Chapter 2 - Hardware (ITEC)

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1 billion bytes


1,000 terabytes

Smartphones come with how much storage

2 gigabytes of RAM installed


26 uppercase and lowercase letters used in the English language, numbers and many different symbols; represents a total of 256 characters

Laptops come with how much storage

4 gigabytes of RAM installed


50 GB per slide


700 MB


8.5 GB

WiFi uses what protocol

802.11 which ensures that devices enabled with WiFi can connect to any WiFi network


A channel over which information flows inside a computer


A coding standard using at least 16 bits to represent a character of information

embedded computer

A computer that is integrated; examples digital watch, thermostat or coffee pot, anti lock brakes

GPU (graphics processing unit)

A computer within your computer that creates images

hard drive

A computer's primary storage device

A computer

A digital device


A high speed storage area usually located directly on the CPU

The Rotating disc in an optical drive is read with

A laser beam within the optical drive's read/write head

Traditional hard drives

A platter, stores data magnetically, read/write head


A point designed to accept a specific connector; you always plug into a port

single-core processor

A processor composed of one control until and one Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)


A set a rules for communication between devices that determines how data is transmitted and received


A slot or hole that matches the cord or expansion card being connected to the port


A standard interface for audio-video connectivity which allows for the transmission of high-definition audio and video signals

Optical Drive

A type of computer drive that writes and reads data using lasers

USB (Universal Serial Bus)

A type of interface that enables communication between digital devices


A unit of frequency representing one cycle per second

Two parts a bus has inside a computer

Address bus and the data bus

Solid state devices

All electronic storage devices

Solid State Drives(SSD)

All electronic storage devices that are used in a variety of products including smartphones, cameras, tablets and computers. SSD have no movong parts which makes them faster and more durable than hard drives


Allows for the transmission of high-definition audio and video games

Wireless Ports

Allows transmission of data using radio waves


American Standard Code for Information Interchange; common encoding standard


Amount of data a processor can hold and process at one time

word size

Amount of data a processor can hold and process at one time; 32 or 64 bits

Processor 2 main components

Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) and control unit

Location of CPU in smartphone

Behind touchscreen

Location of CPU in laptop

Beneath keyboard


Central Processing Unit, brains of the computer


Changing processor setting so computer runs faster than recommended by the manufacturer


Circuit board that holds the computer's central processing unit


Common encoding standard that is capable of representing all of the world's languages; 16 bit encoding standard

Ethernet Cable

Commonly used for connecting devices in a network


Computer system in a network that is shared by multiple users; host computers


Computers accept data from many sources including keyboards, cameras, microphones, computers


Computers compile and transform data into useful information


Computers display information in many forms- images, video, and audio


Computers have the ability to store data for future use

Web Server

Controls access to resources on the web


Copying data from a DVD onto hard Drive

Fragmented hard drive

Created when you use hard Drive and then new files are added and deleted which makes it run slower

Color Depth

Describes how much data defines each of the colors in a pixel


Designed by Apple for Macintosh computers and Apple devices; high-speed data and power transfer connection

System Unit

Desktop computers that are stationary devices that consist of a separate case

Byte (1)

Eight bits combined together

Memory (such as RAM or cache) is

Electronic(solid state) and has no moving parts


Equals one cycle (instruction) per second


Equals to one billion (or instructions) per second


Equals to one million cycles (or instructions) per second

Hyper threading (in multi core processor)

Executed multiple instructions simultaneously


Extremely small piece of memory (size is measured in bits), located throughout the processor

Machine Cycle 4 Steps

Fetch, decode, execute, store instruction

Hard Drive

Hard Disk

Clockspeed is measured in

Hertz; modern processors - billions of instructions each second

Memory and Cache

High speed memory used by the CPU to store frequently accessed data and instructions

machine cycle

How a computer processes instructions

Location of CPU in desktop

In tower or chassis


Increasing the clock speed of a processor


Infrared Data Association which establishes the protocols for infrared communication transfer

Four Basic Computing Functions

Input, process, output, store




Is the smallest unit of data a computer can process

Storage Capabilities from lowest to highest


Boot Process

Loading of an operating system into a main memory of a device

L1 Cache

Located directly on the processor and is the first memory used by the computer

control unit

Located, analyzes, and executed each program instruction residing in memory


Main memory in the computer which means the memory available to programs to execute tasks

Native resolution

Maximum resolution of the display device; first number is horizontal and second number is vertical

L1 cache

Memory located directly on the processor itself

L3 cache

Memory located next to the processor

RAM (Random Access Memory)

Memory that is connected to the processor via the memory or the front size bus

disk cache

Memory used to increase a hard drive's efficiency

Mainframe Computers

More powerful than servers and are used by organizations to process large amounts of data


Most important hardware components that make up your computer; located on the motherboard or main circuit board of the computer


Most powerful type of computer; can evaluate complex data very quickly


Not permanent

Clockspeed (clock rate)

Number of instructions a computer can process in a second


Number of pixels in a display; quality of the image

Computer system unit

Part of the computer that houses the motherboard

Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)

Performs mathematical tasks


Random Access Memory; found in microchips that are located on the motherboard

Colors used to create pixels in most output devices

Red, blue and green

USB drive

Relatively inexpensive, durable, solid state electronic storage devices

Memory cache

Relatively small area of memory quickly accessible by a processor


Represented by a 0 or 1


Represents a letter, symbol or number


Separate system unit that allows for easy hardware upgrades


Short distance wireless communication technology that uses relatively short-wave length radio waves to transfer data

USB drives uses

Solid state flash memory to store information on an internal memory chip

MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface)

Special connector for digital musical devices; carries extremely clean digital music signals and is very common in today's music scene

USB (Universal Serial Bus)

Specialized connector allowing data and power transfer


Specialized end of a cable or device that plug into a port

ROM(Read Only Memory)

Storage area in a digital device that is installed by the digital device manufacturer; can't be altered or removed

External Storage

Storage devices that reside outside the computer itself; hard drives, USB, thumb drives, DVD

internal storage

Storage that is integral to the computer itself; computers hard drive

RAM memory

Temporary storage area and is cleared off when a device in powered off

downward compatibility or backward Compatibility

The ability of hardware or software to work with data and information produced by older product or software

screen size

The actual viewable area of a display device; measured diagonally from one corner of the screen's viewable area to the other

bus width

The amount of data that can be transmitted at a given time

bus width

The amount of data that can be transmitted at a given time by a bus


The amount of space a device takes up on a desk or table

hard drive capacity

The amount of storage you have available to ave data and information

Hard Drive Capacity

The amount of storage you have available to save data and information

Central Processing Unit (CPU)

The computers main microprocessor

Boot Process (4 steps)

The device is powered on and the CPU activates BIOS, the power-on self test is executed, the OS is loaded into RAM, the OS checks the registry settings and loads saved configuration settings

Boot Process

The loading of an operating system into the main memory of a device

native resolution

The maximum number is pixels (resolution) in a monitor


The output of a computer that created a visual image

Computer Hardware

The physical parts of a computer

Computer's hardware

The physical parts of a computer such as the monitor, keyboard, mouse, and system unit


The place in a digital device where the data and programs that device is currently using and are accessible by the processor

HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface) connector

The port/connector combination that is used for nearly all high-definition television or computer connections


The smallest element in a electronic image; more pixel the better the image


The specialized end of a cord, plug, or expansion card that connects into a port

clock speed

The speed at which the processor performs the operations required to run a digital device

Processor Speed

The speed of a digital device's processor is determined by a number of factors; clock speed and bus width

multi-core processor

Two or more complete processes residing on the same chip and can execute two or more sets of instructions at a time

File server

Used for data storage


Used to measure frequency

hard drive

Uses fixed disk platters to store data and information


Where data flows between different parts of the computer

Address Bus

Where information and instructions about where the date should go inside the digital device are transferred through

embedded computer

Where the computer can be found inside a digital watch


Writing data onto an optical disc

multi-core processor

a single chip with two or more separate processor cores


clarity of an image; more pixels the higher the resolution

network server

controls access to resources such as printers and applications on a network

single-core processor

has one processor on the chip


input, processing, output, storage

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