Chapter 19: Nursing Management of Pregnancy at Risk - Pregnancy-Related Complications

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A nurse is assessing a pregnant woman with gestational hypertension. Which finding would lead the nurse to suspect that the client has developed severe preeclampsia?


A client with hyperemesis gravidarum is admitted to the facility after being cared for at home without success. What would the nurse expect to include in the client's plan of care?

nothing by mouth

A woman with gestational hypertension develops eclampsia and experiences a seizure. Which intervention would the nurse identify as the priority?


A nurse is conducting an in-service program for a group of nurses working at the women's health facility about the causes of spontaneous abortion. The nurse determines that the teaching was successful when the group identifies which condition as the most common cause of first trimester abortions?

fetal genetic abnormalities

A nurse is conducting an assessment of a woman who has experienced PROM. Which amniotic fluid finding would lead the nurse to suspect infection as the cause of a client's PROM?

foul odor

A client is suspected of having a ruptured ectopic pregnancy. Which assessment would the nurse identify as the priority?


A woman is receiving magnesium sulfate as part of her treatment for severe preeclampsia. The nurse is monitoring the woman's serum magnesium levels. The nurse determines that the drug is at a therapeutic level based on which result?

6.1 mEq/L

A woman with hyperemesis gravidarum asks the nurse about suggestions to minimize nausea and vomiting. Which suggestion would be most appropriate for the nurse to make?

"Drink fluids in between meals rather than with meals."

A woman with placenta previa is being treated with expectant management. The woman and fetus are stable. The nurse is assessing the woman for possible discharge home. Which statement by the woman would suggest to the nurse that home care might be inappropriate?

"I have a toddler and preschooler at home who need my attention."

A nurse is teaching a woman with mild preeclampsia about important areas that she needs to monitor at home. The nurse determines that the teaching was successful based on which statements by the woman? Select all that apply.

"I should check my blood pressure twice a day." "I should complete a fetal kick count each day." "I'll call my health care provider if I have burning when I urinate."

After teaching a woman who has had an evacuation for gestational trophoblastic disease (hydatidiform mole or molar pregnancy) about her condition, which statement indicates that the nurse's teaching was successful?

"I will be sure to avoid getting pregnant for at least 1 year."

Upon entering the room of a client who has had a spontaneous abortion, the nurse observes the client crying. Which response by the nurse would be most appropriate?

"I'm sorry you lost your baby."

A nurse is teaching a pregnant woman with preterm prelabor rupture of membranes about caring for herself after she is discharged home (which is to occur later this day). Which statement by the woman indicates a need for additional teaching?

"It's okay for my husband and me to have sexual intercourse."

A nurse suspects that a client is developing HELLP syndrome. The nurse notifies the health care provider based on which finding?

elevated liver enzymes

The nurse is reviewing the laboratory test results of a pregnant client. Which finding would alert the nurse to the development of HELLP syndrome?

elevated liver enzymes

A client who has experienced an incomplete abortion is prescribed mifepristone to assist in removing the retained products of conception. Which medication would the nurse expect to adminster if prescribed before administering mifepristone?

Antiemetic to minimize nausea

A pregnant client with preeclampsia is being treated with intravenous magnesium sulfate. The nurse assesses the client's deep tendon reflexes and grades them as 4+. The nurse notifies the health care provider about this finding, describing them using which term to ensure accurate communication?


A client is diagnosed with gestational hypertension and is receiving magnesium sulfate. The nurse determines that the medication is at a therapeutic level based on which finding?

deep tendons reflexes 2+

A client comes to the clinic for an evaluation. The client is at 22 weeks' gestation. After reviewing a client's history, which factor would the nurse identify as placing her at risk for preeclampsia?

Her mother had preeclampsia during pregnancy.

A client comes to the emergency department with moderate vaginal bleeding. She says, "I have had to change my pad about every 2 hours and it looks like I may have passed some tissue and clots." The woman reports that she is 9 weeks' pregnant. Further assessment reveals the following: - Cervical dilation - Strong abdominal cramping - Low human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) levels - Ultrasound positive for products of conception The nurse suspects that the woman is experiencing which type of abortion?


While assessing a pregnant woman, the nurse suspects that the client may be at risk for hydramnios. Which information would the nurse use to support this suspicion? Select all that apply.

history of diabetes reports of shortness of breath difficulty obtaining fetal heart rate

The health care provider prescribes PGE2 for a woman to help evacuate the uterus following a spontaneous abortion. Which action would be most important for the nurse to do?

Maintain the client supine for 30 minutes after administration.

A client at 33 weeks' gestation comes to the emergency department with vaginal bleeding. Assessment reveals the following: - Onset of slight vaginal bleeding at 29 weeks with spontaneous cessation - Recent onset of bright red vaginal bleeding, more than with previous episode - No uterine contractions at present - Fetal heart rate within normal range - Uterus soft and nontender Based on the assessment findings, which condition would the nurse likely suspect?

Placenta previa

A pregnant woman is admitted with premature rupture of the membranes. The nurse is assessing the woman closely for possible infection. Which findings would lead the nurse to suspect that the woman is developing an infection? Select all that apply.

abdominal tenderness elevated maternal pulse rate cloudy malodorous fluid

It is determined that a client's blood Rh is negative and her partner's is Rh positive. To help prevent Rh isoimmunization, the nurse would expect to administer Rho(D) immune globulin at which time?

at 28 weeks' gestation and again within 72 hours after birth

A client with severe preeclampsia is receiving magnesium sulfate as part of the treatment plan. To ensure the client's safety, which compound would the nurse have readily available?

calcium gluconate

A nurse suspects that a pregnant client may be experiencing a placental abruption based on assessment of which finding? Select all that apply.

dark red vaginal bleeding rigid uterus absent fetal heart tones

A woman pregnant with twins comes to the clinic for an evaluation. While assessing the client, the nurse would be especially alert for signs and symptoms for which potential problem?


A nurse is reviewing a client's history and physical examination findings. Which information would the nurse identify as contributing to the client's risk for an ectopic pregnancy?

recurrent pelvic infections

A nurse is reviewing an article about preterm prelabor rupture of membranes. Which factors would the nurse expect to find placing a woman at high risk for this condition? Select all that apply.

urinary tract infection low socioeconomic status smoking

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