Chapter 1&2 #30-45 (Comp Gov)

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Thomas Hobbes believed that people gave up their rights to the coercive power of the state in order to:

"Social Contact" humans submit to political authority to overcome human anarchy, in return people gain security and a foundation for civilization

Which of the following might be a characteristic of a state with low autonomy?

A limited ability to disobey the public

Which of the following is most likely a reason for the emergence of the modern state in Europe rather than in another region?

A widespread collapse of law and civilization and the rise of a form of organized crime

In which of the following ways does a government built primarily on charismatic legitimacy differ from on based on traditional legitimacy?

Charismatic legitimacy is not institutionalized

What phenomenon is most responsible for bringing the organizations of the modern state into adoption by most of the world?

Imposition by European states through colonial dominance

Which of the following can be said about the relationships among states, regimes, and government?

States are more institutionalized than governments and regimes

The emergence of the modern state is closely tied to which of the following specific developments?

The collapse of the Roman Empire

Which of the following can be said about the concept of regime?

The differences between regimes are most likely to be unwritten and informal, though they can appear in written constitutions

Government can be defined as:

The leadership of elite in charge running the state

Political scientists based on the work of Max Weber, define the state as:

an organization that maintains a monopoly of violence over a territory

The shorthand term for the combination of regime, state, and government is:


An endogenous explanation of early urbanization and state building would suggest that:

early forms of political institutions developed simultaneously with early communities

Recent researches suggest that the rise of political organizations came about in large part because:

pre-state societies were very violent.

Asymmetric federalism refers to a system in which power is divided unevenly between:


Sovereignty is defined as the ability of:

states to carry out actions or policies independent of outside actors or internal rivals.

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