Chapter 15 Writing and Completing Reports and Proposals

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Table 15.2 Production Elements to Consider for Formal Reports and Proposals (1 of 4)

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Table 15.2 Production Elements to Consider for Formal Reports and Proposals (2 of 4)

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Table 15.1 Content Elements to Consider for Reports and Proposals (2 of 9)

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Table 15.2 Production Elements to Consider for Formal Reports and Proposals (3 of 4)

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Table 15.1 Content Elements to Consider for Reports and Proposals (3 of 9)

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Table 15.2 Production Elements to Consider for Formal Reports and Proposals (4 of 4)

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Analyzing a formal report (12 of 14)

-An informative title in the table is consistent with the way headings are handled throughout this report, and it is appropriate for a report to a receptive audience. -The in-text reference to the table highlights the key point the reader should get from the table. -Including financial estimates helps management envision the impact of the suggestions, even though the estimated savings are difficult to project accurately. -Note how Moreno calls attention in the first paragraph to items in the following table, without repeating the information in the table. (12 of 14)

Analyzing a formal report (11 of 14)

-By pointing out possible difficulties and showing that she has considered all angles, Moreno builds reader confidence in her judgment. -Note how Moreno makes the transition from section to section. The first sentence under the second heading on this page refers to the subject of the previous paragraph and signals a shift in thought. (11 of 14)

The Body of a Proposal & The Close of a Proposal

-Gives Details on the Proposed Solution -Specifies Anticipated Results -Promotes Offering in a Persuasive Manner -Maintains Objective Tone -Avoids Overselling -The proposal's body gives complete details on the proposed solution and specifies the anticipated results. Because a proposal is by definition a persuasive message, your audience expects you to promote your offering in a confident, professional manner. Even when you're expressing an idea you believe in passionately, be sure to maintain an objective tone so that you don't risk overselling your message. -Summarizes Key Points -Emphasizes Benefits -Summarizes Merits of Your Approach -Restates Why You Should Perform Job -Asks for a Decision from Readers -Last Chance to Persuade Reader to Accept Proposal -The close of a proposal generally summarizes the key points, emphasizes the benefits readers will realize from your solution, summarizes the merits of your approach, restates why you and your firm are the ones to perform the service or provide the products in question, and asks for a decision from readers. The close is your last opportunity to persuade readers to accept your proposal. In both formal and informal proposals, make this section relatively brief, assertive (but not brash or abrupt), and confident. -See Table 15.1 for a summary of the content to include in reports and proposals. You can use this table as a handy reference whenever you need to write a report in school or on the job.

Analyzing a formal report (10 of 14)

-In addition to making key points easy to find, bulleted lists help break up the text to relieve the reader's eye. -Moreno lists the steps needed to implement her recommendations. -Moreno takes care not to overstep the boundaries of her analysis. For instance, she doesn't analyze the value of the seminars that employees attend every year, so she avoids any absolute statements about reducing travel to seminars. (10 of 14)

Writing Requests for Proposals & Writing Requests for Proposals (RFPs)

-L O 15.5 Identify the elements to include in a request for proposals (RFP). -At some point in your career, you might be in a position to solicit proposals, and learning how to request effective proposals will simplify the process considerably. When writing an RFP, remember that it is more than just a request; it's an informational report that provides potential bidders with the information they need in order to craft effective proposals. Writing an RFP demands careful consideration because it starts a process that leads to a proposal, a contract, and eventually the delivery of a product or the performance of a service. In other words, mistakes at the RFP stage can ripple throughout the process and create costly headaches for everyone involved. An RFP's specific content will vary widely from industry to industry, but all RFPs should include some combination of the following elements: -Company background. Give potential bidders some background information on your organization, your business priorities, and other information they might need in order to respond in an informed manner. -Project description. Put your requirements in context; are you seeking bids for routine supplies or services, or do you need a major computer system? -Requirements. The requirements section should spell out everything you expect from potential vendors; don't leave anything to unstated assumptions. Will potential vendors provide key equipment or will you? Will you expect vendors to work under confidentiality restrictions, such as a nondisclosure agreement? Who will pay if costs run higher than expected? Will you require ongoing service or support? Providing this information can be a lot of work, but again, overlooking anything at this point is likely to create considerable problems once the project gets rolling. -Decision criteria. Let bidders know how you'll be making the decision. Is quality more important than cost? Will you consider only certain types of vendors or only those that use certain processes or technologies? Will you entertain bids from companies that have never worked in your particular industry? The answers to such questions not only help bidders determine whether they're right for your project but also help them craft proposals that meet your needs. -Proposal requirements. Explain exactly what you expect to see in the proposal itself— which sections, what media, how many copies, and so on. -Submission and contact information. A well-written RFP answers most potential questions, and it also tells people when, where, and how to respond. In addition, effective RFPs always give bidders the name of a contact within the organization who can answer detailed questions. A smart approach to managing RFPs: -1st identify your decision criteria and then brainstorm the information you need to measure against those criteria. Don't ask bidders to submit information about every aspect of their operations if such details aren't relevant to your decision. Making such unreasonable demands is unfair to bidders, will unnecessarily complicate your review process, and will discourage some potentially attractive bidders from responding. -2nd to get quality responses that match your unique business needs, give bidders plenty of time to respond. Successful companies are usually busy responding to other RFPs and working on other projects; you can't expect them to drop everything to focus solely on your RFP. -3rd if your company generates numerous RFPs, tracking proposals can become a full-time job. Consider establishing an online system for tracking responses automatically.

Analyzing a formal report (1 of 14)

-Large, bold type distinguishes the title from the other elements on the cover. -The name of the recipient, if applicable, typically comes after the tile. -Generous use of white space between elements gives the cover an open feel. -Dating the report gives it a feeling of currency when it is submitted and, conversely, as time passes, signals to future readers that the material might be out of date at that point. -The "how-to" tone of Moreno's title is appropriate for an action-oriented report that emphasizes recommendations. A more neutral title, such as "An Analysis of Electrovision's Travel and Entertainment Costs." would be more suitable for an informational report. (1 of 14)

Figure 15.1 (1 of 2)

-Long and somewhat rigorous sentences help give the report its formal tone. For a more consumer-oriented publication, this writing could certainly be simplified. -A less-formal report might've said something along the lines of "Poor diet and physical inactivity are killing U.S. citizens" instead of the more formal (and more precise) "are associated with major causes of morbidity and mortality". -This paragraph mentions the troubling statistic that 15%t of U.S. households can't afford to meet basic nutritional requirements, but because the report is presenting dietary recommendations and not public policy statements about economics or other issues, the tone is objective and dispassionate. (1 of 2)

Figure 15.3 E.S.P (4 of 4)

-The brief close emphasizes the bidder's qualifications and asks for a decision. -The call to action clarifies the steps needed to put the project in motion. -The customer's signature will make the proposal a binding contract. -This proposal was submitted by a geotechnical engineering firm that conducts a variety of environmental testing services. The company is bidding on the mass grading and utility work specified by the prospective client, AGI Builders. (4 of 4)

Analyzing a formal report (3 of 14)

-The table of contents doesn't include any elements that appear before the "Contents" page. -The headings are worded exactly as they appear in the text. -Moreno lists the figures because they're all significant, and the list is fairly short. -This and other prefatory pages are numbered with Roman numerals. -The table lists only the page number on which a section begins, not the entire range of numbers. -Moreno included only first- and second-level headings in her table of contents, even though the report contains third-level headings. She prefers a shorter table of contents that focuses attention on the main divisions of thought. She used informative titles, which are appropriate for a report to a receptive audience. (3 of 14)


Background (Corporate annual reports Difficult): -Adhere to detailed financial reporting regulations, while functioning as broader, multitopic informational reports for a diverse audience. (investors, potential employees, business partners, activists, journalists, etc) -Most have a strong promotional emphasis as well. Info on WPP: -WPP's Challenge (Addressing the info needs of many reader segments.) -World's largest marketing communication services firm based in London. -More than 150 component companies are involved in every conceivable aspect of advertising and related business activities. -Have nearly 200,000 employees in more than 100 countries. WPP Manages: -Actions (taking advantage of the flexibility of the web and making intelligent, reader-friendly choices) -Results (annual reports that are remarkably easy to navigate and consume). What they're doing: -For recent reports: Homepage of the report is a single, scrollable screen (easy to navigate on the growing number of mobile & touch-screen devices). -Offering clear and simple choices for every potential reader. For audiences: -Top page of report (offers links to read the full report, with 4 major sections highlighted as standalone reports) -Watch a video (of CEO Sir Martin Sorrell even has "subheadings" embedded in the timeline) -Top section (offers links to two other annually issued reports that many site visitors will be curious about, company's efforts toward sustainability & another that highlights its pro bono work (services offered for free, typically to nonprofit organizations). Tech adapting: -Swiping or scrolling down to the middle of the page (a menu of "Fast Read" topics, each offering a highly compressed summary of major subject areas from the full report). -Fast Read sections (readers can click through to additional layers of detail on that specific topic if they're interested) At the bottom of the page: -Presented with links (to the full report, just the financial statements, or specific report sections). The point: -Within 3 short screens of info (easy-to-read summaries & well-marked pathways to subtopics and deeper detail). -Norman Pearlstine, an editor at Time Inc. (50 yrs + of experience reading company annual reports, said the WPP report "may be the best annual report I have ever read.")

Table 15.1 Content Elements to Consider for Reports and Proposals (1 of 9)

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Drafting Proposal Content & Define the Proposal's Purpose

-L O 15.3 List six strategies to strengthen a proposal argument, and identify the topics commonly covered in the introduction, body, and close of proposals. -If you're writing an unsolicited proposal, you have some latitude in the scope and organization of content. However, the scope and organization of a solicited proposal are usually governed by the request for proposals. Most RFPs spell out precisely what you should cover and in what order. This uniformity lets the recipient evaluate competing proposals in a systematic way. -The general purpose of any proposal is to persuade readers to do something, such as purchase goods or services, fund a project, or implement a program. Thus your writing approach for a proposal is similar to that used for persuasive sales messages (see Chapter 12). -As with any other persuasive message, you can use the AIDA model to gain attention, build interest, create desire, and motivate action (of course, you may need to adapt it if you're responding to an RFP or working within some other constraints). Here are some additional strategies to strengthen your persuasive argument: -Demonstrate your knowledge. Everything you write should show the reader that you have the knowledge and experience to solve the problem or address the opportunity outlined in your proposal. -Provide concrete information and examples. Avoid vague, unsupported generalizations such as "We are losing money on this program." Instead, provide quantifiable details such as the amount of money being lost, how, why, and so on. Explain how much money your proposed solution will save. Spell out your plan and give details on how the job will be done. -Research the competition. Find out what alternatives your audience might choose over your proposal so that you can emphasize why your solution is the optimum choice. Potential customers sometimes face a "buy or build" decision, in which they must choose between buying a solution from an external party and building it themselves. In these cases you are effectively competing against your target customers. -Prove that your proposal is workable. Your proposal must be appropriate and feasible for your audience. It should be consistent with your audience's capabilities. For instance, your proposal would be pointless if it recommended a plan of action that requires three times the number of available employees or twice the available budget. -Adopt the "you" attitude. Relate your product, service, or personnel to the reader's exact needs, either as stated in the RFP for a solicited proposal or as discovered through your own investigation for an unsolicited proposal. -Package your proposal attractively. Make sure your proposal is letter perfect, inviting, and readable. Readers will prejudge the quality of your products or services by the proposal you submit. Errors, omissions, and inconsistencies will work against you—and may even cost you important career and business opportunities.

Analyzing a formal report (7 of 14)

-The visuals are numbered consecutively and referred to by their numbers in the text. -Moreno introduces visuals before they appear and indicates what readers should notice about the data. -The chart in Figure 3 is simple but effective; Moreno includes just enough data to make her point. Notice how she is as careful about the appearance of her report as she is about the quality of its content. (7 of 14)

Table 15.1 Content Elements to Consider for Reports and Proposals (4 of 9)

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Table 15.1 Content Elements to Consider for Reports and Proposals (5 of 9)

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Table 15.1 Content Elements to Consider for Reports and Proposals (6 of 9)

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Table 15.1 Content Elements to Consider for Reports and Proposals (7 of 9)

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Table 15.1 Content Elements to Consider for Reports and Proposals (8 of 9)

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Table 15.1 Content Elements to Consider for Reports and Proposals (9 of 9)

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Analyzing a formal report (8 of 14)

-A bulleted list makes it easy for readers to identify and distinguish related points. -Informative headings focus reader attention on the main points. Such headings are appropriate when a report uses the direct approach and is intended for a receptive audience. However, descriptive headings are more effective when a report uses the indirect approach and readers are less receptive. -Moreno designed her report to include plenty of white space so even those pages that lack visuals are still attractive and easy to read. (8 of 14)

Figure 15.3 E.S.P (3 of 4)

-A clear and complete itemization of estimated costs builds confidence in the dependability of the project's financial projections. -To give the client some budgetary flexibility, the proposal offers an alternative to the fixed-fee approach--which may lower any resistance to accepting the bid. (3 of 4)

Analyzing a formal report (5 of 14)

-A color bar highlights the report title and the first-level headings; a variety of other design treatments are possible as well. -A running footer that contains the report title and the page number appears on every page. -The introduction opens by establishing the need for action. -Moreno mentions her sources and methods to increase credibility and to give readers a complete picture of the study's background. -In her brief introduction, Moreno counts on topic sentences and transitions to indicate that she is discussing the purpose, scope, and limitations of the study. (5 of 14)

Report Writer's Notebook: Analyzing a Formal Report" Background

-Electrovision's main product is optical character recognition equipment, which is used by the U.S. Postal Service for sorting mail. Moreno's job is to help analyze the company's costs. -Moreno said this about report: For the past 3 or 4 yrs, Electrovision has been on a roll. Our A-12 optical character reader was a real breakthrough, and the post office grabbed up as many as we could make. Our sales and profits kept climbing, and morale was fantastic. Everybody seemed to think that the good times would last forever. Unfortunately, everybody was wrong. When the Postal Service announced that it was postponing all new equipment purchases because of cuts in its budget, we woke up to the fact that we are essentially a one-product company with one customer. At that point, management started scrambling around looking for ways to cut costs until we could diversify our business a bit. The VP of operations, Dennis McWilliams, asked me to help identify cost-cutting opportunities in travel and entertainment. On the basis of his personal observations, he felt that Electrovision was overly generous in its travel policies and that we might be able to save a significant amount by controlling these costs more carefully. My investigation confirmed his suspicion. I was reasonably confident that my report would be well received. I've worked with Dennis for several years and know what he likes: plenty of facts, clearly stated conclusions, and specific recommendations for what should be done next. I also knew that my report would be passed on to other Electrovision executives, so I wanted to create a good impression. I wanted the report to be accurate and thorough, visually appealing, readable, and appropriate in tone. -Moreno based the organization on conclusions and recommendations presented in direct order. The first two sections of the report correspond to Moreno's two main conclusions: that Electrovision's travel and entertainment costs are too high and that cuts are essential. The third section presents recommendations for achieving better control over travel and entertainment expenses.

Analyzing a formal report (2 of 14)

-The memo format is appropriate for this internal report; the letter format would be used for transmitting an external report. -The tone is conversational yet still businesslike and respectful. -Acknowledging help given by others is good etiquette and a way to foster positive working relationships. -Moreno expects a positive response, so she presents her main conclusion right away. -She closes graciously, with thanks and an offer to discuss the results. -In this report, Moreno decided to write a brief memo of transmittal and include a separate executive summary. Short reports (fewer than 10 pgs) often combine the synopsis or executive summary with the memo or letter of transmittal. (2 of 14)

Distributing Reports and Proposals

-For physical distribution of important printed reports or proposals, consider spending the extra money for a professional courier or package delivery service. Doing so can help you stand out in a crowd, and it lets you verify receipt. Alternatively, if you've prepared the document for a single person or small group in your office or the local area, delivering it in person will give you the chance to personally "introduce" the report and remind readers why they're receiving it. -For digital distribution, unless your audience specifically requests a word processor file, provide documents as portable document format (PDF) files. Using Adobe Acrobat or similar products, you can quickly convert reports and proposals to PDF files that are easy to share digitally. PDFs are generally considered safer than word processor files, but keep in mind that they can also be used to transmit computer viruses. -If your company or client expects you to distribute your reports via a web-based content management system, a shared workspace, or some other online location, double-check that you've uploaded the correct file(s) to the correct location. Verify the on-screen display of your reports after you've posted them, making sure graphics, charts, links, and other elements are in place and operational. -For a reminder of the tasks involved in producing formal reports and proposals, see "Checklist: Producing Formal Reports and Proposals." Prefatory parts -Use your company's standard report covers, if available. -Include a concise, descriptive title on the cover. -Include a title fly only if you want an extra-formal touch. -On the title page, list (1) the report title; (2) the name, title, and address of the group or person who authorized the report; (3) the name, title, and address of the group or person who prepared the report; and (4) the date of submission. -Include a copy of the letter of authorization, if appropriate. -If responding to an RFP, follow its instructions for including a copy or referring to the RFP by name or tracking number. -Include a letter of transmittal that introduces the report. -Provide a table of contents in outline form, with headings worded exactly as they appear in the body of the report. -Include a list of illustrations if the report contains a large number of them. -Include a synopsis (brief summary of the report) or an executive summary (a condensed, "mini" version of the report) for longer reports. Body of the report -Draft an introduction that prepares the reader for the content that follows. -Provide information that supports your conclusions, recommendations, or proposals in the body of the report. -Don't overload the body with unnecessary detail. -Close with a summary of your main idea. Supplementary parts -Use appendixes to provide supplementary information or supporting evidence. -List in a bibliography any secondary sources you used. -Provide an index if your report contains a large number of terms or ideas and is likely to be consulted over time.

Make Your Reports Easier To Read & Drafting Report Content

-Headings improve a document's readability and are especially useful for identifying the framework of a report. They also visually indicate shifts from one idea to the next and, when used in a combination of levels, help readers see the relationship between subordinate and main ideas. -Transitions help readers move from one section of a report to the next and from key point to key point within sections. Transitions can be words, sentences, or complete paragraphs. -Preview sections introduce important topics by helping readers get ready for new information; they are particularly helpful when the information is complex, unexpected, or unfamiliar. Review sections come after a body of material and summarize the information just covered. They help readers absorb details while keeping track of the big picture. -L O 15.2 Name five characteristics of effective report content, and list the topics commonly covered in the introduction, body, and close of formal reports. -With a clear picture of how you need to adapt to your audience, you're ready to begin composing your first draft. Before you put those first words down on paper, though, review your outline one last time. Verify that the organization you've chosen makes sense, given everything you've learned about your topic so far. Also, review the wording of the headings and subheadings to make sure they establish the right tone. For a hard-hitting, direct tone, use informative phrasing ("Quality Problems Result in Nearly 500 Customer Defections Every Year"). For an objective, indirect tone, use descriptive phrasing ("Effects of Product Quality on Customer Retention").

Select The Elements To Include In a Proposal & Introduction to a Proposal

-Introduction -Body -Close -Proposals in various industries often have their own special challenges as well. For instance, management consultants have to convince every potential client that they have the skills and knowledge to solve the client's problem—without giving away the answer for free in the proposal. In other industries, such as transportation services, bidders may be asked to compute hundreds or thousands of individual pricing scenarios. Hands-on experience goes a long way when you're deciding what to include or exclude; whenever possible, get advice from a senior colleague who's been through it before. -Consider using proposal-writing software if you and your company need to submit proposals as a routine part of doing business. These programs can automatically personalize proposals, ensure proper structure (making sure you don't forget any sections, for instance), organize storage of all your boilerplate text, integrate contact information from sales databases, scan RFPs to identify questions (and even assign them to content experts), and fill in preliminary answers to common questions from a centralized knowledge base. -As with reports, approach proposals by identifying the pieces to include in the introduction, body, and close. -Follow Instructions for a Solicited Proposal -Present and Summarize the Problem You Want to Solve -Propose Solution -Refer to RFP or What Led You to Submit Proposal -For solicited proposals, always follow the instructions in the RFP, but here are some guidelines for unsolicited proposals. The introduction presents and summarizes the problem you want to solve or the opportunity you want to pursue, along with your proposed solution. It orients readers to the remainder of the report. If your proposal is solicited, its introduction should refer to the RFP so that readers know which RFP you're responding to. If your proposal is unsolicited, the introduction should mention any factors that led you to submit your proposal, such as prior conversations with members of the recipient organization's staff.

Writing Reports and Proposals: Adapting to Your Audience & Being Sensitive to Your Audience's Needs

-L O 15.1 Explain how to adapt to your audiences when writing reports and proposals. -The communicators at WPP (profiled in the chapter-opening Communication Close-Up) know that reports and proposals are most effective when they are adapted to the needs and interests of their intended audiences. To ensure your own success with reports, be sensitive to audience needs, build strong relationships with your audience, and control your style and tone. -The "You" Attitude -Maintaining Etiquette -Emphasizing the Positive -Using Bias-Free Language -Chapter 5 discusses four aspects of audience sensitivity, and all four apply to reports and proposals: adopting the "you" attitude, maintaining a strong sense of etiquette, emphasizing the positive, and using bias-free language. Reports and proposals that are highly technical, complex, or lengthy can put heavy demands on readers, so the "you" attitude takes on special importance with these messages. -In addition, various audience members can have widely different information needs. For instance, if you're reporting on the results of a customer satisfaction survey, the service manager might want every detail, whereas the president might want only a top-level summary. With previews, summaries, appendixes, and other elements, you can meet the needs of a diverse audience—provided that you plan for these elements in advance. -Today's readers often lack the time or the inclination to plow through long reports page by page or screen by screen. They typically want to browse quickly, find a section of interest, dive in for details, browse for another section, and so on. If you want readers to understand and accept your message, help them navigate your document by using headings and links, smooth transitions, and previews and reviews.

Completing Reports and Proposals & Revising Reports and Proposals

-L O 15.4 Summarize the four tasks involved in completing business reports and proposals. -As with shorter messages, when you have finished your first draft, you need to perform four tasks to complete your document: revise, produce, proofread, and distribute. -Evaluate Organization, Style, and Tone -Ensure Content is Clear, Logical, and Reader Oriented -Improve Readability -Review Online Content Carefully -The revision process is essentially the same for reports as for other business messages, although it may take considerably longer, depending on the length and complexity of your documents. Evaluate your organization, style, and tone, making sure your content is clear, logical, and reader oriented. Then work to improve the report's readability by varying sentence length, keeping paragraphs short, using lists and bullets, and adding headings and subheadings. Remember that even minor mistakes can affect your credibility. -Tight, efficient writing that is easy to skim is always a plus, but it's especially important for impatient online audiences. Review online content carefully; strip out all information that doesn't meet audience needs and condense everything else as much as possible. Audiences will gladly return to sites that deliver quality information quickly—and they'll avoid sites that don't. -After assembling your report or proposal in its final form, review it thoroughly one last time, looking for inconsistencies, errors, and missing components. Don't forget to proof your visuals thoroughly and make sure they are positioned correctly. For online reports, make sure all links work as expected and all necessary files are active and available. -If you need specific tips on proofreading documents, look back at Chapter 6.

Analyzing a formal report (14 of 14)

-MLA style lists references alphabetically by the author's last name, and when the author is unknown, by the title of the reference. (See Appendix B for additional details on preparing reference lists.) -Moreno's list of references follows the style recommended in the MLA Style Manual. The box below shows how these sources would be cited following American Psychological Association (APA) style. (14 of 14)

Analyzing a formal report (9 of 14)

-Moreno supports her argument with objective facts and sound reasoning. -The recommendations are realistic, noting both the benefits and the risks of taking action. -Moreno creates a forceful tone by using action verbs in the third-level subheadings of this section. This approach is appropriate to the nature of the study and the attitude of the audience. However, in a status-conscious organization, the imperative verbs might sound a bit too presumptuous coming from a junior member of the staff. (9 of 14)

Analyzing a formal report (13 of 14)

-She uses a descriptive heading for-the last section of the text. In informational reports, this section is often called "Summary" in analytical reports, it is called "Conclusions" or "Conclusions and Recommendations." -Presenting the recommendations in a list gives each one emphasis. -Moreno summarizes her conclusions in the first two paragraphs a good approach because she organized her report around conclusions and recommendations, so readers have already been introduced to them. -Moreno doesn't introduce any new facts in this section. In a longer report she might have divided this section into subsections, labeled "Conclusions" and "Recommendations," to distinguish between the two. (13 of 14)

Building Strong Relationships With Your Audience & Controlling Your Style and Tone

-Style -Language -Content -Language -Building relationships with your readers starts with planning how to adapt your style and language to meet their needs and expectations. Bear in mind that some reports—particularly those that can be transmitted online—can take on lives of their own, reaching a wider audience than you ever imagined and being read years after you write them. Consequently, choose your content and language with care. Also, because many companies have specific guidelines for communicating with public audiences, make sure you're aware of these preferences before you start writing. -As discussed in Chapter 5, establishing your credibility is vital to successful communication. To gain your audience's trust, research all sides of your topic and document your findings with credible sources. Also, be aware that setting audience expectations too high can lead to problems with your credibility if you can't deliver everything people expect you to, so take particular care with the introductory sections of important reports. -If you know your readers reasonably well and your report is likely to meet with their approval, you can adopt a fairly informal tone—provided that doing so is acceptable in the situation and in your company's culture. To make your tone less formal, refer to readers as you and refer to yourself as I (or we, if there are multiple report authors). -A more formal tone is usually appropriate for longer reports, especially those that deal with controversial or complex information. You'll also want to use a more formal tone when your report will be sent to other parts of the organization or to outsiders, such as customers, suppliers, or members of the community (see Figure 15.1). -If the situation calls for a more formal tone, use the impersonal journalism style, eliminating all references to you and I (including we, us, and our). When you use an impersonal style, you impose a controlled distance between you and your readers. Your tone is not only objective but also businesslike and unemotional. Be careful to avoid jokes, and minimize the use of similes, metaphors, and overly colorful language. -However, when crafting a more formal tone, take care not to go overboard, or you'll end up sounding stiff or dull. In addition, don't inadvertently slip into the passive voice. You can avoid this potential weakness by making the report content itself the actor in a sentence. For example, to convert "I think we should buy TramCo" to a more formal tone, you could write "The financial analysis clearly shows that buying TramCo is the best alternative."

Analyzing a formal report (4 of 14)

-The executive summary begins by stating the purpose of the report. -Moreno presents the points in the executive summary in the same order as they appear in the report, using subheadings that summarize the content of the main sections of the report. -The page numbering in the executive summary continues with Roman numerals. -Her audience is receptive, so the tone in the executive summary is forceful; a more neutral approach would be better for hostile or skeptical readers. -The executive summary uses the same font and paragraph treatment as the text of the report. -Moreno decided to include an executive summary because her report is aimed at a mixed audience, some of whom are interested in the details of her report and others who just want the "big picture." The executive summary is aimed at the second group, giving them enough information to make a decision without burdening them with the task of reading the entire report. -Her writing style matches the serious nature of the content without sounding distant or stiff. Moreno chose the formal approach because several members of her audience are considerably higher up in the organization, and she did not want to sound too familiar. In addition, her company prefers the impersonal style for formal reports. (4 of 14)

Producing Formal Reports and Proposals

-The number and variety of parts you include in a report depend on the type of report, audience requirements, organizational expectations, and report length. -One of the most important elements to consider is an introductory feature that helps time-pressed readers get a sense of what's in the document or even get all the key points without reading the document. A synopsis—sometimes called an abstract—is a brief overview (one page or less) of a report's most important points. The phrasing of a synopsis can be informative (presenting the main points in the order in which they appear in the text) if you're using the direct approach or descriptive (simply describing what the report is about, without "giving away the ending") if you're using the indirect approach. As an alternative to a synopsis or an abstract, a longer report may include an executive summary—a fully developed "mini" version of the report, for readers who lack the time or motivation to read the entire document. -Following the body of the report, possible supplemental parts (those coming after the main text of the report or proposal) include one or more appendixes, a bibliography, and an index. In general, place here supporting materials that could be of interest to some or all of your readers but that aren't crucial to the main thrust of your message. For an illustration of how the various parts fit together in a report, see "Report Writer's Notebook: Analyzing a Formal Report," starting on page 431. -In contrast to formal reports, synopses and executive summaries are less common in proposals. In an unsolicited proposal, the letter of transmittal should catch the reader's interest. In a solicited proposal, the introduction provides an adequate preview of the contents. Moreover, proposals often take the indirect approach, which means they build up to the call to action at the end of the report, and summarizing this information at the beginning could undermine the carefully structured persuasive build-up.

Figure 15.3 E.S.P (1 of 4)

-The opening paragraph serves as an introduction. -Headings divide the proposal into logical segments for easy reading. -The work plan describes the scope of the project and outlines specific tests the company will perform. -The introduction grabs the reader's attention by highlighting company qualifications. -The project background section acknowledges the two projects and their required timeline. (1 of 4)

Analyzing a formal report (6 of 14)

-The visual is placed as close as possible to the point it illustrates. -Each visual has a title that clearly indicates what it's about; titles are consistently placed to the left of each visual. -Moreno opens the first main section of the body with a topic sentence that introduces an important fact about the subject of the section. Then she orients the reader to the three major points developed in the section. (6 of 14)

Figure 15.3 E.S.P (2 of 4)

-The work plan also explains who will be responsible for the various tasks. -The qualifications section grabs attention by mentioning compelling qualifications. -The project leader's résumé is attached to the proposal, providing additional detail without cluttering up the body of the proposal. -Describing certifications (approvals by recognized industry associations or government agencies) helps build the company's credibility. (2 of 4)

Figure 15.1 (2 of 2)

-This is an example of a sentence that is precise and uses language appropriate for the purpose of this report. In contrast, a document aimed primarily at consumers might have said "We've converted the latest nutritional insights into recommendations for healthy eating." -In a less-formal report, the authors might have written "One of our basic premises is that nutrient needs should be met primarily through consuming foods" or even "You should meet your nutrient needs by eating food, not by taking supplements." However, to maintain a formal tone, they avoid both first- and second-person usage. (2 of 2)

Chapter 15 Vocab

1. Title fly-A single sheet of paper with only the title of the report on it. 2. Title page-Page that includes the report title; the name, title, & address of the person or organization that authorized the report (if anyone); the name, title, & address of the person or organization that prepared the report; & the date on which the report was submitted. 3. Letter of authorization-Written authorization to prepare a report. 4. Letter of transmittal-A specialized form of cover letter that introduces a report to the audience. 5. Appendixes-Supplementary section that contains materials related to the report but not included in the text because they're too long or perhaps not relevant to everyone in the audience. 6. Bibliography-List of the secondary sources consulted in the preparation of a report. 7. Index-An alphabetical list of names & subjects mentioned in a report, along with the pages on which they occur. 8. Synopsis-A brief overview (one page or less) of a report's most important points, designed to give readers a quick preview of the contents. 9. Abstract-Name usually given to a synopsis that accompanies long technical, professional, or academic reports. 10.Executive summary-A brief but complete version of the report; may contain headings, well-developed transitions, & even visual elements.

Layouts Chapter 15

Headings: -Many companies specify a format, either through style guides or document templates. -If creating your own scheme, make sure the hierarchy of headings and subheadings is clear. -If you've 3 levels of headings in a report, for example (use 20-point bold type for the first-level headings, 16 points for the second level, and 12 points for the third level). -One option is to put the first-level headings in all capital letters or to emphasize them using color. Transitions: -Can be words, sentences, or complete paragraphs. -Different phrases alert readers, for example ("As you can see" alerts readers to the fact that they're reading a summary of the info just presented. "However" alerts readers to the fact that evaluating some choices, problems, outcomes, etc, requires some additional discussion.) Previews & Reviews: -Previews (Particularly helpful when the info is complex, unexpected, or unfamiliar). -Reviews (Long reports and those dealing with complex subjects can often benefit from multiple review sections, one at the end of every major subject block, as well as a more comprehensive review at the very end of a document). -Both (Can be written in sentence format, in bulleted lists, or using a combo of the two. Are effective, but bullets can increase your document's readability by adding white space to the document design). Pgs 417-418

The Introduction, The Body & The Close

Intro: At a minimum, an effective introduction accomplishes these four tasks: -It helps the reader understand the context of the report by tying it to a problem or an assignment -It introduces the subject matter and indicates why it is important -It previews the main idea (if you're using the direct approach) -It establishes the tone and the writer's relationship with the audience Body: -Presents -Analyzes -Interprets -Supports -The body presents, analyzes, and interprets the information gathered during your investigation and supports your recommendations or conclusions. The length and content of the body can vary widely based on the subject matter. Close: The close has three important functions: -It summarizes your key points -It emphasizes the benefits to the reader if the document suggests a change or some other course of action -It brings all the action items together in one place -The final section of a report or proposal can leave a lasting impression, so use the close to make sure your report says what you intended. In fact, readers who are in a hurry might skip the body of the report and read only the summary, so make sure it carries a strong, clear message.

Figure 15.2 Exec Summary

This executive summary from a Boeing report on worldwide air cargo markets highlights key facts, figures, and trends using both text and visuals.

Report Structure

Three Main Sections: -The Introduction -The Body -The Close -Writing lengthy reports and proposals can be a huge task, so be sure to take advantage of technological tools to help throughout the process. In addition to features such as automatic table of contents and index generators, look for opportunities to use linked and embedded documents to incorporate graphics, spreadsheets, databases, and other elements produced in other software programs. For instance, in Microsoft Office you can choose to either link to another file (which ensures that changes in that file are reflected in your file) or embed another file (which doesn't include the automatic updating feature). -Like other written business communications, reports and proposals have three main sections: an introduction (or opening), a body, and a close. The content and length of each section vary with the type and purpose of the document, the document's organizational structure, the length and depth of the material, the document's degree of formality, and your relationship with your audience. Analytical Report: -Introduction: -Problems/purpose -Scope & limitations -Background -Sources & methods -Definitions -Previews key points -Body Paragraph (Provide complete details): -Facts, statistics, evidence, & trends -Analysis of potential courses of action -Pros & cons -Procedures -Methods & approaches -Criteria -Recommendations -Conclusion -Close: -Summary -For indirect approach include (Recommendations & Conclusion) -Call to action Persuasive Proposals: -Introduction: -Problem -Background/need -Solution -Scope -Preview main points -Body (Provide complete details): -Facts & evidence -Solution -Benefits & disadvantages -Plan of action -Qualifications -Costs -Close (Review): -Argument -Benefits -Merits -Qualifications -Request a decision

Provide Quality Content & Make Your Reports Easier to Write

Your credibility and prospects for the future are on the line with every business report you write, so make sure your content is: -Accurate. Information presented in a report must be factually correct. When writing reports, be sure to double-check your facts and references in addition to checking for typos. If an audience ever gets the inkling that your information is shaky, they'll start to view all your work with a skeptical eye. -Complete. To help audiences make informed decisions, include all the information necessary for readers to understand the situation, problem, or proposal. Support all key assertions using an appropriate combination of illustrations, explanations, and facts. Tell your readers what they need to know—no more, no less—and present the information in a way that is geared toward their needs. Mobile reporting apps can help you integrate text with "live" data that let readers explore if they need additional insights. -Balanced. It's important to present all sides of the issue fairly and equitably and to include all the essential information, even if some of it doesn't support your line of reasoning. Omitting relevant information or facts can bias your report. -Clear and logical. Save your readers time by making sure your sentences are uncluttered, contain well-chosen words, and proceed logically. To help your readers move from one point to the next, make your transitions clear and logical. For a successful report, identify the ideas that belong together and organize them in a way that's easy to understand. -Documented properly. If you use primary and secondary sources for your report or proposal, be sure to properly document and give credit to your sources, as Chapter 13 explains. -Automatic table of contents -Index generators -Linked and embedded documents -Screencasts -In addition to features such as automatic table of contents and index generators, look for opportunities to use linked and embedded documents to incorporate graphics, spreadsheets, databases, and other elements produced in other software programs. Also, be sure to explore your media and channel options. Video clips, animation, presentation slides, screencasts (recordings of on-screen activity), and other media elements can enhance the communication and persuasion powers of the written word.

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