Chapter 18 Program Design and Technique for Plyometric Training

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The following would be examples for what plyometric training for what portion of the body? medicine ball throws, catches, and several types of push-ups


To prevent injuries, the ________ surface used for lower body plyometrics must possess shock-absorbing properties; for example, a grass field, suspended floor, or rubber mat

training status

To properly design a plyometric training program, the strength and conditioning professional must analyze the needs of the athlete by evaluating his or her sport, sport position, and _________ ______.


A ____ rate of musculotendinous stretch is vital to muscle recruitment and activity resulting from the SSC


A rapid eccentric muscle action stimulated the stretch reflex and storage of elastic energy, which increases the _____ produced during the subsequent concentric muscle action.


Are surfaces such as concrete, tile, and hardwood recommended for plyometric activities?


Athletes who weight more than ___ pounds may be at increased risk for injury when performing plyometric exercises; these athletes should not perform depth jumps from heights over 18 inches


Because plyometric drills involve ________ efforts to improve anaerobic power, complete and adequate recovery (the time between reps, sets, and work-outs) is required.


Before adding any drill, the strength and conditioning professional must demonstrate proper ___________ to the athlete.

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Boxes should range in height from 6 to __ inches and have a landing surface of at least 18 by __ inches


Boxes used for box jumps and depth jumps must be sturdy and should have a _______ top.


Can you perform heavy resistance training and plyometric exercises on the same day?


Drills should not be thought of as cardiorespiratory conditioning exercises, but as _____ training


During plyometric exercises, the muscle spindles are stimulated by a rapid stretch, causing a reflexive muscle action. This reflexive response potentiates, or _________, the activity in the agonist muscle, thereby increasing the force the muscle produces

mode intensity frequency recovery volume program length progression warm-up

Effective plyometric programs include the same variables that are essential to any training program design: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


Exercises for the _____ may be performed "plyometrically", but the exercise movements must be shorter and quicker to allow stimulation and use of the stretch reflex


For ________ athletes, the plyometric program should include no more than 5 low- to moderate-intensity exercises, should have lower volume (fewer total foot contacts) than a standard plyometric training programs, and recovery time between workouts at 3 or 4 days.


For balance testing before plyometric exercise, each test position (standing, quarter squat, and half squat) must be held for __ seconds on the same surface as the exercises for each leg; position must be maintained without falling in order to being plyometrics


For combining plyometric exercise with aerobic exercise, it is advisable to perform plyometric exercise _______ aerobic endurance training. This is because aerobic exercise may have a negative effect on power production


For lower body drills, plyometric ______ is expressed as foot contacts per workout (or distance for bounding drills); for upper body drills, plyometric ________ is expressed as the number of throws or catches per workout


For lower body plyometrics, it has been thought that the athlete's 1RM squat should be at least ___ times his or her body weight; technique may be a more important consideration than strength

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For most standing, box, and depth jumps, only a minimal surface area is needed, but the ceiling height must be _ to _ m in order to be adequate


For progression, plyometrics is a form of resistance training and thus must follow the principles of _____________ overload (the systematic increase in training frequency, volume, and intensity in various combinations)


For the training area to perform plyometrics, the amount of _____ depends on the drill


Functional moments and athletic success depend on both the proper function of all active muscles and the speed at which these muscular forces are used which is defined by _____


In adolescents, special attention must be given to ______ positioning to recede an athlete's risk of lower extremity (looking at proper landing technique).


Most bounding and running drills require at least __ m of straightaway

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Most plyometric programs range from _ to __ weeks.

Series Elastic Component (SEC)

Of the mechanical model's many elements, what is the workhorse of plyometric exercise? When a muscle is stretched (eccentric muscle action), The ___ acts as a spring and is lengthen storing energy. When a concentric action immediately follows, this stored energy is released


Plyometric _________ is the amount of stress placed on muscles, connective tissues, and joints; controlled primarily by the type of plyometric drill; other factors affecting ________ include points of contact, speed, height of the drill, and body weight


Practically defined, plyometric exercise is a quick, ________ movement using a pre stretch, or countermovement, that involves the stretch-shortening cycle.


Some advanced athletes may benefit from _______ training, which involves intense resistance training followed by plyometric exercises; adequate recovery is needed between the resistance exercise and the plyometric exercise


The ____ of plyometric exercise is determined by the body region performing the given exercise

stretch shortening cycle (SSC)

The ________-__________ _____ employs the energy storage of the SEC and stimulation of the stretch reflex to facilitate maximal increase in muscle recruitment over a minimal amount of time; 3 distinct phases

Jumps in Place

The following exercises are examples of what type of lower body plyometric drill? Two-foot ankle hop, single-leg ankle hop, squat jump, jump and reach, double-leg tuck jump, split squat jump, cycled split squat jump, single-leg tuck jump, pike jumps

Depth Jumps

The following exercises are examples of what type of lower body plyometric drill? depth jump to second box, squat depth jump, depth jump with lateral movement, depth jump with standing long jump, depth jump to 180 turn, single-leg depth jump

Multiple Hops and Jumps

The following exercises are examples of what type of lower body plyometric drill? double-leg hop, double-leg zigzag hop, single-leg hop, front barrier hop, lateral barrier hop, and 4-hurdle drill

Standing Jumps

The following exercises are examples of what type of lower body plyometric drill? double-leg vertical jump, single-leg vertical jump, jump over barrier, and standing long jump

Box Drills

The following exercises are examples of what type of lower body plyometric drill? single-leg push-off, alternate-leg push-off, lateral push-off, side-to-side push-off, double-leg jump to box, single-leg jump to box, squat box jump, lateral box jump, drop freeze


The following exercises are examples of what type of lower body plyometric drill? skip, power skip, backward skip, side skip, single-arm alternate-leg bound, double-arm alternate leg bound


The following exercises are examples of what type of upper body plyometric drill? chest pass, two-hand overhead throw, two-hand side-to-side throw, single-arm throw, power drop


The primary goal for plyometric training for __________ is to develop neuromuscular control and anaerobic skills that will carry over into adult athletic participation as well as muscular power and bone strength adaptations

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The recommended height for depth jumps range from 16 to 42 inches, with __ to __ inches being the norm.


The stretch-shortening cycle combines mechanical and nuerophysiological mechanisms and is the basis of __________ exercise.

Box Drills

These drills increase the intensity of multiple hops and jumps by using a box; box may be used to jump off or on; height of box depends on size of athlete, the landing surface, and the goals of the program; may involve one, both, or alternating legs


These drills involve exaggerated movements with greater horizontal speed than other drills; volume is typically measured by distance but may be measured by the number of repetitions performed; normally cover distances greater than 30 m and may include single-leg and double-leg _______ in addition to the alternate-leg ________

Jumps in Place

These drills involve jumping and landing in the same spot; emphasize the vertical component of jumping and are performed repeatedly, without rest between jumps; the time between jumps is the stretch-shortening cycle's amortization phase

Depth Jumps

These drills use gravity and the athlete's weight to increase exercise intensity; the athlete assumes a position on a box, steps off, lands, and immediately jumps vertically, horizontally, or to another box; height of box depends on the size of the athlete, the landing surface, and the goals of the program; may involve one or both legs

Standing Jumps

These emphasize either horizontal or vertical components; maximal efforts with recovery between repetitions

Multiple Hops and Jumps

These involve repeated movement and may be viewed as a combination of jumps in place and standing jumps

Stretch Reflex

This is the body's involuntary response to an external stimulus that stretches the muscles; this reflexive component of plyometric exercise is primarily composed of muscle spindle activity; initiated by the intrafusal muscle fibers in the muscle spindle


This phase of the SSC consists of preloading the agonist muscle group; The SEC stores elastic energy and muscles spindles are stimulated; action is the stretch of the agonist muscle group


This phase of the SSC is where the energy stored in the SEC is either used to increase force of movement or lost as heat; alpha motor neurons stimulate the agonist muscle group causing the muscle fibers to shorten (stretch reflex)


This phases of the SSC occurs between the eccentric and concentric phases; Type Ia afferent nerves synapse with alpha motor neurons; alpha motor neurons transmit signals to agonist muscle group; duration must be kept short or energy stored will be released as heat


Traditional resistance training exercises may be combined with plyometric movements to further enhance gains in muscular _____.

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Typical recovery time guidelines for plyometric training is __ to __ hours between plyometric sessions; this should come out to about 2-3 sessions per week


Which of the following is NOT a phase of the stretch-shortening cycle? a. amortization b. concentric c. eccentric d. isometric

I, II, and III only

Which of the following should be assessed before beginning a lower body plyometric training program? I. balance II. strength III. training history IV. lean body mass a. I and III only b. II and IV only c. I, II, and III only d. I, II, III, and IV only

muscle spindle

Which of the following structures detects rapid movement and initiates the stretch reflex? a. golgi tendon organ b. muscle spindle c. extrafusal muscle fiber d. pacinian corpuscle

depth jumps

Which of the following types of plyometric drills is generally considered to be the MOST intense? a. jumps in place b. bounds c. depth jumps d. box jumps


Which of the following work-to-rest ratios is the MOST appropriate to assign to a plyometric training workout? a. 1:5 b. 1:4 c. 1:3 d. 1:2


_____ body plyometrics are appropriate for virtually any athlete and any sport; direction of movement may vary depending on sport but most are vertical and lateral movement sports; examples are jumps in place, standing jumps, multiple hops and jumps, bounds, box drills, and depth jumps


change in the force-velocity characteristics of the muscle's contractile components caused by stretch

Muscle Spindles

proprioceptive organs that are sensitive to the rate and magnitude of a stretch


the maintenance of a position without movement for a given period of time

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