Chapter 16, Holes Human Anatomy; Lymphatic system

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which two classes of immunoglobulin are responsible for activating complement

IgG, IgM

Reacts with antigens on RBC membranes; activates complement


In autoimmune disorders, the immune system mistakenly attacks

"self" antigens

which suffix is often used to indicate inflammation?


fluid in order beginning with the blood in the blood capillaries

1. blood capillaries (blood) 2. interstitial spaces (interstitial fluid) 3. Lymphatic capillaries (lymph) 4. Lymphatic vessels (lymph) 5. lymphatic ducts (lymph) 6. subclavian veins (blood)

list the order of lymphatic vessels as lymph flows from the tissue to the subclavian vein

1. lymphatic capillaries 2. afferent lymphatic vessel 3.lymph node 4. efferent lymphatic vessels 5. lymphatic trunk 6. collecting duct

Defends against bacteria and viruses, found in secretions


what two classes of immunoglobulin are found in secretions of exocrine glands

IgA, IgE

B cell activation


promotes inflammation and allergic reaction


activates complement; responds to bacteria, viruses, and toxins


Which are possible routs by which HIV can be contracted?

Semen, breast milk, Vaginal secretions, blood

cell-mediated immunity is a specific defense mediated mainly by ______ lymphocytes, which interact directly with antigen-presenting cells


Name the type of leukocyte that is produced in the red bone marrow and that matures in the thymus

T cells

name the type of leukocyte that is produced in the red bone marrow and that matures in the thymus

T cells

indicate three causes for autoimmune diseases

T cells never "learn" to distinguish self from non-self cells while in the thymus glad, a virus may "borrow" a cell's proteins to help protect it from immune attack, the non-self antigen closely resembles a self antigen and the antibody cannot distinguish between them

the function of complement is to induce pathogen destruction by several mechanisms. list four of these

agglutination, opsonization, cytolysis, neutralization

the clumping of cells by antibodies is called


the type of antigen that triggers an allergic reaction is called an


the class of immunoglobulin called IgE is involved with which of the following

allergic reactions

a hypersensitive reaction to a non-harmful substance is also called a(n)


tissue from a non-identical twin donor


Neutralization of an antigen occurs when ________ bind too, and thus cover, the toxic portions of that antigen.


proteins that are present in plasma and body fluids that bind to antigens are called


any large molecule capable of triggering an immune response is called an


tissue from another area of the patient's body


in immune system disorders known as __________ disorders, the immune system can not tolerate self-antigens, attacking antigens that are not foreign.


the thorax is drained by the

bronchomediastinal trunk and the intercostal trunk

typical lymphatic vessels are anatomically very similar to

cardiovascular veins

T cells are responsible for ______ immunity, whereas B cells are responsible for ______ immunity

cellular; humoral

pathogens that enter the body through the scalp, face, nasal cavity, and pharynx are (hopefully) destroyed by lymph nodes in the

cervical region of the body

which describes the lymphatic capillaries

close-ended vessels consisting of loosely overlapping endothelial cells

identify the largest type of lymphatic vessels, which deposit lymph into subclavian veins

collecting ducts

the presence of plasma proteins in the blood is responsible for

colloid osmotic pressure

what do collecting vessels converge to form?

lymphatic trunks

identify three substances transported through the lymphatic system in lymph

lymphocytes and macrophages, dietary fat absorbed from intestines, bacteria and viruses

rupturing of cell membranes is referred to as


A(n)__________ is the cell type responsible for phagocytizing debris and foreign particles from the blood within the splenic sinuses


cells derived from monocytes that function as phagocytes and antigen-presenting cells are called


name the body's three lines of defense against pathogens

mechanical barriers such as skin and mucous membranes, nonspecific defenses such as chemical barriers and interferons, and adaptive (specific) defenses

following cloning, some B cells differentiate into ________ B cells, which can rapidly respond to a future exposure to the same antigen.



moisture, fluid

indicate two characteristics of antigens

molecules that can trigger and immune response, they might be proteins, carbs, or glycolipids

which leukocyte transforms into a macrophage when it moves from the blood into the tissues?


Two mechanisms by with antibodies function to render antigens harmless are

neutralization and agglutination

the most active phagocytic cells in the immune system

neutrophils and monocytes

immune responses that protect against many types of pathogens are referred to as

nonspecific defenses

the general term for a disease-causing organism or chemical is


bacteria, protozoa, viruses and fungi sometimes cause disease. Therefore, they are classified as


list four locations of lymph nodes in the body

pelvic cavity, supratrochlear region, axillary region, inguinal region

what is the function of antigen-presenting cells

phagocytize antigens and present them to T cells

what is the function of antigen-presenting cells?

phagocytize antigens and present them to T cells

a _________ cell is differentiated B cell which functions to produce and secrete antibodies


which two factors promote the movement of lymph through lymphatic vessels

pressure changes during breathing, skeletal muscle contraction

What is the role of valves in the lymphatic vessels?

prevent the back flow of lymph

memory cells form as a result of a _____ immune response


colloid osmotic pressure within the capillaries is created by the presence of plasma______ and is responsible for drawing most of the tissue fluid back into the capillaries


indicate the two descriptions of antibodies

proteins that bind to antigens, produced by plasma B cells

old and defective erythrocytes are removed from circulation in the ____ pulp of the spleen


T lymphocytes mature in the thymus, while B lymphocytes mature in the

red bone marrow

When donor tissues do not match the recipient, this results in a reaction called tissue


name the collecting duct that drains lymph fro the head, the right arm, and the right side of the thorax

right lymphatic duct



the immune systems role is to distinguish _____ from non-self


which of the following acts as a mechanical barrier to pathogen entry into the body?


Within the tissues, which of the following substances are filtered out the plasma due to blood pressure within tissues?

small molecules, water

the function of the ________ is to filter the blood, removing cellular debris and foreign particles.


list three characteristics of cytokines

stimulate proliferation and differentiation of leukocytes, secreted by T cells and macrophages, regulate intensity and duration of immune responses

what is the function of the thymosins secreted by the thymus?

stimulation of T lymphocyte maturation

Which three of the following are results of the release of histamine

swelling, edema, and itching

what are the cardinal signs of inflammation?

swelling, heat, pain, redness

what is chemotaxis?

the ability a white blood cell has to migrate toward a chemical signal

identify three age-related changes in the immune system:

the number of T cells diminish only slightly, although the response time declines, decline begins early in life, due in part to shrinkage of the thymus, with age, proportions of antibodies in different classes change (IgA and IgG increase, IgM and IgE decrease).

nonspecific defenses

the same mechanisms to protect, regardless of the pathogen type

which two items describe the basis for species resistance

the tissues of each species do not provide the environment required by the pathogen to be infectious, the cells of each species do not have receptors the pathogen requires to be infectious

what feature of lymphatic capillaries allow proteins and foreign particles to enter?

the walls of the vessels consist of overlapping cells

which duct drains lymph from the areas of the body below the diaphragm, the left upper limb, and the left side of the head, neck, and thorax?

thoracic duct

T lymphocytes originate in the red bone marrow, then finish maturation in the


Lymph is fluid found in lymphatic vessels that is similar in composition to

tissue fluid and plasma


to set on fire

the ________ are partially encapsulated lymph nodules found in the throat


cytotoxic T lymphocytes bind to ______ and release perforin to destroy them

tumor cells, viral-infected cells

_______ are a type of preparation that produce artificially acquired active immunity against the injected substance


where is the thymus gland found

within the mediastinum

tissue from a different species (nonhuman)


identify examples of antigen-presenting cells

dendritic cells, B cells, macrophages

specific (adaptive) defenses

different mechanisms to fight each type of pathogen


disease, sickness

Excess tissue fluid resulting from the failure of proper lymphatic drainage is called


obstruction of lymphatic vessels will likely lead to what condition

edema in the tissues

lymphatic vessels that carry lymph away from a lymph node are called

efferent vessels

list three beneficial effects of fever

elevated metabolic rate, elevated interferon activity, inhibition of bacterial and viral replication

an abnormal elevation in body temp is called


functions of the lymph node

filtration of lymph, site of B and T cell activation

Indicate three functions of the lymphatic system

fluid recover from tissues, immunity, absorption of lipids


free, exempt

what is true regarding MHC proteins

function as self identity markers, present exogenous antigens, present endogenous antigens

opportunistic infections occur in patients who:

have a weakened immune system

lymphocytes called ________ T cells become activated when an antigen binds to receptors on its surface, these activated cells are then able to stimulate B cells.


the _____ is the indented region on a lymph node


in the movement of tissue fluid into lymphatic capillaries, _____ pressure is responsible for the fluid movement


the artificial (man-made) use of immune system components such as complement or interferon to fight diseases is called


which antimicrobial protein helps to interfere with viral replication in host cells?


tissue from an identical twin


the______ lymphatic trunk drains the neck and head




the specialized lymphatic capillaries located in the villi of the small intestines are called ________. they are specialized to absorb fat from the intestines.


list three benefits of the process of inflammation

limit the spread of pathogens, remove debris of damaged cells, initiate tissue repair

hydrostatic pressure forces fluid from the tissues into the lymphatic capillaries, where it is called


small encapsulated lymphatic organs found along lymphatic vessels that filter the lymph are called

lymph glands

small organs found along the course of lymphatic vessels that filter the lymph and that function as sites of activation of lymphocytes are called

lymph nodes

which vessel type is made up of epithelial cells that overlap, forming one-way valves that easily allow fluid to enter, but not exit

lymphatic capillaries

as a part of the innate defenses, many pathogens that are ingested are destroyed by _______ within the stomach


the disease AIDS is an acronym that stands for

acquired immune deficiency syndrome

the clumping of cells by antibodies is called


the immunological process of antibodies clumping with antigens


two mechanisms by which antibodies function to render antigens harmless are

agglutination and neutralization

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) causes:


the type of adaptive immunity called humoral immunity is mediated by antibodies secreted by

B Cells

which lymphatic cell type functions to non-specifically target bacteria, transplanted tissue cells, virally-infected cells, and cancerous host cells

NK (natural killer) cells

clusters of lymph nodules found within the mucosa of the distal small intestine are called

Peyer's patches

class I MHC's are found on all cell types except


describe phagocytosis

a process where foreign particles are engulfed by a cell

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