CHAPTER 14,15,16

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HIPAA does distinguish highly sensitive health information from other types of health information.


Psychotherapy notes are always part of the behavioral health record.


Employees directly involved in patient care do not require authorization to access the patient's record.


. Safekeeping of property must always be the patient's responsibility.


A covered entity cannot disclose a patient's PHI to a public health entity even if it is to prevent the spread of a disease unless the patient authorizes the disclosure.


A patient must allow their health information to be shared with a health information exchange.


A restraint is a physical device only.


Abuse of the elderly is limited to physical neglect of an elder person.


An employer is entitled to information about an employee's health or medical work fitness for work and non-work related health information.


Attorneys have automatic access to patient information because they are officers of the court.


Because implants are classified as Class III medical devices they are not regulated by the FDA, thus PHI would not be found in an implant registry.


Billing advocates work for healthcare providers to ensure that patients pay their medical bills in full.


CLIA prohibits a patient from accessing lab results directly for the laboratory conducting the test.


Cultural competence deals primarily with language differences among patients.


Documents not considered part of the LHR—for example, correspondence, incident reports, and information about other family members—should be released as part of the LHR.


HIPAA requires that for the purpose of accounting of disclosures, only PHI that has been released electronically or in writing must be accounted for.


IPAA does not allow the disclosure of personal health information on a patient who has contacted a disease that is monitored in by public health officials without the patient's authorization.


It is best policy to provide a special mark or notice on an HIV/AIDS patient health record in order to ensure extra privacy precautions on the record.


Only the adult adoptee can decide if he or she may access the health information of his or her biological parents for health risk purposes.


Regardless of the type of request made, if the request is from the patient, a formal authorization form is required per the HIPAA Privacy Rule.


The Affordable Care Act generally permits lifetime limits on health insurance benefits


The National Regulatory Commission (NRC) posts daily medical events related to radiation on their website which includes PHI in addition to the location and reporting person.


The United States Constitution provides a right to healthcare.


The interpretive physician-patient relationship involves the patient as a passive recipient.


The reporting of quality measures that includes PHI is mandatory by federal law.


The responsibility for notifying individuals who have had contact with an individual with an infected communicable disease is the person who has the disease


Title II of GINA focuses allows employers to use genetic information to make employment decisions.


When a physician applies for staff privileges a hospital must query the NPDB only if the physician requests that the hospital does so.


When an employee is injured at work he must authorization disclosure of his PHI before it can be reported to OSHA.


A court may decide that there is a compelling state interest in preserving life that overrides a patient's right to refuse treatment.


A hospital must report to the CMS Regional Office the death of a patient within 24 hours after the patient has been removed from restraint.


An adoptee's birth record is restricted in order to protect the biological parent(s) unless both parties have agreed to have their identities disclosed in a mutual consent registry.


An emancipated minor may authorize for disclosure of his or her health information.


Depending on state law, an individual may access his or her PHI housed in an immunization registry.


EMTALA was passed by Congress to combat transfer and discharge of patients, and refusal to treat, based on inability to pay.


Failure to discharge a patient could constitute battery or false imprisonment.


For a substance abuse program to be in compliance with the Privacy Rule, the authorization of disclosure of information should include specific elements required by the Privacy Rule.


Health organizations and providers may charge a reasonable fee as set by state law for copying health records in response to a request for patient information.


Healthcare providers must report their suspicion of child abuse


In absence of a legal executor or administrator of an estate, states may follow the UHCDA to allow access to the health records of a deceased patient.


In the case of a suspicious death, a medical examiner or coroner has the right to receive medical information without authorization.


Individuals who report neglect or abuse of children are protected from civil liability as long as they are reporting their concern in good faith.


Information reported without patient authorization under federal laws should be included in the Notice of Privacy Practices.


Ownership of a health record has traditionally been granted to the provider.


Patient portals are hosted by healthcare providers.


Patients have the responsibility to work with providers in carrying out agreed-upon treatment plans.


Proof of a requester's relationship to a patient must be verified before health information is released to the requester.


Some states provide that physical and mental health of a minor adoptee be given to the adoptive parents at the time of the adoption.


State required reporting laws are an exception to the doctrine of preemption.


States can modify birth and death certificate information as long as certificates contain the minimum data required by the NCHS.


Statewide cancer registries are frequently required to report data to the NCHS.


The American Hospital Association's Patient Bill of Rights is now the Patient Care Partnership, which focuses on patient expectations, rights, and responsibilities.


The FDA does not regulate electronic health records but it does regulate a number of health IT applications that may pose a risk to the health or safety of a patient.


The Freedom of Information Act, along with state open records laws including public records or sunshine laws, enables federal or state entities to protect personal health information from public access.


The Joint Commission standards specifically state that patients have the right to be free from neglect and exploitation.


The Medicare Conditions of Participation also apply to Medicaid participating hospitals


The duty-to-warn obligation enables a physician to disclose information to a third party who may be the victim of harm perpetrated by a patient.


The patient or family does not have the right to restrict a healthcare provider from disclosing PHI if the disclosure is required by state compensation laws.


Title I of GINA prohibits the use of genetic information by health plans for underwriting purposes.


Transplant registries may include data about organ donors as well as organ recipients.


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