Chapter 15, GOVT 2305

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Means-tested programs are a type of social welfare program in which government provides cash or in-kind benefits to individuals who qualify with which of the following A) Having little or no income B) Having worked a minimum of ten years C) Having invested a set amount D) Having lived long lives


Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

A food and nutrition service that works with state agencies nutrition educators, and neighborhood and faith-based organizations to offer nutrition assistance to millions of eligible, low-income individuals and families and provides economics benefits to communities.


A proportion of the poor comprised of individuals isolated from the rest of society and for whom poverty is a continuing way of life.

Risk Management

All efforts designed to preserve assets and earning power associated with a business.

______________ ______________ are policy strategies designed to make poverty more bearable of individuals rather than designed to attack poverty by reaching its fundamental causes

Alleviative strategies

The progressive Era was a time when people applied Charles Darwin's theory of biological evolution to society and held that societal relationships occur within a struggle for survival in which only the fittest survive (T or F)


The welfare Reform act abolished the requirement that welfare recipients work at least part time in order t receive benefits (T or F)


poverty threshold

Income level differentiated by family size and annually adjusted for inflation, below which government defines individuals as being poor

working poor

Individuals who, despite being employed or seeking employment, are still defined as poor because their low earnings are not enough to put them above the poverty threshold.

alleviative strategies

Policy strategies designed to make poverty more bearable for individuals rather than designed to attack poverty by reaching its fundamental causes

curative strategies

Policy strategies designed to reach the fundamental causes of poverty and to enable individuals to get out of poverty and lead productive, self-sufficient lives

social insurance programs

Welfare programs that provide cash or services to the aged, the disabled, and the unemployed, regardless of income level

Domestic Policy

a category of public policy that is comprised of policy decisions on matters affecting individuals within a political system


a means-tested medical care program providing in-kind medical benefits for the poor

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

an independent federal agency established to coordinate programs aimed at reducing pollution and protecting the environment

Progressive Era

an urban reform movement of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries that called for direct primaries, restrictions on corporations, and improved public services that was influential in the administrations of Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson.

social welfare

governmental programs, such as social insurance and poverty programs, directed specifically toward promoting the well-being of individuals and families


A program added to the Social Security system in 1965 that provides hospitalization insurance for the elderly and permits older Americans to purchase inexpensive coverage for doctor fees and other health expenses.

All except which of the following are attempts at welfare reform? A) putting two-year limits on receiving benefits B) Providing unemployment compensation C) changing the title from AFDC to TANF D) requiring recipients to work at least part time


All of the following are programs initiated during the great society except the __________ A) Civil Rights Act B) Elementary and Secondary Act C) Social Security Act D) Food Stamp Act


The process of making decision that try to reduce or contain identified risks is called A) Risk Assessment B) Curative Strategies C) Alleviative Strategies D) Risk Management


The public health insurance programs in which government pays the providers of health care for medical services given to patients who are aged or disabled is known as _________ A) medicaid B) Supplemental Medical Insurance C) Social Security D) Medicare


The independent agency that controls and debates air and water pollution and protects the environment from pollution and from solid wastes, environment from pollution from solid wastes, pesticides, radiations, and toxic substances is the ___________ _____________ _______________

Environmental Protection Agency

Risk assessment is the process of making decisions that try to reduce or contain identified risks (T or F)


The great society was the policy initiatives enacted during the first two terms of president Franklin D. Roosevelt in an effort to relive the suffering of those touched by the depression (T or F)


Social Security Act of 1935

Landmark legislation that firmly established for the first time a social welfare role for the national government by providing old age insurance and grants to the states to provide programs for case assistance to the unemployed, dependent children, and the blind, disabled, and aged

____________ is a public health insurance program in which government pays the providers of health care of medical services given to patients who are aged or disabled


Great Society

President Johnson called his version of the Democratic reform program the Great Society. In 1965, Congress passed many Great Society measures, including Medicare, civil rights legislation, and federal aid to education.

The set of ideas that applied the theory of biological evolution to society and held that societal relationships occur within a struggle for survival in which only the fittest serve is known as ____________ ________________

Social Darwinism

Unemployment Compensation

Social insurance program that temporarily replaces part of the wages of workers who have lost their jobs

__________ ____________ are governmental programs directed specifically toward promoting the well-being of individuals and families (For Example, Social Insurance)

Social warfare

Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

Social welfare program administered by the Social Security Administration whereby the national government guarantees a certain level of income for the needy, aged, blind, and disabled

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)

Social welfare program, administered by the states and jointly funded by state and national revenues, that provides cash assistance, in participating states, to needy children and one adult relative or an unemployed parent

Welfare Reform Act of 1996

This act established the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program in place of the Aid to Families with Dependent Children program and tightened Medicaid eligibility requirements. This greatly reduced the width of welfare, and imposed strict employment requirements on the states as well as time limits, on its use

Medicare is a public health insurance program in which government pays the providers of health care for medical services given to patients who are aged or disabled (T or F)


means-tested programs

Type of social welfare program in which government provides cash or in-kind benefits to individuals who qualify by having little or no income


a model of decision making that holds that new policies differ only marginally from existing policies

Social Darwinism

a set of ideas applying Charles Darwin's theory of biological evolution to society and holding that social relationships occur within a struggle for survival in which only the fittest survive

in-kind benefits

non-cash goods and services such as medical care services, that provided to needy individuals and families by the federal government

social entitlements

programs, such as social security and medicaid, whereby eligible individuals receive benefits according to law

New Deal

the first two terms of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, whose revolutionary policy initiatives established a pervasive and active role for the national government

relative deprivation

the perception that one is worse off relative to those with whom one compares oneself

risk assessment

the process of estimating the potentially dangerous consequences of damage that might be caused by a particular practice, such as smoking, or by the use of a particular product, such as the impact of the burning of fossil fuels on global warming.

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