chapter 19: blood (mastering A&P; practice)

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If a person lacks both type A and type B surface antigens on their blood cells and possesses both anti-A and anti-B antibodies in the plasma, what is that person's blood type?


How is it that liver disorders can alter the composition and functional properties of the blood?

The liver is the primary source of plasma proteins.

Which of the following occurs in hemolytic disease of the newborn?

The mother's agglutinins cross the placental barrier and destroy fetal red blood cells.

The major effect of vitamin K deficiency in the body is that it leads to __________.

a breakdown of the common pathway, inactivating the clotting system

Clot destruction involves a process that begins with __________.

activation of the proenzyme plasminogen, which initiates the production of plasmin

Which type of plasma protein serves as a carrier for the hormones T3 and T4?


When plasma O2 concentrations are falling, the rising plasma CO2 binds to the __________ of the hemoglobin molecule.

alpha and beta chains

The number of eosinophils increases dramatically during __________.

an allergic reaction or a parasitic infection

If you have type A blood, your plasma holds circulating __________ that will attack __________ erythrocytes.

anti-B agglutinins; type B

components of plasma include:

antibodies, organic wastes, dissolved proteins

red blood cells are________


To check the efficiency of gas exchange at the lungs, blood may be required via __________.

arterial puncture

During RBC recycling, each heme unit is stripped of its iron and converted to __________.


a sign of thrombocytopenia would be______________-


the combination of plasma and formed elements is called____________


The process in which packed RBCs that were previously removed are reintroduced before an athletic event is called __________.

blood doping

Blood temperature is roughly __________°C, and the blood pH averages __________.

38, 7.4

On average, 1 microliter of blood contains __________ erythrocytes.

5.2 million

Under "normal" conditions, neutrophils comprise __________ of the circulatory white blood cells.


A typical microliter of blood contains __________ leukocytes.


If a person has type A and Rh surface antigens on the blood cells and anti-B antibodies in the plasma, what is that person's blood type?


If a person has both type A and type B surface antigens on their blood cells, and lacks both anti-A and anti-B antibodies in the plasma, what is that person's blood type?


What type of blood would cause a cross-reaction when given to a person with type A-positive blood?

B positive

If a person has type B surface antigens on their blood cells and anti-A antibodies in the plasma, what is that person's blood type?


In the first pregnancy of an Rh-negative mother with an Rh-positive child, why are there usually NO symptoms of erythroblastosis fetalis?

Blood between mother and child does not mix until birth.

Which of the following is NOT a surface antigen that is used in determining blood type?


Which of the following affect almost every aspect of the clotting process?

calcium ions and vitamin K

the function of hemoglobin is___________

carry dissolved blood gases

Agglutinogens are contained on the __________, whereas the agglutinins are found in the __________.

cell membrane of the RBC; plasma

In which phase of hemostasis is fibrin deposited, creating a solid blood clot?

coagulation phase

Signs of iron deficiency anemia include __________.

decrease in hematocrit, hemoglobin content, and O2-carrying capacity

Which of the following types of white blood cells are involved in fighting parasitic infections, such as flukes and roundworms?


Reticulocytes are nucleated immature cells that develop into mature __________.


Name the formed elements

erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets (thrombocytes)

What is the specific term for the production of red blood cells?


Which of the following is a notable feature of leukemia?

excessive numbers of white blood cells

The iron extracted from heme molecules during hemoglobin recycling is stored in the protein-iron complexes __________.

ferritin and hemosiderin

Which of the plasma proteins functions in blood clotting?


Megakaryocytes are specialized cells of the bone marrow responsible for __________.

formation of platelets

Which category of plasma proteins includes the antibodies?


Which part of hemoglobin binds oxygen?


What is the precursor of all blood cells in the human body?


a person who has a low blood volume is said to be________


Jessica has just moved to Denver, Colorado, from Orlando, Florida. What condition is she experiencing now that is stimulating the production of erythropoietin and, consequently, more red blood cells?

hypoxia caused by an increase in her elevation above sea level

The rate of megakaryocyte activity and platelet formation is regulated by __________.

interleukin-6, thrombopoietin, multi-CSF

colony stimulating factor

is a hormone that regulates white blood formation

Hemoglobin molecules released into the bloodstream by the breakdown of RBCs by hemolysis will be excreted in the __________.


Where are most plasma proteins produced?


Erythropoietin appears in the plasma when peripheral tissues, especially the kidneys, are exposed to __________.

low oxygen concentrations

Which type of white blood cell includes the B and T cells that are responsible for humoral and cell-mediated immunity?


Myeloid stem cells will differentiate into progenitor cells, which give rise to all white blood cells EXCEPT __________.


natural killer cells are one of the functional classes of_______


Platelets are formed from large cells called __________.


Which type of white blood cell circulates in the blood for about 24 hours before entering the tissues and differentiating into a macrophage?


Which type of granular leukocyte can engulf up to two dozen bacteria and also produces a respiratory burst that creates harsh chemical agents such as hydrogen peroxide?


In which pregnancy is an Rh-positive mom and an Rh-positive child at risk of developing erythroblastosis fetalis?


Circulating mature RBCs lack __________.

nuclei, mitochondria, ribosomes


oxygen is not available in sufficient amounts at the tissue level to maintain adequate homeostasis

A vitamin B12 deficiency results in the type of anemia known as __________.

pernicious anemia

surgical removal of the stomach could cause___________

pernicious anemia

What is the term for the characteristic of white blood cells whereby they are attracted to a specific chemical stimulus?

positive chemotaxis

A person whose platelet count is 40,000/μl is suffering from _____________


An abnormally low platelet count is called __________.


The primary function of a mature red blood cell is which of the following?

transport of respiratory gases

Coloration of urinary and digestive wastes is the result of the presence of which products from the breakdown of red blood cells?

urobilins and stercobilins

In which phase of hemostasis does local contraction of the injured blood vessel occur?

vascular phase

The process of hemostasis includes five phases. What is the correct order of the phases as they occur after injury?

vascular, platelet, coagulation, clot retraction, clot destruction (fibrinolysis)

the most abundant component of plasma is___________


What are the "patrol agents" in the blood that defend the body against toxins and pathogens?

white blood cells and antibodies

Where are red blood cells produced in an adult?

red bone marrow

A change in the amino acid sequence of DNA coding for one of the globin chains of the hemoglobin molecule results in a condition known as __________.

sickle cell anemia

in case of hemorrhage, platelets are stored as a reserve in the__________


functions of the blood include:

stabilizes body temperature, transports respiratory gases, defends against toxins/pathogens (regulation of pH and ion composition of interstitial fluids)

Mature red blood cells cannot___________

synthesize proteins

Which part of the hemoglobin molecule directly interacts with oxygen?

the iron ion

A cross-match test is performed between donor blood and recipient blood, even though the ABO and Rh blood types match between the two because

there are many more surface antigens an red blood cells other than A, B, and Rh

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