Chapter 2 Review Questions

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Balance Sheet

A balance sheet is a statement showing the financial position of a person, business, or other organization


Any Company or person who owes money to the business


Any supplier to whom the business owes money

Principle of Conservatism

Assets or profits are neither overstated nor understated when uncertainty exists

Continuing concern concept

Assumes that a business will continue to operate unless it is known that it will not


Classify each of the following as an asset or liability. A Canada Savings Bond


Classify each of the following as an asset or liability. An amount loaned to R.J Jonas


Classify each of the following as an asset or liability. Automobile


Classify each of the following as an asset or liability. Bank Loan


Classify each of the following as an asset or liability. House and Lot


Classify each of the following as an asset or liability. Land


Classify each of the following as an asset or liability. Mortgage Payable


Classify each of the following as an asset or liability. Office Furniture

Total of one's debts

Define "Liability"

Things that one's own that have dollar value

Define "asset"

Assets - Liabilities = Owner's Equity

Form of the fundamental accounting equation

Listed under Liabilities

How is an automobile that is not fully paid listed on a balance sheet?

In the order of their liquidity

In what order are assets listed on a balance sheet?

In the order in which they will be paid

In what order are liabilities listed on a balance sheet?

CICA Handbook

In what publication are most of the rules of accounting found?

Left side

On which side of a balance sheet are the assets listed?

Right Side

On which side of a balance sheet are the liabilities listed?

left side under assets

On which side of a balance sheet does a creditor appear?

Principle of Conservatism

Provides that accounting for a business should be fair and reasonable

Business Identity Concept

Provides that the accounting for a business organization must be kept separate from the personal affairs of its owners, or from any other business or organization

Accounts Payable

The money that a business owes to its creditors

Accounts Receivable

The money that is owed to a business by its customers.


The order in which the assets are converted into cash

Business Identity Concept

This means that the owner of the business should not place any personal assets, such as the family home, on the business balance sheet.

Accounts Payable

This money is a liability of the business

Accounts Receivable

This money is considered an asset of the business

Standards for accountants in Canada

What has the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants established?

Capital and net worth

What is another term that means the same thing as "equity"

Separates a column of figures from their total

What is meant by a single ruled line drawn beneath a column of figures?

If a total happens to be a final total

When is a double rule line drawn beneath a total?

Business Name

Where can short forms or abbreviations be used on financial statements?

First heading

Where does the name of a business appear in the heading of a balance sheet?

Cash on Hand and Bank Balance

Which is the most liquid asset?


Who benefits from gains made in closing down a business?


Who has first claim against the assets of a business?


Who primarily suffers from losses incurred inclosing down a business?

No one misinterprets the writing or the numbers

Why is it important for an accountant's work to be neat?

Going Concern Concept

another term for continuing concern concept

list assets, list liabilities, find net worth

explain how to calculate a person's financial position

Owner's equity

represent the claims of owners against the assets of a business

Generally accepted accounting principles

what does GAAP stand for?

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