Chapter 19 APUSH Quiz

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Emilio Aguinaldo

-claimed to head the legitimate government of the nation after the filipinos had rebelled against the Spanish rule and the Americans in 1898 -under him the filipinos harassed the American army of occupation from island to land for 3+ years -key to the victory of the US was the capture of Aguinaldo who signed a document urging his following to stop fighting and declaring his allegiance to the US.

Anti-Imperialist League

-created after the debate for ratification over the treaty of 1898 and included upper-class Bostonians, New Yorkers, and others fighting against annexation -included some of the nation's wealthiest and most powerful figures: Andrew Carnegie, Mark Twain, Samuel Gompers, Senator John Sherman etc -some believed that imperialism was immoral -some feared polluting the American population by introducing "inferior" Asian races -Industrial workers feared being undercut by a flood of cheap laborers -Conservatives worried about a large standing army, entailing foreign alliances, feared that it would threaten American liberties -Sugar growers and others feared the competition

Foreign Trade

-the depression of the 1890s encouraged some businessmen to look overseas -social protests- the populist movement, the free-silver crusades the bloody labor disputes- led some politicians to urge more aggressive foreign policy as an outlet for frustrations that would otherwise destabilize domestic life -foreign trade became increasing important to American economy in the 19th century

What were some of the populists specific demands? What groups would have opposed these demands?

-wanted free and unlimited coinage of cold and silver at the legal ratio of 16:1 -amount circulating be increased to not less than $50 per capita -graduated income tax -money should be kept in the hands of the people -transportation is a necessity -land is heritage of the people -Progressive groups wanted overproduction to stop and they wanted government support -Urban workers and industrialists would not support the populists.

Pendleton Act

1883: Pendleton Act: passed by congress in 1883 which was a national civil service measure which requires that some federal jobs were filled by competitive written examinations, rather than patronage

What did McDonald-Valesh believe could united agricultural and industrial workers? Is her perspective credible.

A leader for the peoples movement can unite the leaders because it would force a peaceful revolution of ballots and great abuses will be swept away. Reforms will guarantee against violence.

Analyze the ways in which the acquisition of overseas territories challenged the concept of American identity.

America gains identity as a party, they have military control, they have a leading supply of money, they are able to set up power in other places and they begin to expand overseas.

Analyze the reasons for agrarian discontent in the late 19th century and evaluate the success of their efforts to resolve those issues.

American farmers, suffered from economic decline and painful sense of obsolescence, and the result of their frustrations was the emergence of populism. The grangers were the first farm organization founded by Oliver Kelley who wanted to improve rural life so he attempt to create a community, get economic stability back, have political power and create a community with stores, companies, and many corporations This then leads to the farmers alliances who wanted to built a society with cooperation and have power in great corporations and then leads to the populist party


American farmers, suffered from economic decline and painful sense of obsolescence, and the result of their frustrations was the emergence of populism. Rejected laissez faire, and the idea that rights of ownership are absolute, raised a powerful challenge to the direction in which capitalism was moving

Foraker Act

American military remained in control of puerto rico until 1900 when the Foraker act ended military rule and established a formal colonial government: a colonial governor and a two chamber legislature where the Us could amend or veto any legislation of the puerto ricans passed.

Explain several ways in which the new imperialism of the late 19th century changed America's status in the world.

Americas status grew in the world. They gained new markets and new colonies. the phillipines, puerto rico, and hawaii were all colonies that america gained. There are new parties and america becomes a leading world power economically and militarily.

Puerto Rico

Annexation of Puerto Rico Little controversy in the US Society developed with a spanish ruling class and large african workforce Puerto Rico did not want to be under the control of spain and demand for independence grew but but control of Puerto Rico shifted to the US and the american military remained in control of puerto rico until 1900 when the foraker act ended military rule and established a formal colonial government Sugar industry flourished as it took advantage of the american market that was open to it without tariffs many farmers turned into paid laborers and puerto rico started to rely more on imports and they became part of the international commercial economy The annexation of Puerto Rico proved relatively little controversy. Previously dominated by the Spanish, Puerto Rican society developed with a Spanish ruling class and a large African workforce for coffee and sugar plantations to dominate its economy

Spanish American War

April-August because cuban rebels weakened the spanish and made american intervention a "mopping-up" exercise Effects: 460 died, 5200 perished of diase Issues: US had supply issues with rifles, uniforms, medical services, and food and there were racial conflicts and there was segregation

Why did Bryan profess such a distaste for banks

Because the banks opposed the farmers and industrial workers

Panic of 1893

Began when the philadelphia and reading railroad declared bankruptcy and the national cordage company failed which triggered a stock market collapse, bank failures, and businesses to go bankrupt. Depressed prices in agriculture weakened purchasing power of farmers, loss of american markets in europe, railroads expanded too rapidly, and the depression showed how the american economy was connected and depression in one area led to failure everywhere Depression spread drastically in the first 6 months; more than 8000 businesses, 156 railroads, and 400 banks failed, 1 million workers lost their jobs, and prosperity did not fully return until 1901

Populist Party (People's)

Birth of the Peoples Party: sentiment of a third party was strongest for those in the Northwestern Alliance along with Tom Watson and Leonidas Polk and these discussed plans for a third party in meetings and in july 1892 in Omaha, they proclaimed the creation of a new party, approved an official set of principles, nominated candidates for the presidency and vice presidency and it became known as the peoples or populist party Appealed to farmers with little long range economic security, who felt cut off from the mainstream of national life and resented their isolation, gave people an outlet for their grievances and provided them with social experience and sense of belonging Similarity among all populists: engaged in a new type of farming that was becoming less viable in the face of new commercial agriculture System of sub treasuries to replace and strengthen cooperatives of granges and alliances that had been experimenting for years, established warehouses so farmers could sell crops and get money, called for abolition of national banks, the end of absentee ownership of land, direct election of US senators, regulation of railroads, telephones, and telegraphs, and demanded a system of government operated postal savings banks, a graduated income tax, and the inflation of the currency, and the demonetization of silver

Boxer Rebellion

Boxers: secret Chinese martial arts society with nationalistic convictions who launched revolts against foreigners in china The rebellion spread widely against china and attacked westerners where ever they could find them Important for the role of the US in China, McKinley and Hay agreed to American participation in quelling the boxer rebellion, Hay won support for his open door approach from England and Germany and induced the other powers to accept compensation from the chinese for the damages the boxer rebellion caused

Cuban Revolt

Cause: in 1895 Cubans rebel against, many americans were horrified; the cubans devastated cuba to force spaniard to leave Effect: spanish and general valeriano weyler confined civilians and prepared concentration camps where thousands died Significance: Revolt of 95 helped create the impression that the spanish were committed many atrocities and were brutal.

Platt Amendment

Cause: response to Cuba's amendment that made no reference to the US Platt Amendment: pressured Cuba into incorporating Congress's terms into its constitution, it barred cuba from making treaties with other nations, gave the US the right to intervene in Cuba to preserve independence, life, and property, and it required Cuba to permit american naval stations on its territory

Interstate Commerce Act

Congress's response to the public pressure in 1887 It banned discriminations rates between long and short hauls, required that railroads publish their rate schedules and file them with the government and declared that all interstate rail rates must be reasonable and just For 20 years, the interstate commerce act which was enforced by the courts, had little practical effect

Explain the domestic and international consequences of the Panic of 1893.

Domestic: ends purchasing power of farmers, railroads expanded too rapidly and showed how the american economy was connected to depression International: america lost their markets and trade in europe and could not import any goods anymore, leading to not enough money

Explain the motives for and consequences of the new imperialism economically, politically, and socially.

Economically: imperialism in Hawaii causes sugar to become a major export for Hawaii and later causes Hawaii to become a state

Farmers' Alliances

Farmers were banding together in Farmers' alliances in all regions of the US Alliances: focused on local problems, formed cooperatives and other marketing mechanisms, established stores, banks, processing plants, and other facilities, wanted to build a society where economic competition gives way to corporations, argued for mutual, neighborly responsibility to enable farmers to resist outside forces, alliance lecturers traveled throughout rural areas attacking the concentration of power in great corporations and promoted corporations. Problems with alliances: cooperatives did not always work, to many forces against them that were mismanaged, economic frustrations helped push the movement into the creation of a national political organization

The Grange

First major farm organization of the 1860's Oliver H Kelley was appalled by the isolation and drabness of rural life so he founded the National Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry Attempts of Grangers: bring farmers together, learn new techniques, create a community, relieve loneliness of rural life, organized marketing, set up stores, creameries, elevators, warehouses, insurance companies, and factories, more than 400 enterprises were in operation at the height of the movement Ex of corporation for the grangers: first mail-order business (Montgomery Ward and Company) which helped farmers escape overpriced local stories Political Program: Usually were in existing parties or ran under parties labeled as "anti monopoly" or "reform"

Compare and contrast the debate over imperialism, demonstrating an understanding of the justifications used by each side.

For imperialism: Theodore Roosevelt: saw the acquisition of empire as a way to invigorate the nation and keep alive the health influence of the war Businessman: opportunities to dominate the asian trade Republicans: advantages in acquiring new territories Strongest argument was that the US already owned the islands and that the nation could annex land without absorbing people Against imperialism: imperialism is immoral, we are polluting america with different races, industrial workers feared being undercut by cheap laborers, conservatives thought imperialism would interfere with their personal liberties, people felt unwelcome competition Wanted to fight against annexation and wanted to wage a campaign against the ratification of the Paris treaty

Free Silver

Free Silver: populists attracted miners to their causes because populist leaders demanded for free silver, which was the idea that silver and gold should become the basis of the currency and to expand the money supply William Jennings Bryan was a well known orator and gave a speech where he defended free silver which became one of the most famous political speeches in american history.


Hawaii Islands: important way station for american ships in china trade and officers of the american navy were looking at Oahu for a permanent base of US ships and there was a growing number of americans on the islands Americans then want more than trade and want to buy land and establish sugar plantations which crushes traditional Hawaiian society- disease causes people to die, commercialism emerges, and settlers introduced liquor- and sugar becomes the basis of the Hawaiian economy Annexation of Hawaii: provisional government sent delegation to Washington to negotiate a treaty of annexation and when republicans returned to power in '98, the agreement was approved

Why did Bryan support an income tax

He wanted an income tax in order to help the farmers and he wanted the rich to pay more and the not rich to pay less


Imperialism dealt with re-inspird people with ideas of manifest destiny, resulting in even greater economic gain in the U.S with gold and silver. Significantly, imperialism was the nation's attempt in seeking to dominate other countries both politically and economically.

Jacob Coxey

Jacob S Coxey: populist, advocated for a massive public works system to create jobs for the unemployed and an inflation of the currency but when it became clear that his proposals were making no progress he announced that he would send "Coxey's Army" to Washington to present their demands to the government Armed police barred them from the capitol and arrested Coxy and congress took no action on their demands

Yellow Journalism

Joseph Pulitzer helped popularize yellow journalism, a sensational lurid style of reporting presented in bold graphics designed to appeal to a mass audience. This style of writing is not only cheap, but bright, large and truly democratic. Color printing newspapers was relatively new and yellow being the hardest color to print, represented the new technological possibilities. Significantly, the writing in these papers spread through urban America and changed the character of newspapers forever.

Analyze the major problems facing the United States in the late 19th century and the response of political parties to those issues.

Major problems in the US surrounded solely on economic issues. Inflation was a major issue, along with debates over qualities of gold and silver. The creation of the People's party (populism) was made up of family farmers who were unable to hold onto land. This group was greatly supported by Republicans and Democrats. There are also half breeds and Scalwarts who competed for control of the republican party and they debated on whether there should be reform or if we should stick to machine politics. Cleveland (Democrat) said the overall currency inflation was the cause of the Panic of 1873. Debates over gold and silver and what would represent coinage was in high argument. Made silver the main source of coinage, and at first there was no backlash, but then people realized without silver, potential currency expansion was not possible. People, thus, said big bankers caused the issue, AKA "Crime of '73" The overall decline in gold (due to the Sherman Silver Purchase Act in 1890) required the purchase of silver to pay for gold. Trying to get rid of this act caused final split in Democratic Party OVERALL: The issue of coinage caused democrats, republicans, and the people's party to go against one another?

William McKinley

McKinley Tariff: highest protective measure every proposed to congress, caused the republican party to lose power and they were defeated; senate majority went to 8, retained only 88 seats of the house Republican party leaders led by Marcus A. Hanna settled on Governor William McKinley as the partys candidate on a platform of opposed free coinage of silver except by agreement with commercial nations McKinley Campaign: front porch campaign by receiving pilgrimages of the republican faithful, organized and paid for by Hanna and won with 271 electoral votes and 51% of the popular vote He helped America return to calm President under the spanish american war, tried to keep peace for american and won many elections

Open Door Policy

Philippines=increased american interest in Asia and americans were concerned about the future of china because the US had an important trade and they did not want other countries to cut off China from them McKinley wanted to advance interested in China without risking war so he issued a statement that said that the US wanted access to china, but no special advantages there: "Open the door to us and we will open to door to others" Essentially, this was a statement from U.S. foreign policy rules towards China. This policy was issued by U.S. secretary of state John Hay (1899). He asked of 3 things: 1. each nation was to respect the rights and privileges of other nations in its sphere, 2. Chinese officials were to continue to collect tariff duties in all spheres, and 3. nations were not to discriminate against other nations. It would allow the US to trade freely with the chinese without fear of interference or military involvement in the regions, they would also retain the illusion of chinese sovereignty and prevent formal colonial dismemberment Significantly, this statement would allow the US to trade openly/freely with China. the statement reaffirmed the principle that all countries should have equal access to any Chinese port open to trade.

In what ways did the populists present a class based interpretation of American politics? Who comprised the social classes described by the populists?

Populists witnessed for more than 25 years the struggle of the two parties for power and grievous wrongs were inflicted among suffering people. Populists consisted of framers and agriculturists and they believed that the american population was under an unfair system. They presented a class based on the idea that the wealth belonged to him who creates it. They believed that the richer and more educated people formed one class and enjoyed the benefits of economic development. The populists created a party based on rich industrialists, common man, and agriculturalists.

What factors contributed to Roosevelt's Corollary? Do you agree with his reasoning? Why?

Roosevelt believed that Americans had superiority in affairs in the Western Hemisphere during this time. Roosevelt grew concerned that a crisis between Venezuela and its creditors could spark an invasion of that nation by European powers. It was supposed to be an addition to the Monroe Doctrine, but it could be sen as a departure.

The Phillippines

Roosevelt: wanted to see the US become an imperial power and was determined to expand his power so he sent the navy to the philippines with orders to attack when americans declare war Commodore George Dewey destroyed the spanish and he became the american hero of the war and americans saw that the character of the war was changing- one to strip spain of its colonies The Philippines Question on whether to support annexation: McKinley was reluctant but thought there was no other options Treaty of Paris: brought a formal end to the war, confirmed the terms of armistice concerning cuba, puerto rico, and guam, and american negotiations deceded that they would cede the phillippines for $20 million

Sherman Antitrust Act

Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890: response to growing popular demands, seen as a symbol to deflect public criticism, had almost no impact, antitrusts against labor unions were not very effective

Compare populist proposals with those advocated by Democrats and Republicans. Were populists truly radical.

The Democrats were the majority of the South and wanted low tariffs, while the Republicans were the majority of the North. The Republicans were middle and upper class and experienced much more urbanization. On the other hand, the populists were a party of agriculture and small government. Not very racist or southern, so not a part of the Democratic Party, but a natural ally. Does poorly in the House, but has stronger reppresentation in the senate. Wins elections in the west and midwest.

The Maine

The Maine: American battleship whose purpose was to protect american lives and property Maine blew up in Havana and lost 260 people; people thought the spanish sunk the ship and war hysteria swept the country; "Remember the Maine" became a national change for revenge.

Explain the challenges to the relationship between government and big business and the response of government to those challenges.

The US had no national government post civil war. Most of the power was in the hands of both parties: The Republicans and Democrats. (also the federal courts) Overall, boss had the most power over the president, and the president had limited abilities, as he didn't want to upset surrounding parties. Overall, big businesses tried to control everything but the government said no????

What techniques did the World editorial use to heighten the impact of its theme

The document asks a lot of questions—repetitive—makes readers feel bad for not "helping" America and it makes the reader think about the issues.

To what degree and in what ways did government policy toward big business change in the late 19th century?

The government policy toward big business decreased. The US was a society without a Modern national government. The most powerful institutions were the two political parties (AND THE BOSSES AND MACHINES THAT DOMINATED THEM) and the federal courts.

Why didn't the urban workers support the populists

The populist movement did not make common cause with the urban working class. The populists were focused on helping small-scale farmers and the populist movement did not apply to them. Also the urban workers and agricultural workers were competition, all working for the same goal.

To what degree and in what ways did the Spanish-American War represent a turning point in American foreign policy?

The war helped the US win over sea territories. As in Puerto Rico and Hawaii, sugar production spurred by access to the American market increasingly dominated the island's economy and subjected it to the same cycle of booms and busts that so plagued other sugar producing appendages of the US economy. Military reforms: The war also caused the US to increase their military control power because during the war OVERALL: America was developing overseas empires and extending economics.

Roosevelt Corollary document

Theodore Roosevelt enacted the Roosevelt Corollary as an addition to the Monroe Doctrine in order to allow the U.S. to intervene in conflicts between European countries and Central and South America. The corollary allows the U.S. to enforce legitimate claims of European powers, rather than having the Europeans press their claims directly.

Why did Roosevelt claim that the US should interfere in the internal affairs of nations in central and south america

Theodore Roosevelt enacted the Roosevelt Corollary as an addition to the Monroe Doctrine in order to allow the U.S. to intervene in conflicts between European countries and Central and South America. The corollary allows the U.S. to enforce legitimate claims of European powers, rather than having the Europeans press their claims directly.

What did they plan to do to oppose annexation efforts

They wanted to fight against annexation and wanted to wage a campaign against the ratification of the Paris treaty

Describe how the acquisition of new overseas territories affected migration patterns.

While territory such as the Philippines might seem to fit into America's territorial spectrum, acquiring global colonies was a growing issue in America. By opening up to these countries, American created a more "open door" policy for immigrants. Many viewed America as a land for those who had lived there for generations. These additionally acquired territories forced the economic dependency on business to adapt to global economies. America could now be considered a global, imperial power and as a threat to other countries.

William Jennings Bryan

William Jennings Bryan was a well known orator and gave a speech where he defended free silver which became one of the most famous political speeches in american history. After the speech, the convention voted to adopt a pro-silver platform and the following day Bryan was nominated as the democratic president on the fifth ballot, republicans and some democrats attacked Bryan as dangerous but many hailed him as the great commoner and he was a symbol of middle class America Supported by the populist convention and lost the election

Mary E. Lease

Women and Mary Lease: notable lecturer, fiery populist orators, famous for urging farmers to raise less corn and more hell, argued sobriety was key to stability and advocated extending the vote to women in many areas of the country


favored reform, led by James G Blaine, one of the party that was competing for control of the republican party during Hayes election

What arguments did the anti imperialist league offer against the annexation of any new territories

imperialism is immoral, we are polluting america with different races, industrial workers feared being undercut by cheap laborers, conservatives thought imperialism would interfere with their personal liberties, people felt unwelcome competition

Alfred Thayer Mahan

most effective apostle of imperialism, he presented his thesis in The Influence of Sea Power upon History: countries with sea power were the great nations of history, the greatness of the US would rely on naval strength. In order to have power we need a productive domestic economy, foreign commerce, a strong navy to defend trade routes, colonies for raw materials and markets that could serve as a naval bases. Advocate for the isthmus canal to join the oceans and feared that the US did not have a large enough navy until the US launched a ship building program.

Explain the consequences of economic hardship on both the domestic and international scene.

the panic of 1893 caused many economic hardships which affected both the domestic and international scene Domestic: ends purchasing power of farmers, railroads expanded too rapidly and showed how the american economy was connected to depression International: america lost their markets and trade in europe and could not import any goods anymore, leading to not enough money, america wants to seek power in other nations and many outside nations depend on them economically. If other nations were struggling economically they would seek markets in America, such as Hawaii and the Phillippines

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