Chapter 14 AP Biology

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restriction enzyme ligase plasmid retrieved

*CLONING A HUMAN GENE* Human DNA and plasmid DNA are cleaved by a specific type of ___________ _______ Then the human DNA, perhaps containing the insulin gene is spliced into a plasmid by the enzyme DNA ________ Gene cloning is achieved after a bacterium takes up the _________ If the gene functions normally, the product may also be _________ (insulin)

plasmid vector

*Contrast how gene cloning is different between recombinant technology and PCR* With recombinant DNA technology a piece of DNA of interest is inserted into a __________ PCR makes many copies of the DNA of interest without having to create a _______

liposomes adenoviruses

*Describe the methods that are being used to introduce genes into humans for gene therapy* ___________, nasal sprays, and ____________ are currently being used to deliver genes to cells for gene therapy

SCID hypercholesterolemia cystic fibrosis

*Discuss an example of ex vivo and of in vivo gene therapy* Ex vivo gene therapy is being used to treat _____ and familial ___________________ In vivo gene therapy is being used to treat _____ ______

recombinant genome rDNA

*Distinguish between a transgenic animals and a cloned animal* A transgenic animal contains ___________ DNA molecules in addition to its _______ A cloned animal is genetically identical to the one from which it was created and does not contain ______.

genes proteins

*Distinguish between the genome and the proteome of a cell* The genome is the sum of all the ____ in a cell the proteome represents the sum of all the _____ encoded by the genome

DNA profiles source

*Explain how DNA fingerprinting distinguishes individuals* DNA molecules amplified by PCR can be used to create _____ _________, or fingerprints, which can be analyzed to identify the _______ of the DNA sample

environmental experimental databases

*Explain how the use of microarrays and bioinformatics aids in the study of genomics and proteomics* Microarrays allow scientists to analyze the expression of genes under different __________ conditions. Bioinformatics allows scientists to rapidly analyze _________ data and generate large ________ of information.


*Explain the purpose of restriction enzymes in creating an rDNA molecule* Restriction enzymes are used to cut the foreign DNA and the plasmid in ____________ ways such that the ends of the DNA are sticky and can bind to each other, thus allowing the insertion of the foreign DNA into the plasmid

interest donor vitro offspring milk

*GENE PHARMING* Genes that code for therapeutic and diagnostic proteins appear in the animal's milk 1) DNA containing the gene of _________ is injected into _________ cells 2) Following in _______fertilization, the zygotes are placed in host females, where they develop 3) After female _____________ mature, the product is secreted in their _____ (ex: human growth hormone).

vortex mixing agitator DNA transgenic animals growth

*Genetically Modified Animals AKA Vortex Mixing* It is possible to microinject foreign genes into eggs by hand, but another method uses ________ __________ The eggs are placed in an _________ with DNA and silicon-carbide needles, and the needles make tiny holes through which ______ can enter When these eggs are fertilized, the resulting offspring are _________ ______ *through this technique, many types of animal eggs have been taken up for the gene for bovine _______ hormone (bGH)*

regulatory regions introns reverse transcriptase vector

*In Order For Humans Genes to be EXPRESSED in a bacterium* 1) must have bacterial __________ __________ 2) must not have __________ -_________ ___________: enzyme that will make complementary DNA from RNA- this DNA will not have introns 3)need a __________

various mRNAs proteins single expressed spliced embedded other

*Introns as gene regulators* The presence of introns allows exons to be put together in ____________ sequences, so that different ________ and ____________ can result from a _______ gene Introns might also regulate gene expression and help determine which genes are to be ___________and how they are to be _______ entire genes have been found _________ within the introns of ________ genes

bioengineering organic diseases food medicine

*List some of the beneficial applications of transgenic bacteria, animals, and plants* Bacteria: production of medicine and drugs, ____________, production of __________chemicals Animals: gene pharming, studying human _______ Plants: increased ______ production, production of human _______

short tandem repeats (STRs)

*Procedure of analyzing DNA in which PCR and gel electrophoresis are used to create a banding pattern; these are usually unique for each individual; process used in DNA barcoding* short DNA sequences that are repeated many times in a row

exposed sticky ends foreign restriction enzyme

*STICKY ENDS* After the restriction enzyme creates a puzzle like gap in the DNA, into which a foreign DNA can be placed if its ends are COMPLEMENTARY to those ____________ by the restriction enzyme The single stranded, but complementary, ends of the two DNA molecules are called ________ ______ because they can bind a piece of ________ DNA by complementary base pairing These also facilitate the insertion of foreign DNA into the vector as long as both are cleaved by the same __________ ___________

next genome

*Summarize the difference between a short tandem repeat and a transposon* A tandem repeat consists of repeated sequences that are one _____ to the other Transposons are short sequences of DNA that may move within the ________

single males females

*The SRY gene* The SRY (sex determining gene) gene was cloned, and then one copy was injected in to _______-celled mouse embryos. Injected embryos developed into __________, but any that ________ injected stayed as females

gene therapy insertion inborn metabolism

*What Kind of Therapy?* correction of a detrimental mutation by the __________ of DNA sequences into the genome of a cell *when cloned genes are used to modify a human* accepted therapy for treatment of a disorder and has been used to cure _________ errors of __________, as well a as to treat more generalized disorders, such as cardiovascular disease and cancer

pluripotent stem cell

An induced __________ ___________ _____, or iPS cell, is a cell taken from any tissue (usually skin or blood) from a child or adult and is genetically modified to behave like an embryonic stem cell. As the name implies, these cells are pluripotent, which means that they have the ability to form all adult cell types.

transgenic organisms

Organisms that have altered genomes are known as transgenic *frequently used today today to produce to produce a product desired by humans*

electric current foreign holes mature toxic

PROTOPLASTS These protoplasts (cells without cell wall) are treated with an ________ ________ while they are suspended in a liquid containing ___________ DNA. The current creates tiny, *self-sealing* _______ in the plasma membrane, through which the DNA can enter These treated protoplasts will then develop into _________ plants *EX: foreign genes transferred into strains of cotton, corn, potato, and even bananas have made these plants resistant to pests such as fungi and insects, because the cells now produce a chemical that is _______ to the pest species*

base sequences gene modified phenotype protein genetically

Reasons for Gene Cloning -scientists want to determine the difference in ______ ____________ between a normal _____ and a ________ gene -altering a ___________ -obtaining a ______ coded by a specific gene -they might use the genes to _________ modify organisms in a beneficial way


SUM of the expressed proteins in a cell

genome mRNA florescent active

What benefits are there when using a DNA microarray over a genetic marker such as an STR? It is possible to place the entire human _________ onto a single microarray. When ______ binds to the microarray, a ___________ pattern results and is recorded by a computer, then the scientist can tell what DNA is _______ in that cell or organism.

enormous fragmented metagenomics computational

What is the biggest challenge in shotgun sequencing that is being met by software developers? The biggest challenge was the ____________ size of the __________ data which scientists faced working in __________. Collecting and analyzing data sets of sizes this large (3.3 million genes in a human gut= 570 gigabases of sequence data) proved a difficult ___________ challenge. Many of these challenges are being met by software developers.

isolate sequencing abundant loss biodiversity

What was the downfall of traditional sampling of an environment? Traditionally, a scientist would have to _________ one species from another and be able to culture it in a lab to obtain enough DNA for __________. Only the most ___________ species would be isolated and cultured, resulting in a _______ of the true ___________ that actually existed in the sample.

genomic chromosomal diseased

Why might a researcher want to know what genes are being expressed in different cell types? __________ microarrays can be used to identify links between diseases and __________variations. DNA microarrays can also identify genes associated with __________ tissues.

DNA fingerprinting

a technology that can identify and distinguish among individuals based on variations in their DNA- called *DNA profiling*

biotechnology products

commercial or agricultural products that are made with or derived from transgenic organisms

recombinant dna

contains DNA from two or more different sources, such as a human cell and a bacterial cell

DNA ligase

enzyme that links DNA fragments; used during production of recombinant DNA to join foreign DNA to vector DNA *seals DNA into an opening created by the restriction enzyme*

Plasmid not own

extrachromosomal ring of accessory DNA in the cytoplasm of prokaryotics is called _________ small accessory rings of DNA found in bacteria ring is ____ part of the *main* bacterial chromosome, it replicates on its ____ and can be easily removed from or introduced into a bacterial cell *a common type of VECTOR*

homologous genes

genes that code for the same protein, even if the base sequence might be different

gel electrophoresis

process that separates molecules, such as proteins and DNA, based on their size and electrical charge by passing them though a matrix


process that uses microorganisms or other organisms, such as plants, to detoxify pollutants in the environment ex: naturally occurring bacteria that eats oil has been used to clean up beaches

intergenic sequences

region of DNA that lies between genes on a chromosome

tandem repeat

repeated sequences are next to each other on the chromosome -also referred to as SATELLITE DNA because they have a different density than the rest of the DNA within the chromosome *a type of repetitive DNA elements*


specific DNA sequences that have the remarkable ability to move within and between chromosomes

functional genomics

study of gene function at the genome level. It involves the study of many genes *simultaneously* and the use of DNA microarrrays *the aim is to understand the exact role o the genome in cells or organisms*

comparative genomics

study of genomes through the direct comparison of their genes and DNA sequences from multiple species


study of the complete collection of proteins that a cell or organism expresses

polymerase chain reaction

technique that uses the enzyme DNA polymerase (taq polymerase) to produce millions of copies of a particular piece of DNA


techniques have been developed to introduce foreign genes into immature plant embryos or into plants cells called __________ that have the cell wall removed


the production of genetically identical copies of DNA, cells, or organisms through some asexual means.

interspersed repeat

the repetitions may be placed intermittently along a single chromosome or across multiple chromosomes *a type of repetitive DNA elements*


the study of genomes-our complete genetic makeup and that of other organisms

recognition sequence

what are the series of bases called that the restriction enzymes cut at?

plasmids and viruses

what are the two main vectors used?

negative (the gel electrophoresis has a postive charge= attraction)

what charge does DNA have? think of phosphate groups

in vivo gene therapy

where the gene is directly delivered into the body

DNA microarrays

glass or plastic slide containing thousands of single stranded DNA fragments arranged in an array (grid); used to detect and measure gene expression; also called gene chips *also known as DNA chips or genome chips*

knockout mouse

has both alleles of a gene removed or made nonfunctional *a mouse whose DNA has been genetically engineered so that it does not express particular proteins.*

Human genome project

initiative to determine the complete sequence o the human genome and to analyze this information *a 13 year effort that involved both university and private laboratories around the world*

structural genomics

knowing the sequence o the bases and how many genes we have


mitochondrial DNA is only inherited through the _______

repetitive DNA elements

occur when a sequence of two or more nucleotides is repeated many times along the length of one of more chromosomes

genetically modified organisms

organism whose genetic material has been altered or enhanced using DNA technology

diet arenaviruses two viral evolution mammals range pathogenesis

*What was learned from: The guts of various species of mammals (the results showed)* The results showed that the ______ of mammals and not the specific species determines what microorganisms lived in the gut. *Using it as a diagnostic tool with snakes and what questions have now arisen?* DNA from healthy and affected snakes were obtained, and the DNA was filtered out using a computer. The resulting DNA sequences revealed ______________ and a virus of _____ previously identified viruses. This confirmed the snake disease was viral and additionally had larger implications for ________ __________ Arenaviruses were only previously known to infect _________ and had never identified in reptiles. This discovery opened up many questions about host ________, evolution, AND MECHANISMS OF ___________ IN VIRUSES.

protein folding degraded improperly bacteria recombinant

*Why is the production of proteins more advantageous in mammals?* Specific __________ _________ or other modifications that occur in mammals but not in bacteria. Certain proteins may be __________ rapidly or folded ___________ when expressed in __________ The yield of __________ proteins in milk can be quite large *ex: a dairy cow produces about 10,000 liters of milk per year in some cases, a transgenic cow can produce about 1 gram per liter of the transgenic protein in its milk*

restriction enzyme

*cleaves DNA*

gene farming

*the use of transgenic farm animals to produce pharmaceuticals, is being pursued by a number of firms*


*to make rDNA, a technician needs a __________ by which rDNA will be introduced into a host cell*

ex vivo gene therapy

*which the gene is inserted into cells that have been removed from the body and then returned to the body* no chance of rejection because its your own cells that your modifying

gene cloning

DNA cloning to produce many identical copies of the same gene

enucleated eggs

an egg cell that has its own nucleus removed

genetic profile

an individual's genome, including any possible mutations


area of scientific study that utilizes computer technologies to analyze large sets of data, typically in the study of genomics and proteomics

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