Chapter 15 Short Answer

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What two things should you watch out for in making sure your speech is not overly technical?

A speech may be too technical because the subject is too specialized or because of the speakers use of jargon or obscure language.

Why must informative speakers be careful not to overestimate what the audience knows about the topic?

In most cases, the audience will only be vaguely knowledgeable about the topic and the speaker cannot assume the audience will know what he or she means.

What are three methods you can use to avoid abstractions in your informative speech?

Descriptions, comparison, and contrast

What can you do to make sure your ideas don't pass over the heads of your listeners?

Explain ideas thoroughly and clearly, and consider whether the speech will be clear to someone who is hearing about the topic for the first time.

Why is it important for informative speakers to be creative in thinking about ways to communicate their ideas?

Keep in mind that a good informative speech is not an oral encyclopedia article.

What does it mean to say that informative speakers should personalize their ideas?

Speakers can personalize their ideas by putting them in human terms.

What are the four types of informative speeches discussed in the chapter?

Speeches about objects, processes, events, and concepts.

Give an example of a good specific purpose statement for speech about a concept

To inform my audience about Confucianism.

Give an example of a good specific purpose statement for speech about objects

To inform my audience about three major kinds of service dogs.

Give an example of a good specific purpose statement for speech about an event.

To inform my audience about what occurred during 9/11.

Give an example of a good specific purpose statement for speech about process

To inform my audience how to make a birdhouse.

What should you do as an informative speaker to relate your topic directly to the audience?

You should tie it in with their interests and concerns. Find ways to talk about your topic in terms of your listeners and use personal terms such as "you" and "your".

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