Which of the following was a Confederate advantage in fighting the Civil War?

The southern commander, General Lee, was a skilled tactician who hoped that a series of defeats would weaken the North's resolve.

Which statement is true regarding the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?

The treaty ceded California and present-day New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, and Utah to the United States.

The famous Lincoln-Douglas debates took place during the campaign for

U.S. senator from Illinois in 1858

Andrew Johnson

lacked Lincoln's political skills and keen sense of public opinion.

By what means did the first Americans establish landholdings in Texas?

legal purchase of land, as long as they became Mexican citizens

(Q012) At the Battle of Fredericksburg, Virginia, in December 1862,

northern forces suffered one of their worst defeats of the war.

(Q005) There were calls by some expansionists for the United States to annex all of Mexico, yet the movement failed because

of the fear that the nation could not assimilate the large non-white Catholic population.

(Q003) Which of the following series of events is listed in proper sequence?

second Confiscation Act; Siege of Vicksburg; congressional passage of Thirteenth Amendment

During the Civil War, northern women

found new permanent places in the fields of nursing, government, and retail sales.

What was the most important piece of technology during the Civil War?


(Q032) Where did Confederates want to specifically pursue an aggressive pro-slavery foreign policy before the Civil War?

the Caribbean

(Q025) Abraham Lincoln reentered politics in 1854 as a result of

the Kansas-Nebraska Act.

(Q022) By 1862, how many states composed the Confederate States of America?


(Q004) Which of the following territories became part of the United States as a result of its victory in the Mexican War?


(Q005) A major hindrance during the outbreak of war included this railroad situation.

There was no national railroad gauge so trains built for one line could not run on another.

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