Chapter 15: Review Questions

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What expressions are acceptable to use in testimony to respond to a question for which you have no answer? a. No comment b. That's beyond the scope of my expertise c. I don't want to answer that question d. I wasn't asked to investigate that e. That's beyond the scope of my investigation

b., d., e.

Which of the following describes expert witness testimony? a. Testimony designed to assist the jury in determining matters beyond the ordinary person's scope of knowledge b. Testimony that defines issues of the case for the determination by the jury c. Testimony resulting in the expression of an opinion by a witness with scientific, technical, or other professional knowledge or experience d. Testimony designed to raise doubt about facts or witnesses' credibility


Which of the following describes fact testimony? a. Scientific or technical testimony describing information recovered during an examination? b. Testimony by law enforcement officers c. Testimony based on observations by lay witnesses d. None of the above


When using graphics while testifying, which of the following guidelines applies? a. Make sure the jury can see your graphics b. Practice using charts for courtroom testimony c. Your exhibits must be clear and easy to understand d. Make sure you have plenty of extra graphics, in case you have to explain more complex or supporting issues.

a., b., c.

When working for a prosecutor, what should you do if the evidence you found appears to be exculpatory and isn't being released to the defense? a. Keep the information in file for later review b. Bring the information to the attention of the prosecutor, then his or her supervisor, and finally to the judge c. Destroy the evidence d. Give the evidence to the defense attorney


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