Chapter 14 APUSH

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How did the war end and what were its consequences?

After lincoln's reelection, the war hastened to its conclusion Sherman and his army set out from Atlanta and on their march destroyed railroads buildings and all the food and supplies they could not use Sherman moved into south caroling and brought even more destruction On January 31 1865 congress approved the 13 amendments which abolished slavery throughout the entire union and introduced the word slavery for the first time In April grant finally broke through lee's lines at Petersburg and left Richmond defenseless and the following day the union soldiers occupied the southern capital Meanwhile, lee and his army headed west only to be encircled by grant's forces Lee surrendered at Appomattox and although some confederate units remained in the field the civil war was over

What was Wartime Reconstruction like in the west?

After the Union captured Vicksburg the army established regulations for plantation labor Military authorities insisted that the emancipated slaves must sign labor contracts with plantation wonders who took an oath of loyalty But the slaves would be paid wages and provided with education Neither side was satisfied with the new labor system Blacks resented the system The owners complained that their workers were insubordinate and without the whip, they insisted discipline could not be enforced In Mississippi, it was decided to establish a "negro paradise" This meant that the emancipated slaves saw the land divided among themselves A system of government was established where the former slaves could elect their own judges and sheriffs

What was the inner civil war?

As the war progressed social change and internal turmoil engulfed much of the confederacy In the begging, the southern soldiers were motivated as they believed they were fighting for their liberty But the south found itself increasingly divided One grievance was the draft Because of the draft law where it exempted one white male for every twenty slaves the struggle for independence had become known as a rich man's war and a poor man's fight

What were the politics of wartime reconstruction like?

As the war progressed the future political status of African Americans emerged as a key dividing line in public debates In 1863 Lincoln announced his ten-Percent Plan of Reconstruction He essentially offered an amnesty and full restoration of rights including property except for slaves, to nearly all-white southerners who took an oath affirming loyalty to the union After 10% of the voters had taken the oath they ould elect a new state government Lincolns plan offered no role to blacks in shaping the post-slavery order Another group stepped onto the stage of politics the free blacks of New Orleans Their complaints at being excluded under lincoln's Reconstruction plan won a sympathetic hearing for Radical Republicans in congress This caused the Wade-Davis bill to pass which required a majority of white male southerners to pledge support for the union The bill passed Congress but died when Lincoln refused to sign it It was clear that while slavery was dead no agreement existed as to what social and political system should take its place

How did the Emancipation proclamation change how African Americans were seen and how were they able to now fight?

Before African Americans were able to serve on Union warships But African Americans were not able to fight on land In the begging, the union army refused to accept northern black volunteers They feared that whites would not be willing to fight alongside blacks And allowing blacks to fight would alienate the border slaves states By the end of 1861, the army was employing escaped slaves as cooks laundresses, and laborers The recruitment of black soldiers only begin after the emancipation proclamation By the end of the war, more than 180,000 black men had served in the union army Most black soldiers were emancipated slaves who joined the army in the south

How were both sides underprepared and how did both sides gain the resources needed to fight the war?

Both sides were unprepared for the war There was no national railroad standardization so trains built for one line could not run on another There was no national banking system no tax system capable of raising the funds needed for the war No accurate maps of the southern states After Fort Sumter, Lincoln proclaimed a naval blockade of the south called the anaconda plan The goal of the plan was to strangle the south economically But the Navy only consisted of 90 vessels The blockade only became effective in the late war There was a problem with purchasing and distributing food weapons and other supplies The union army eventually became the best-feed and best-supplied military force in history By the third year of the war, Lee the southern armies were suffering from the food shortages uniforms and shoes but they were armed

What were the southern unionists?

By 1864 organized peace movements had appeared in several southern states Confederate military tribunals imprisoned hundreds of unionists But southerners loyal to the union made a significant contribution to northern victory

How did the government change the economy?

Congress adopted policies that promoted economic growth and permanently altered the nation's financial system With the south unrepresented the lawmakers adopted policies advocated by many northerners The spur agriculture development the homestead act offered 160 acres of free public land to settlers in the west

How did the war divide the North?

Despite lincoln's political skills the war and his policies divided northern society Rapid societal changes divided the North Disaffection was strongest among the large southern-born population of states like Ohio Indiana and Illinois and working-class catholic immigrants in eastern cities As the war progressed it heightened existing social tensions and created new ones The union's draft law caused widespread indignation The war caused the rebirth of the northern labor movements The sweeping changes in the status of blacks called forth a racist reaction in many parts of the north The democratic party subjected lincoln's policies to withering criticism On occasion, the disagreements turned into violence

What were the strategies for both sides?

Each side tried to find ways to maximize its advantages The Confederacy adopted a defensive strategy with occasional thrusts into the north General Robert E. Lee was a brilliant battlefield tactician who helped the south a lot Lincoln's early general found it impossible to bring the union's advantages in manpower and technology to bear on the battlefield The north officers had been trained to lead small professional forces into battle not the crowds of untrained men The north also suffered from the narrowness of military vision It's generally initially concentrated on occupying southern territory and attempting to capture Richmond the confederate capital Lincoln realized that simply capturing and occupying territory would not win the war Lincoln also knew that slavery was the backbone of the confederacy and to win the war they must make that their target

What was the role of women in the confederacy?

Even more, than in the north the war placed unprecedented burdens on southern white women Left alone on farms and plantations they were often forced to manage business affairs and discipline slaves Asin the north women mobilized to support soldiers in the field In Richmond "government girls" staffs many of the clerkships in the new confederate bureaucracy Southern women's self-sacrificing devotion to the cause became legendary But as the war went on many women came to believe that the goal of independence was not worth the cost

What happened at the battle of Bull run and what were its effects?

In the east, most of the fighting took place in a narrow corridor between Washington and Richmond The first significant engagement was the battle of Bull run The battle ended with the chaotic retreat of the Union soldiers Almost 800 people died in the battle In wake of Bull Run George B. McClellan assumed command of the union's army McClellan succeeded in welding his men into a superb fighting force He seemed reluctant however to commit them to battle The Democrats hoped that compromise might end the war without large scale loss of life or a weakening of slavery

How is the civil war important in American History?

The civil war laid the foundation for modern America The power in the nation was shifted from slave-owning planters to northern capitalists It dramatically increased the power of the federal government and accelerated the modernization of the northern economy Both sides lost something they had gone to war to defend The south lost slavery but Lincoln's America was transformed The world of free labor of the small shops and independent farmers and into an industrial giant

What was being a soldier like for the African Americans themselves?

For black soldiers themselves military service provided to be a liberating experience Service in the army established men as community leaders and opened a door to political advancement In time the memory of black military service would fade from white America's collective memory Of the hundreds of civil war monuments, fewer than a dozen contains an image of a black soldier The union army for the most part treated black sailors the name was white ones Within the army however black soldiers received treatment that was anything but equal to their white counterparts There were different units for whites and blacks Blacks initially receive lower pay They were assigned to labor rather than combat and they could not rise to the rank of the commissioned officer until the very end of the war If captured by confederate forces they faced the prospect of the slave into slavery Black soldiers played a crucial role in winning the war and in defining the consequences of the war Republicans came to believe that emancipation must bring with it equal protection of the laws regardless of race But racism was not the confederate nation's leader animated from national life Lincoln insisted that they must be treated the same as whites when captured and suspended

How were women involved in the war?

For many northern women, the conflict opened new doors of opportunity Women took advantage of the labor shortage to move into jobs in factories and into certain largely male professions Many of the wartime gains were short-lived but in white-collar government jobs like retail sales and nursing women found a permanent place in the workforce Some northern women took a direct part in military campaigns Hundreds of thousands of northern women took part in organizations that gathered money and medical supplies for soldiers and sent books clothing and food to freedmen Many men understood women's war work as an extension of their capacity for self-sacrifice The suffrage movement suspended operations during eh war to devote itself to the union and emancipation From the ranks of the wartime, mobilization came many of eh leaders of the postwar movement for women's rights

What were the new views of freedom after the war?

Freedom contested nature was never more evident than during the civil war To the north, freedom meant for each man to enjoy the product of his labor But in the south freedom meant mastership toe power to do as they please with other men The union's triumph consolidated the northern understanding of freedom as the national norm The attack on Fort Sumter crystallized in northern minds the direct conflict between freedom and slavery that had been insisted upon for decades

How was 1864 a turning point in the war?

In 1864 grant began a war of attrition against lee's army in Virginia Grant was willing to accept high numbers of casualties Grant understood that to bring the north's manpower advantage into play he must attack continuously In may the 115,000 man army crossed the river into Virginia to fight This was the war bloodiest month Grant army suffered many casualties and previous union generals had broken off after losses like grant experienced but grant did not The sustained fighting in Virginia was a turning point in modern warfare Grant was the only Union general to maintain the initiative against lee but he was labeled as a butcher of men As casualty rolls mounted in the spring and summer of '64 northern morale sank to its lowest point Lincoln believed he would not be able to win reelection Lincoln did eventually win which ensured the war would end until the confederacy's defeat

How did slavery unravel?

In the early days of the war, congress adopted a resolution proposed by Senator John J. Crittenden of Kentucky which affirmed that the union had no intention of interfering with slavery. But as the confederacy set slavs to work as military laborers and blacks bean to escape to Union lines the policy of ignoring slavery unraveled By the end of 1861, the military had adopted the plan of treating escaped blacks as contraband of war Meanwhile, slaves themselves took actions that helped propel a reluctant white America down the road to emancipation Long before Lincoln made emancipation a war aim blacks in the north and the south were calling the conflict the "freedom war" Thousands of slaves headed for union lines

What was the early war in the east like?

In the seven days campaign, a series of engagements in June lee blunted McClellan's attack and forced him to withdraw back to the vicinity of Washington DC Lee was also victorious at the second battle of Bull Run After the successful defenses, lee launched an invasion of the north He hoped to bring the border states into the confederacy and persuade Britain and France to recognize southern independence and influence the north's fall elections and maybe capture Washington DC During the battle of Antietam, more people died than any other day in the nation's history Lee was forced to retreat and the north could claim Antietam as a victory This would be the union's last victory in the east for quite some time

What were the confederate leadership and government like?

Jefferson Davis was the confederate nation's leader Davis was unable to communicate the war's meaning effectively to ordinary men and women The lack of a party system proved to be a political liability Under Davis, the confederate nation became far more centralized than the old south had been The government raised armies from scratch and took control of southern railroads But they failed to find a way t use the southwest major economic resource cotton In the early part of the war, the administration tried to suppress cotton production urging planters to grow food and banning cotton exports This turned out to be ineffective As a result, the resumption of American cotton production after the war led directly to a worldwide crisis of overproduction that drove down the price of cotton

What did Lincoln decide on the issue of emancipation?

Lincoln concluded that emancipation had become a political and military necessity This had come from: The lack of military success Hope that emancipated slaves might help meet the army's growing manpower needs Changing northern public opinion And the calculation that making slavery a target of the war meant that Britain would recognize the confederacy 5 days after McClellan's army forced Lee to retreat at Antietam Lincoln issued the preliminary emancipation proclamation It warned that unless the south laid down its arms by the end of 1862 he would decree the abolition The initial northern reaction was not encouraging In the fall elections, the democrats made opposition emancipation the centerpiece of their campaign Republicans lost control of the legislatures of Indiana and Illinois and the governorship of new your and saw their majorities dangerously reduced in other states Lincoln tried to calm northerners racial fears

What were the economic problems that the south faced?

Shortages arose of essential commodities such as salt corn and meat The war left countless farms plantations businesses ad railroads in ruins The economic crisis which stood in glaring contrast to the north's boom was a result of the war The confederate policies exaggerated its effects Many nonslaveholders became convinced that they were bearing an unfair share of the war's burdens Like the union, the confederacy borrowed heavily to finance the war Because the planter dominated confederate congress proved unwilling to levy heavy taxes that planters would have to pay The confederate printed a lot of money which lead to a large amount of inflation Congress also authorized military officers to seize farm goods to supply the army paying with increasingly worthless confederate money Numerous yeoman families sank into poverty and debt As the war progressed desertion became what one officer called a crying evil for the southern armies

How did the war affect the native Americans?

One of lincoln's first orders was to withdraw federal troops from the west to protect DC This made it so it was impossible to keep white interlopers from intruding on Indian land Indian leaders begged lincoln to reverse their decision but to no avail Conflict flared in the west between native Americans and white settlers with disastrous results The union army also launched a campaign against the Navajo in the southwest destroying their orchards and sheep and forcing 8,000 people to move to a reservation The confederacy treated native Americans more fairly than the union The confederacy allowed Indian tribes to elect representatives to congress State administration was removed so Indians could govern themselves

What were the steps taken towards emancipation?

Since slavery stood at the foundation of the southern economy they insisted emancipation was necessary to weaken the south's ability to sustain the war The most uncompromising opponents of slavery before the war abolitionists and Radical republicans quickly concluded that the institution must become a target of the Union war effort Outside of Congress, few pressed the case for emancipation more eloquently than Frederic Douglass These appeals won increasing support in a congress frustrated by lack of military success In march congress prohibited the army from returning fugitive slaves Then there was the abolition in the district of Columbia Through these months lincoln struggled to retain control of the emancipation issue In August 1861 Fremont made Missouri a free state but lincoln swiftly rescinded it Lincoln urged black leaders to promote emigration from the united states "you and we are different races it is better for us both to be separated"

What was the sea island experiment?

The Union occupied the islands and nearly all the white population fled but 10,000 slaves were left behind After the navy found the island it was followed by other northerners Gideon's Band came which was a black and white group of reformers and teachers Each group had a different view of how to transition to freedom should be made Convinced that education was the key to making self-reliant productive citizens for the former slave's teachers devoted themselves to teaching the freed blacks Many thought that the blacks needed outside guidance to appreciate freedom The sea Island experiment was widely held to be a success

How was slavery involved in the war?

The civil war produced far-reaching changes in American The most dramatic change was the destruction of slavery American emancipation dwarfed that of any other country At the outset of the war, Lincoln invoked the northern values to mobilize public support But while appealing to free labor values lincoln initially insisted that slavery was irrelevant to the conflict In the war's first year his paramount concerns were to keep the border slave states in the union Action against slavery he feared would drive the border into the confederacy and alienate conservative northerners

What was the technology that was used in this war, like?

The civil war was the first major conflict where the railroad transported troops and supplies Thus Atlanta and Petersburg became major military objectives Iron ships like the monitor and the Merrimac were superior to the wooden ships The war saw the use of the telegraph for military communication It also introduced observation balloons to view enemy lines Ther were even primitive hand grenades and submarines There was a revolution in arms manufacturing The musket had been replaced with the modern rifle This changed the combat because it increased the importance of heavy fortifications and elaborate trenches and gave those on defense a significant advantage The war was particularly deadly The death toll in the civil war nearly equals the total number of Americans who died in all the nations other wars Neither side was really ready for the new form of war Diseases swept through army camps killing more men than did combat The civil war was the first war in which large numbers of Americans were captured by the enemy and held in dire conditions in military prisons

What was the emancipation Proclamation?

The document did not liberate all slaves On the day it was issued it only help very few The proclamation exempted areas firmly under Union control Slaves in the border states were still slaves But the majority of the souths slaves were free But because the slaves were still behind Confederate lines their liberation would wait until Union victories The proclamation sounded the eventual death of slavery The proclamation represented a turning point in lincoln's won thinking It was the first time it committed the government to enlist black soldiers in the Union army American emancipation in the united states was immediate and offered no compensation to slaveholders for their loss of property Except for those in DC The civil war which was begun to preserve the union now portended a far-reaching transformation in southern life and redefinition of American freedom

How did the north transform with the war?

The effort to mobilize the resources of the union greatly enhanced the power not only of the federal government but also of a rising class of capitalist entrepreneurs The south suffered economic devastation The North experienced the war as a time of prosperity The profits of the industry boomed The new England mills worked day and night to supply the army with blankets and uniforms Pennsylvania coal miners and ironworkers rapidly expanded their production Agriculture also flourished Wisconsin despite giving 90,000 men to the union army grain production

What was liberty like in wartime?

The intense new nationalism made criticism of the war effort seem to be treason During the conflict, the safety of the nation is the supreme law Arbitrary arrests numbered in the thousands They included Opposition newspaper editors Democratic politicians Individuals who discouraged enlistment in the army And ordinary civilians like the Chicago man who called the president a: damned fool" Lincoln claimed the right under the presidential war powers The courts generally gave the administration a free hand The president banished someone to the confederacy and ignored orders from the supreme court Most of the arrests were quickly released The democratic press continued to flourish

What were the black soldiers like in the confederacy?

The shortage of white manpower eventually led confederate authorities to decide that slavesLeenot the thought confederate nation's leader criticized us both should be could fight for the south Many slaveholders fiercely resisted this idea The war ended before the recruitment of black soldiers thought not thought the criticized the confederate nation's leader began But the confederate army did employ numerous blacks

What was the new Financial system?

The need to par for the war produced dramatic changes in financial policy To raise money the government increased the tariff to unprecedented heights They imposed new taxes on the production and consumption of goods Created the nations first income tax It borrowed more than 2 billion and created an immense national debt Congress established a system of nationally chartered banks that were required to purchase government bonds Wartime economic policies greatly benefited northern manufacturers railroad men and financiers The union's economic policies vastly increased the power and size of the federal government

How did the war affect Americans' religion?

The religious press now devoted more space to military and political developments than to spiritual matters In many wartime sermons, Christianity and patriotism were joined in a civic religion that saw the war as god's mechanism for ridding the united states of slavery and enabling it to become what it had never really been a land of freedom Religious beliefs also enabled Americans to cope with the unprecedented mass death the war involved The war lead to a transformation of heaven Americans imagined future celestial family reunions that seemed more and more like gatherings in middle-class living rooms Coping with death also required unprecedented governmental action Form notifying next of kin and accounting for the dead and missing Both sides established elaborate systems for gathering statistics and maintaining records of dead and wounded After the war ended the federal government embarked on a program to locate and rebury hundreds of thousands of union soldiers

Why was the transcontinental railroad built?

The transcontinental railroad expanded the national market and facilitated the spread of settlement and investment in the west

How did America go from a Union to a nation?

The united states remained a federal republic with sovereignty divided between the states and national governments The war forged a new national self-consciousness Union was a group of separate states but the nation was a unified political entity In lincoln's inaugural speech he used union twenty times but by the Gettysburg address he never used the word union

How were Gettysburg and Vicksburg turning points in the war?

The war's outcome remained very much in doubt for much of its third and fourth years The battle at Gettysburg remains the largest battle ever fought on the North American continent Confederate forces marched across an open field toward union forces but less than half returned The confederate army then retreated to Virginia On the same day that Lee began his retreat from Gettysburg the union achieved a significant victory in the west On July 4 1863 Vicksburg surrendered and with it, a confederate army of 30,000 men surrendered something the Confederacy could ill afford The entire Mississippi valley now lay in Union hands The simultaneous defeats dealt a heavy blow to southern morale

What was the early war in the west like?

The west was a very different story for the union Early success was brought by Ulysses S. Grant. A west point graduate In February 1862 grant won the union's first significant victory when he captured forts, Henry and Donelson, in Tennessee. In April naval forces steamed into new Orleans giving the Union control of the south's largest city and the rich sugar plantation parishes to its south and west But the union's momentum in the west then Stalled

How was the public affected by the war?

There was a vast propaganda effort to mobilize public support In the union, there was a lot of lithographs souvenirs sheet music, and pamphlets produced to help gain support for the war Items like that also showed up in the confederacy At the same time, the war's brutal realities were brought home with unprecedented immediacy to the public at large War correspondents accompanied the armies and newspapers reported the results of battles on the following day and quickly published long lists of casualties The art of photography carried images of war into millions of American living rooms

What did the world think of the Civil War?

Ulysses S. Grant when on a two-year tour around the world and almost everywhere he was greeted as a modern-day hero In England, Grant was recognized as a military genius

What were the advantages of the union and the advantages of the confederates and what did they both have going for them?

Union advantages and disadvantages The north had a bigger population The ion had far outstripped the confederacy in manufacturing railroad and financial resources The north had a bigger tack which was to restore the shattered nation Confederacy advantages and disadvantages Confederate soldiers were highly motivated fighters defending their homes and families They could still win even if they lost a majority of the battles if their opponent gave up Advantages of both Strong patriotism Both sides resorted to a draft The armies were made up of the people from its society The north had farm boys shopkeepers artisans and urban works The souths consisted mostly of non-slaveholding small farmers Very few recruits had any military experience

What was Lincoln's vision for America?

it is sometimes said that the American civil war was part of a border nineteenth-century process of nation-building After national unification, there was an economic development To lincoln, America embodied a set of universal ideas centered on political democracy and human liberty The united states represented to the world the principle that government should rest on popular consent Lincoln summarized his conception of the meaning of the war in the Gettysburg address Which is considered his finest speech

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