Chapter 2: Exercise & Sport Sciences

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Steps in the Research Process

1. Ask a question or state a problem that is measurable. 2. Conduct background research & gather information in order to learn from the work of others what is already known and how might be the best way to answer the stated question. 3. Formulate a hypothesis, which is an educated guess of what you think will happen. 4. Perform an experiment to test the hypothesis. 5. Collect & analyze data from the experiment to determine if the hypothesis is true or false, possibly using statistical software, charts, and graphs. 6. Draw conclusions based on the results of the experiment, which may lead to a new hypothesis or replication of the study in a different way to confirm the results. 7. Communicate the results to others.

Academic Discipline

A formal body of knowledge discovered, developed, and disseminated through scholarly research and inquiry. Includes a body of knowledge, a conceptual framework, scholarly procedures and methods of inquiry, and the process of discovery and the end result.


Art, literature, and music enjoy numerous synergies and relationships with the exercise and sport sciences.

Sport History

Descriptive and analytical examination of significant people, events, organizations, and trends that shaped the past.

Analytical history

Explains the significance of historical occurrences and interpretations within the societal context.


Incorporates the use of computer software as a tool achieve physical education. exercise science, and sport goals.

Biochemical reactions

Production of endorphins; conversion of glucose to usable energy; increased metabolism and breakdown of fatty tissue.

Important motor skills

Relationship of movements to prior knowledge and skills. Transfer of learning. Involvement of cognitive processes. Types of practice sessions. Feedback and knowledge of results.

Exercise Physiology has

Shared content with natural and physical sciences. e.g. motor development, sport biomechanics, athletic training, and motor learning.

sport and exercise psychology has

Shared content with the social sciences. e.g. sport management, Sport Philosophy, sport history, & sport sociology.

Sport Philosophy

Study of beliefs and values of humans as displayed within sport and an analysis of their meaning and significance. Examines the beautiful, ugly, good, and bad in sport. Seeks an understanding of how and why people play & engage in sport.

Sport and Exercise Psychology

Study of human behavior in sport, including an understanding of the mental processes that interact with motor skill performance. Involves a understanding of achievement motivation, arousal, attribution, and personality development. Includes a study of theories of learning, importance of reinforcement, and linkages of perceptual and motor factors.

Social Sciences

Study of human society and behavior.


Study of natural things

Sport Biomechanics

Study of the effects of anatomical and physiological effects of natural laws and internal and external forces acting on the human body during movement (application of physics). Examine acceleration, energy, mass, power, torque, and velocity.

Sport Sociology

Study of the social relationships of gender, race, ethnicity, class, and culture in the context of sport and the social behavior of individuals, groups, organizations, institutions, and societies in a sporting context. Examines concepts such as social mobility, class and gender stafication, racial and ethnic discrimination, team dynamics and social consciousness and values. Seeking to understand why people play and how their involvement with sports influences them.

Sport Management

Study of theoretical and applied aspects of leading, planning, organizing, staffing, funding, and conducting sport events. Involves business components of marketing, accounting, economics, finance, and law. Includes these management functions: planning, organizing, directing, and evaluating.

Motor Development

The maturation and changes in motor behavior throughout life and the factors that affect them. Performance of motor skills is influenced by genetic, environmental, & developmental factors. Throughout life, individuals progress from unskilled movements to the learning of complex motor patterns. Perceptual-motor skills are especially important to the learning of sport skills.

Athletic Training

The study and application of the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of sports injuries. Design & help implement conditioning programs. Assess injuries & needs for immediate first aid. Provide preventive taping & treatment modalities. Work with physicians to help athletes regain their abilities to perform.

Exercise Physiology

The study of causes & consequences of bodily functioning & changes occuring due to physical activity. Based on an understanding of the anatomic & physiological bases of human movement. Investigates the biochemical reactions that supply muscles with energy. Examines changes in the cardiovascular system and other physiological parameters.

Motor Learning

The study of the internal processes associated with movement or repetitive actions that result in changes in response or performance.

Physical Sciences

study of things made by humans

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