Chapter 15 Smartbook

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Opsonization can take place by binding of antigens with either _ produced by adaptive immunity or _ system proteins by innate immunity. Both outcomes increase the efficiency of phagocytosis

C3b; IgG

Penicillin is a hapten, meaning that it

Can react with proteins to form a penicillin-protein conjugate that can elicit an immune response

All B cells are initially programmed to differentiate into plasma cells that secrete IgM antibodies. It is only through ___ switching that they can shift to producing one of the other types.


The stem of the Y-shaped antibodies has a highly

Conserved amino acid sequence that provides the "Red-flag" for other immune system components to eliminate the antigen

The type of molecule delivered by helper T cells was a signal


When a helper T cell recognizes a peptide presented to it by a B cell or macrophage, it delivers signals known as _ that activates the cell.



Cytotoxic T cell

T cells are activated by ________ cells, which can be considered the scout of the immune system.


Cross-presentation occurs when a

Dendritic cell that has ingested an antigen presents its to T cells on both MHC class I and class II molecules

Most antigens are T- _ , meaning that T-helper cells are required for confirmation.


Most antigens are T- _, meaning that the T-helper cells are required for confirmation


Unlike B and T cells, NK cells

Do not have antigen specific receptors

In the process of B cell activation, after the BCR has bound the antigen, the cell takes in the BCR and antigen complex via the process of


Tc Cell

Endogenous antigen

Th Cell

Exogenous antigen

T or F IgM is the main circulating antibody in the bloodstream


True of false Unlike the situation in antibody heavy chains, antibody light chains do not undergo gene segment rearrangement


The constant region of an antibody molecule includes the entire ______ region, but also part of the two _________ regions.

Fc; variable

One of the traits of IgG molecules that gives them such a strong capacity for protective responses is their _- life of 21 days


Antibody _ chain gene rearrangement processes are highly similar to those of the _ chains

Heavy, Light

The two main categories of T lymphocytes necessary to mount a response against foreign pathogens are cytotoxic T cells and ________ T cells.

Helper (Look for it to be rephrased)


Helper T cell

B cells in the mucosa-associated lymphoid tissues MALT would most commonly switch to _ production, providing mucosal immunity


B cells in the lymph nodes, producing antibodies for the blood and tissues, would most commonly switch to _ production


Newborns are protected by maternal_, which is present in the first breast milk, also called colostrum


The maternal immunoglobulin that protects the fetus and newborn is


B cells in the lymph nodes, producing antibodies for the blood and tissues, would most commonly switch to _ production. But B cells in the mucosa-associated lymphoid tissues (MALT) would most commonly switch to _ production, providing mucosal immunity.

IgG; IgA

Match each immunoglobulin class with its characteristics

IgM- Pentamer IgG- Crosses the placenta and therefore protects a developing fetus IgA-Component of breast milk, and therefore protects a breastfed infant IgE- Involved in many allergic reactions

When nucleotides are added or deleted as antibody gene segments are joined together, this is known as

Imprecise joining

A polysaccharide is a good example of a T-_ antigen because of its identical evenly spaced repeating epitopes


If B cells in the bone marrow with anti-self specific B cell receptors BCRs are not eliminated by the process of negative _, then autoimmune disorders might occur as the immune system gains the ability to make anti-self antibodies


A polysaccharide is a good example of a possible T-independent antigen because

It possesses many repeating identical epitopes that can collectively activate a B cell without T cell help

Different varieties of antibody specific are created by

Joining together any combination that includes one V, one D, and one J segment. V20-D11-J3

A second mechanism that natural killer NK cells use to recognize target cells is recognition of a

Lower than normal MHC class I level on the target cell

Lymphatic vessels carry _ to the lymph nodes

Lymph, the extracellular fluid that might carry antigens into the lymph nodes

The primary cellular participants in the adaptive immune responses are


Positive selective in T cells permits only those that recognize _ molecules to develop further


Cytotoxic T cell

MHC class I

Helper T cell

MHC class II


Mature, but has not encountered antigen previously

Effector lymphocytes formed in secondary lymphoid organs

Migrate out to the site of the initial infection and respond as long as the antigen is present

An antigen interacting with a T cell receptor _______.

Must be broken down into peptide fragments and presented on an MHC molecule

A plasma cell typically survives

Only a few days

When antigen is introduced

Only the B cells capable of making the appropriate antibody can multiply

The cell type producing IgA is the

Plasma cell, particularly those in the MALT

MHC class molecules

Present only endogenous antigens

When a B cell processes and presents the antigen it recognized to a Th cell, it

Presents a variety of peptides from the antigen

The main function of TH cells is

Production of cytokines that direct and support other immune system cells.


Promote an effective response against extracellular invaders


Promote an effective response against helminths


Promoted an effective response against intracellular invaders


Promotes a response against extracellular pathogens


Promotes a response against intracellular pathogens


Promotes a response against multicellular pathogens

Lymph nodes and the spleen are both examples of _ lymphoid organs


The process that B cells use to generate diversity in the B- cell receptors is

Similar to the process that T cells use to generate diversity in T cell receptors

B cell

Site of maturation is in the Bone Marrow

T cell

Site of maturation is in the Thymus

When an antigen is encountered for a second time later in life, there is a _ antigen-specific immune response called the _ response

Stronger; secondary

A _______ cell provides the second signal confirming that an antigen-activated B cell needs to start proliferation and differentiation into a plasma cell.


Processing and presentation of antigens is necessary for interaction with which type of lymphocyte antigen receptor?

T cell receptors

Young children are particularly suspectible to meningitis caused by Haemophillilus influenzae because the capsule of the bacterium is a _ antigen to which this age group response poorly

T- independent

If an immune system lost the ability to make T helper cells, the B cells could still be activated by

T-Independent antigens Polysaccarhides

A conjugate vaccine is composed of a polysaccharide attached to a protein, which converts a

T-independent antigen to a T- dependent antigen

Match the traits listed with either a B cell receptor or a T cell receptor

TCR - Each chain in the receptor has a single variable and dingle constant region domain - Composed of 2 polypeptide chains - Has only one peptide binding site BCR - Composed of 4 polypeptide chains - Light chains have a single variable and single constant region domain, while heavy chains have a single variable and multiple constant region domains - Has 2 peptide binding sites

Tolerance can be defined as

The ability of the immune system to selectively ignore certain molecules (especially "self" molecules)

When a T cell receptor interacts with an MHC molecule presenting an antigenic epitope, the TCR binds

To both the peptide and other portions of the MHC molecule as the two cells interact

The main outcome of B cell activation is

Triggering the cell to multiply

A immunogenic molecule is an antigen, but an antigen may not be immunogenic


T or F IgE attached to basophils and mast cells can also bind to normally harmless materials such as foods, dusts, and pollens, leading to allergic reactions


True or false? If a B cell presents antigen not recognized by any helper T cell, that B cell will become anergic.


How many heavy chain molecules are found in an antibody?


The _________ region at the end of each arm of the Y-shaped antibody molecule is responsible for antigen binding.


When comparing two different antibody molecules that bind to different epitopes, the amino acid sequence in the _ region of each molecule will be different


A prime example of the protective actions of cytotoxic T cells TcCells can be found in attacks against

Virally infected self cells, inducing apoptosis

Neutralization prevents

Viruses and toxins from attaching to target cells and damaging them.

T cells that recognize a peptide presented by a dendritic cell, yet do not receive co-stimulatory molecule signals, will be induced to become


The presence of _ can initiate the classical pathway of complement activation

antibodies bound to antigen

Different subsets of effector helper T cells produce different _, thereby directing the immune system toward an appropriate response for a given antigen


Tc cells encountering a target cell produce ___ that strengthen the immune response in nearby cells.


Combinatorial diversity occurs when different fully formed anti body _ and _ chains are paired up with each other, yielding different specificites

light and heavy

Costimulatory molecules

- Are produced in increasing amounts on dendritic cells after they have collected microbial peptides and are migrating to lymph nodes - Are not initially produced on dendritic cells - Serve as "emergency lights" to let a T cell know that the antigen being presented is from a microbe

T-independent antigens

- Can activate B cells without T cell assistance - Possess long stretches of repeating subunits - Might be repeating polymers of carbohydrates - Might be lipid variants such as LPS

Positive selection mechanisms in lymphocytes occurs

- Due to binding of a TCR to MHC molecules during development and screening in the thymus - Only in T cells

Dendritic cells gather material by

- Extending tentacle-like extensive between epithelial cells to mucosal surfaces - Pinocytosis - Phagocytosis

What steps and outcomes are shared by macrophages and B cells seeking help from helper T cells?

- Helper T cells with the correct TCR bind to the peptide/MHC class II complex and deliver cytokines - Peptide fragments are loaded into MHC class II molecules for antigen presentation to helper T cells - Endocytosed antigens are broken down into peptide fragments - Antigens are brought into the cells by endocytosis

Affinity maturation

- Is a random process of spontaneous mutation - Occurs in B cells, allowing them to increase the binding-ability for their specific antigen over time - Is a form of natural selection among proliferating B cells

When a macrophage is activated,

- It gets larger - It begins producing nitric oxide - The number of lysosomes within it increase

Cell types capable of quickly binding up newly produced IgE include

- Mast cells - Basophils

Functions and characteristics of regulatory T cells include

- Suppression of activation of immune system responses against "self" - Possession of a TCR just like other T cells groups - Preventing manifestation diseases

A granuloma is composed of

- T cells - Macrophages

The cytokines delivered when a helper T cell comes into contact with a B cell presenting an antigen it recognizes leads to __________.

- activation of the B cell - proliferation of the B cell - formation of memory B cells - class switching in the B cell

An effector cytotoxic T cell should recognize presented antigen when the cell is displying peptide fragments of endogenous proteins that are _____.

Abnormal (cancerous) or non-self (replicating virus or microorganism) loaded into its MHC class I molecules.

A native T cell that recognizes antigen presented by a dendritic cell displaying co-stimulatory molecules can become


When a macrophage receives assistance from a helper T cell in the form of cytokines, it __________.

Activates more potent destructive mechanism for the cell, enhancing its antigen cleaning capacity

A plasma cell is

An antibody-producing descendant of a B cell

If a person lost the ability to make memory B cells, then the secondary response would be nearly identical to the _________

primary humoral response.

B cells

Antibody response

Without continuous stimulation by the presence of antigen, effector lymphocytes will undergo


The function of IgD in blood serum

Are not well understood/ Have NOT been clearly defined

One way that natural killer NK cells identify target cells for antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity ADCC is

Binding to Fc regions of antibodies that have attached tot he target

An effector cytotoxic T cell (Tc) makes contact with its target by _____. As a result of the contact, it induces the cell to undergo poptosis.

Binding to antigenic peptide: MHC class I molecule compex

An antigen is a molecule capable of interacting with

- A B-cell receptor - An antibody molecule

The primary adaptive immune response

- Can take a week or longer to become fully protective - Produces "memory" to be used later on in subsequent exposures

What is the basic function of helper T cells

- Coordination of activities of B cells, macrophages, and other T cells - Activation of B cells - Activation of macrophages

Helper T cells orchestrate the immune response by

- Directing the activities of B cells, macrophages, and T cells - Activating B cells and macrophages


- Easily leaves the bloodstream and enters tissues - Accounts for 80-85% of circulating antibody levels

Cells that produce MHC class I molecules include

- Epithelial cells - B cells - Nerve cells - T cells

The five general types of constant regions give rise to five major classes of immunoglobulins (IG). These types include

- G - M - A - D - E

Secretory IgA is important in mucosal immunity and can be found in the mucosal membranes of the

- Genitourinary Tract - Respiratory Tract - Gastrointestinal Tract

Tolerance is crucial because it allows the immune system to

- Ignore harmless substances such as pollen and protein in foods - Ignore the body's own self molecules

Place the stages of lymphocyte development in order, with the earliest stage first

- Immature - Naive - Activated - Effector

The basic functions of effector cytotoxic cells (Tc cells) include

- Induction of apoptosis in infected self cells - Destruction of cancerous self cells

Place the steps that occur during the clonal selection process in the correct order.

- Lymphocytes gather in the secondary lymphoid organs - Antigens bind to lymphocytes that have a specific antigen receptor for an epitope on the antigen. - The lymphocytes being activated need the antigen as a first signal, but also a second signal to confirm the danger and allow activation. - When activation is confirmed, proliferation occurs. - Differentiation into effector cell form (plasma cell, helper T cell, Cytotoxix T cell) occurs.

Which of the following T cell events occur after activation?

- Proliferation of the newly activated cells. - Migration of effector cells out of the secondary lymphoid organ and to the site of infection. - Formation of memory cells. - Differentiation of the activated cells into effector cell forms.

Memory cells can speed up a secondary response because

- There are many of them - Class switching has already occurred, so the response is already fine-tuned for the antigen in question - Affinity maturation has already taken place, increasing the ability to bind antigen

Which of the following are possible fates of activated B cells in a primary response?

- They can differentiate into plasma cells - They can become memory B cells - They can proliferate

The three gene segments used to encode an antibody heave chain variable region are __________.

- Variable segments - Diversity segments - Joining segments

An epitope is

A small region of an antigen molecule that is the site of antibody binding

During an initial or primary exposure to an antigen, adaptive immunity generally takes about _ to build

A week

The main function of the lymphatic system is to allow _ to interact with and activate lymphocytes


The term "Fab region" stands for "fragment of _ binding region"


Antibodies binding to antigens can create large immune complexes because _______.

Each antibody can bind two separate but identical epitopes


Expresses specific traits that help eliminate invaders

Peyer's patches in the intestines ____________.

Facilitate contact between lymphocytes and antigens so that an effective adaptive response can occur


Has encountered antigen and can multiply because it has received the necessary signals to confirm that the antigen is a microbe or other harmful substance

IgG is the only antibody that is transported across the _ into the fetus's bloodstream.


When memory B cells become reactivated in a secondary response, some rapidly form _____ cells to produce antibodies. Others begin undergoing _____ to produce an additional base of cells to work with.

Plasma; Proliferating

Match the traits to either primary or secondary responses

Primary - Slow to develop - Usually IgM in nature - Initially lacks affinity maturation: formed near the end of the response. - Initially lacks class switching; formed near the end of the response Secondary - Faster to develop due to preformed memory cells - Strong levels of affinity maturation already in place - Usually NOT IgM in nature - Class switching has already taken place

While the innate immune system responds to general molecular patterns associated with a variety of microbes, the adaptive response.

Produces multiple, highly specific individual responses to small subcomponents of individual microbes.

Lymphocytes in a secondary lymphoid organ that do not recognized their particular antigenic epitope

Remain active

The amino acid sequence of the end of the "arms" of different antibody molecules is

Variable, thus providing the basis for antibody specify to antigens

If antibodies bind to __________, structures on bacterial cells used for adherence, the bacteria aren't able to attach to host tissues and can be more easily washed away or targeted for destruction by immune responses.


Humoral immunity is generally used to eliminate extracellular antigens such as

- Bacteria - Toxins - Viruses in tissue fluids

Lymphocytes mature in the primary lymphoid organs, B cells mature in the __, and T cells mature in the

- Bone Marrow - Thymus

Maternal IgG can protect a newborn after birth by

- Virtue of its long half-life it is present in the newborn's blood for nearly 6 months after birth. - Being present in colostrum, the first great milk produced after birth, supplementing the IgG carried in the newborn's blood after it is born.

A good analogy for the function of the secondary lymphoid organs is

A busy coffee shop where many cellular meetings take place

The main "weapon" that a Tc cell uses is

Induction of apoptosis

T cells

Interact with target cells and then cause changes in those cells

Due to the high specificity of antibody molecules for antigens and the wide array of antigens we may encounter in our typical lifespan, we need

Many different B cells because each one can interact with only one epitope.

Memory is an important trait of the adaptive immune process. Which diseases below will generally only occur in an individual once, priming a protective adaptive immune response that will provide the person with lifelong immunity?

Measles, Mumps and Diphtheria

_ Cells are responsible for the effectiveness of the secondary response


____ B cells are long lived and allow for a much faster response if the same antigen is encountered at a later date


Antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) takes places when ________.

Natural killer cells bind the Fc region of antibodies coating an infected self-cell or tumor cell, and then induces that cell to undergo apoptosis

Cell-mediated immunity (CMI) deals with intracellular pathogens and antigens such as

Viruses replicating in a cell

A B cell receptor (BCR) is

A membrane bound version of the specific antibody that the particular B cell is programmed to produce

________________ cells, a large type of antigen-presenting cell, are responsible for initial activation of naive T lymphocytes in lymph nodes during a cell-mediated immune response.


Early on in an initial infection, __________ might be found in lymph draining into a lymph node.

Dendritic cells with processed antigensfree antigenswhite blood cells

In the classical pathway of complement system activation, the cascade of reactions is activated when a specific complement system protein attaches to __________.

side-by side Fc regions of antibodies bound to an antigen

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