Chapter 15: Reordering the World, 1750-1850

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The text implies that the French Revolution was more tumultuous and violent than the American Revolution, even though both were based on similar principles. Why might this have been the case?

* The French Revolution overturned basic French economic and social structures when leaders abolished feudalism, whereas the American Revolution ultimately left slavery in place. * The French Revolution ushered in more radical political changes than the American Revolution.

What changes did social reformers of the nineteenth century suggest to address the economic and social problems created by the industrial revolution?

* end or limit child labor * legalize prostitution * shorten the workday

Place the Changes in Order

1. New products became available to Europeans: tea, which was purchased from China using Latin American silver, and sugar that was produced by African slave labor in the Caribbean. 2. Farmers in northwestern Europe and British North America developed a taste for global trade goods, like tea, sugar and cotton cloth. 3. Farming households altered their behavior, working longer hours to produce bigger surpluses, which they then should. 4. Increased production from free farming households and increased demand for global trade goods led to an expansion in global trade. 5. A new class of people developed in cities: financiers, lawyers, and accountants who facilitated global trade operations.

Social Contract

An agreement between the government and the governed that law should bind both ruler and people.

Free Trade

An economic situation in which governments allow merchants to buy and sell across political boundaries without fees, quotas, or tariffs.

How did British control of India change the economy of the region?

British began to buy more than it sold through global trade, reversing its earlier economic success. The highly productive Indian textile industry was dismantled, and India became a net importer of cloth. British colonial cities became centers of trade and surpassed older Mughal cities in both economic and political importance.

In response to growing European trade and power, leaders in Asia and Africa tried to reform and strengthen their own states using new European techniques. Which person implemented these kinds of reforms?

Muhammad Ali


Orientalist scholars generally opposed British control of India and used their research to support Indian independence.

Popular Sovereignty

The idea that a government's power is granted by the people it governs, not by God or military might.


The bourgeoisie was a new economic class of people who began their lives as aristocratic landowners, but then took new jobs as accountants, financiers, and lawyers.

How did the Opium war result in opening China to British trade and influence? Place the following events in order:

1. Some Chinese people used opium medically and recreationally. 2. The East India Company produced opium in India and exported it to China. 3. China struggled with both widespread opium addiction and silver shortages. 4. The East India Company objected to enforcement of Chinese laws that forbade the Opium trade, and British forces attacked Chinese coastal cities. 5. British forces fought Qing troops and won. 6. The 1842 Treaty of Nanjing gave Britain the island of Hong Kong and opened five other treaty ports to British trade and occupation.

After the Atlantic slave trade largely ended, African merchants and African laborers remained enmeshed in global trade networks. Place these events associated with the waning Atlantic slave trade in order.

1. Some Europeans and Americans began to argue that slave labor was inmoral and less productive than free labor. 2. North Atlantic governments (including Denmark, Great Britain, and the US) banned the Atlantic slave trade, but some trade in slaves continued. 3. Britain used its navy to help enforce the ban on the Atlantic slave trade. 4. European countries encouraged a new type of trade: Africans sold palm kernels and peanuts, and used the proceeds to purchase European-manufactured textiles. 5. Slavery increased in West Africa, with slaves used for tasks such as producing palm oil, and carrying it to market

What did Gabriel Prosser's rebellion demonstrate?

1. The idea of universal citizenship was slow to develop and highly controversial 2. slaves understood the concept of political rights and wanted to be citizens in the American republic.

True statements regarding Industrial Europe around 1850s.

Goods that were manufactured far from the coast were often transported by railroad to the ocean for export. Areas with a higher percentage of their population living in cities have denser railroad coverage. Railroads were often used to transport coal and iron to industrial centers.


Advocates of free trade thought it would make societies more fair and efficient, and help everyone in the world improve their lives.

One reason the industrial revolution happened in northwestern Europe, rather than in China or India, had to do with the connection among merchants, maritime expansion, and the state. How did the role of merchants and maritime expansion differ between northwestern Europe and China and India?

* European territorial expansion into the Americas was an important factor that enabled Britain's industrial revolution * Merchants had more political power and political support in northwestern Europe than they did in China or India.

In both France and the United States, some women sought rights that would make them for equal to men, including the right to hold property in marriage. Given what you have learned in this chapter about liberties, what can be deduced from this demand?

* Just as aristocrats enjoyed privileges that common people could not, men enjoyed legal liberties that women did not. * Men's marriage rights included the right to control any property a woman had when she got married.

Match each region to the primary groups who wielded political and economic influence in that area as of 1750.

* Ottoman Empire: monarch, landed aristocracy, janissaries, and ulama * France: monarch, landed aristocracy, and the Catholic Church. * India: Maratha Confederacy, Mughal dynasty, landed aristocracy, British Easy India Company, and indigenous coastal merchants. * East coast of North America: monarch, colonial plantation owners, and merchants.

How did Britain gain control of South Asia? Place the following events in order:

1. Queen Elizabeth chartered the East India Company, making it the only English company with the right to trade in Asia. 2. The East India Company established trading posts along the indian coast to support its trade monopoly in the region. 3. The East India Company's private army conquered the state of Bengal 157 years after the company's founding. 4. The East India Company used a combination of military force, payments, and alliances to gain control of the remainder of the Indian subcontinent.

How were the American Revolution and the French Revolution casually connected? Place the following events in order:

1. The American colonies rebelled against British rule. 2. Louis XVI gave financial military support to the American colonists, enabling them to win independence. 3. Louis XVI convened the Estates-General so that he could raise more money through taxes. 4. The Estates-General turned into a conflict between the clergy and the nobles, on the one hand, and the delegates of the Third Estate on the other. 5. On July 4, 1789, a Parisian crowd attacked the Bastille in support of the Third Estate, and the French Revolution began.


A political organization in which the government represents the collective will of a group of people who share a common history, culture, and language.

Match the groups of people to the issues over which they fought during Latin American movements for independence.

African Brazilians vs. creoles: Will Slavery be abolished? local military chieftains vs. regional political elites: Will Latin America be divided into small nation-states or large regional confederations? peninsulares vs. creoles: Who will exercise political power in Latin America: European-born or American-born elites? Andean miners vs. creole elites: Will the forced labor of Amerindian peoples continue?

Despite its defeat in the First Opium War, China did not become a British colony. To what extent did the Qing government lose power to Britain after 1842?

British subjects who broke the law in China were tried in British courts under British laws, rather than in Chinese courts. If the Qing government extended privileges (like lower tariffs) to another European country, Britain demanded the same priviledge.


China and India were similar in 1750, in that they were both firmly under the control of foreign conquerors: The Manchu in China and the Mughals in India.

The text suggests that the industrial revolution of the 18th century occurred in northwestern Europe, and not in China, India, or the Ottoman Empire in part because of how their governments treated two segments of their populations: scholars and peasant farmers. How did these governments view scholars and peasant farmers?

China, India, and the Ottoman Empire did not have profit-seeking investors who used their money to fund inventors and scientists The most talented minds in China, India, and the Ottoman Empire found great encouragement in working for their respective governments, rather than becoming merchants or manufacturers.

Which of the following changes happened during the Industrial Revolution?

Coal-powered steam engines replaced humans, animals, and water wheels as power sources for manufacturing. Increasingly complex machines aided and then, in many cases, replaced human workers. Manufacturers spent money buying improved machinery, rather than hiring more skilled workers.

Although Haiti (Saint Domingue during the colonial period) and the Dominican Republic (Santo Domingo during the colonial period) share an island, Dominicans - on average - live longer lives, are more likely to graduate from college, and have significantly greater access to electricity, medical care, and paved roads. According to the text, which historical decisions account for these modern-day differences?

Eager to finally taste the fruits of their labor, newly freed slaves enthusiastically deforested much of the island and over-cultivated the soil. The Haitian Revolution saw the destruction of many sugar plantations, the source of the colony's wealth.

Match each region to the primary groups who wielded political and economic influence in that area as of 1850.

India: East India Company, regional leaders allied with the East India Company, landed aristocracy, and British settlers. China: Monarch, scholar-bureaucrats, landed aristocracy, East India Company, and other European trade corporations. Eastern North America: Elected officials, plantation owners, merchants, and manufacturers. Ottoman Empire: Monarch, landed aristocracy, janissaries, ulama, regional leaders (like Muhammad Ali), and Western European bankers

Match each statement with their leaders

Mahmud II: "We need to improve the strength of our military by following European models and buying European weaponry". "We need to understand European philosophy and history". Muhammad Ali: " We need to develop our ability to produce goods for global trade". Both: "We need to learn from European doctors, scientists, and engineers".

In 1790, all clergy had to take an oath of loyalty to the new French state. How did this event indicate a shift in ideas about political legitimacy?

Previously the French king's legitimacy was rooted in support from the church and the local clergy, but the 1790 oath suggests that clergy was now subordinate to the French state.

Match the socio-political circumstances in the first half of the 19th century

Russia: By 1840, this state had adopted a smattering of Western technology but continued to rely on the labor of millions of serfs. France: Citizens benefited from a civil legal code that applied throughout the country and its colonies. The Ottoman Empire: By 1840, thanks to the Tanzimat, subjects of this polity were guaranteed equal rights regardless of religion Egypt: By 1840, thanks to widespread innovations in irrigation, this territory had become one of the worlds leading cotton exporters China: While the government remained intact and managed to confine foreign trade to a few select port cities, by 1840 this polity was dealing with a severe opium epidemic

Which statement best describes the East India Company?

The East India Company was a private company, but in places like India and China, it took on military, diplomatic, and governmental roles.

Industrial Revolution

What do historians call the gradual increase and spread of technological knowledge that took place in Europe in the early nineteenth century and facilitated the expansion of global trade networks?


When Thomas Jefferson wrote "All men are created equal, " the inhabitants of the American colonies agreed that "All men" really meant white men who owned certain amount of property.

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