Chapter 18: An Unsettled World, 1890-1914

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Put in chronological order the events of the Boxer Uprising.

1) Christian missionaries spread deep into China, seeking converts. 2) The Boxer movement rejected Western influence in China and provided help to the poor. 3) After initially challenging Boxer rebels, Qing forces joined with them and the government declared war on Western powers. 4) Boxers attacked Europeans, Chinese Christians, and symbols of Western influence, like telegraph lines. 5) Twenty thousand foreign troops beat the Boxers and forced the Qing government to sign the Boxer Protocol.

How was Sun Yat-sen related to the fall of the Qing dynasty? Put the following events in chronological order.

1) Sun, who had a Western education, became disillusioned with the Qing government during the Sino-Japanese War. 2) Sun moved to Hawaii, where he formed an active organization dedicated to Han nationalism and republican government in China. 3) The government's nationalization of a railroad led to military mutiny and the collapse of the Qing dynasty.

Put in chronological order the events of the Anglo-Boer War.

Afrikaner settlers were established in the Transvaal and Orange Free State; the British Empire claimed Cape Colony. Gold was discovered in the Transvaal. Fearing that the British would claim their gold, the Afrikaners used guerrilla tactics to attack Cape Colony settlers. The British used concentration camps to restrain over 155,000 Afrikaner and African men, women, and children. The British Empire won the war, gaining control of the gold mines of the Transvaal.

Identify the locations of the following imperialist conflicts.

China and Africa: Rebels tried to use special spiritual powers to ward off foreign threats. China: Women played a prominent, mystical role in rebelling against imperialism. South Africa:Indigenous inhabitants got drawn into a conflict between a European empire and European settlers. East Africa (Tanzania): German forces killed between 200,000 and 300,000 indigenous people.

True or False: Chinese modernists rejected traditional Chinese culture and sought to replace it with Western culture.


True or False: During the period between 1860 and 1914, all migration moved from Europe, South Asia, China, and Africa to the Americas, North Asia, and Southeast Asia.


True or False: Pan movements, like pan-Africanism, pan-Islamism, and pan-Slavism, advocated for new political boundaries that united people by ethnicity.


True or False: Sun Yat-sen led the Boxer Uprising in the hopes of creating a unified Han nation.


True or False: The Boxer Uprising was a conflict between two groups of European settlers in southern Africa: the Boxers and the British.


True or False: Workers embraced the scientific methods of "Taylorization" because it made working conditions more stable.


Complete the passage below to describe the economy at the end of the nineteenth century.

Giant corporations that produced things like STEEL and textiles dominated the economies of North America and Europe. The financial world was tumultuous, as periodic busts resulted in waves of BANK CLOSURES, ruining many property owners. This chaos led many to call for government-controlled CENTRAL BANKS and increased financial regulation.

Complete the passage below to describe the connection between culture and identity.

In the late nineteenth century, the media and entertainment MEDIA AND ENTERTAINMENT that people purchased reflected their social status and self-perception. For example, European elites favored ABSTRACT music, whereas the middle classes attended VAUDEVILLE SHOWS. In Argentina, workers and elites each read NEWSPAPERS that catered to their own social status.

What was al-Afghani's primary message to Muslims around the world?

Muslims should overcome conflicts between Sunnism and Shiism and unite around their shared beliefs to combat imperialism.

In Latin American agricultural economies, anger about economic inequality focused on unequal land distribution. Identify the outcomes of each of the local movements.

One-tenth of the country died in the fighting, but the movement succeeded; In Mexico, Emilio Zapata led farmers and rural workers in the fight against the Díaz regime and its supporting oligarchy. Spanish and U.S. troops crushed the movement; In pre-World War I Cuba, tenant farmers tried to reclaim land from sugar-growers' estates. Indigenous peasants lost land to powerful coffee growers; In Guatemala, Mayans tried to retain their land rights.

Which statement about global migration is supported by the evidence?

People in the United States were much more resistant to assimilating Chinese immigrants than they were to assimilating European immigrants.

Identify the group that worked to improve the lives of industrial workers.


Feminists addressed a myriad of arguments against women's equality. Match each passage with the argument it is intended to refute. There i

There is women's work, and there is men's work. When women take men's jobs, they disrupt the natural order.: "If women enter the learned professions it does not upset the system. The division of labor is merely a human creation." (Bahithat al-Badiya, 1909) The role of a woman is to have and raise children; she doesn't need to be educated: "A mother should know science in order to inspire in her children great deeds and noble sentiments ... ." (Maria Eugenia Echenique, 1876) Women can't have political equality because they are physically and emotionally weak and need to be protected: "I have borne thirteen children, and seen most all sold off to slavery, and when I cried out with my mother's grief, none but Jesus heard me! And ain't I a woman?" (Sojourner Truth, 1851)

European and American nation builders developed national unity in the mid-nineteenth century. Which of the methods they employed were used by Indian nationalists to foster nationalism in South Asia?

They wrote new histories of the region that focused on unified empires and shared traditions; They developed print media and journalism, as well as public discussions of important issues.

True or False: Afro-Asian culture influenced modernism in Europe just as Western influences contributed to modernism in the East.


True or false: Despite the spread of modernist thinking, the majority of Europeans and Americans held onto Enlightenment ideas of fixed national identities.


Identify what many Europeans and Americans saw as threats to their societies in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

racial mixing Jewish communities homosexual relations

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