Chapter 15.1 Connect Questions

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Blank 1: coactivator or coactivators

A protein that increases the rate of transcription but does not directly bind to the DNA is called a ___________.

Blank 1: activator or activators

A regulatory transcription factor that enhances the rate of transcription is called a(n) _______.

Blank 1: TFIID Blank 2: TATA

Activator proteins might help _________ bind to the __________ box.

Blank 1: control or regulatory Blank 2: regulatory

DNA sequences that are analogous to the operator sites found near bacterial promoters are called _______ elements or ________ sequences

gene expression can be controlled so that genes can be expressed at high or low levels

Gene regulation means that ______.

Blank 1: C, carboxy, or carboxyl Blank 2: elongation

Mediator phosphorylates the __________ -terminus of RNA polymerase II, stimulating progression to the _________ stage of transcription.

A. controlling the switch from the initiation to the elongation stage of transcription C. regulating the binding of the transcriptional complex to the core promoter

Multiple Select Question Select all that apply Transcription factors that affect the ability of RNA polymerase to begin the transcription process may work by ______. Multiple select question. A. controlling the switch from the initiation to the elongation stage of transcription B. regulating RNA processing C. regulating the binding of the transcriptional complex to the core promoter D. preventing DNA replication E. regulating the unwinding of the double-stranded DNA at the promoter sequence


Regulatory elements that inhibit transcription are called silencers and their effect on transcription is called ______ regulation.


Repressors bind to ______.

B. regulatory sequences C. regulatory elements D. control elements

Select all that apply DNA sequences in eukaryotes that can be bound by regulatory transcription factors, which then affect the ability of RNA polymerase to transcribe a particular gene are called ______. Multiple select question. A. core promoters B. regulatory sequences C. regulatory elements D. control elements E. operator sequences

Blank 1: endocrine

Steroid hormones are synthesized by _________ glands and secreted into the bloodstream, ultimately affecting the transcription or expression of genes in target cells.

affect gene transcription

Steroid hormones bind regulatory transcription factors called steroid receptors in order to ______.

general transcription factors

The transactivation domain of coactivators promotes the activation of RNA polymerase, often by interacting with ______.

Blank 1: domains or domain

Transcription factor proteins contain regions called ________ that have specific functions.


True or false: A transcription factor can have multiple domains.


True or false: The function of regulatory transcription factors is modulated.

A domain that has a very similar structure in many different proteins

What is a motif?

Activator proteins

What kind of protein is expected to enhance the ability of TFIID to initiate transcription?

Steroid receptor

What type of regulatory transcription factor utilizes the strategy depicted in the picture?

down regulation

You are studying a transcription factor that binds to DNA near a gene of interest. You discover that once the transcription factor binds, transcription of your gene of interest becomes undetectable. This is an example of ______.

Blank 1: transcription or transcriptional Blank 2: factor or factors

A _________ __________ is a protein that influences the ability of RNA polymerase to transcribe a given gene.

Blank 1: motif

A domain that has a very similar structure in many different proteins is called a(n) _________.


Activator proteins often increase transcription through an interaction with ______.


Activators bind to ______.

up regulation

An enhancer is a DNA element that can be bound to a regulatory transcription factor, which leads to ______.

Blank 1: TATA or tata box Blank 2: promoter

TFIID binds to the _________ box and helps recruit RNA polymerase II to the core __________.


The CREB protein is a regulatory transcription factor that is activated following an increase in ______.

Blank 1: enhancer, element, regulatory, or regulatory element Blank 2: up

The binding of a regulatory transcription factor to a(n) _________ can stimulate transcription 10- to 1000-fold, which is called _________ regulation

Blank 1: response Blank 2: CREB or creb

The cAMP _______ element-binding protein (__________ protein) is a regulatory transcription factor that is activated in response to signaling molecules that increase cytoplasmic cAMP.

Blank 1: heterodimer or heterodimers

The dimerization of two different proteins leads to a ________.

Blank 1: homodimer or homodimers

The dimerization of two identical proteins results in a _________.

bind to the TATA box and recruit RNA polymerase II to the core promoter

The function of TFIID is to ______.

Blank 1: regulation or regulator

The phenomenon where the level of gene expression is controlled so that genes can be expressed at high or low levels is called gene _________

Blank 1: mediator or mediators

The protein complex that mediates the interaction between RNA polymerase II and regulatory transcription factors is called _______

Blank 1: transactivation

Coactivators usually contain a _______ domain that promotes the activation of RNA polymerase.

Blank 1: repressors or repressor

Regulatory transcription factors that prevent transcription from occurring are called __________.

Blank 1: steroid Blank 2: receptors or receptor

Regulatory transcription factors that respond to steroid hormones are called ________ ________.

A. under the appropriate environmental conditions B. at the proper time C. in the correct cell type

Select all that apply The function of regulatory transcription factors must be modulated to ensure that genes are turned on ______. Multiple select question. A. under the appropriate environmental conditions B. at the proper time C. in the correct cell type D. in growing cells only E. all the time

Blank 1: turn Blank 2: loop

In helix- __________ -helix and helix- _________ -helix motifs, an α-helix recognizes a base sequence in the major groove of the DNA.

Blank 1: amino Blank 2: acid or acids Blank 3: hydrogen or H

In helix-turn-helix and helix-loop-helix motifs __________ __________ side chains of the α-helix form __________ bonds with nucleotide bases.

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