Chapter 17 Section 1 Review

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Fossil fuel

Nonrenewable energy resource formed from the remains of organisms that lived long ago. Examples: oil, coal, natural gas.

Oil spills from tanker ships are another potential environmental problem of oil use .

While oil spills are dramatic, much more oil pollution comes from everyday sources, like leaking cars.

Oil reserves

are oil deposits that are discovered and are in commercial production.

some oil deposits

are yet to be discovered or to become commercial

Petroleum, also known as

crude oil.

Coal Formation

Coal forms from the remains of plants that lived in swamps hundreds of millions of years ago.

World energy Use

People in developed societies use more energy than people in developing countries do.

We use fossil fuels to run..

cars, ships, planes, factories to produce electricity.

A turbine

is a wheel that changes the force of a moving gas or a liquid into energy that can do work.

Fuel is used for four main purposes:

1. Transportation 2. Manufacturing 3. Heating and cooling buildings 4. Generating electricity to run machines and appliances

The suitability of a fuel for each application depends on..

1. fuel's energy content 2. cost 3. availability 4. safety 5. byproducts.

The United States uses more energy per person than any other country except Canada and the United Arab Emirates

The U.S. uses more than 25% of its energy to transport goods and people. Most energy in the US is used for industry

Two main problems with fossil fuels are?

The supply of fossil fuels is LIMITED and Obtaining and using them has environmental CONSIQUENCES .

Petroleum fuel releases pollutants when burned.

These pollutants contribute to smog and cause health problems.

An electric generator is a..

device that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.

New measures have recently been taken to prevent oils spills from tankers.

double-hulled tankers


is a liquid mixture of complex hydrocarbon compounds that is used widely as a fuel source.

Two disadvantages of electricity:

- difficult to store - other energy sources have to be used to generate it.

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