Chapter 19 Politics and Economics

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What was the impact of the Watergate scandal?

-New laws were created intended to limit the power of the executive branch 1. The Federal Campaign Act Amendments (1974) 2. The Ethics in Government Act 3. FBI Domestic Security Investigation Guidelines Act -Americans developed a distrust of public officials

National Environmental Policy Act (1970)

-signed by Nixon -Created the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) which set and enforced pollution standards, promoted research, and directed antipollution activities with state and local governments

What were Carter's first domestic policies to fix the economy?

-tried to end the recession and reduce unemployment by increasing government spending and cutting taxes. Then he tried to ease inflation by reducing the money supply and raising interest rates. (None of these methods worked)

What 2 problems did many African Americans face?

Access to good jobs and schooling remained issues

Why did many schools remain segregated?

Many schools remained segregated as communities moved slowly to comply with the court's ruling in Brown v Board of Education. Since children usually attended a school in their neighborhood, segregation in public schools reflected the racial segregation of neighborhoods. In many cases, de facto segregation still existed.

How did state courts try to solve this problem?

The courts began ordering local governments to bus children to schools outside their neighborhoods to achieve a greater racial balance. The supreme court upheld the constitutionality of busing in the 1971 case, Swann v Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education

The Federal Campaign Act Amendments 1974

limited campaign contributions and set up an independent agency to enforce strict election laws

How did the whites respond to busing?

protests/riots Many white parents took their children out of public schools or moved to districts with no busing. ("white flight") -The court ruled that busing students from one district to another was unconstitutional

The Ethics in Government Act

required financial disclosure by high government officials throughout all branches of government

The FBI Domestic Security Investigation Guidelines Act

restricted the FBI's political intelligence-gathering activities

As part of the New Federalism, Nixon wanted to end many of Johnson's Great Society programs. Name the programs he worked to eliminate. Explain what occurred when Congress appropriated money for programs he opposed.

-He vetoed funding for the Department of Housing and Urban Development, He eliminated the Office of Economic Opportunity, tried to shut down the Job corps -When congress appropriated money for programs he opposed, Nixon impounded (refused to release) the funds. The supreme court eventually declared the practice of impoundment as unconstitutional

Explain the origins of how the Environmental Defense Fund came to be.

-In 1966 a couple in Long Island learned that officials were using the powerful pesticide DDT as part of a mosquito control operation at a local lake. The concerned couple decided to contact local scientists, who confirmed their suspicions. They successfully sued to halt the use of the pesticide. -Shortly after the court victory, the scientists involved in the case established the Environmental Defense Fund. They used its contributions for a series of legal actions across the country to halt DDT spraying. -Their efforts led to a nationwide ban on DDT (1972)

What gains have Native Americans made?

-In 1975 Congress passed the Indian Self Determination and Educational Assistance Act: encouraged tribal participation and management in federal programs (social services, law enforcement, health services) & increased funds for education - won several court cases involving land and water rights -improved economic condition within reservations -businesses such as electric plants, resorts, cattle ranches and oil and gas wells have been developed

What was Nixon's Southern Strategy?

-Nixon worked hard to get SUPPORT IN SOUTH (GOAL) -He met with South Carolina senator Thurmond and won his support by promising several things. -He agreed to appoint only conservatives to the federal courts and to name a Southerner to the supreme court -Chose a vice presidential candidate that the South was in favor of (chose Spiro Agnew, governor of Maryland) -After winning the election of 1968, Nixon set out to attract more Southerners to the Republican Party -He took steps to slow desegregation and worked to overturn civil rights policies

Who was John Dean? How did the Nixon administration respond to his testimony?

-Presidential counsel John Dean, who had testified in June 1973 to the Senate committee investigation, confessed that former attorney general John Mitchell had ordered the Watergate break-in and that Nixon had taken part in the cover-up. -The Nixon administration strongly denied the charges. Dean had no evidence and the Senate spent weeks trying to determine who was telling the truth.

What occurred at Three Mile Island?

-The nuclear debate gained national attention in 1979 when one of the reactors at the Three Mile Island nuclear facility outside Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, overheated. -The problem occurred after its cooling system failed. -Low levels of radiation began to escape from the reactor -Officials evacuated nearby residents/people fled, the reactor was closed down, the leak was sealed -The Nuclear Regulatory commission, the federal agency that regulates the nuclear power industry, eventually declared the plant was safe. -IMPACT: the accident had a powerful impact politically. It left the public with grave doubts about the safety of nuclear energy

What changes have occurred in education towards people with disabilities?

-in 1966 congress created the Bureau for the Education of the Handicapped: provided grants to develop programs for educating children with disabilities -1975: Education for all handicapped children act required that alls students with disabilities receive a free, appropriate education

What were the Helsinki Accords?

In 1975 the US, Canada, and most countries of Eastern and Western Europe committed to 3 sets of recommendations focusing on security, economic, and human rights issues

What is the Camp David Accords?

In 1978 Carter help broker a historic peace treaty known as the Camp David Accords between Israel and Egypt, a first major step towards peace in the middle east

Who ordered the break-in at the Democratic Party headquarters?

In attempts to help the president, NIXON'S ADVISERS ordered 5 men to break into the Democratic Party's headquarters at the Watergate complex and steal sensitive campaign information. They also placed wiretaps on office telephones.

Explain the roots of the Watergate scandal.

It began on June 17,1972 when Washington Post reporter, Bob Woodward was assigned to cover a bizarre incident- 5 men had broken into the Democratic National Committee (DNC) headquarters in the city's Watergate apartment office complex. He attended the arraignment and was asked to see if there was a story worth reporting.

Who won the presidential election of 1976?

Jimmy Carter -promised to restore honesty to the federal gov, create or reform domestic programs

How did Nixon become involved in the break-in?

Nixon ordered a cover-up. White House officials destroyed incriminating documents and gave investigators false testimony. With Nixon's consent, administration officials asked the CIA to stop the FBI from investigating the source of money paid to the burglars(burglars were members of the Committee for the Re-election of the President- CRP). CIA told FBI that investigation threatened national security

Americans with Disabilities Act (1990)

Banned discrimination against persons with disabilities in employment, transportation, public education, and telecommunications

Why did reporter Bob Woodward become interested in what appeared to be a routine burglary?

Woodward sat near the back of the courtroom and listened to the bail proceedings for the 5 defendants. The judge asked each man his occupation. One of the men, James McCord, answered that he was a retired from government service (CIA) -This caught Woodward's attention. Why was a former CIA agent involved in what seemed to be just a burglary? -Over the next 2 years, Woodward and his colleague, Carl Bernstein, investigated this question. They uncovered a scandal that helped trigger a constitutional crisis and eventually forced Nixon to resign.

What was the new policy of détente?

a policy that attempts to relax or ease tensions between nations (especially soviet union and china) - successes diminished by proxy wars in Chile and Angola

Indian Civil Rights Act

The legislation guaranteed reservation residents the protections of the Bill of Rights while still recognizing tribal courts.

What was the Family Assistance Plan?

The plan called for providing needy families a year grant of $1,600, which could be supplemented by outside earnings. Opposition towards the program led to a defeat in the Senate. (originally the AFDC- Aid to Families with Dependent Children, but the program was reformed due to critics)

To whom did Republican candidate Richard Nixon tailor his campaign message?

"Middle America" and the "silent majority" - Nixon promised "peace with honor" in Vietnam and law and order at home. He also promised a more streamlined government and a return to more traditional values

Carter's Foreign Policy and Morality in Foreign Policy

- Carter argued that the US must try to be moral and truthful in their approach when dealing with other nations -Carter agreed to give Panama control of the Panama canal, which the US had built and operated on for over 60 yrs (Panama Canal treaties ratified) -Carter accused Soviet Union of violating human rights. (relations between US and Soviets were crumbing) When the Soviets invaded Afghanistan, he responded by imposing an embargo on the sale of grain to the Soviet Union and boycotting the 1980 Summer Olympic Games in Moscow (detente was crumbling)

Explain the concerns about nuclear energy

-A number of citizens became concerned about the use of nuclear reactors to generate electricity. As nuclear power plants began to dot the nation's landscape, the debate over their use intensified. -supporters hailed it as a cleaner and less expensive alternative to fossil fuels; opponents warned of the risks nuclear energy posed (radiation released into air)

What is AIM? How did they protest?

-American Indian Movement (AIM): Natives who viewed the governments efforts as too modest formed more militant groups, such as AIM -they occupied Alcatraz island for 19 months, claiming ownership by "right of discovery" -another protest took place at Wounded Knee, South Dakota. AIM members seized the town for 70 days. They demanded that the government honor its past treaty obligation, insisting on changes in reservation administration. Native americans were killed in protest

What gains have people with disabilities made in access to public buildings and job discrimination?

-Architectural Barriers Act of 1968: required that new building constructed with federal funds be accessible to people with disabilities -Rehabilitation Act of 1973: section 504 states that no person with a disability can be discriminated against in any way by an entity that receives federal funding -Protests against Department of HEW (health, education and welfare) to ban discrimination

What is the importance of the Love Canal (Niagra Falls, NY)?

-During the 1970s, residents of Love Canal began to notice an increasingly high number of health problems in their community (residents were suffering from nerve damage, blood diseases, cancer, miscarriages, and birth defects). -The residents soon discovered that their community sat atop a decades-old toxic waste dump. -Led by Lois Gibbs, residents fought to increase awareness of their situation regarding threats to their health conditions. The state finally relocated over 200 families in 1978. -President Carter declared Love Canal a limited disaster area; he called for emergency aid and moved 500 families who remained to new locations. -In 1983 Love Canal residents sued the company that had created the dump site and settled the case for around $20million

Regents of University of California v Bakke Case- Explain the background to the case and how the court ruled

-Background Info: officials at UC Davis medical school had twice turned down the application of a white applicant named Allan Bakke. When Bakke learned that slots had been set aside for minorities, he sued the school. He claimed the school had discriminated against him because of his race -The supreme court declared that the university had violated Bakke's civil rights; it added that schools could consider race as part of their admissions criteria, but they could not use "fixed quotas" or slots reserved for minority students.

Why did Nixon visit China?

-Detente began with an effort to improve American-Chinese relations. -Since 1949 when Communists took power in China, the US refused to recognize the communists as legitimate rulers (US only recognized island of Taiwan). Having long supported this policy, Nixon set out to reverse it. -After a series of highly secret negotiations between Kissinger and Chinese leaders (Ping-Pong Diplomacy), Nixon visited China. -During his trip, the leaders of both nations agreed to establish "more normal" relations between their countries

Explain the importance of the Burger Court.

The Burger Court did not reverse Warren court rulings on suspects rights, but it refused to expand those rights. It also reaffirmed capital punishment.

What was the atmosphere of the White House while Nixon was president?

-Nixon fought hard to become president; he was politically defeated numerous times -Along the way he had grown defensive, secretive, resentful - He became so consumed with his opponents that he made an "enemies list" of people whom he considered a threat to his presidency -His administration, determined to win reelection, began spying on opposition rallies and spreading rumors about opponents

What was Nixon's "New Federalism"? What did Congress pass under Nixon's New Federalism plan?

-Nixon had promised to reduce the size of the federal government, planned to end several federal programs, and give more control to state and local governments. - Congress passed a series of revenue sharing bills granting federal funds to state and local agencies.

Why was Nixon called a "law and order" president?

-Nixon had promised to uphold law and order, and his administration went after antiwar protesters. -Nixon attacked the recent supreme court rulings that expanded the rights of accused criminals -He promised to fill vacancies on the Court with judges who would support the rights of law enforcement over the rights of suspected criminals -He openly criticized the Court and its chief justice, Earl Warren. Nixon replaced Warren with Judge Burger.

Why did Nixon resign?

-Nixon tried to quell outrage by appointing a new special prosecutor, Leon Jaworski, who also proved determined to obtain the tapes. - In July the supreme court ruled that Nixon must surrender them, he complied -days later, the House Judiciary Committee voted to impeach Nixon -New evidence emerged: a tape revealed that Nixon had ordered the CIA to stop the FBI probe into the Watergate burglary on June 23, 1972 -On Aug 9, 1974 Nixon resigned in disgrace

Explain Ford's position on foreign policy

-Ford continued Nixon's general foreign policy strategy. He kept Kissinger on as secretary of state and continued to pursue détente. -In August 1975, Ford met with the leaders of NATO and the Warsaw Pact to sign the Helsinki Accords, in which the parties recognized the post- WW2 borders of eastern europe

What factors caused an economic crisis in the United States during the 1970s?

-Inflation created by increased deficit spending, to fund the Vietnam War and Johnson's Great society programs - A rise in oil prices - Decline in manufacturing. Many factories closed and millions of workers lost their jobs.

What did Carter believe was the nations most serious economic problem? What did he propose the nation do to fix this problem?

-Nations dependence on foreign oil -He proposed a national energy program to conserve oil and to promote the use of coal and renewable energy sources. - asked congress to create Department of Energy - asked Americans to reduce energy consumption

What crisis occurred in Iran after the signing of the Camp David Accords? How did this affect Carter's presidency?

-The US had long supported Iran's monarch, the shah, because Iran was a major oil supplier and buffer against Soviet expansion. Because of the shah's oppressive rule in Iran, protesters forced him to flee and an Islamic republic was declared -The leader of the new regime, Ayatollah Khomeini, distrusted the US because of its support of the shah. -In November 1979, revolutionaries stormed the American embassy in tehran and took 52 americans hostage. The Carter administration unsuccessfully tried to negotiate the hostages release -Carter approved a daring rescue attempt that failed when several helicopters malfunctioned and one crashed in the desert, killing 8 servicemen -crisis continued, hostages held for days -Carter's inability to free the hostages cost him support in the 1980 election

Why is the month of April 1970 considered to be the unofficial beginning of the environmentalist movement?

-The nation observed the first earth Day, a day devoted entirely to environmental concerns -After Earth Day, many citizens formed local environmental groups that worked to protect the environment and promote the conservation of natural resources -They started the Natural resources Defense Council in 1970 to coordinate a network of scientists, lawyers and activists

What occurred at the American-Soviet Summit (May 1972)?

-The two superpowers signed the first Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT I): the treaty temporarily froze the # of strategic nuclear weapons -Agreed to increase trade and the exchange of scientific information

What is affirmative action? How did affirmative action help African Americans obtain good jobs?

Affirmative action- an active effort to improve employment or educational opportunities for minorities and women; enforced though executive orders and federal policies; it called for companies, schools, and institutions doing business with the federal government to recruit african americans. Lead to improved social and economic status

What answer finally appeared on July 16, 1973?

Answer officially appeared on July 16: White House aide Alexander Butterfield testified that Nixon had ordered a taping sys. installed in the White House to record all conversations to help him write his memoirs after leaving office.

Why did some people oppose affirmative action?

Critics viewed programs as a form of reverse discrimination. They claimed that qualified white male workers and students were kept from jobs, promotions, and places in schools because of the slots set aside for minorities and women

How did Ford deal with Cambodia's fall to communism and seizure of the Magyaguez (US cargo ship)?

Ford sent US marines to retrieve the ship, but Cambodia had already secretly released the crew. Unaware of the crews safety, the marines recaptured the ship, and 41 servicemen died in battle.

Who did Nixon appoint as vice president after Spiro Agnew resigned due to his personal issues?

Gerald Ford

What was the Nixon Doctrine?

The policy of Vietnamization- gradual withdrawal from Vietnam while also training the South Vietnamese to defend themselves. -policy was extended globally: US would honor all of the alliances it had signed and would continue to provide military aid and training to allies, but the US would not longer take the responsibility for planning and leading operations.

What did Nixon hope his trip to Moscow would achieve with respect to the Soviet Union?

Ease of tensions between the two countries, build better relations

Why did Nixon refuse to hand over his tape recordings?

He pleaded executive privilege, the principal that White House conversations should remain confidential to protect national security. Special prosecutor Archibald Cox took Nixon to court in Oct 1973 to make him give up tapes. Nixon ordered Attorney General Richardson to fire Cox, but Richardson refused and resigned. Nixon then ordered Richardson's deputy to fire Cox, but he too resigned. Nixon's solicitor general, Robert Bork, finally fired cox, but the incident badly damaged Nixon's reputation.

Who did Nixon chose as his national security advisor?

Henry Kissinger- took the lead in helping shape Nixon's foreign policy, shared similar views (US involvement in Vietnam, negotiate with communist nations to achieve world peace- détente)

Why was the Declaration of Indian Purpose important?

In 1961 more than 400 members of 67 Native American groups gathered in Chicago to discuss their problems. They developed a Declaration of Indian Purpose asking for federal programs to create greater economic opportunities for all Native Americans.

Explain the importance of each act: Clean Air Act (1970) / Clean Water Act (1972)/ Endangered Species Act (1973)

In 1970 Nixon signed a new Clean Air Act into law. This act established emissions standards for factories and automobiles. it aimed to improve national air quality within 5 years, and set guidelines and timetables for states and cities to meet. Clean Water Act: restricted the discharge of pollutants into the nations lakes and rivers. Endangered Species Act: established measures for saving threatened animal and plant species

What was the "malaise" speech?

In the summer of 1979, instability in the middle east produced a second major fuel shortage. Under pressure, Carter spoke in a televised address. He warned about a crisis of confidence that had stuck the nation. Many americans felt that Carter was blaming them for his failures as president.

Who organized the Million Man March?

Louis Farrakhan, a prominent minister of the Nation of Islam. His goal for the march was to promote self reliance and responsibility among african american men

What was Ford's WIN Program?

New President Gerald Ford launched a plan called WIN- Whip Inflation Now to confront stagflation, but it failed to revive the economy


Nickname for a combination of inflation and a stagnant economy with high unemployment; methods to fight stagflation failed

What was the result of the 1972 presidential election?

Nixon won re-election -Nixons press secretary dismissed incident and the president told america that the White House was NOT involved in incident. Americans believed Nixon and he was re-elected

How did OPEC use oil as a political weapon?

OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) used oil as a political weapon when war erupted between Israel and its Arab neighbors. OPEC announced an embargo (trade ban) on petroleum to countries that supported Israel (US supported Israel during the Yom Kippur War). OPEC raised the prices of oil continuously, leaving americans with less money for other goods, which further contributed to the recession.

Who is Rachel Carson? Discuss her novel Silent Spring.

Rachel Carson helped start the environmental movement. She was a marine biologist who wrote the best selling novel, Silent Spring (1962), which assailed the increasing use of pesticides, particularly DDT. -She argued that while pesticides curbed insect populations, they also killed birds, fish, and other creatures that might ingest them. -Carson warned americans of a "silent spring" -Silent spring became a best seller and one of the most controversial and influential books of the 1960s, prompting Americans to do something about protecting the environment

What was Operation PUSH (People United to Save Humanity)

in 1971, Jesse Jackson founded Operation PUSH: dedicated to developing African American businesses, educational opportunities, and social and political development

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