Chapter 14 Vocabulary
benthic zone
- any sea-bottom surface regardless of its distance from shore - mostly inhabited by benthos organisms
oceanic zone
- beyond the continental shelf - reaches great depths
- mass per unit volume - determines the water's vertical position in the ocean
pelagic zone
- open ocean of any depth - animals in this zone swim or float freely
neritic zone
- seaward from the low-tide line - covers the gently sloping continental shelf out to the shelf break
food chain
- sequence of organisms through which energy is transferred - starts with a primary producer, then a herbivore, then carnivores, then culminating with the "top carnivore"
abyssal zone
- subdivision of the benthic zone - includes the deep-ocean floor - characterized by extremely high water pressure, consistently low temperature, no sunlight, and sparse life
intertidal zone
- the area where the land and ocean meet and overlap - alternately covered and uncovered by seawater with each tidal change
Total amount of solid material dissolved in water; ratio of the mass of dissolved substances to the mass of the water sample
food web
a diagram where top carnivores in a food chain feed on a number of different animals, each of which has its own simple or complex feeding relationships
all organisms that drift with ocean currents
aphotic zone
deep in the ocean where there is no sunlight
trophic level
each feeding stage from algae to carnivores
include all animals capable of moving independently of ocean currents
organisms living on or in the ocean bottom
euphotic zone
portion of the photic zone near the surface where light is strong enough for photosynthesis to occur
the algae among plankton
primary productivity
the amount of carbon fixed by organisms through the synthesis of organic matter using energy derived from solar radiation or chemical reactions
the animals among plankton
the layer of ocean water between 300 and 1,000 meters where there is a rapid change in temperature with depth
the layer of ocean water between 300 and 1,000 meters where there is a rapid change of density with depth
the mass of all living organisms
the process by which plants and algae produce carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water in the presence of chlorophyll, using light energy and releasing oxygen
photic zone
the upper part of the ocean into which sunlight penetrates