Chapter 16 review questions

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Why did the initiative in early conquest and exploration pass to northern European nations in the later 16th century? Select one: A. Conquered nations rose up against Spain and Portugal, requiring large forces to suppress them. B. The Dutch and the British improved the design of oceanic vessels, producing faster ships than their Catholic rivals. C. The Spanish defeat of the English Armada cut England off from further advances in Europe and forced English attention to foreign conquest. D. Spain and Portugal were defeated in a critical war with the Ottoman Empire. E. Famine and disease disastrously reduced the population of the Iberian peninsula after 1588.


Which of the following Western trade goods was of most interest to the Japanese? Select one: A. Glassware B. Woolen cloth C. Gunnery D. Porcelain E. Cotton cloth


The dominant commercial nations of northern Europe made up the ________ zone of the world economy. Select one: A. peripheral B. free trade C. negative trade D. dependent E. core


All of these influenced Europe to expand EXCEPT: (A) fear of the states and peoples Europe might encounter. (B) desire for gold and monetary gain. (C) rivalries with other European states to acquire new lands. (D) hope for personal glory by explorers and conquerors. (E) desire to spread Christianity abroad.


Dependence in the world economy and the consequent need to produce unprocessed goods cheaply led to the development of ________ labor systems. Select one: a. coercive b. dependant c. free d. socialist e. independent


In order to facilitate colonization, settlement, and exploration, the British, French, and Dutch (A) chartered companies and created commercial monopolies in given regions. (B) paid mercenaries to conquer desired lands. (C) negotiated with peoples and states to peacefully acquire holdings and trade concessions abroad. (D) encouraged private initiative because national governments were uninterested in overseas expeditions. (E) relied on missionaries to establish markets and colonies.


In what way were the early Dutch and British exploration and trade projects different from those of the Iberian nations? Select one: a. Dutch and British exploration owed much to private initiative of merchant groups and the formation of chartered trading companies. b. The Dutch and British operated joint explorations in the names of both governments while Portugal and Spain competed in the competition for conquest. c. Dutch and British exploratory expeditions were independent of their respective governments. d. The Dutch and British projects were financed with banking capital from Italy and the Florentines. e. The expeditions of Spain and Portugal did not enjoy government support.


The first Portuguese fleet rounded the Cape of Good Hope in Select one: a. 1488. b. 1519. c. 1433. d. 1291. e. 1354.


What British commercial institution ruled India for much of the 18th century? Select one: a. The British East India Company b. The Calcutta and Madras Limited c. Lloyd's Bank d. The Raj Trading Company e. The British Tea and Spice Company


What was the nature of the trade between eastern and western Europe in the 17th century? Select one: a. Western Europe imported grain in increasing amounts from eastern Europe in return for art objects and manufactured goods. b. Eastern Europe provided a trade route for Asian goods because of the role Moscow played as a trade nexus. c. Eastern Europe emerged as a powerful challenger to Western domination of the global commercial network. d. Eastern and western Europe remained economically isolated, as Russia, Poland, and Prussia extended their trade relationships with the Ottoman Empire. e. The inability of eastern Europe to produce anything of value to the West frustrated attempts to establish trading connections between the two halves of Europe.


As a result of what treaty did the French lose their colony in North America to the British? Select one: a. Treaty of Versailles, 1919 b. Treaty of Paris, 1763 c. Treaty of Westphalia, 1648 d. Treaty of Utrecht, 1714 e. Treaty of Ryswick, 1705


As part of the "Colombian Exchange," which of the following was a European contribution to the Americas? Select one: a. Potatoes b. Horses c. Corn d. Bullion e. Raw materials


During the Early Modern Period in world history, laborers were (A) generally paid a fair wage but worked long hours. (B) largely coerced in their work, which was often unfree. (C) moved to where there was a demand for their work. (D) mostly skilled. (E) universally slaves.


How was the global trade network of the 15th century different from that of previous eras? Select one: a. Trade was controlled by the Chinese due to their naval presence in the Indian Ocean. b. In previous eras, most attention was given to the development of regional economies and cultural zones, rather than a global network. c. Trade in previous eras was almost entirely in the hands of the West as a result of overwhelming advantages in technology d. Trade prior to the 15th century was limited to the Eastern Hemisphere as a result of the military dominance of Eastern nations. e. There was no significant trade between civilizations prior to the 15th century.


In Africa during the Early Modern Period, Europeans (A) controlled the slave trade. (B) had to negotiate with African leaders, who controlled the slave trade. (C) settled widely in West Africa. (D) exported gold and raw minerals. (E) started the slave trade.


What region in the Americas was claimed by Portugal? Select one: a. Bermuda b. Brazil c. Panama d. Peru e. Mexico


Which of the following statements concerning the interaction of North American colonists with the Indians is most accurate? Select one: a. Rapid intermarriage between Europeans and the Native Americans resulted in the creation of a new class of people, the mestizos, who continued to play a significant role in North American colonial development. b. Colonists interacted with Indians, learned from them, and misused them, but did not forge a new cultural grouping as occurred in much of Latin America. c. The occurrence of disease that rapidly decimated the Indian populations of Latin America did not take place in North America, thus Indian populations remained large and intermingled with the European immigrants. d. Indian populations grew as a result of new foods and goods introduced by European settlers. e. Constant warfare between the numerous sedentary agricultural tribes and the European colonists resulted in limited immigration from Europe.


Which of the following was one of the first new areas brought into the global commercial network after 1450? Select one: a. Eastern Africa b. The Americas c. Ming China d. Scandinavia e. Asia Minor


Despite Japan's official policy of isolation, the Dutch were able to gain special access to the port of Select one: a. Yokohama. b. Kyoto. c. Nagasaki. d. Nissei. e. Osaka.


During the Early Modern Era, the world economy and trade (A) spread to and linked all countries and continents except Antartica. (B) was dominated by Muslim merchants. (C) did not include areas such as China, Japan, and many Muslim regions. (D) relied heavily on the slave trade to generate capital and profits. (E) shipped primarily agricultural products.


In Asia, significant conversion to Christianity Select one: a. was limited to the Dutch holding in Indonesia. b. happened wherever the Westerners were able to establish colonies. c. occurred only in the northern Philippines. d. occurred in Korea. e. failed to occur anywhere.


In which of the following colonies did a deeper appreciation of Western institutions and values take place? Select one: a. Brazil b. Spanish Latin America c. French and British colonies of North America d. India e. Macao


The British were able to oust the French from Canada following the Select one: a. battle of Manzikert. b. Battle of Algiers. c. Seven Years War. d. Sepoy rebellion. e. Taipei rebellion.


The main reason European conquerors and navigators were able to sail and continue to explore, and the reason the Ming Chinese fleets in the Indian Ocean failed was (A) Europeans had superior military technologies and the Chinese did not. (B) Europe encountered no opposition, while the Chinese did. (C) European governments supported and encouraged overseas expeditions; the Ming did not. (D) European nations were wealthier than the Chinese. (E) China had a smaller population base than Europe and could not afford to send people abroad.


The most important Dutch colony in Africa was located on Select one: a. Zanzibar. b. Mozambique. c. the Cape of Good Hope. d. Madagascar. e. the island of Ceylon.


What land was claimed for Spain as the result of Ferdinand Magellan's circumnavigation of the globe beginning in 1519? Select one: a. Macao b. New Zealand c. Philippines d. Chile e. Australia


What was the impact of the introduction of American crops into Europe? Select one: A. Most Europeans rejected the new foods as uncivilized and began to import rice from China. B. Plantation agriculture fueled by slave labor became the norm in European agricultural systems. C. The introduction of corn and the potato led to major population growth in Europe. D. Although American crops were introduced around the world by European traders, they were not adopted in Europe itself. E. Fungi introduced to Europe along with American crops led to a severe decline in agricultural productivity.


What was the purpose of the early English voyages to North America? Select one: a. To establish colonies b. To convert natives to Catholicism c. To discover an Arctic route to China d. To drive the Spanish from the Americas e. To create a fortified port and trading region


Where was the first Spanish colony on the American mainland? Select one: a. Peru b. Florida c. Panama d. California e. Mexico


Which of the following civilizations was fully part of the global trading network in the 16th century? Select one: a. Mughal empire b. Russia c. China d. Ottoman Empire e. Safavid Persia


Which of the following represents an impact on western Europe from the development of colonies? Select one: a. Colonialism had limited impact on Europe due to the policy of natives selling free-access goods. b. Colonial development resulted in a greater sense of cooperation among European nations. c. The use of colonially produced sugar spread widely in Europe. d. The development of colonies hastened the growth of centralized governments and destroyed the growth of the merchant class in western Europe. e. The decline of the Catholic church and its power resulted from many Europeans moving to the colonies.


All of these were examples of the Columbian Exchange EXCEPT: (A) the spread of smallpox and measles in the Americas. (B) New World crops such as corn and potatoes spread around the world. (C) domesticated animals such as the horse spread to the Americas. (D) Muslim and Chinese merchants came to monopolize Atlantic trade. (E) Africans and Europeans migrated or were forcibly settled in the Americas.


In comparison to Spain and Portugal, the northern European states and their expeditions (A) began earlier, but conquered fewer lands. (B) were more successful. (C) had superior technologies and commercial practices but were uninterested in acquiring colonies. (D) began later and initially acquired only limited holdings outside Europe. (E) were more motivated by religion than had been Portugal or Spain.


In what year did Spanish settlement of the American mainland begin? Select one: a. 1492 b. 1588 c. 1607 d. 1509 e. 1610


In which of the following regions was European settlement a significant factor in the establishment of colonies? Select one: a. China b. West Indies c. Indonesia d. Dutch South Africa e. Arabia


The British East India Company through negotiation with local Mughal princes gained a station at Select one: a. Delhi. b. Ceylon. c. Constantinople. d. Calcutta. e. Goa.


The Dutch, French, and English colonies on the North American continent (A) received few colonists. (B) remained largely unsettled and unclaimed. (C) attracted little attention because they were so vast. (D) were not initially as financially important as colonies in the West and East Indies. (E) eventually were conquered by the Spanish.


The captain of the first Portuguese fleet to reach India was Select one: a. Amerigo Vespucci. b. Ferdinand Magellan. c. Christopher Columbus. d. Vasco da Gama. e. Panfilo de Narvaez.


The initiative for Western exploration and conquest came from the kingdom of Select one: a. Sicily. b. Venice. c. France. d. Portugal. e. Spain.


What economic policy encouraged the development of colonies, particularly by northern Europe countries? Select one: a. Socialism b. Free trade c. Boycotts d. Mercantilism e. Communism


Which of the following areas of trade was NOT dominated by the West after the establishment of a global trading network in the 17th century? Select one: a. The Atlantic b. The Caribbean c. The Pacific d. The Indian Ocean e. The Mediterranean


Which of the following regions were dependents to the core zone of the global trade network? Select one: a. Spain b. England c. Holland d. Sub-Saharan Africa e. France


Which of the following statements concerning the relationship between Asian civilizations and the world commercial network of the 16th and 17th centuries is NOT accurate? Select one: A. China depended on extensive government regulation to keep European activities in check. B. East Asia constituted the civilization that remained most fully and consciously external to the world economy. C. Most of the silver mined and exported by the Spanish ended up in China in order for the Spanish to purchase Chinese manufactured goods. D. China was able, thanks to the existence of its coastal navy, to prevent the establishment of European ports. E. Asian civilizations had ample political strength and economic sophistication to avoid dependent status.


Which of the following statements most accurately describes the impact of the development of core-dependent economic zones on state formation? Select one: a. No state government benefited from the creation of core-dependent zones. Neither core regions nor colonies were able to develop strong, centralized governments. b. Dependent regions and their governments grew stronger in response to the European threat. c. The efforts of international trade tended to enrich private commercial interests but weaken core governments who were unable to tap the wealth. Dependent zone governments, based on company organization, tended to be strong. d. Forced labor and European influence tended to generate weak governments in dependent regions, while increased trade revenues tended to generate increasing government strength in core states. e. While the profits of global trade tended to strengthen the governments of core regions, the creation of colonies extended powerful governments to dependent zones as well.


Which of the following was NOT a crop imported into Europe as a result of the "Colombian Exchange"? Select one: a. Corn b. Tobacco c. Squash d. Millet e. Potatoes


Which of the following was NOT a technological improvement introduced during the 15th century in the West? Select one: a. Gunpowder adapted to gunnery b. Deep-draft, round-hulled ships c. Use of the compass for navigation d. Lateen sails e. Moveable type


Why did the southern colonies of the Atlantic seaboard win importance before those farther north? Select one: a. The harsh climate of the northern colonies left those regions virtually unsettled. b. Only the southern colonies were able to eliminate the native Indian population. c. Gold was discovered within the southern colonies of the Atlantic seaboard. d. Cultivation of cash crops produced by coercive labor emerged there. e. The need to defend the southern colonies against Spanish settlers.


A Spanish-led fleet defeated the Ottoman Empire in 1571 at the battle of Select one: a. Nicaea. b. the Sargasso Sea. c. Civitate. d. Cyprus. e. Lepanto.


In what region of the world did the Dutch challenge the Portuguese for commercial dominance? Select one: a. India b. Scandinavia c. Mesoamerica d. Brazil e. Southeast Asia


The most important basic commodity traded in the Early Modern Period was (A) grain. (B) gold. (C) tobacco. (D) cotton. (E) sugar.


What Italian captain sailing for the monarchs of Spain reached the Americas in 1492? Select one: a. Ferdinand Magellan b. Dante Alighieri c. Bartolomeo Dias d. Amerigo Vespucci e. Christopher Columbus


What is the most accepted figure for the percentage of the population of American Indians who died following the European colonization? Select one: a. Over 33 percent b. Over 15 percent c. Over 25 percent d. Less than 10 percent e. Over 50 percent


What noble was responsible for initiating a series of expeditions along the African coast and outward to the Azores in the 15th century? Select one: a. Hugh Dupuy, Count Marechal b. Duke of Saxony c. Prince Henry of England d. Cardinal Mazarin, regent of France e. Prince Henry the Navigator


What region of the world became the dominant culture in the period after 1450? Select one: a. Africa b. The Islamic Middle East c. Central Asia d. China e. The West


Which of the following regions was NOT part of the Spanish colonial empire? Select one: a. Panama b. Cuba, Jamaica, and Puerto Rico c. Hispaniola d. Mexico e. Brazil


Which of the following statements best accounts for the Spanish failure to hold a position of dominance in world trade? Select one: a. Spain exported more finished goods than it imported due to the high quality of its artisans and craftsmen. b. The Catholic church that dominated Spanish society argued against the establishment of a commercial mentality in Spain. c. The Spanish withdrew voluntarily from the race for world trade dominance and established a policy of international isolation. d. Spain's interests were increasingly directed toward the destruction of the Ottoman Empire. e. Spain's internal economy and banking system were not sufficient to accommodate the bullion from the new world and lacked significant manufacturing capability.


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