chapter 16

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Which of the following comments is most likely to be made by the leader of a group characterized by groupthink?

"We have been united on matters in the past and I hope that will continue"

Which of the following would be the best advice to give parents who are concerned about the frequent aggression of their 6 year old son

"make a point of rewarding and praising your son whenever he is socially cooperative and altruistic"

82. Masked bandits might be more liely thank umasked bandits to physcially injure their victims due to

A. Deindividuation

74. University studentswere observed to pull harder on a rope when they thought they were pulling alone than when the thought three others were pulling with them on he same rope. This best illustrates

A. Social loafing

77. Class members are asked to work cooperatively in groups on major course papers. Every member of a group is to receive exactly the same grade based on the quality of the groups paper. This situation is most likely to lead to

A. Social loafing

33 studies of role playing most directly highlight the effects of

Actions on attitudes

66. The presence of others doesn't always lead to social facilitation because

Arousal encourages performance of the most likely response

30 a life insurance salesperson who takes advantage of the foot in the door phenomenon would be most likely to

Ask customers to respond to a brief survey of their attitudes regarding life insurance

75. Social loafing refers to the tendency for people to

B. Exert less effort when they are pooling their efforts toward a common goal

78. In which of the following groups is social loafing least likely

B. Factory workers who are each paid on the basis of the number of bicycles each assembles individually

The just word phenomenon often leads people to

Believe that victims of misfortune deserve to suffer

76. Blindfolded subjects were observed to clap louder when they thought they were clapping alone than when they thought they were clapping with others. This best illustrates

C. Social loafing

115.) According to the scapegoat theory, prejudice is likely to result in


After Manny's father refused to let him use the family car on Friday night, Manny let all the air out of his tires. His action is best explained in terms of the

Frustration aggression principle

In 1963, Pres. Kennedy announced to the Soviet Union that the US would discontinue atmospheric nuclear tests. Soviets responding pos. illustrates


adherence to the reciprocity norm is most relevant to the utility of


Only when experimental participants were informed that a woman was raped did they perceive the woman's behavior as inviting rape. This illustrates

Hindsight bias

114.) The ingroup is a set of people with whom we share a common


57. Conformity resulting from of others options about reality is said to be a response to

Informational social influence

113.) Most children believe their school is better than the other schools. This best illustrates

Ingroup bias

70. How does presence of observers affect a persons performance

It improves performance on easy tasks and hinders a persons performance on difficult tasks

An eagerness to believe that victim of a natural disaster are being punished by god for their sins best illustrates

Just world phenomenon

58. A culture that promotes individualism is most likely to encourage


65. Social facilitation refers to the tendency to

Perform well learned tasks more efficiently in the presence of others

32 after she was promoted to a high level executive position in the large company for which she worked, Joanna developed more pro business political attitudes. This best illustrates the impact of ________ on attitudes

Role playing

34 Phillip Zimbardo devised a simulated prison and randomly assigned college students to serve as prisoners or guards. This experiment best illustrates the impact of

Role playing on attitudes

Ever since he lost his job because he was constantly late for work, Richard has become increasingly hostile toward the "government bureaucrats who are leading the country toward bankruptcy." Richard is increasing prejudice is best explained in terms of

Scapegoat theory

Following 9/11, some outraged people lashed out at innocent Arab-Americans. This venting of hostility can best be explained in terms of

Scapegoat theory

Disparaging or belittling a deprived outgroup provides people with a heightened sense of their own


31 Vanna is tempted to shoplift a gold necklace even though she has negative feelings about shoplifting. vanna is least likely to steal the merchandise if

She is highly aware of her negative feelings about shoplifting

67. Expert pool players were observed to make 71 percent of their shots when alone. When four ppl watched them they made 80 percent of them. This best illustrates

Social facilitation

69. Norman triplet observed that adolescent ladies would a fishing reel faster in the presence of someone working simultaneously on the same tasks this best illustrates

Social facilitation

62. In all of milgrims obedience experiments participants were deceived about

The amount of shock the victim actually received

41 the experience of empathy is most directly facilitated by

The chameleon effect

42 if one student in a classroom begins to cough, others are likely to do the same. This best illustrates

The chameleon effect

59. In milgrims obedience experience teachers exhibited a somewhat lower level of compliance with an experimenters orders when

The experiment was not associated with a prestigious institution like Yale university

64. The gradually escalating levels of destructive obedience in the kilogram experiments best host

The foot in the door phenomena

29 After giving in to her friends request that she drink alcohol w them 16 y o Jessica found that she couldn't resist the pressure they exerted on her to try heroine. Her experience best illustrates

The foot in the door phenomenon

40 cognitive dissonance theory is most helpful for understanding

The foot in the door phenomenon

According to the text aggression always involves

The intent to hurt

An eagerness to believe that victims of natural disaster are being punished by god for their sin illustrates

The just word phenomenon

Mr. Ignatenko thinks that most unemployed people are to blame for their own misfortunes. His belief illustrates

The just world phenomenon

White children are better at recognizing white faces than black faces. This illustrates

The other race effect

116.) Montel, a white university student, is on a Academic probation for poor grades. Ever since he received notice of his probation, Montel has become increasingly hostile towards racial minority students and staff on campus. His increasing hostility can best be explained in terms of

The scapegoat theory

63.In 1942 reserved police officers obeyed orders to kill 1500 Jews in the village of jozefow Poland. This accident incident illustrated that people Are most likely to destructively obedient when

They perceive their orders to come from legitimate authority figures

Twenty wallonians were arrested for nonviolent crimes, whereas 20 pireaneans were arrested for violent crimes. The tendency to judge that more crimes were committed by pireaneans than by wallonians best illustrates the power of

Vivid cases

164. equity and self disclosure are important to the development of

companionate love

45.) Solomon Asch asked people to identify which of the three comparison lines was identical to a standard line. His research was designed to study..


Rhonda has just learned that her neighbor Patricia was involved in an automobile accident at a nearby intersection. The tendency to make the fundamental attribution error may lead Rhonda to conclude

a. "Patricia's recklessness has finally gotten her into trouble."

People are especially likely to demonstrate the fundamental attribution error in cultures that value

a. individualism

Students who were told that a young woman had been instructed to act in a very unfriendly way for the purposes of experiment concluded that her behavior

a. reflected her personal disposition

politicians who publicly oppose a tax increase that they privately favor best illustrates that

actions may sometimes be inconsistent with attitudes

47.) Conformity is best described as

adjusting ones behavior or thinking towards a group standard

Verbal behavior intended to hurt another person is an example of


166. the tragic murder of kitty genovese outside her NY apartment stimulated social psychological research on


99. Prejudice is defined as

an unjustifiable attitude toward a group and its members

The fact that human aggression varies widely from culture to culture most strongly suggests that it is NOT

an unlearned instinct

Research on the biology of aggression has clearly demonstrated that

animals can be bred for aggressiveness

155. we are likely to prefer friends those who are similar to us in

any of the above areas (attitudes, intelligence, age, economic status)

the fundamental attribution error is most likely to lead observers to conclude that unemployed people

are irresponsible and unmotivated

168. the best explanation for the inaction of bystanders during the Kitty genovese murder is that they failed to

assume personal responsibility for helping the victim

160. in investigating the impact of physical arousal on passionate love, dutton and aron arranged for an attractive woman to briefly interact w/ men who had recently

crossed a swaying footbridge

In order to analyze how people explain others' behavior, Fritz Heider developed

d. attribution theory

Fritz Heider concluded that people attribute others' behavior either to their

d. dispositions or their situations

Recognizing the powerful impact of social influence on others' behaviors is most likely to minimize

d. the fundamental attribution error

100. Refusing to hire qualified job applicants because of the color of their ski is to engage in


102. In several US states where black motorists are a minority of the drivers and speeders of interstate highways, they have been the majority of those stopped and searched by police. This best illustrates


A dispositional attribution is to ____ as a situational attribution is to ___

c. personality traits; assigned roles

A tendency to overestimate the extent to which a stranger's violent behavior stems from his or her aggressive personality best illustrates

c. the fundamental attribution error

our attitudes are more likely to guide our actions when we

can easily recall our attitudes

Research on the effects of playing violent video games most clearly provides evidence that disconfirms the

catharsis hypothesis

Initially prejudice heterosexuals are likely to develop more accepting attitudes toward homosexuals following the experience of

face-to-face contact

The presence of enemy bystanders at the scene of an emergency increases the likelihood that any individual bystander will

fail to interpret the incident as an emergency

By providing prospective terrorists with electronic "chat rooms" for interfacing on line with others who share their attitudes, the Internet most likely serves as a medium for

group polarization

If the political conservatism of students who join fraternities and sororities is greater than that of students who do not, the gap in the political attitudes of the two groups will probably widen as they progress through college. This would be best explained in terms of

group polarization

Nora, Ko, Ian, and May each think that Ms. Akey may be a slightly better teacher than Mr. Schwenke. After discussing why each of them believes this to be so, they all conclude that Ms. Akey is definitely a much better teacher than Mr. Schwenke. This episode provides an example of

group polarization

Professors Maksoud, Struthers, and Vasic each tend to think that obtaining a university degree is easier today than it was when they were students. After discussing the matter over coffee, they are even more convinced that obtaining a degree is easier today. This episode provides an example of

group polarization

An overwhelming desire for harmony in a decision-making group increases the probability of


The NASA executive who made the final decision to launch the space shuttle Challenger was shielded from information and dissenting views that might have led to a delay of the tragic launch. This best illustrates the dangers of


The ill-fated decision of President John F. Kennedy and his advisors to invade Cuba best illustrates the dangers of


Makato, a 21-year-old university junior, is a physically unattractive. Compared to good-looking students, Makato is more likely to

have difficulty making a favorable impression on potential employers

Research on the relationship between aversive events an aggression indicates that

hot temperatures often lead people to react to provocations with greater hostility

104. people may unconsciously harbor negative racial associations. This best illustrates the subtle nature of

implicit attitudes

106. Instant responses to viewing White and Black faces may include activation of the amygdala. Research has suggested that this indicates

implicit prejudice

110. A sense of social identity is most likely to promote

in-group bias

111. 6 year old Ezra believes that boys are better than girls, while 5 year old Arlene believes girls are better than boys. Their beliefs most clearly illustrate

in-group bias

112. During a Girl Scout picnic, Lavinia was randomly selected to be on one baseball team and Carla on the opposing team. Before the game started, Lavinia and Carla were each convinced that their own team was the better one. The girls' belief best illustrates

in-group bias

people are especially likely to demonstrate the fundamental attribution error in cultures that value


52.) After hearing respected medical authorities lecture about the value of regular exercise, Raul, who has rarely exercised, begins to jog regularly. The change in Raul's behavior best illustrates the impact of..

informational social influence

53.) When the task of correctly identifying an individual in a slide of a four person limeup was both difficult and important, participants in an experiment were especially likely to conform to others wrong answers. this best illustrates the impact of

informational social influence

Groupthink can be prevented by a leader who

invites outside experts to critique a group's developing plans

Research on physical attractiveness indicates that men are more likely than women to

judge members of the opposite sex as more attractive if they have a youthful appearance

Bullying younger children earns Diego that attention and respect of many classmates. As a result, his bullying behavior increases. This most clearly suggests that his aggression is a

learned response

Mrs. Crane thinks she has to yell at her husband to get his attention but he thinks shes yelling because shes angry. He shouts back trying to defend himself

mirror image perception

two conflicting groups who share the same neg. views of one another demonstrate

mirror image perception

Haley thinks Keith's silence indicates that hes angry so she avoids talking to him. keith thinks haleys quietness signifies that shes angry and wants to be left alone. This best illustrates

mirror image perceptions

attitudes are____________ that guide behavior

mirror image perceptions

Parents who discipline their children with beatings are often teaching aggression through the process of


After a month of watching violent pornographic movies on late night cable TV, Myron will probably be

more likely to interpret a woman's friendliness as sexual interest

50.) Kentaro hates to wear ties but wears one to his sisters wedding to avoid his family's disapproval. Kentaros behavior exemplifies the importance of

normative social influence

51.) Luella publicly agrees with her seventh grade classmates that parents should allow 13-year olds to date. Later that day, she writes in her diary that she actually believes parents should prohibit kids from dating until they are at least 15. Luella's public conformity to her classmates opinion best illustrates the power of..

normative social influence

156. The two-factor theory of emotion has been used to explain

passionate love

157. in an experiment by Dutton and aron, 1 group of men were asked by an attractive woman to complete a short questionaire immediately after they had crossed a swaying footbridge suspended 230 ft above the Capilano river. This experiment was designed to study the factors that contribute to

passionate love

105. When White university women withheld criticism of a flawed essay written by a Black fellow student, they demonstrated


103. Cross-cultural research on gender relations indicates that

people perceive their fathers are more intelligent than their mothers despite gender equality in intelligence scores.

Cross-cultural research on gender relations indicates that

people perceive their fathers are more intelligent than their mothers despite gender equality in intelligence scores.

Our first impressions of those we meet are most likely to be determined by their

physical appearance

158. the two-factor theory of emotion specifically suggests that passionate love can be facilitated

physical arousal

What determined whether college freshman who had be randomly paired for a Welcome Week dance liked each other?

physical attractiveness

108. Government officials who emphasized that African Americans are personally responsible for the economically disadvantaged position of their ethnic group are most likely to promote


An unjustifiable and usually negative attitude toward a group and its members is called


The mere exposure effect most directly contributes to the positive relationship between _____________ and liking.


161.ellie is unusually attractive and intelligent and she works hard to please her husband. he displays little affection for her however spends most of the family's resources on his own interests. allies relationship w/ her husband is best characterized as


Two social norms that influence altruistic behavior

reciprocity and social responsibility

Diego has become increasingly involved in violent fights at school because this gains him the attention and respect of many classmates. This most clearly suggests that his aggression is a

result of group polarization

163. a gradual escalation of intimacy is most positively related to a gradual escalation of

self disclosure

The country of Superlia increased size of military force because leaders wrongly anticipated that Piropia would do the same. Piropia responded with a military expansion of their own

self fulfilling prophecies

162.Natasha and dimitri have a fulfilling marital relationship bc they readily confide their deepest hopes and fears to each other. this best illustrates the value of

self- disclosure

People with more symmetrical faces are perceived as more

sexually attractive

carol is restless during class bc her professors distressed facial expressions lead her to believe that he dislikes teaching. The professor, on the other hand, is distressed bc he sees carols restlessness as and indication that she lacks any motivation to learn. At this point, both student and teacher should be informed of the danger of

the fundamental attribution error

After three months of riding the 8:30 bus to work, Cindy has actually started to feel affection for the gruff and scowling old bus driver. Cindy's reaction best illustrates

the mere exposure effect

An increased liking for an unfamiliar stimulus following repeated experience with it is known as

the mere exposure effect

People's preference for mirror-image photographs of themselves illustrates the impact of

the mere exposure effect

When Armen first heard the hit song "Gotta Love It," he wasn't at all sure he liked it. The more often he heard it played, however, the more he enjoyed it. Armen's reaction illustrates

the mere exposure effect

continuing to operate a fuel-inefficient car despite warnings about the effect of greenhouse gases best illustrates the dynamics of

the mere exposure effect

48.) Professor Jones is a member of the faculty committee on academic standards. he personally disagrees with the other committee members' proposed plan to begin accepting students with below average grades. Professor Jones is most likely, however, to vote in favor of their plan if

the other committee members are unanimous in their opinion

After she received a free painted Christmas ornament from a religious organization, Mrs Montevecchi felt obligated to mail a cash donation to the organization. Her response to the free gift best illustrates the impact of

the reciprocity norm

After the Greenway family accepted their neighbor's invitation to thanksgiving dinner Mrs Greenway felt obliged to invite the neighbors to Christmas dinner. Mrs Greenway's sense of obligation most likely resulted from

the reciprocity norm

Katya donated money to a religion charity in order to boost her own feelings of self esteem. Jennifer failed to contribute to the same charity because she was fearful of running out of money. Differences in their altruistic behavior are best explained in the terms of

the social responsibility norm

159. while driving his gf to work, nate narrowly avoided a collision w/ another vehicle. Moments later, he experienced an unusually warm glow of affection for his gf. his romantic reaction is best explained in terms of

the two factor theory of emotion

Darley and Latash observed that recent university students failed to help a person having an epileptic seizure when they thought there were four other witnesses to the emergency. The students' failure to help best explained in terms of

their feelings of limited responsibility

Research indicates that minorities are most influential when they

unswervingly hold to their own position

109. Politicians who suggest that African Americans are at fault for the economically disadvantaged position of their ethnic group best illustrates

victim blaming

An explanation of aggression in terms of instinct would have the most difficulty accounting for

wide cultural variations in aggressiveness

two classmates ask you to spend a couple of hours helping them prepare for a chemistry test. According to social exchange theory, you would be most likely to help them if

your classmates cannot afford to pay for a private tutor

in explaining our own behavior or the behavior of those we know well, we often resort to

situational attributions

Which theory suggests that altruistic behavior is governed by calculates of rewards and costs?

social exchange theory

107. Prejudice is most likely to develop as a way of justifying

social inequalities

Youths who are shunned and mocked by peers are especially likely to respond with aggression if they have earlier experienced

social rejection

After a year long drought the city of Pine Bluffs has banned all lawn sprinkling. Residents believe that watering their own land will have little effect on total water reserves. Consequently, there is a disastrous drain on city water reserves cause by illegal sprinkling. This best illustrates

social traps

simple "non-zero-sum games" have been used in lab settings in order to study

social traps

Arturo believes that most young women from California are extremely good looking and that extremely good-looking women are usually selfish and egotistical. His beliefs are examples of


After country was ravaged by earthquakes, two bitter political groups set aside differences and worked together on disaster relief.

superordinate goals

Sherif planned a disruption of water supply in a boy scout camp in order to observe how social relationships are influenced by

superordinate goals

The success of interracial cooperative learning in classroom settings best illustrates the value of _____ for reducing racial conflict

superordinate goals

Mrs pinheiro fell on a busy city sidewalk and broke her leg. Although hundreds of pedestrians saw her lying on the ground, most failed to recognize that she was in need of medical assistance. Their oversight best illustrates one of the dynamics involved in

the bystander effect

People are less likely to give aid if an emergency occurs in the presence of many observers. This is known as

the bystander effect

When 12 year old Jamilah saw an old man lying on the sidewalk in apparent discomfort, he prepared to offer his help. But when he noticed several adults walking past the man, he concluded that the man did not need any help. His reaction most clearly illustrates one of the dynamics involved in

the bystander effect

When 68 year old Mrs Blake has a flat tire on a fairly isolated highway, she received help from a passerby in less than 10 minutes. One year later, she had a flat tire on a busy freeway and an hour elapsed before someone finally stopped to offer assistance Mrs Blake's experience best illustrates

the bystander effect

social psychologists have arranged for people to drop coins or pencils in the elevator in order to study

the bystander effect

magazine computer ads seldom feature endorsements from hollywood stars or great athletes. Instead they offer detailed info for consumers to develop more positive opinions about the company's products. this advertising strategy best illustrates

the central route to persuasion

Group polarization refers to

the enhancement of a group's prevailing attitudes through group discussion.

after they had first agreed to display a 3 inch "be a safe driver" sign, CA home owners were highly likely to permit the installation of a very large unattractive "drive carefully" signs in their front yards. this best illustrates

the foot in the door phenomenon

when a salesperson visits your home and asks you to try a free sample of clearing fluid, you agree. when he returns the following week and asks you to purchase an assortment of expensive cleaning products you make the purchase. the salesperson appears to have made effective use of

the foot in the door phenomenon

35 the discomfort we feel when two thoughts are inconsistent is called

Cognitive dissonance

37 Fernandos favorable attitude toward capital punishment began to change when he was asked to offer arguments opposing it in a university debate class. His attitude change is best explained by ______ theory

Cognitive dissonance

38 feeling responsible for behavior that violates our conscience is most likely to contribute to

Cognitive dissonance

36 which theory best explains why our actions can lead us to modify our attitudes?

Cognitive dissonance theory

39 during a test, abe impulsively copied several answers from a nearby students paper. He felt very uncomfortable about having done this until he convinced himself that copying answers is not wrong if classmates are careless enough to expose their test sheets. Which theory best explains why Abe adopted this new attitude?

Cognitive dissonance theory

60. In milgrims first study of obedience the majority of teachers who were ordered to shock a leaner

Complied fully and delivered the highest level of shock

68. On which of the following tasks would be presence of others be most likely to lead to improved performance

Counting backward from 10 to 1

83. Deindividuation refers to

D. A loss of self awareness and self restraint in group situations that foster arousal and anonymity

81. Individuals who are normally law abiding may vandalize and loot when they become part of a mob. This changes no behavior is best understood in terms of

D. Deindividuation

79. Social loafing has been found to be especially noticeable among

D. Men in cultures that value individualism

72. After a light turns green drivers take about 15 percent less time to travel the first 100 yards when another car is beside them at the intersection than when they are alone. This best illustrates

D. Social facilitation

73. The tendency for people to expert less effort when they are pooling their efforts toward a common goal is known as

D. Social loafing

61. When the participants in milgrims study were later surveyed about taking part in the research most reported that they

Did not regret taking part in the experiment

80. After an exciting football game in which the home team loses by one point a crowd of fans throws bottles and begins to tear up the field. This behavior is best understood in terms of

E. Deindividuation

71. On which if the following tasks would the presence of observers be least likely to lead to better and faster performance?

E. Solving a crossword puzzle

A situation in which the individual pursuit of self interest leads to collective destruction

a social trap

despite government warnings of a severe shortage of heating fuels most citizens continue to turn up their home thermostats in the belief that their personal fuel consumption will have little effect on the country's total fuel reserves. This reaction best illustrates

a social trap

Pablo and Sabina argued about who should have the family car that night. Neither realized one needed it it the early evening and one at night. the failure to resolve their argument for mutual benefit best illustrates dangers of

a win-lose orientation

Two friends fought over possession of a single orange without realizing that one wanted oj the other wanted the peel. this illustrates

a win-lose orientation

The tendency for observers to underestimate the impact of the situation and to overestimate impact of personal dispositions on another's behavior is called

b the fundamental attribution error

An example of the fundamental attribution error is illustrated in our tendency to underestimate the extent to which others' behavior is influenced by

b. assigned roles

Which branch of psychology is most directly concerned with the study of how people think about, influence, and relate to one another?

b. social psychology

The text defines social psychology as the scientific study of how people ____ one another.

b. think about, influence, and relate to

Svetlana, a 20-year-old college sophomore, is beautiful. Research suggests that she is likely to __________ than less attractive college women.

be perceived as more socially skilled

Anton is the only junior to favor acquittal on a murder trial. To influence the majority he should

be self-confident and consistent in expressing his viewpoint

167. altruism is best described as

behaving unselfishly to enhance the welfare of others

How does our explanation of strangers' behavior differ from that of our own behavior?

e. We explain strangers' behavior in terms of personality traits and our own behavior in terms of situational constraints.

Ksana insists that her boyfriend's car accident resulted from his carelessness. Her explanation for the accident provides an example of

e. a dispositional attribution

Attribution theory was designed to account for

e. how people explain others' behavior.

The bystander effect refers to the tendency to an observer of an emergency to withhold aid if the

emergency is being observed by a number of people

165. orville thinks his gf derives more benefits from their relationship than he does, even though, he contributes more to the relationship. orville most clearly believes that their relationship lacks


46.) Solomon Asch reported that individuals conformed to a groups judgement of the lengths of lines..

even when the group judgement was clearly incorrect

the foot in the door phenomenon refers to the tendency to

experience an increasing attraction to stimuli as they become more familiar

The mere exposure effect refers to the fact that people

experience increasing attraction to novel stimuli that become more familiar

High rates of violence are most common among those who experience minimal levels of

father care

in order to brainwash captured american soldiers during the korean war, chinese communists made effective use of

foot in the door phenomenon

the tendency for initial compliance with a small request to facilitate subsequent compliance with a larger request is known as the

foot in the door phenomenon

After Ravi lost the student election for president of his high school class, he spread false rumors intended to spoil the newly chosen president's reputation. Ravi's behavior is best explained in terms of the

frustration aggression principle

the impact of our actions on our attitudes is best illustrated by the

frustration-aggression principle

49.) Normative social influence results from people's desire to

gain social approval

101. On the basis of what Americans say, I'm the last half- century

gender prejudice has DECREASED and racial prejudice has DECREASED.

Compared with their nonplaying counterparts, kids who play a lot of violent video games have been found to

get into more arguments and fights

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