Chapter 14 Quizlet

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How many axes does the DSM-5 use to aid mental health professionals in making a diagnosis?


Surveys suggest that about _____ percent of women __________ percent of men have at least one sexual dysfunction


Jasmine is a teenager who been diagnosed with anorexia nervosa. What percentage of individuals with anorexia that receive treatment make a recovery

40-60 %

What disorder seems to hold an association with bipolar disorder?


Sandy took part in the April 2013 Boston Marathon, where two bombs detonated near the finish line killing three spectators. For approximately two weeks after the marathon, Sandy was unable to sleep or concentrate and often found herself reliving the moment she heard the bombs explode. What disorder might Sandy be diagnosed with?

Acute Stress Disorder

Franklin wakes up on a cot in a homeless shelter in another town. He doesn't know where he is or how he got there, and he is confused when people say he has been calling himself Anthony. This is most likely an episode of dissociative

Amnesia with fugue

Amelia has recently given birth to her first child. She mentions that she often goes into her baby's bedroom to check if he is still breathing. Would this qualify as an OCD?

As long as Amelia is not compelled to check on her baby and does not suffer from severe anxiety if she is unable to do so, then this is not an OCD

Depersonalization/derealization disorder is a type of dissociative disorder that has been found to have possible ________ foundations for the experience of detachment


Studies show that _______ personality disorders occur more frequently in women while _________ personality disorders happen more often in men

Borderline; Antisocial

Elliot became widowed after nearly 40 years of marriage. He has convinced himself that no one will ever love him again. His irrational thinking has caused him to suffer from depression, and he rarely leaves his house. What perspective might best explain his behavior?


Dr. Cowden believes that Jamison's dissociation disorder may be due to his apparent enhanced ability to think about things other than those associated with his traumatic childhood. What psychological perspective is Dr. Cowden applying?

Cognitive/Behavioral Perspective

Which of the following concepts is not specifically associated with the DSM-5 examination of culture-related disorders?

Cultural Binding

Dissociative amnesia is different from retrograde amnesia because

Dissociative amnesia is typically psychological in origin

Dr. Kirby has been meeting with 9-year-old Loren, whose family lost everything in a tornado. In her initial visit, Loren was diagnosed with acute stress disorder. During a 2-month follow up with Dr. Kirby, Loren is still exhibiting many of the same symptoms. What should Dr. Kirby do?

Dr. Kirby will revise Loren's diagnosis from ASD to posttramatic stress disorder.

How would the Greek physician Hippocrates have typically dealt with someone suffering from mental illness?

He would focus on correcting the imbalance of bodily fluids, or humors

Which of the following characteristics best describes differences between bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa?

Individuals with bulimia may have a normal body weight, whereas those with anorexia tend to be severely under their expected body weight

Who is most likely to be diagnosed with a phobic disorder?

Jennifer, who is morbidly afraid of snakes and refuses to even look at a picture of snakes

Behavioral theorists link depression to __________ whereas social cognitive theorists point to _________

Learned helplessness; distortions in thinking

Lisa has just been fired from her new job for consistently arriving two hours late for work. Lisa tries to explain that she must often drive back one to ensure that all the doors are locked and that no appliances have been left on. Lisa's condition is abnormal from the __________ definition


Which of the following is not an accurate portrayal of antisocial personality disorder?

Most people with this disorder are female

What is the major difference between dissociative amnesia and retrograde amnesia?

Retrograde amnesia patients often suffer from some form of physical brain trauma.

Which of the following is an example of cultural relativity?

While Dr. Akido knows that his patent, Aki, believes her anxiety has a biological explanation, in learning more about her family of origin, he suspects it has a psychological cause.

Aaron hates to go to restaurants for fear that he will be seated in the far back of the restaurant and be unable to get out in case of an emergency. This may be a symptom of


Individuals with bulimia often rationalize that since they have had a single treat, thier diet is ruined and therefore they might as well go ahead and eat excessively. All or nothing

all or nothing

Calvin is terribly worried that his college education was wasted when he didn't get his dream job. Furthermore, Calvin believes he ruined his future when he did poorly in his job interview. Calvin explains, "I had to ace the interview. It had to be perfect, and it wasn't!" How might a cognitive-behavioral psychologist classify this distorted thought process?

all-or-nothing thinking

Dissociative symptoms and features can be found in many different cultures. For example, in Southeast Asia and Pacific Islander cultures, people sometimes experience a trancelike state called ___ that is associated with increased agitation and violent tendencies. amok


Colleen found herself attracted to her psychology instructor. She would frequently go by his office just to be near him. When didn't respond to her advances, Colleen eventually told him that she had thoughts of killing herself so that he would spend time trying to counsel her. What personality disorder best describes Colleen's thinking and behavior?

borderline personality disorder

Neuroimaging studies examining potential causes of schizophrenia have discovered that an area of the brain called the ___ appears to have significantly less myelin coating on the axons of its neurons in people with schizophrenia compared to those without the condition.

cingulum bundle

Binge-eating disorder is different from bulimia in that individuals with binge-eating disorder

do not typically purge the food they eat

What neurotransmitter was first believed to bet he cause of schizophrenia?


Charles has suffered from schizophrenia for many years and now resides in a group treatment facility. One day a nurse approaches him and quietly tells him that his sister, who has been fighting cancer for many months, died that morning. Charles has no appreciable facial reaction, and in a very monotone voice says, "okay". The nurse is not surprised by Charles's lack of response to the awful news because she knows that ___ is one symptom often seen in those suffering from schizophrenia.

flat affect

Rodney has been diagnosed with schizophrenia. He rarely smiles and often shows little emotion to any situation. Psychologists refer to this characteristic as

flat effect

Studies have suggested that increased rates of major depressive disorder in women may have a basis in

gender roles, social factors, and emotional processing

Researchers believe that 40-60% of the risk for anorexia, bulimia, and binge-eating disorder is due to

genetic factors

Due to the types and degree of emotions often experienced by people with borderline personality disorder, their personal relationships are often characterized by _______. intense emotions, impulsivity, and

intense emotions, impulsivity, and relative instability

One suggested physiological cause of antisocial personality disorder is that people with this condition have:

lower-than-normal levels of stress hormones.

Melanie has just received an exam grade in her psychology class. She earned a grade of 89% which is a "B". All of her work during the semester thus far has earned "A" grades and she is very upset about the exam score. "This is the worst thing that could possibly have happened." she laments to her best friend, Keesha, who just tolls her eyes. A cognitive psychologist would suggest that Melanie is employing her cognitive distortion called ___


Jorge finds himself feeling depressed most of the day. He is constantly tired yet he sleeps very little. He has feelings of worthlessness that have come on suddenly and seemingly have no basis in reality. What might Jorge be diagnosed with?

major depressive disorder

Which type of depression is the most common type of mood disorder?

major depressive disorder

Biological explanations of disordered mood have focused on the effects of several different brain chemicals and medications used to treat these disorders are designed to work on these various neurotransmitter systems. Which of the following is not one of the chemicals that has been implicated in mood disorder?


Sexual dysfunctions and problems can be caused by

organic, psychological, and sociocultural factors

Ria experienced a sudden attack of intense fear when she was boarding a place with her friends to fly to Mexico for spring break. Ria's heart raced, she became dizzy, and she was certain she would die in a plane crash if she boarded the plane. Subsequently she did not go on her trip, an the plane arrived safely in Mexico 3 hours later. Ria experienced

panic attack

On your first call as a paramedic, you enter the house of a man who has covered his walls and ceiling in aluminum foil to protect his brain from the thought-controlling rays of the government. This is an example of a ______


Dr. Haldol has several patients with schizophrenia who appear to exhibit excessive or distorted characteristics in relation to what one might consider normal functioning. Specific symptoms include varied hallucinations and multiple delusions. According to the DSM - 5, these are referred to as

positive symptoms

Survivors of natural disasters like Hurricane Sandy in 2012 may experience higher incidences of

posttraumatic stress disorder

What is major cause of sexual dysfunction?

psychological stress

David believes that characters in a popular science fiction show are secretly sending him messages. This would be an example of a delusion of


In 1972, a jet carrying a rugby team from Peru crashed high in the snow-covered Andes Mountains. Many of the players survived for over 2 months by eating the remains of those who died. Psychologists justified their cannibalism because that was the only way they could have survived so long without food. By what definition might their behavior best be classified?

situational context

Trypanophobia, is also known as a fear of receiving an injection, is an example of

specific phobia

In the United States, insanity is a term typically used by

the legal system

What was the most likely reason that someone would perform an exorcism?

to release evil spirits

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